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/lit/ - Literature

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10944181 No.10944181 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you actually done a major in philosophy or literature? If so, do you regret it?
I might want to do a Master's in it, but i'm not sure about the job prospects.

>> No.10944208

Yes, I majored in both philosophy and english. The only regret I have is that given the poor job prospects, I had to go to law school. It’s obvious philosophy did not help my reasoning and critical thinking abilities, because only a complete and utter moron would go to law school.

So... don’t go unless you’ve got an inheritance or you’re a fucking moron who wants to be an attorney.

>> No.10944214


That's a very cute girl.

>> No.10944230

plz forward my marriage proposal to that girl, will go communist

>> No.10944244

Does it really depend on your specializaton or not?

>> No.10944268

Not sure... I’m not a /pol/tard or anything but I will say all the young faculty at my university seemed to specialize in Asian Studies, or Queer Lit, or some other niché gender theory realm. I wanted to specialize in Shakespeare studies but there’s no hope for that sort of thing anymore, at least until the boomers fade away.

>> No.10944278
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>the young faculty at my university seemed to specialize in Asian Studies, or Queer Lit

That's fucking disgusting

>> No.10944344
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>flash and circle

>> No.10944349

For you

>> No.10944365

of course not retard, I do comp sci

la creatura...

>> No.10944378

lol that’s a pure Med/Alpinid stock woman you dumb fucking ant

>> No.10944437

she's the right kind of creatura

>> No.10944468

>Have any of you actually done a major in philosophy or literature?
>If so, do you regret it?
No. I learned a lot from getting my degree in philosophy and also had enough time to read fiction and take math classes that I found interesting. I like STEM classes and always performed well in them but I would really never want to do a job involving them so the lack of job prospects doesn't really bother me. I don't know if it's a good idea to get a postgraduate degree in a humanities subject though unless your a ninja networker who goes to an ivy league tier school.

>> No.10944493

Anon I have some bad news

>> No.10944797

Phil major for personal enrichment and Comp sci minor for career.

>> No.10944813


nah....it cannot be

>> No.10944816

I majored in English and minored in Philosophy. I regret it as I do everything else I have ever done.

>> No.10944833

Currently majoring in philosophy, hope to go to law school. Should I not do this?

>> No.10944840

It's a girl

>> No.10944963

I was hoping you could tell me

>> No.10944993

Depends how much you value your time. Law is a profession that cannot be undertaken adequately without the near complete sacrifice of all other endeavors. You will read 95% less fiction, you will write little to nothing. You will have trouble dating unless you meet someone in law school or meet a fellow lawyer. You’ll work late hours every night and on most weekends. The profession will consume you.
Some people are into that. I’ve practiced for five years now, and I’m calling it quits.

>> No.10945004

Lawyer here. This and only this. My life is a whirlwind. I don’t even have time to lament the years I’ve wasted doing this.

>> No.10945079

Well, I did an honor's in literature (minor drama), then a BFA, minor art history, then an MA in literature, then a PhD in literature. I had fun, but from any career point of view, it was beyond idiotic. If I had literally gone back to high school, gotten my math and science grades boosted, done a B.Sc., applied to med school, been rejected five times, barely scraped through, and had a massive student loan to pay off, I'd still be rich and able to live comfortably working three days a week now and reading the rest of the time. Instead, I'm an under-employed adjunct like so many others, while my sister-in-law (M.D.) made 5-7x what I did last year, with massive amounts of vacation time. It's a fool's game.

>> No.10945208

if you're even considering studying any sort of liberal arts you're fucking done bro. you're not a worker. your intellectual potential and youthful vigor were squandered, society did not need you for anything productive, did not train you for productive work, and so you should start repairing your relationship with your parents because you're gonna have to rely on them for your income. hopefully they knew what they were doing when they created a life-form and then failed to habitualize them to society. seriously if you read when you're bored you're done. you won't be happy in the workforce. devote your life to what you like.

>> No.10945239

Currently doing BA Literature with intent to pursue Master's in a different subject. It's a little bit 'light', so to speak: we don't read any philosophy, mostly canon texts (although I tend to choose the more traditional modules). Commies are less of a problem than I anticipated; in fact, most people seem a little shy to spout leftist rhetoric for fear of looking like idiots.

