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10942566 No.10942566 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone tried reading/studying with the help of these babies? Were the results higher or lower than expected?

I've read that countless personalities used various drugs either for creativity or productivity in their works so i was wondering to maybe get some of them from either UK or the US

>> No.10942575

I'm on Concerta and it helps a lot with reading and staying focused. I've diagnosed with ADHD at 28

>> No.10942600

I found a new study method for me. Two days before the exam I pop an adderall. I focus and study for 12 hours. Crushed the last couple.of exams thay way

>> No.10942619

I was diagnosed with ADD, anxiety, and mild depression. I just started Wellbutrin, and I've noticed a slight increase in focus, but mainly I've noticed that whatever I'm doing, I can do for hours without getting bored. Reading included.

(But this often results in looking at memes for hours on end)

>> No.10942644

Modafinil did nothing to me, but I was on bupropion at those times so maybe that blocked it, and bupropion didnt even help.
I also tried atomoxetine and it did give a more "focused" or "sharp" state of mind, but it made my dick shrink and I couldnt pee, also made me suicidal sometimes.
I wish I could just get adderal, but I don't really feel the need for any of those things. I just stick to coffee now because I'm always sleepy.

>> No.10942648

Also people who's minds do not exist in 5 continuous parallel worlds need not reply. Some of us really do have a difficulty in concentrating when reading. As specially when it's too much for the brain to process

>> No.10942674

>I've diagnosed with ADHD at 28

Oogla boogla I'm a mongloid!

>As specially when it's too much for the brain to process

Oogla boogla I'm a mongloid!*2

>> No.10942680

>t. crack baby

>> No.10942694

I always felt like I had trouble concentrating but the two times in my lifr Ive gone to getbtested the psychs said I was fine. The second one was nice enough to put me on Vyvanse anyways which definitely helps with focus and retention of things I studied, but the come down was fucking hell. Like 5 hours of the day after I take it where Im the best version of me, energized and attentive and thinking as hard as my thunkbox can go, then an hour or two after that where the good effects are gone but the bad ones havent kicked in yet but I can feel them coming (like a period but for adhd medicine), and then the rest kf the fucking day where I just feel like absolute shit. My back hurts, my brain feels like mush, and I am starving but I cant fucking bring myself to eat. My body aches (doubly so if I had played ball that day) and Im just fuxking exhausted but I wont be able to sleep until way later that night. The side effects even seep over into the next day a little, and the only way to cancel them out is to pop another one the next day. Had to stop because Id rather be a brainlet than feel like a zombie past 2pm everyday.

So yeah ask your doc and be sure to find the right medicine for you, and report your side effects. I didn't because I couldn't be assed to continue trying new drugs when that one wore me out so much.

>> No.10942704

Pretty sure I have adhd but I keep delaying my appointments with psychiatrist. I also missed a few because I forgot.

I want medication sometimes, thinking it may help to some often severe focus and procrastianting issues I have in activities I very much enjoy. Other times I don't give a fuck, I am in one of those times right now.

>> No.10942720

I have to add that the first time I went to the psychiatrist she gave me antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds; told me to go back in about a week, but postponed it for about a year. Had a second appointment with a psychiatrist that prescribed me anti-anxiety meds and gave me an order for a psycho-diagonistic, which I scheduled (and paid for) but I forgot. About a year later I had the thiird appointment with yet another psychiatrist, I wanted to ask for the psychodiagnostic I missed, gave me an order about two months ago but I haven't paid for it yet so I don't think I will have it any sooner.

btw, does anyone knows what is the difference between psychodiagnostic and neuropsychological testing? The second psychiatrist wanted me to do both, the third only the fiirst but that's because I forgot to tell him about the second.

>> No.10942789

You should try to train your focus before you consider drugs. If that fails, then get tested. But just try to see if its you having shit focus from too much internet first. That's what happened to me. Still is happening haha

>> No.10942802

ADD isnt real you're all just gradient fools who lived cushioned enough to cash in on a meme and get performancing enhancing drugs, its akin to having a kid naturally bad at sports prescribed steroids fucking mad

>> No.10942812

Any drug which forces focus will also force a tunnelling of perspective.
I guarantee while you may be able to retain mundane information through their use you will find your sensitivity numbed and be only able to produce the most worthless readings of texts to the point you would have been just as well not reading at all

>> No.10942830

ITT: Medicated cop-outs

>> No.10942855

From my experience people expect it to be some magical substance, while in reality sheer willpower can't be replaced by a pill. Don't forget taking these drugs has consequences.

