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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 543 KB, 1247x2079, 2010 book list online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1094438 No.1094438 [Reply] [Original]

Picture relevant. That's most of the stuff I've read. What does /lit/ think?

>> No.1094445

That's a pretty good pace, especially considering you've got 2666 and Infinite Jest in there...how many hours do you read per day?

>> No.1094452

Allende's work is a third-rate rehashing of tropes and themes from Marquez into highly consumable, housewife-friendly, fashionably feminist bullshit

Also that's a lot of Atwood

Anyway you should try reading more than two books that weren't published in the last 50 years

>> No.1094461

I could probably have read a whole book in the time it took you to photoshop that picture together, but 49 books in a little over half a year is a very good pace. I started the year out at two books a week but fell down to one around April and have been forcing myself to keep that up.

I see you're reading some Murakami, have you tried Mishima?

>> No.1094464
File: 732 KB, 978x1500, read so far - 2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bah, you've gotten through a lot more actually good books than me. Not sure if you meant for other people to contribute to the thread with theirs, but there's mine. I read slow and am also 12 years old

I'm going to be starting on Ishiguro soon. Any suggestion on which book of his to read first?

>> No.1094493


is Norwegian Wood any good? i haven't read anything by Murakami but i only hear good things.

>> No.1094522

Needs less feminism

>> No.1094846

If you're actually 12 then... read on young friend. This is the first time I haven't been mad at an underageb&. Your taste is wonderful for someone of that age.

I recommend going for Mishima. My the time you're ready for college you can read Sanshiro after already being used to his style and have your mind blown.

>> No.1094858

Mostly shit.

>> No.1094862

Les Miserables is long than both of those.

>> No.1094863

OP is a liar or unemployed
2666, Infinite Jest and Les Miserables alone should keep any normal person busy for a year

>> No.1094866

You must be joking. I could read those easily in a week each.

>> No.1094868

You would defiantly call me a lair if I posted what I have read this year. 92 books so far, and that's with full time college even during the summer.

>> No.1094875

op sounds so hot

read gone with the wind and east of eden baby

>> No.1094876

we seem to have different definitions of "reading" then
you don't mean scanning through the book looking for pictures, do you?
well, at least for me, reading a book is different than reading the news, it's not about getting to the interesting parts as quickly as possible
and I have a life

>> No.1094882

> Atwood everywhere
> No Handmaid's Tale

The fuck? Apart from that, though, I approve.

>> No.1094886

oh and some anna karenina

remember buddy's quotes?

>> No.1094889

You just Jelly bro.

>> No.1094890

How's the Delivery Man? I read the first chapter in the waiting room of my dentist and it just pretty much screamed "HEY, HEY I'M TOTALLY TRYING TO BE BRET EASTON ELLIS"

>> No.1095025

I read about 100-150 books every year. You are a pathetic failure OP.

>> No.1095028

this list is full of weeaboo and nerd shit

>> No.1095034


Me too. Let's get together and touch dicks.

>> No.1095041


No you just can't read very well. Going at two hours a day of reading I finished both The Brothers Karamazov and Les Miserables in about nine days each.

>> No.1095061


>> No.1095070
File: 12 KB, 400x300, finchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a book a week!

you know, science books...

>> No.1095095
File: 69 KB, 658x493, evil_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my list for the year:

The Wreckage of Agathon
Existentialism is a Humanism
The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Mortal Questions
The Garden of Forking Paths
The Man in the High Castle
Snow Crash
If On a Winter's Night a Traveler
Latro in the Mist
The Second World War (in progress)
The Great Transformation (in progress)
A Brief History of the World (in progress)
The Place of the Lion
Pride & Prejudice
Teatro Grottesco
Starship Troopers
Count of Monte Cristo (in progress)
The Ringworld Engineers

So only 14 completed. The 9am-6pm commitment every day certainly puts a pinch on my reading time. If I weren't married, I'd consider quitting my job and living off savings for a while, but my wife...well, pic related.

>> No.1095098


Oh hey, what's up Sunhawk?

>> No.1095538

Hah, I'm not really twelve, I'm 20. And Sanshiro isn't actually by Mishima, it's Soseki. I don't really enjoy Mishima as much as Kawabata or Soseki though, for some reason.