>> No.10945247

>So... don’t go unless . . . you’re a fucking moron who wants to be an attorney.

unironically, fpbp

t. B.A. in Philosophy, J.D., now halfway through a program to become certified to teach English grades 6-12

>> No.10945260

This is kind of true. There are probably things you can do, like even some form of teaching might suit you better. But the workforce that most people enter is really soul destroying. If you're happy with work dominating your mon-fri and live for getting drunk on saturday, then that's for you. But you should try and add some skills to work somewhere interesting if it's not.

>> No.10945275

Yeah who tf would study anything from the largest continent on earth. How absurd.

>> No.10945304

I studied something practical (accounting) but I can't stand it. Hoping to go back as soon as I save up some money.

Don't really know if I'll be able to do it, but I really have a thirst for intellectually satisfying work.

>> No.10945313

she's not mixed race, european 20 year old college dropouts don't realize that half the Euro race, pure bred, are swarthy, brunettes with brown eyes. Even most Germans do not have Blonde hair, and many Nords in fact have dark hair or brown eyes. There's never been a pure Nordic stock at all. The highest incidences of blonde hair are in the Baltic states.

>> No.10945315

Still have enough time to shitpost

>> No.10945347

BA double major in poli sci and philosophy. Poli was for work, phil was for education. Probably going to do the law school meme and turn that phil degree into crazy good money. Ironically phil is a better major than a lot of the softer subjects for job oppertunites; problem is there is no philosophy sector so you’ll be working outside your field.

>> No.10945421


Are you all americans? I'm from northern Europe, and unironically, a lot of philosophy majors end up working jobs that aren't shitty. Consultancy and management are fairly common, as is teaching, both in schools and private lecturing businesses. We have a couple of companies specializing in serving up basic bitch stoicism for business leaders in pseud-fest seminars that last 4 hours and cost 5000-10000 USD.

Sure, unemployment statistics and rates of people ending up in perpetual McJobs are relatively high, but not that much higher than other humanities degrees, and that probably has more to do with the subject attracting a lot of stoners and fuck-ups who think that smoking hash and talking about Alan Watts quotes all day is what philosophy is all about. I think the same dynamic goes for most humanities degrees. There's a very low bar for just scraping by and a very high bar for excelling, whereas there is more ruthless selection in STEM, meaning that less fuck-ups end up with a STEM degree, which shows in the final statistics for employment and earnings.

>> No.10945423

About to graduate with a Lit degree. Pretty clueless over what to do with it. I'm all ears for suggestions.

>> No.10945486


>> No.10945509

Is a teaching certificate spensive?

>> No.10945516

I thought most doctor's were crazy overworked

>> No.10945545

This is true. I double majored in Philosophy/Sociology and ended up working as a business systems analyst in IT. Landed $55k/yr salary job right out of college with a philosophy degree. I feel pretty satisfied since, after all, I was able to study what I wanted to study. And the job isn't very difficult (with decent career growth - I was promoted in two years and the pay cap before moving into IT management hovers around $120-140k).

>> No.10945558

how and why did you get that job when sociology and phil have absolutely nothing at all to do with that shit? did you go to grad school? did a friend get the job for you? what type of phil and sociology? what do you do at that "job"?

>> No.10945605

Seconding this. Surely you must've gone through some sort of technical training, no?

>> No.10945635


>> No.10945844

The program I am in is a 7 month program for people with a 4 year degree on something other than education. Adding in costs for exams I have to pass, I'll end up spending about $4000.

>> No.10946502


I regret it. I drive a taxi now

>> No.10946843

Don't do it unless you have a comfy trust fund to your name

>> No.10946946

are you the husserl scholar?

>> No.10946972

This is from Italy iirc. You're thinking of America where most attractive smart looking chicks are either dykes or traps

>> No.10947022


Accountant here, I think about suicide on a daily basis. What options are you considering?

>> No.10947053

i did a history degree, so fucking stupid, you can't talk about it outside of academia cuz fags who watch documentaries about world war 2 will be like "zomg no wai im a history buff myself" its like yeah ok breh, that and the fact i learned only one or two things that werent in books, plus i was a marxist so i took every class with a bad attitude, i would kill myself but im getting so old it would be a waste of time at this point

>> No.10947460

I did a BA (Hons) in Literature and an MA in Creative Writing. I have a decent management job but am studying accountancy pt to have something practical to fall back on (I have a family).