>> No.10942902

I used to be on Vyvanze. It was great but I didn't like being addicted to a pill just to function. I weaned myself off and now I just use coffee, but sometimes I miss the days when I could just sink 12 hours into a book without even trying. What I most appreciated about Vyvanze is how it sort of retaught me what it was like to concentrate--my first weeks on it were the first time in years that I really understood what the experience of being focused was.

Attention is the most valuable psychic resource we have. We have to cherish it, folks

>> No.10942938

I often study under the effects of adrenaline: when it's a week before finals and I haven't cracked a book the whole semester, a lovely sense of panic settles in my stomach and allows me to cram a few thousand pages in said week. It's pretty stressful (I get horrible headaches), but it keeps me at 3.8GPA, so it's alright.

>> No.10942994

Just don't eat sugar or any other processed carb shit. Does wonders to your mental clarity. Especially noticeable if one does meditation, the difference between meditating clear and on carbshit influence is insane. Sugar makes you stupid and lazy.

>> No.10943068

Anyone on Gabapentin here?

>> No.10943085

can any of these drugs you mention be bought in the internet? i'd like to experiment with them first hand

i live in europe

>> No.10943105


You might make fun of me, but literally all of my ideas are always simultaneously floating around inside my head, and if they might make some sense if i put them in perspective, i always fail to connect them and tell something concrete about it.

>> No.10943112

Yes, I take Concerta. It improves your stickability but at the cost of depth.
Anybody have experience with Modafinil? Would love to see how it compares.

>> No.10943218

IIRC you can find them on the internet if you look in the right places, but it would still be illegal if the package gets busted in customs

>> No.10943248

woah man you're so unique. what a fascinating person

>> No.10943267

3.8 Giga pascales?

>> No.10943278

I used to order modafinil (and the different flavors of it, Waklert, Modvigil, Modalert and Artvigil) online. The site I used closed but you can find alternative stores online.

It's ok, it's like energy and maybe slight slight focus improvement. Good for loosing weight because it destroys your appetite. Not same focus as adderall sadly. But I can't find aderall online.

>> No.10943282

in my experience modafinil is awesome. it's less intense than adderall, but it still fucking works and it doesnt have any of the side effects, it's not even addictive.

>> No.10943283

This trash gives you a sense of false grandeur. Coming off of this drug can cause massive despair. We have someone on /k/ that is honestly trying to recover from it and he is having serious trouble coming to grips with his mediocrity after living in drug-induced narcissism for a few years. He is, without exaggeration, suicidal. We just had someone off themselves. It may be the same person.

>> No.10943291

muh nigga. Yeah that shit is great. Like a super weak opiod but also has the effect of making me more social. I had it for an injury so my script ran out.

>> No.10943300

Stop it!

>> No.10943309

is this the sort of person that thinks they know all the material but are just "bad test takers" lel

>> No.10943315

>The shrink says I'm fine
>He prescribed drugs for me, anyways
>You should get diagnosed as being fine, too - so you can get prescribed drugs
Kek. The war on drugs totally has their guns pointed in the wrong direction.

>> No.10943318

I can attest to the illusions of grandeur thing, if you're not careful you may end up being a real ass to people you care about when you're on it. Good God is it nice for a few hours, but after a while you're just left feeling speedy and neurotic.

>> No.10943321

>Pretty sure I have adhd but I keep delaying my appointments with psychiatrist.
You will be better served by solving your own problems than by seeking solace in prescription medication.

>> No.10943344

>If that fails, then get tested.
Fuck that. If that fails then continue working at it. Knowing that you will later rely on a crutch, completely undermines the effort you make towards a goal.
>know in your heart that you are the only one that truly cares about your problems
This is the path to solving your problems.

>> No.10943349

I see nothing wrong with an informed decision to take medicine that could aid you even if you arent deemed to be in need of it. Why settle for just getting by when you could be thriving?

