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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 219x298, 220px-Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10946243 No.10946243 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this for one and for all, time to make up your damn mind about this guy, /lit/fags

>> No.10946261

You outgrow the dude, you don't make it your life philosophy.

He's a weak-willed sheltered boy.

>> No.10946266

I only created the "ok" option to be polite, but if you pick that one you are gay

>> No.10946271
File: 58 KB, 830x554, Pippi fuck the system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously, I love the man, but very extreme categorization, anon.

>> No.10946276

only a ubermensch larper can post an image this gay

>> No.10946279

I'm a extreme person

>> No.10946289
File: 118 KB, 500x775, The Collected Pippi Longstocking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peter Pan ran away from the world
Pippi traveled it
Peter Pan didn't want to grow up
Pippi was beyond grown ups
Peter Pan fought pirates
Pippi *was* a pirate

>> No.10946293

tripfags fuck off

>> No.10946311
File: 139 KB, 700x567, Pippi is dynamite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Hold this while I go.

>> No.10946317

bjork sucks

>> No.10946393

I've seen Pagan Poetry's video already.

>> No.10946411

no idea what you're talking about and have no desire to

>> No.10946457

Would you stop making an embarassment of yourself?
Tripfags were meant to be either filtered or ignored. The autists live off of hate.
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, poor man's Hamann at times, poor man's Kierkegaard at others, topping of might makes right. Nice blend though.

>> No.10946467

I'm not a tripfag how could I embarrass myself? Retard

>> No.10946494

>live off of hate.
I love though.

Love like Nietzsche

>> No.10947231

>poor man's Hamann at times, poor man's Kierkegaard at others

>> No.10947568

He's the GOAT to everyone who has experienced even a moment of bliss in life due to their own good health.

>> No.10947793

He absorbed all of the pessimism and nihilism that came before him and made a grand ass-pull so life didn't seem so worthless. Wishful thinking personified.

>> No.10948084

Well then you shouldn’t have made the other positive option “ERMAGERD GOAT GOAT BEST LAD EVER TOP MATE SUCK HIS NUTSACK”

>> No.10948096
File: 67 KB, 549x656, Nietzsche Mustache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulls meaning from nihilism by sheer creative will - CHECK
Patrician-tier facial hair - CHECK

>> No.10948341


>> No.10948358

It doesnt say that

>> No.10948510

I bet you have loads of friends you mega sperg

>> No.10949720

How will I ever recover

>> No.10949770

He is wrong about almost everything. Morality precedes master-slave characterization.

>> No.10949782

How will Nietzsche ever recover?

>> No.10949810

He never got off ground. Nice prose though.

>> No.10949827

Big if true

>> No.10949871

He had some pretty cool insights about humanity if you ask me, but the amount of people who worship him is retarded.

>> No.10949906

Thats what my fucking 8 years old son says about spiderman

>> No.10949909

People are gunna troll their answers. /lit/ just loves to hate him, bc some of us like him so much and haven't read enough philosophy outside of him to have proper perspective. But, having read all the greats except a couple, I can assure you he is L'GoaT

>> No.10950083

>Morality precedes master-slave characterization.
Where does he say otherwise?

>> No.10950092

So what? You still know what I mean about the word, you pedantic cunt.

>> No.10950098

>He's a weak-willed sheltered boy.
We're all weak-willed sheltered boys

>> No.10950155

Ask me how I know you are a newfag

>> No.10950169
File: 7 KB, 221x250, 1508989048634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask me how I know you are a newfag

>> No.10951309

t. christcuck

>> No.10951655

t. newfag

>> No.10951679
File: 73 KB, 850x400, quote-a-woman-does-not-want-the-truth-what-is-truth-to-women-from-the-beginning-nothing-has-friedrich-nietzsche-120-4-0483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's redpilled.

>> No.10951711

Say whatever you want but if there is something N was not is weak-willed

>> No.10951775

plz actually read before you speak, anon ^-^

>> No.10951843

>debases all these idealistic concepts
>lmao let's just replace it with the Ubermensch
He's basically less edgy Stirner, with his "Union of Egoists".

>> No.10951871

/Our guy/ but ultimately wrong.

This is why I picked >>10946266

>> No.10951881

>is dying of a genetic disorder
>has constant dyspepsia and hallucinations
>is in constant excruciating pain or discomfort
>is totally misunderstood by peers
>disgusted with european culture
>writes Zarathustra and BGE/GM/WTP while going insane, still lucid
>he’s weak willed because he did nawt like gawd or the librul hegemony!

>> No.10951973
File: 97 KB, 799x296, Screenshot_20180405-021843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche is himself but a step.

>> No.10952062

I think he actually means it as a compliment

>> No.10952068

Source on the hallucinations?

>> No.10952307

It needed a fucking genius like Heideger to substract any worth from Neetche's nonesense which is basically
>Waaah waaah waaah why can't I be a pagan Waaah I fucking hate going to church mom it's life denying.
>Muh will to power

>> No.10952372

Philosophy still hasnt recovered from his work. Best it could do was post midern existentialism.

>> No.10952389

>Philosophy still hasnt recovered from his work
What do you even mean? There has been plenty of great work after him. Only edgy teens that can't read anything harder than him believe that Neetche is the end boss of philosophy

>> No.10952390

This is some extreme form of brainletism

>> No.10952455

>There has been plenty of great work after him
None of it is really at his level or other big names in the tradition
Heidegger is a meme

>> No.10952481

Heidegger shits all over him as a philosopher and actually makes philosophy out of Neetzsche's nonesense.
>Implying that Neetche wasn't a faggot obsessed with paganism
Mythology is extremelly important for the king of all Neet's. That is why the faggot loathed Socrates and Jesus so fucking much as they represent the death of paganism and the rise of metaphysics and monotheism.

>> No.10952894


>> No.10952901

>all these basement dwelling 20 year olds think they can criticize a philosopher with years of experience

>> No.10953116

Heidegger didn't shit on anything. He neutered Nietzsche by wrapping him in his own metaphysical system and called it a day, completely undermining the core value of Nietzsche's entire work. He utterly misinterpreted Nietzsche.

>> No.10953128

Not an argument
Neetche doesn't have a philosophy.He just had some inconsistent rambeling with a lot of exclamation marks.Heidegger making sense of it just shows that he is a genious

>> No.10953133

I see, so you're trolling. Carry on then.

>> No.10953152

Oh you see as the charriot of morpheous is rising through the horizon of the crossed man the twilight of the day could not be brighter! For thee shall comprehend that I am a Neet!

>> No.10954315