Maybe you'll end up doing the opposite. No reason why not

>> No.10947500
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well if you're not a marxist anymore, you have no good reason to kill yourself anon

>> No.10947742

I did a philosophy BA. I don't regret it because I double majored and it was interesting to me at the time.

I'm not as interested in philosophy as I used to be, and am not as convinced of its value.

>> No.10947743

>caring about jobs

>> No.10947747

I hide the fact that I did a philosophy degree now. I tell people I didn't go to university.

>> No.10947751


>> No.10947935

is it a nice taxi?

>> No.10948141

They aren't the kind of degrees you do if you care about muh job prospects

You're going to end up in a mediocre career no matter what you do anyway. Do you think if you do maths you're actually going to get 100k starting?

>> No.10948148

>Have any of you actually done a major in philosophy or literature?
Yes, majored in philosophy
>If so, do you regret it?
>I might want to do a Master's in it, but i'm not sure about the job prospects.
They are awful but education and university shouldn't be mere paper mills for your CV

>> No.10948163
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Currently finishing a masters in Legal Philosophy it's really having the best of both worlds.

>> No.10948177

Don't believe shit you read on Facebook. It's clearly a fake taxi.

>> No.10948178

Went to a community college for a couple of years and didn't finish my degree due to dyscalculia making it impossible to pass even the remedial math course and aside from my writing abilities and imagination I'm probably legally retarded

But I learned that English degrees are only really worth it if you want to teach, and I don't.
I thought about teaching overseas in Japan because I'm a weeb, but nah.
I can't deal with people, yet alone children, even if the Japanese domesticate their offspring.

Creative Writing degrees are useless if you don't have any actual talent.
It's of my belief that talent cannot be taught.

I'd say that at least the classes were interesting, but my CW teacher had us studying The Hunger Games as an "example of great literary work"
We didn't even watch the book in class, no were we required to read it
We just watched the movie

I learned absolutely nothing from any of my writing classes.
The only interesting classes were lit and that was because we actually read.
Much to the dismay of the rest of the class.

I regret the debt I obtained from it and it felt like a waste of my life.

>> No.10948277

So what degree did you finish with eventually?

>> No.10948905

I'm just finishing the second year of my degree in lit. For what I want to do after my degree, my mind keeps coming back to becoming a teacher. I hate the idea of doing a PGCE in order to teach at primary or secondary schools. I wouldn't like to only be able to teach 16+ year olds. Never taught before but I imagine the job being really satisfying when it can be.

Being stuck in an office all day making spreadsheets and correcting terrible intranet designs is what I fear doing. I would rather work in a cafe serving coffee than do that. At least you can actually move around when teaching.

Thought about journalism too. Written a few articles now and then for free community papers and the university magazine. I hate writing to appeal to idiots. I don't think I can stick to it long enough, in order to build a decent portfolio that would secure me in the field. It's just work I don't give a shit about.

>> No.10948936

I hate the idea of doing a PGCE, because of the stories I've heard from friends of friends who have done it. They've said how difficult and straining it is. I'm not letting that stop me from wanting to do it, it's just the thought of work overload I dread. However that's unavoidable for wanting to be anything I suppose.

>> No.10948949

teach at a community college, just get a Ph.D

>> No.10948954

Academic philosophy is hot garbage, particularly if your university follows the anglo approach. You'll profit much more from following philosophy charts on /lit/ and taking a historical approach to western reasoning.

Study something useful and read phil in your spare time. You'll end up annoyed by whatever subject you study formally anyway, so it's better to not do that with a subject you actually like. I took classes on Plato and Aristotle and it took me like a year to enjoy them again because I had to cram the shitty required interpretations of them to pass the exams. And I loved reading Aristotle before.

Not worth it personally.

>> No.10949080

We don't have community colleges in the UK. The closest thing to that here would probably be just a lecturer, but teaching the access or credit for entry courses.

I have considered doing a masters and then a Ph.D, not sure about doing them all in lit though. Feel like I'd need to at least do a masters in something else.

>> No.10949253

It's a car I hired from a company that hires vehicles to Uber drivers. So I'm and Uber driver.

>> No.10949279

Studied spanish lit for a while but dropped out.

>> No.10949281

I've got to third this

>> No.10949383

Nope. And I do not regret it.