>> No.10943362

Cant even get this shits where I live

>> No.10943377

Lmfao Holy shit

>> No.10943394
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>5 continuous parallel worlds

Is that your experience? Can you describe it more? I feel that I often have parallel thoughts, though usually just one inner monologue, or at least just one that I am aware of. Maybe I have more than one. Sometimes I switch from one line of reasoning to another without meaning to, which slows me down quite a bit. It's like being interrupted, but by your own thoughts rather than a comment or request from another person.

>> No.10943396

>Why settle for just getting by when you could be thriving?
The "thriving" is imaginary. One of my neighbors is an Adderal dope fiend. She is still an average fuck like everyone else. She only imagines her imperial majesty. Everyone else just laughs at her. It is fucking sad. I understand that she has lost perspective so she will probably never be able to see her way out of the hole. Please do not talk perfectly healthy people into the hole with her.
>an informed decision
If most people understood these drugs then they would steer clear of them. The psychiatrist has a conflict of interest. He makes no money off of treatments that he does not manage.

>> No.10943400

>Cant even get this shits where I live
Good for you, bro.

>> No.10943402

>lmfao holy shit that’s like so mean and edgy
Back to >>>/reddit/ kiddo

>> No.10943415

IME, amps are fabulous for more technical nonfiction (couldn't have gotten my math degree without them) but an impediment to reading/appreciating fiction. When I try to read a novel stimmed, usually it just feels like a waste of time, and I would rather be doing something tangibly productive.

Curious. I have a similar list of diagnoses, and literally all Wellbutrin did for me was make me feel dumb. If it works for you, great; it's certainly more sustainable than many other ADD meds.

>> No.10943423

>Sometimes I switch from one line of reasoning to another without meaning to, which slows me down quite a bit. It's like being interrupted, but by your own thoughts rather than a comment or request from another person.

More or less this. I built up a couple of explanations of reality for myself that are parallel to each other and depending on the context i switch to either, but i cant make a coherent argument because of it.

I feel that those ideas are not inherently wrong, as i feel they describe best the way i view reality, but ultimately i fail at connecting them in providing "The Big Picture" as a single thesis

>> No.10943435

>but i cant make a coherent argument because of it.
Pens and paper are cheap in first world countries. Write your conflicting thoughts on paper and parse the data. Patterns will emerge. This is basic cogitation. You are far from unique. Your bug is a feature that all of us have. We just do not let it cripple us.

>> No.10943445

I highly doubt i can "just" write the thoughts relating to the nature of consciousness analyzed through the scientific method by a nuclear physicist as of a decade ago, it's relation to our "objective" reality as well as how it affects humanity on a social and economical scale.

>> No.10943466
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Sounds like you have something, some kind of neurological or mood/attention deficit.

I think the people on this board may not be the best people to ask for advice about this, so take this with a grain of salt:

I took vyvanse for years and it probably helped me finish college, but I went off of it three years ago and I am glad I did, since I'm doing reasonably well without it. Your case sounds a little more serious than mine based on your description, so I would say you might want some sort of intervention, if not medication, then CBT or coaching or something? Rather than regular life coaching, it sounds like you need something more focussed on organization and what not. Unfortunately I don't know if this exists.

I recently I got a full battery of neuropsych exams and it turns out that I have a slightly short attention span, but that really my problem is slow processing time, not short attention span. And for that there is no drug, which is fine by me at this point. I just have to deal with it by being selective about what I try to take on. (Although I do take wellbutrin and zoloft, which probably helps me deal with it since I don't avoid tasks in the first place as much)

My point in telling you this is that you should get the evaluation, both or either, just get it done. The information you'll get from it will really help you figure out what to do to improve your situation; at least that was my experience.

>> No.10943472

>tfw live in sensible country so i got ecstasy as a teenager instead of it's modified low dose cousin
these drugs are utterly unappealing to me. most of their benefit is they make you feel slightly happier about study time through operant conditioning, equivalent to if you gave kids sweets for coming through the school doors, and a minor effect on concentration. compared to the love, joy, focus, meaning and determination you can get off the street variants for a fraction of the price and in a much nicer situation than school/work to get attached to, i don't see the point.
only in america could you complain its drug addicts are becoming overeducated officer workers and retail workers. everywhere else would wonder why they're so bad at being drug addicts even when their mother will feed them speed. do they not know about better drugs?

