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/lit/ - Literature

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10946042 No.10946042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What kind of philosophers did Hitler and the Nazis read? It is widely known that they threw out a lot of "degenerate" art and I am assuming something similar happened with philosophical texts, but I am having trouble finding any examples. I would guess Jewish philosophers had their texts burned along with the other Jewish writings, but are there any examples of non-Jews being proscribed? What about philosophers that Hitler (or his ilk) idolized?

>> No.10946049

You don't read philosophy and become a Nazi

>> No.10946056

wow so deep and so true. mind if I put that quote on my tumblr?

>> No.10946062
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Have some Reddit Gold, good sir!

>> No.10946066

The Nazis loved to throw around out of context Nietzsche quotes.

>> No.10946071

I'm not sure about the Nazis specifically, however two German thinkers around that time that show a clear strain of "proto-nazism" (at least in the ideas of anti-Semitism and German expansionary nationalism) are Treitschke and Meinecke.

>> No.10946076

Nothing. Secularist capitalists interested in domination and some fantasy of racial purity.
They took advantage of the protestants and Catholics and took up where Napoleon left off. A stupid idea all around.


>> No.10946082

probably spengler

>> No.10946094

are you Reddit, are you soy? real men are Nazis
see this pic for truth >>10946062

>> No.10946100

This board should have a minimum IQ

>> No.10946124

It's nice that they let brainlet leftists in, then we get a chance to redpill them to white genocide

>> No.10946138
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>Nice juicy red pills

>> No.10946162

Heidegger, Ernst Junger, Spengler (cf german Conservative Revolution), Nietzsche, Lagarde, Langbein, Moeller van der Bruck.
cf the National Bolshevisks, the Italian and Russian Futurists.

>> No.10946171

Hitler was a fan of Schopenhauer [i.e. he was a "soy boy"]

>> No.10946174

Funnily enough, many of their seemingly strongest influences weren’t supportive of them. Oswald Spengler and Arthur Moeller van den Bruck for instances.

>> No.10946178

This board should ban all tripfaggots

>> No.10946184
File: 12 KB, 220x279, 220px-Heidegger_4_(1960)_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10946202

>Nazis were capitalists
>National socialists were capitalist
Why are left-leaning Americans allowed on this board?
I've read that Himmler was very interested in Hinduism.

>> No.10946203

blah blah blah lemme tell you sumting about hitler no i havent read mein kampf but ari goldstein told me about it in his landmark history 3rd Reich and the 6 Trillion who needs primary sources when trustworthy holocaust studies academics and hollywood movies can tell you everything we need to know

whatever you do dont read hitlers book its badly written and you already know everything about him from hollywood and history channel documentaries like "finding hitler: is he still alive?" and "hitler: the shit eating meth addict" and grade 12 history classes like i said

>> No.10946205

>nazis read heidegger
i'm sure some minion somewhere in the system had to look at the words, but i highly doubt many nazis read heidegger. not many people in the nazi party want to learn about how happiness exists without order and the greeks are superior to germans and bureaucratic filing systems will kill us all before we're even dead. to be honest, if they understood half his work even before the turn they probably wouldn't have let him live or smuggle arendt out.

>> No.10946207


>> No.10946215

you don't want to read mein kampf, it's chic lit, the title and the fact he mentions his art school years should be a tip off.

>> No.10946218

The national socialists made a habit of selling off public ownership of state-owned firms, much of the time to organizations of the party itself.

Heidegger never regretted his participation in the Nazi party.

>> No.10946240

>much of the time to organizations of the party itself
Sounds like socialism to me.

>> No.10946242

>Heidegger never regretted his participation in the Nazi party.
he did basically nothing and spend most of his time speaking to farmers instead of students, my point is that the nazis never made him participate because he mostly spoke in bumpkin german and esoteric greek about how progress and reality are misstated and misapprehended by west philosophy since plato and how farmers don't recognise a tractor as a tractor before its assembled all the time. there's not really much room for a productive nazi propaganda campaign with him, even if anyone outside his district could understand him.

>> No.10946251

i agree, it's annoying seeing commie posts on my otherwise intelligent board

>> No.10946258

>he read pasternak and liked it
ew, pls go cia

>> No.10946321

I'm pretty sure every soldier or every SS soldier carried Thus Spoke Zarathrustra.

>> No.10946330

why wouldn't they carry his sister's edit of works, if they carried anything?

>> No.10946351

>Heidegger never regretted his participation in the Nazi party.
He never apologized. Arendt forgave him though when she finally met him again year later, so it's probably complicated. I'm still waiting for the Black Notebooks to finish being translated into English.

>> No.10946367

>His sister edited his works

>> No.10946383
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she did. which is why the nazi propagandists were so keen to get pictures of her with the fuhrer