>> No.10949441

I'm transferring into a school to do a philosophy undergrad, and I hope to pursue it further after that.
I took a shit ton of credits at a community college, so it looks like I won't have to spend 4 years (possibly only 2) getting my BA, so i've at least mitigated some debt.
It's really fucking risky but I work really hard, I usually read and study 4-8 hours a day, and I honestly can't really see myself doing anything else as a career.
pls no bully

>> No.10949465

>implying anyone cares about your minor for career
kek, retard, you did it the opposite of how you shoudlve

>> No.10949498

gun and exit bag right now. ill probably fuck up with a noose and everything else sounds too slow/painful. pills/drowning/immolation/etc. are no good.

>> No.10949536


>> No.10949551
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Got a B.A. in English/Writing in preparation for Law School, but the field is absolutely glutted with fresh attorneys who had flawless GPAs and are still struggling to find work. Since I'm not Jewish/PoC and my GPA wasn't perfect, there's no chance in hell I'd be accepted to a law school with actually valuable credentials, much less actually get a job upon graduation. So I'm taking what experience I have studying constitutional law and preparing to become a police officer.

>> No.10949554

currently rhetoric major, studied philosophy @ jc
drop philo, learn something which allows you to daub life, live with a broad margin.

>> No.10949574

I was going to go for an MFA

should I just go for electrical engineering?

>> No.10949600

Sorry if this is OT, but can anyone give me, an ignorant eurofag, an overview of the US's education system? What are majors, minors, masters? They happen in college or what?

>> No.10949629

hahaha same

>> No.10949657

this isn’t true even a little bit you dumb fucking 21 year old autist

>> No.10949685

If you have doubts don’t get into it.
MFA’s should be for people who would have a literary career without them.
If you do, you’ll probably find a mad dog of a writer in your program who’ll make you weep.

Trust me.

>> No.10949785

Majors and minors are for undergrad, which is the first 4 years of college immediately after graduating from high school (US equiv of European secondary school). Majors are what you focus your education on, such as business, Chemistry, Calculus, English, Politics, etc. Minors are usually chosen as a supplement to your Major, such as an Accounting/Finance Major taking a Minor in statistics as preparation for a career in financial analysis or something. Completion of undergrad
gets you a Bachelor's degree in your Major and Minor.

A Master's degree immediately follows a Bachelor's degree, and usually takes 1-3 years to receive. A Master's degree will usually have you focusing on one distinct subject, related to your undergrad degree most of the time (but some people can earn a Master's degree in something unrelated to their Bachelor's degree if the school they apply to can be convinced that they have sufficient knowledge on the topic). For example, I have a Bachelor's degree in English, but I want a Master's degree (and eventually PhD) in Neolithic Archaeology. Since my undergrad is totally unrelated to what I want out of grad school, I have to take my sweet-ass time volunteering with local Archaeology efforts and paying for field schools before I can convince any school I apply to that I am capable of earning that Master's degree. My undergrad GPA was kinda shitty because of family issues too, so I'm fighting an uphill battle.

>> No.10949814


And Master's degree is what you do at graduate school or what?

>> No.10949994

I'm going to do my Masters in Business before going into philosophy so that I can afford to study on the side. I wish I could study it now because it's a subject that I really love.

>> No.10950021

>Since I'm not Jewish/PoC and my GPA wasn't perfect, there's no chance in hell I'd be accepted to a law school with actually valuable credentials

I either listed myself as white or else did not respond to those questions on my applications (I'm actually hispanic, and had a gpa of roughly 2.8 when applying. My 178 LSAT was good enough to gain me entry to what was then the #20 law school in the nation, and located in D.C. You definitely could get into a good school with a good enough LSAT. Whether you have a job upon graduation is up to you and what you do in terms of building a reputation and connections while in school through internships, jobs, and even using your professors for networking.

>> No.10950032


LmAo literally this

>> No.10950040

you’re a retarded dilettante basically
>you control how attractive and sociable you are
no, this is folk psychology crap. status is fixed from genetic factors and luck. agency plays no part in life outcomes

>> No.10950071

They are. The 3 day workweek meme is the medicine equivalent of 300k starting, because only 50yo overly successful private practitioners can manage it, and only after spending 25 years working their asses off. Those 5-10 years of 80h/week to gain a specialization are pretty much inescapable, unless you're ok with doing nothing but the most entry level medical jobs with relatively shit pay and perennial bad hours.