>> No.10943485
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I disagree with treating amphetamines in a blanket "drugs r bad 4 u" way because there are people that see legitimate improvement in their lives because of them. I'm not one of the extreme cases that wind up using them everyday for the rest of their lives and see long-term improvement, but my grades were consistentky higher than normal while I was on them, and I was participating in more school events and hanging out with friends more. There will always be people with addictive personalities and yeah shrinks will prey on these types for their easy prescription $$$ but why should that have any bearing on people who know themselves, know they aren't the type to easily medicate, and bother to do their due diligence? The moment my doc mentioned a drug name I was doing research on it and reading testimonies and forum discussions on it for a month before I decided to try it, and even then I dropped it within the year despite it having positive effects. Not everyone is some high school junkie. Just by making this thread OP atleast proves he has the basic sense to ask someone before pulling the trigger.

>> No.10943494

>break my balls for weeks doing work
>end up doing well but had to work for it
>flatmate smokes weed and plays assassin's creed until a week and a half before his shit is due
>burns through all the work on modafinil and does ok

dude ill just sit on my ass and do fuck all then pop some pills to get by :^)

>> No.10943497

>I highly doubt i can "just"
So, you're not even going to try. You will just continue to be a non-contender rather than risk exposing yourself as a loser.

>> No.10943518


>It's like being interrupted, but by your own thoughts rather than a comment or request from another person.

Fucking hell its good to know other people have this too. I sometimes have so much trouble trying to zero in on one of the screaming voices in the cacaphony of ideas and arguments I just get dazed and lose track of myself. I'll have one part of me shouting a counter-argument to the other part of me before Ive even fucking finished formulating that first argument, and then Im confronted with a choice of which line of reasoning to focus in on, because I will definitely have forgotten the other by the time Im done forming this one, and if I try to chase both thoughts theyre both going to wind up half-baked.

>> No.10943529

>Yes, I take Concerta. It improves your stickability but at the cost of depth.

this is what people avoid talking about

>> No.10943539

Thanks for noticing me. People these day seems to think a good post has to be paragraph long.

>> No.10943543

stims, psychedelics, opium

that’s sanctified triad of substances for writere

>> No.10943546

slow processing time means low iq just so people know

>> No.10943577

Its nowhere near that simple. Data suggests total processing has little relationship to IQ. Otherwise whales and elephants would be far more intelligent than us

>> No.10943582

I took adderall daily for about 12 years and I think it did fry my brain a little although it also got me through grad school and the beginning of my career. I went off it about a year and a half ago and have been extremely scatterbrained and forgetful that entire time with no signs of abating. My work performance has suffered and I've become somewhat depressed. It's a good tool to use every once in awhile to cram for a test but taking it as prescribed can really fuck you up in the long term.

>> No.10943615

i feared this was the case

>> No.10943622

I've was diagnosed at 5 and have taken all of them, except for desoxyn, and modafinal which doesn't belong in that set.
Yes they help people study. Personally I am a fucking wreck and can't do much without them, so I can't help you.
I still study without them but I don't stay on topic.
They aren't as effective as self discipline but fuck it, you might as well.

>> No.10943626

how much did you take? xr/ir?

>> No.10943637

Between 20-30mg a day. IR for most of my time.

>> No.10943638

Let me tell you
Dexedrine is the best
Adderal isn't quite as good.
Ritalin wears off really quick, which is good but doesn't have amphetamines power.
Vyvanse and concerta and any extended release are trash.

>> No.10943651

The beneficial effect of the drug is being able to focus on something you might think as menial and boring, but that's about it.
You won't remember things better (possibly even worse if you associate learning with taking stimulants), but as aforementioned it will help you if you're slacking. Either way, the comedown is different for everyone and Ritalin definitely does me in for a good 1-3 hours after taking some. In other words; not worth it for me.
It is better to schedule your studying/reading out if you're having trouble with it with things like the Pomodoro method, spacing it to your own liking, etc.

>> No.10943667

Can confirm dextroamphetamine are the cleanest stim I've had compared to Ritalin/Adderal (the latter of which I hated)
No comedown for me either.

>> No.10943744

>I've diagnosed with ADHD at 28
>Oogla boogla I'm a mongloid!