>> No.1095851 [DELETED] 

bump for more read so far this year list/charts.

>> No.1096628

bump for more read so far this year list/charts.

>> No.1096648

OP here. Yeah, I've read a LOT of Margaret Atwood, 12 of her 13 novels. nearly got The Penepoloid in town today, but couldn't be bothered. As for the claim that I only read modern novels, that's only true of this year. Last year I blitzed the 19th century, so now I'm trying 'easier' books. Bite me. Also, who gave me the shoutout? S/n on the other site?

>> No.1096651

Pretty good list you've got there. Ender's Game is very good,and Brave New World is okay.

>> No.1096652
File: 756 KB, 978x1500, read so far - 2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

herp, updating mine since I finished a book yesterday. Now it's all even.

>> No.1096662

I hit up Calvino. I was pleasantly surprised, from what I'd head I had expected it to be very obnoxious, but it wasn't/

>> No.1096668

mmhhmmm somma dat alternative Salinger. You have some good stuff there OP, but stop reading Vonnegut so frequently, goodness.


Entry level.

>> No.1096674

>Entry level
tier is to /v/ as entry level is to /lit/?

>> No.1096675


Missed this. Anyone who gives you any guff for reading recently published literature is such a casual little cannon baby it's not even funny.

>> No.1096678


No, what the hell? Entry level isn't really bad, but it lends itself to the type of guy who sees your book collage, only recognizes Brave New World (even though he likely hasn't read it) and says "Oh BNW, nice".

Ya, know.

>> No.1096717
File: 919 KB, 800x1200, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read all of these since I got my nook in april. A lot of the Crichton were repeat reads.

>> No.1096757

That's over 30 books, but only from like 5 authors. Maybe branch out more?

>> No.1096811

Well I started with Crichton, I had read most of his, but I reread a lot of them and read the rest cause I've had them awhile.
Got hooked on the Sword of Truth series and read all 11 of them.

>> No.1096815

>Got hooked on the Sword of Truth series and read all 11 of them.

You poor, poor man.

>> No.1096821

Reading Wheel of Time ATM, on book 2

>> No.1096828
File: 593 KB, 1247x2509, 2010 book list online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the updated list of the books from this year. I admit, I have read mostly 4 or 5 authors this year. I dunno. It's good when you find a new author you love, and realise they've written 30 books. Talk about a treasure trove.

>> No.1096831

Not bad. What did you think of Carrie?

>> No.1096832


If you're a girl *brofist, if you're not then mega fag.

>> No.1096837

None of you have read Don Quixote this year?

>> No.1096893
File: 236 KB, 599x1418, Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were a few "I don't like this much, so it took me forever to finish," books this year.

>> No.1096912
File: 181 KB, 599x1418, Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And I forgot a book. Herp derp.

>> No.1096922

>>1096652 here
Did you like Boneshaker much? I kind of thought it was bitchin', for genre fiction.

>> No.1096923

I think there are four people who've posted their things. I'm not sure what the statistical average of one of the four people having read Don Quixote this year is, but I can't imagine it's too high. That said, I'm thinking about taking it on soon.

>> No.1096937

I read it this year. It was very entertaining. wished I read it sooner but I will probably read it every six months or so now

>> No.1096941

It was my first foray into steampunk and I thought it was terrible. Side characters were more interesting then the main two, the zombies (the initial attraction), were just inconveniencing background noise, and the big reveal towards the end was underwhelming. Minnericht was alright though.

The writing itself was not very good either. Pick a sentence, any sentence, and chances are you can eliminate a few words. I like my writing succinct. And the whole rant-ish afterward just made Priest look insecure.

>> No.1097011

Carrie was reasonably good. Worth a read.

Don Quixote was boring. So boring. The prose was almost impossible to read. I know it was considered great 400 years ago, but not now.

>> No.1097028

i loved don quixote. i got the biggest kick out of it. i laughed out loud several times. i actually love that prose style. i get a kick out of reading jonathan swift tho. i don't know, i guess that's just me.

>> No.1097032

I loved Don Quixote, but I loved Gulliver's Travels more.