>> No.10950103

I did history and now I teach philosophy and history in high school (I'm still just a temp tho), close enough?
I don't regret it. I'm aware that I don't have a prestigious job, and the pay is less than ideal, and that I can get the boot every june, but what is the alternative? Spending my life doing jobs I loathe for the sake of a few bucks more? No thanks.
Besides, I know myself well enough to realize that I wouldn't have managed to muster enough willpower to study STEM bullshit, I would just haave wasted years of my life trying.

>> No.10950113 [DELETED] 

>status is fixed from genetic factors and luck. agency plays no part in life outcomes

I'm sorry you feel that way. Of course genetics and the SES you're born into play a huge role in how your life goes, but you absolutely have it within your power to change things around to at least a certain extent. My own father is not a very handsome man, is a PoC who was born and raised in what was easily one of the worst neighborhoods in the country at the time, if not the worst, in terms of abject poverty, drugs, gang violence, etc. He even dropped out of school in the 10th grade. Today he is an assistant superintendent of a school district. Quit blaming every little thing on your DNA and "luck" and take some goddamn responsibility for your own choices and actions.

"Up to a point a man's life is shaped by environment, heredity, and movements and changes in the world about him; then there comes a time when it lies within his grasp to shape the clay of his life into the sort of thing he wishes to be. Only the weak blame parents, their race, their times, lack of good fortune, or the quirks of fate. Everyone has it within his power to say, this I am today, that I shall be tomorrow. The wish, however, must be implemented by deeds."

>> No.10950115

OP, she looked like one of my psychotic ex.

she still stalking me and it keep getting out of hand. I hold fond of my suggestion to her to get the fuck away from me because I really didn't have that much of a time. I will never ever be interested to entertain or make her happy anymore. The whole relationship before this with her is just me being a total sympathy freak towards her psychotic dealings and obsessions.

I think it's entertaining to keep a pet, a monkey-psychotic-obsessed-crazy person around, but I realized that I am not getting younger. I don't want to have a fool around me to just to make me happy or amused. I'm not that cruel. And so, I'm letting her go, and it'd been 6 months but she still don't get it.

This world has a lot of things to offer, but not from me. Not anymore.

>> No.10950120 [DELETED] 

>>status is fixed from genetic factors and luck. agency plays no part in life outcomes

I'm sorry you feel that way. Of course genetics and the SES you're born into play a huge role in how your life goes, but you absolutely have it within your power to change things around to at least a certain extent. My own father is not a very handsome man, is a PoC who was born and raised in what was easily one of the worst neighborhoods in the country at the time, if not the worst, in terms of abject poverty, drugs, gang violence, etc. He even dropped out of school in the 10th grade. Today he is an assistant superintendent of a school district. Quit blaming every little thing on your DNA and "luck" and take some goddamn responsibility for your own choices and actions.

"Up to a point a man's life is shaped by environment, heredity, and movements and changes in the world about him; then there comes a time when it lies within his grasp to shape the clay of his life into the sort of thing he wishes to be. Only the weak blame parents, their race, their times, lack of good fortune, or the quirks of fate. Everyone has it within his power to say, this I am today, that I shall be tomorrow. The wish, however, must be implemented by deeds.

>> No.10950126

you’re ignorant of how your own body works
just say spic if that is what you are spic
>take responsibilty
there is no “me” or agent to take responsibility.

>> No.10950127

>status is fixed from genetic factors and luck. agency plays no part in life outcomes

I'm sorry you feel that way. Of course genetics and the SES you're born into play a huge role in how your life goes, but you absolutely have it within your power to change things around to at least a certain extent. My own father is not a very handsome man, is a PoC who was born and raised in what was easily one of the worst neighborhoods in the country at the time, if not the worst, in terms of abject poverty, drugs, gang violence, etc. He even dropped out of school in the 10th grade. Today he is an assistant superintendent of a school district. Quit blaming every little thing on your DNA and "luck" and take some goddamn responsibility for your own choices and actions.

"Up to a point a man's life is shaped by environment, heredity, and movements and changes in the world about him; then there comes a time when it lies within his grasp to shape the clay of his life into the sort of thing he wishes to be. Only the weak blame parents, their race, their times, lack of good fortune, or the quirks of fate. Everyone has it within his power to say, this I am today, that I shall be tomorrow. The wish, however, must be implemented by deeds."