I forgot a word, so fuck off.

>> No.10943751

You can get prescribed Ritalin in most of Europe countries

>> No.10943758

>damaing his Dopamine Receptors because he can't focus
>damaging his neurotransmitter because he's not creative enough


>> No.10943763

where in europe

>> No.10943788

[Citation Needed]

>> No.10943833


>> No.10943863

2-3 cited studies

you're a moron who doesn't understand studies if you read them, let alone the methodology

>> No.10943890


>I will hijack my dopamine receptors by producing more of it
>dopamine producing transmitters atrophy because external factor produce it
>external factor disappear
>downregulation hits because receptors are used to producing lower baseline of given neurotransmitter

See through your delusions and study some neuroscience

>> No.10943914

is the brain really so simple?

>> No.10943947

again, you know nothing of neuroscience, the brain, or anything of the sort
alcohol """hijacks""" your dopamine receptors too, having sex """"hijack"""" your dopamine receptors too, you're quite frankly an empty-headed 4chan poster who doesn't understand anything to do with neurology

>> No.10943975

No, it has great elasticity and >>10943890 just refers to possible outcomes either way.

>> No.10943983

classic 4chan scientists here

>> No.10944043

spain, why?

>> No.10944264

Yeah but we're still better than you. Get fucked.

>> No.10944298

Well every European country is different, isn't it? What's the point of saying "I live in Europe" if we have no idea which country your from and what that country's laws are?

>> No.10944432

i said it just to say that i'm not in US because all the drugs i heard sounded american

>> No.10944486

Similar situation here, I feel like I've gotten more forgetful, but I'm not sure how much of that is just my imagination. I've always kind of been that way, so maybe I've just found a new excuse. Hard to say.

>> No.10944635

>having sex
>having alcohol

>> No.10944717

>he doesn’t know the difference between naturally induced to artificially induced dopamine
> he drinks alcohol like a common prole

D e l u d e d

>> No.10946390
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>> No.10947012

i feel fuzzy without it, very frustrating.

>> No.10947030

damn best response btfo

>> No.10947045

stims, and particularly amphetamine work, VERY well. But once you're on an established dosage make sure that you don't exceed it under any circumstances since even one large dose could create permanent tolerance.

Also, schizotypal + stims = godsend, since it helps counteract the negatives of this personality type (like general sloppiness/disorganization) and lets you make use of your divergent thinking in a constructive way. I think being schizotypal is why I never got some of the side effects that normies talk about with stims.

>> No.10947067

he's a fucking idiot. I don't have them off the top of my head, but I've seen studies thrown around that showed 50mg amphetamine daily is the cut off for neurotoxicity, which is more than you should ever take t b h. Below that it's possibly neuroprotective for people with legitimate adhd. Not taking it is quite literally irresponsible for someone like that.

>Inb4 muh not natural. modern society isn't natural you fucking mong. we need chemicals to cope

>> No.10947074
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>I don't know for sure
>But I know for sure it's good for you

>> No.10947121

I'm allowed to make a strong normative statement based on an uncertain though probable (from my perspective) premise.

>> No.10947128

Never gonna make it

>> No.10947133

>it's probable because I say so
Well then it's not probable because I say so. Checkmate.

>> No.10947152

Is that why professional athletes and people in intellectually demanding careers with long hours abuse adderall, because it’s all in their heads? It won’t turn you into a surgeon or pro athlete but amphetamines are very effective, especially in the short term, at enhancing many aspects of human performance.

Fun fact: banning and testing for amphetamines had a much more significant impact on pro baseball performance than banning steroids did.

>> No.10947412

Hate this meme but are you me? Its hard to still the contentious voice long enough for the author to state his terms and argument without your contentions voice breaking the context. The days I do manage to focus I can feel the change if the message is true.