>> No.10950134

Philosophy along with weightlifting, US history and physics were the only classes that didn't make me want to neck myself. And philosophy is my favorite among those.

>> No.10950137

>triplet post
the luck factor today is pretty bad huh

>> No.10950138
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are you ok, dude?

>> No.10950146

Sorry I fucked up linking to your post . . . anyway

>you’re ignorant of how your own body works

>just say spic if that is what you are spic
Ok, I'm hispanic. Happy? Not sure why that matters. Point is, he was of a minority background

>take responsibilty
there is no “me” or agent to take responsibility.
Then why do you use the pronoun "you" when referring to me? There should be no "me" that could, for instance, be ignorant of how "my" body works, no?

>> No.10950153

(cont) And if I wanted a job, then I would've just gone to trade school. Not only is trade school cheaper, but you get paid right away. Even CS bachelor's aren't really necessary when you can make a portfolio on GitHub. So I went with philosophy.

>> No.10950170

Free will doesn't exist from a metaphysicall point of view but exists hermeneutically. Now, can both of you fuck off back to r*ddit? Bring your sophomoric discourses with you, thanks.

>> No.10950222

Literally never been on reddit. And I probably have a similar point of view as you (if I understand what you mean, I'm not 100% sure I get what you mean by "hermenutically" in this context). So can you kindly fuck off with your judgmental posturing?

>> No.10950226

amerimutt here, our republican party is a joke. florida senator marco rubio who has run for president at least twice now and more to come:

>And make higher education faster and easier to access, especially vocational training. For the life of me I don't know why we stigmatize vocational education. Welders make more money than philosophers. We need more welders and less philosophers.


>> No.10950279

>Since I'm not Jewish/PoC
>falling for /pol/ memes

kid, more than 50% of law school students are still white, hetero males. if you don't cut it to law school, it's not because pedro took your place, it's because you have a conservative mind.

>> No.10950290

>more than 50% of law school students are still white, hetero males
including or excluding Jews though

>> No.10950305

seems like you've already defeated yourself, kiddo

>> No.10950325

Jews overwhelmingly dominate in Law and Media but you’re right plenty of HUWHYTES get in, and if you have high iq+good grades you are almost guaranteed top 20 spot

>> No.10950338

No. Fuck off back to /v/

>> No.10950343

I did one, I don't regret it. I do regret not looking for internships or thinking about careers in my undergrad, and now I'm a wageslave.

>> No.10950379

Real talk. I did Law, it's pretty bad. It's either low-wage admin work or balls to the wall 80 hour weeks on boring as fuck shit. Some people clearly find a buzz in that though. I'd honestly say try to find a job that gives you a purpose, sitting in a company trying to climb the ladder doesn't feel like a purpose to me.

>> No.10950410

I'm studying english and i plan on joining the military and just living as an officer

>> No.10950431

>muh jews

liberal ideology dominates the law field because it requires you to have an open mind, not to jump to conspiracies without evidence, and even *gasp* empathize with the opposing side to see their side of the argument. these are things /pol/ hive mind, or uneducated, white males are incapable of doing. there is no jewish conspiracy, you dolts.

if anything, white males are statistically more likely to pay back their loans than minorities. so think rationally here, why would law schools, whose primary purpose is profit, not diversity, give your seat to jamal? do yourselves a favor and don't apply to law school because you will flunk out with closed minds like that

>> No.10950439

I just asked if the white men were a majority if you exclude Jews

>> No.10950441

Literally never been on /v/, nor have I even played a video game, let alone owned a console, for about 5 or 6 years now. Keep swinging though, this is comical.

>> No.10950478

I did philosophy and regret it every day.

If you're smart you'll realise it's a waste of time about halfway through your degree. The entire field is pointless.

>> No.10950493

>Keep swinging though
Back to /an/

>> No.10950514

>stopped hitting something that looks like that.

>> No.10950567
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>bad at math and science
>want a well paying job

>> No.10950727

1. I am not Conservative, not even close, my sweet child. I could not be farther away from right-wing ideology.
2. Don't sit there and fucking tell me rich people, PoC, and Jewish people don't have either drastically lowered standards for admittance to top-tier universities or preferential treatment from said universities. Cuz I'm gonna point you in the direction of this term we have for certain people attending those universities called a "legacy" and that's just scraping the bottom of the nepotism barrel. I've got no problem with AA but we both know that it is being abused in the extreme. I know a guy from India who wants to go to Cornell and probably will, despite getting a mediocre undergrad GPA, because he is foreign.