>> No.10947515

You're a mongoloid for believing ADHD isn't just an excuse to sell adderall

>> No.10947582

have you tried BPC-157, i heard it helps with adderall overuse

>> No.10947633

Modafinil doesn't make you focus, its just glorified coffee in a pill that doesn't increase your heart rate

>> No.10947722

I do think that it's overdiagnosed nowadays, but honestly just fuck you. You'll never know how it is to feel like an alien in the face of supposedly normal social situations, to learn and think in different ways than most "normal" people do. You still learn and think effectively in your own way, you just aren't able to communicate it as well. Even people with similar "conditions" aren't going to do things the same way as others, so as much as some groups try, it will never be something that can have an overarching diagnoses and "treatment". A lot of us are forced to either isolate ourselves and learn to emulate "normal" human behavior, accept being shunned, or get thrown out as "failures".

Well quite frankly I don't give a shit what you dumb fucks think about me, you can keep on congregating in your groups, taking sides against others just because they don't conform to your own, without ever trying to look at things from an outside perspective. I'll be happy watching from the sidelines when you end up gunning each other down.

>> No.10947756

Shit, most of the people on this board are socially awkward at the very least, so don't think that you're completely unique.

If you wanna take a pill, thats perfectly fine, but don't delude yourself into thinking that the pill is something that you can't live without, because most people do.

>> No.10947862

I stopped taking medication years ago. People like him just piss me off, thinking they should be the only accepted standard and anyone who doesn't follow it are basically considered subhumans. Then again, if that's how humans are maybe I don't want to be considered one after all.

>> No.10947895

Already mentioned in the thread but its not about being able to live without it or not. Why is the current zeitgeist that people should just be getting by? If you have the opportunity to thrive or better yourself and you want to why would you feasibly not take steps towards improving yourself through whatever means possible?

>> No.10947932

Therapy to help you stay focused is more effective than the drugs, except at reducing fidgeting. The drugs are great though and create a sensation that you're really getting things done so you feel really productive. They do sometimes work long term. May as well start on amphetamines now, some adderall or dex, and get on the train now we end up with a quarter of the population taking them and there is a societal backlash against this "medicine".

>I've read that countless personalities used various drugs either for creativity or productivity in their works so i was wondering to maybe get some of them from either UK or the US

Believing drugs will make you into a creative genius is mostly a meme.

>> No.10947947

Yeah anon you're describing probably over half of 4chan when you say that, and a shitton of us are on meds, but he is completely right that ADD is a made up fucking meme and I got diagnosed with it by experts and everything.

At some point ADHD diagnosises were based on malufunctions specific kids had which caused concentration issues. There was much more emphasis on therapy. Now it's just an pretense to give people methylphenidate and amphetamines if they cause problems in class or get low grades. 11% of the US population 4-11 was diagnosed with ADHD, that will go up. It's a disorder that exists to sell a drug.

I don't really care though, it's still a performance enhancing drug, I just don't buy into this mentality that I'm some terrible victim.

>> No.10948081
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My constant injestion of amphetamines as a child has rendered me immune to adderal. Only ultra zero sips hold any sway over my faculties now

>> No.10948183

Oh you saw that Netflix documentary, too?

Believe it or not some people need it to keep up, especially if you work and live in a major city.

>> No.10948328

you know when you don't take concerta for a day and you suddenly have tons of energy an ideas? modafinil is kinda like that

>> No.10948382

Hey this is really interesting - how exactly does amph affect you? Do you not risk psychosis/paranoia, or does it affect a different system and in fact make it easier to process such thoughts? (through affecting working memory)

Has it been used on schizophrenics before? ik that's not you, just wondering

>> No.10948387

>ADHD isn't just an excuse to sell adderall

You're even worse off than the moron with ADHD, just because you amerimutts have to sell your drugs by paying doctors to shill medicine (there is a reason why you can doctor-shop with ease in America) and can advertise opioids on TV (oxy), it doesn't follow that everywhere else the case is identical.

>> No.10948421

It literally is actually. Rest of the world just gets duped by the American Pharma companies with their meme illnesses

>> No.10948438

>Believe it or not some people need it to keep up, especially if you work and live in a major city.
Keep up with *what*, ya tard??

>> No.10948488

I don't buy into it that I'm a victim either, and that's kind of the whole point of what I've been saying. I also agree that it's insanely overdiagnosed, and I think that ADHD or autism in general is far too broad of an area for any diagnoses or "treatment" to encompass anyways. But obviously doing things on a case-by-case basis takes too much effort and is completely uneconomic, so instead they just slap on a half-assed "diagnoses", give you some pills, and send you on your way. Also just to clarify, I've been talking about both ADHD and higher-functioning autism in general, just because the two tend to be diagnosed (or misdiagnosed) together often, the prior being the case for me. I admit I've strayed a bit from what the guy was initially talking about, but whatever.

But anyways, in most cases (definitely not all though), it isn't something that should be thought of as needing "treatment", like some sort of ailment. Yeah, it's usually going to make it harder for you to fit in with society and that's somewhat of a drawback (unless you can learn to emulate normal behavior, which nowadays if you can't you're kinda fucked), but that's just because of the gap in communication. Most of the time there's nothing "wrong" with the person, they just function differently, and both sides end up having trouble understanding how the other works. Of course there are plenty of kinds that should be considered a disability, but those are much less common and honestly shouldn't even be considered the same condition.

Basically all I'm trying to get at is that I don't give a shit about society wanting to "cure me" to allow me to "fit in" and be a "normal person". I say fuck no, you're a bunch of boring faggots who are too entrenched in the rules of your precious "society" to see things from any other perspective. Maybe I would be happier if I were like that, completely ignorant and going with the flow, but I'm also fine with how I turned out because I think I get a more unique perspective of things, and that's interesting enough for me.

>> No.10948747

Based on what I've read and experienced it seems like almost no drug is worth doing for the long-term. They all increase tolerance and downregulate receptors that will then make you feel like shit when you come off it. A large dose creates a large tolerance, a small dose creates a small tolerance, a very small dose creates a very small tolerance. To me it seems like they're all one step forward, two steps back. One step forward (the high), One step back (the comedown/withdrawal), and another step back (the body damage). You either have to keep increasing the dose until you die, come off them and feel worse than before you started taking them, or just not take them in the first place.

>> No.10948783

Its almost like our brains chemistry are already optimally composed after billions of years of evolution

>> No.10948941

it's almost like in some cases our brain chemistry isn't
like schizophrenics who have their dopamine receptors going wild, but i guess that's just a Big pharma myth!

>> No.10948986

schizophrenia's a bad choice m8. it's got a better prognosis in non-western places, and gets worse as western practices get exported. it's been a big puzzle since the 1970s why schizos everywhere that doesn't have pharma get better faster even with witchdoctors trepanning their skulls and poisoning them etc.
go with bipolar or something where your dopamine is fucked up regardless of where you live.

>> No.10949008

+1. Iove the power of drugs but find the side effects undesirable. eating low carb and a half hour / day meditation practice has been game changing.

>> No.10949045
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Those are literally soylent for the brain, all the people I know who use them are insufferable pseudo-intellectual who in actually don't understand most things and look pathetically weak

>> No.10949051
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alright, you lie to make your point, i getcha

>There were no significant differences between males and females, nor between urban, rural, and mixed sites, although migrants and homeless people had higher rates of schizophrenia and, not surprisingly, developing countries had lower prevalence rates (the lower prevalence of schizophrenia in developing countries has been previously documented).
(Cohen [15] argued that although the case-finding method in both these studies was accurate, the vast majority of cases were identified in Western-type facilities, and therefore the numbers of true cases of schizophrenia may be an underestimate.)
>The frequency of diagnosing schizophrenia in Africa varies from 6 to 60% according to physicians. African population have known social and cultural alterations which are evolved in mental pathology. Schizophrenia in its classical form is quite rare in traditional African societies, and it appears with rapid social changes which organize societies with cultural models designed on occidental societies.

tl;dr you're full of shit, schizophrenic symptoms differ in cultures, doesn't mean it "gets better"

>> No.10949058

>it's been a big puzzle since the 1970s why schizos everywhere that doesn't have pharma get better faster even with witchdoctors trepanning their skulls and poisoning them etc.
Probably because possession gets misdiagnosed much, much more frequently in so-called "modern" societies.

>> No.10949265

alcohol mostly works on gaba receptors
sex a variety of neurotransmitters.

Stims, mostly being dopaminergic reuptake inhibitors, will fry your shit eventually
And there are several studies out there that link amphetamines with neurotoxicity.

>> No.10949271

thats mostly because its a long af season, and outfielders need to stay awake dicking around and doing nothing for hours, then having to make a snap catch.