>> No.10951887

this has never happened

>> No.10952112

>I've got no problem with AA but we both know that it is being abused in the extreme

look, dude, it's easy and comforting to tell yourself that your rightful place in society is unjustly taken by a minority, but the statistics say otherwise. i don't doubt your anecdotal story, but it is not representative of the profession as a whole. if you're claiming brown kids are being ushered in on legacy and nepotism, that implies there's substantial numbers of brown lawyers or faculty to give them that advantage. you honestly think minorities benefit more from legacy than whites?


>Although blacks, Latinos, Asian Americans and Native Americans now constitute about a third of the population and a fifth of law school graduates, they make up fewer than 7 percent of law firm partners and 9 percent of general counsels of large corporations. In major law firms, only 3 percent of associates and less than 2 percent of partners are African Americans.

furthermore, law schools are first and foremost, a business. what are the odds that indian kid doesn't come from a wealthy family and was born in shit? law schools aren't letting in token minorities on mass, they only need one or two to sell an underdog story and then admit the rest of the people who are statistically likely to pay the full price tag. you know, white guys who largely make up the profession.

but by all means, keep kicking yourself in the dick and whine that you will never be a lawyer because of the jews.

>> No.10952126

you sound like a sociopath man
legacies are by far the biggest source of nepotism in unis, i get the dog whistle to jews, but whites benefit more from legacy shit than anyone else. and then jewish wealth. then AA crap with jews and hispanics, blacks.

>> No.10952430

>You're going to end up in a mediocre career no matter what you do anyway.

Pretty much this. Society doesn't give a fuck about your intellect or creativity, but rather, what kind of fucking money can you generate? If you're not good at selling shit, then you will need to learn to sell yourself. That includes wage cucking and, quite literally, sucking dick.

>> No.10952438


exactly what i wanted to hear

>> No.10952477

Majored in English lit.
Kinda regret it because of the money, and because university is festering with cancerous feminazis and doesn't have diversity of thought.
Don't regret it because I got to live abroad for cheap. Definitely study abroad if you go to school.
It isn't worth it to study lit tho.

>> No.10952492


>> No.10952507

Almost have a degree in English, except I didn't study abroad or really do much of anything. I agree with this sentiment.
Also don't do anything in life out of convenience.

>> No.10952812
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Got a BS in chemistry, or I will soon by the end of this summer. Job prospects are shitting. I've been blasting away job application after job application but I haven't gotten any replies yet.

I never wanted to do chemistry, I bought into the STEM meme. I think now that I think about it, I should have double majored in English and something useful, like accounting so I can make a living. Then I would try to get as many philosophy and history classes under my belt as I can. Maybe one day start writing books.

>> No.10952908

Pretty kino

>> No.10953223

Ok this is just boring and pointless now.
/lit/ is the only board I browse. Every once in a long while I'll visit /diy/, /trv/, or /out/, but that's rare as fuck and only happens when something going on in my life at that time drives me to post on one of those boards. Otherwise, just /lit/.

>> No.10953467
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fuk u demiurge

>> No.10953525

Someone should have told you there's no jobs in chem. Should have gone into EE.

>> No.10953745

Anyone here use an arts degree to segue into a career as a psychologist/therapist?

I'm finishing HS this year and that seems like a pretty viable course

>> No.10953780

You would have to do masters of psychotherapy. I thought about it but decided not to

>> No.10953931

psychotherapy sounds like bull anyway

>> No.10953940


>> No.10954837

>TFW fell for the STEM meme

Give me one fucking reason why Communism isn't the next logical step to advancing civilization. I am tired of hearing Biology majors wasting away at Starbucks when they should be in a lab on the government dole. I live in a rural shit hole and government jobs are by far much more stable and fulfilling than anything the private sector has to offer.

If you aren't a socialist or commie, I am presuming you have never worked a day in your life.

>> No.10954984

she's literally hacking through my phone and pc.

and I couldn't enjoy any times with my friends/coworker, as she doesn't allowed me to do so.

need constant attention, every hour.

always getting mad for no reason.

always being so secretive about everything that related to her background and her past,
didn't allowed me to speak to any of her family members and her friends,
recently I knew that before I met her that she's actually being hospitalized for trying to kill herself. she swallowed a bottle of drugs.

I mean she's unstable, after 2 years I came to a realization that I will never be able to change her attitude and temperament.

>> No.10954995

>I want to be a commie so i don't have to work

Sounds about right

>> No.10955000

>tfw bio major and employed
The trick is to specialize in medical research, not plants.

>> No.10955001

That guy had a PhD (allegedly)

>> No.10955002

>wants to work for the state
Anon, in Communism there is no state

>> No.10955022

>ba in philosophy
>MA in public policy
>I'm a bureaucrat in the civil service
I hate my job but I regrat nufink

>> No.10955032

If there were 50-80 law schools (not 230) and the schools outside of the Top 10 only charged 20k-25k a year in tuition at sticker price, if not less (basically what they charged in the early 90s controlled for inflation) then alot, but not all, of the problems with the legal industry would go away. Comfy gov't jobs would no longer be super-competitive and making a decent living in small law without working 90 hours a week would be feasible. Better yet if they came out with a 5 year BA/JD. But this is highly unlikely

>> No.10955048

Literally none of Marx's historical predictions came true in the 20th/21st centuries, centralized economic planning to the extent called for by Marx is humanly impossible, all societies and organizations-even trade unions and socialist political parties--are naturally oligarchic (see Mosca, Michels, Pareto), and we have no idea how "full communism" would actually work in practice.

All modern commies and socialists really just want regulated welfare capitalism, i.e. exactly what we have now just with higher taxes and more gov't jobs and stricter employment and anti-trust laws

>> No.10955056

Get into the entertainment industry

>> No.10955060

>8/10 commie girl and activist
How can capitalists and fascists even compete?

>> No.10955070

She is a fascist. Note the lightning bolt logo.

>> No.10955072

Blocco Studentesco is fascist
t. pizza

>> No.10955084

>wants to be an attorney
>doesn't understand why anons didn't study for the LSAT

Have a proper GPA and LSAT score and you shouldn't have to pay for law school anon, that's pretty much rule one of wanting to go to law school.

Those scholarships that pay $20,000 out of your $100,000 a year tuition are scams. Anyone can get those because the school still makes a tidy sum on your indebted ass, so 3.2 GPA's in gender studies aren't gonna cut it in getting the big whoppers.

Have a 3.8 in any non-STEM degree or at least a 3.4 in a STEM degree and a 170 to 179 LSAT score and you will get shoveled money.

> If you're an idiot who didn't study in college, sitting with a 3.0 GPA, all hope is not lost.

SCORE WELL ON THE LSAT, that's all you have to do. If you score 175+ you might not get a full ride to a Top 10 school, but it will get you a full ride to everything beneath that. If you're going to a well known law school ignore the meme that your degree is useless if it's not Too 14, if you work hard in Law School you will get hired. Coast through and get unemployed.

Tldr- Score above the average applicant or don't apply to that law school. Or be rich.

>> No.10955129

would only make it hotter desu

>> No.10955492
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Unless you need to do a certain subject for a specific career like medicine then Humanities degrees are literally fine. People just need to get over the fact that an undergraduate doesn't guarantee even a half decent job.

Do interships
Go to a prestigious school (if you can't for undergrad then just do well at undergrad and get your masters ect from a better one)

STEM doesn't guarantee you a job any better than a humanities degree will. The whole thing is a massive meme.

>> No.10955566

fuk u demiurge

>> No.10955617

Why does the left always have the best women?

>> No.10955664


>> No.10955713

I’m starting to think Europeans may be literal retards. But I repeat myself

>> No.10955725

Did one in pure maths and fell for the actuary meme along the way. Working is garbage, 40-60hr/week is legit slavery desu.

>> No.10955731

Should have aimed for part-time master race

>> No.10955743

Not many opportunities in here, but I'm still looking for it.

>> No.10955802
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This is how I feel

I even tried learning a programming language to find one of these high paying meme jobs in an IT company but I failed miserably. At this point my only options left are to either apprentice and learn a trade or starve, but I'm 25 and I doubt anyone will take me as an apprentice anymore.

>> No.10955842
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Minorities get in on lower test scores. This is what people are referring to when they speak of injustice. See attached for acceptance rates to medical schools based on MCAT score. Note that Asians (and whites) are consistently accepted at lower rates than their hispanic and black peers.