>> No.10949287

This is why we must do salvia, one of the few drugs to have reverse tolerance, and seemingly no toxicity besides that incurred if you smoke it.

>> No.10949351

>Sounds like you have something, some kind of neurological or mood/attention deficit.
Yeah, I know.

I'll make an appointment next week probably, if I have enough money.

The worst part is that I've been delaying finishing college for so much time. I only need to finish writing the final thesis, but this is like the third year since I started writing it.
Most of my work is done in short periods, usually motivated by some near deadline. A few years ago I was writing about a paper every two-three days (10-15 pages) for two weeks because I had to. There is no deadline to give finish the thesis in my college, so I just keep procrastinating.

The worst part is that I've been doing some kind of work but it always carries me to somewhere else. I'm still reading books related to the stuff I should be writing, but I should probably stop reading and start writing.

Also I need to add that I think I might be way more fucked up than simply an attention deficit. I find it hard to communicate with people, and when I do I came to believe it doesn't seem natural. I know social rules and I imitate them good enough (this wasn't true when I was younger though), but I think tsere may be more elements (facial expressions, voice modulation, etc) that accompany social wording, which I don't think I always follow.

I wouldn't mind to be diagnosed with some autistic disored, but I'm terrified of being told I'm an idiot and just have a very low IQ. I think I can be easily influenciable, I could end up dropping college altogether and attempting to get a job somewhere else (never had a job) because that's where the tests say I belong.

>> No.10949584

unlikely, since there'd be more dead ones in the societies that kill the possessed.
you can prove those differences in the west over history as well: visual hallucinations used be the primary delusion in the west, and there's even records covering the period in which they transition from being common to being replaced by auditory hallucinations.

however, that is not prognosis, which is whether you get better and how fast and better you get once you have any of those symptoms. prognosis is what outcomes there are for the patient: it's the difference between three months seeing devils, and constant inpatient care hearing voices for the rest of your life.

learn to read before you think studies back you when you're clearly googling it today for the first time, and have no understanding of even western psychiatric history or terms.

>> No.10949602

>which is whether you get better and how fast and better you get once you have any of those symptoms

you're quite literally a monkey
if the % schizophrenics in developing countries are higher than % in first-world countries, what does that lead you to deduce, mongrel?

>> No.10949612

>people without any mental issues actually need to take drugs to study

That is just so extremely sad

>> No.10949633

Or you could be like me. I'm fairly intelligent naturally so I take cool things like psychedelics and cocaine to make me smarter but only take caffeine for everyday studying

>> No.10949645

Are pro baseball players still allowed to dip? Amphetamine and Copenhagen wintergreen and standing around makes being a pro outfielder seem worth it.

>> No.10949647

God, people with ADHD are so fucking annoying, especially when you show up as high-on-meth freaks, Fuck you all.
Also, what the fuck has this to do with literature? IF you want to talk about stims there is a drug general in r9k
130 fucking replies...

>> No.10949648

then why do all of them have better prognoses? it would follow for those elevated above the norm (keep in mind you're using dodgy estimates off the internet) to get better from being misdiagnosed sooner, but if there's a core of schizophrenics for whom the rate and life long prognosis is universal, then their prognosis should not be less than lifelong outside the west. and yet it is. it's only when western systems move in they get (over)diagnosed at all.

it leads me to deduce you have trouble with statistics and arrogance, since you're seeing a 60% rate of schizophrenia, and find that plausible anywhere on earth, but have never heard of one of the greatest memes of psychiatry since the 1970.

>> No.10949677

Bupro is a NET/DAT inhibitor (blocks NE and Dopamine being taken back up by the pre-synaptic neuron - so it acts longers on the post-synaptic receptor)
Modafinil is Methylphenidate (amphetamine derivative)
It blocks MAO (the enzyme which breaks down your neurotransmitters) and causes Ca-indepdent release of your neurotransmitters into the synapses.

That means they should be synergistic but everybody varies in their experiences with these drugs.

This is true in regards to the Amphetamines such as Concerta/Ritalin/Adderall. I have taken a few from my friends in times of stress in my uni days and felt that I would read and write notes down but there was no interaction in my brain with the material - the next day i look at the notes i wrote and i don't remember any of it.

Modafinil however doesn't give you this tunnel vision (personally). Also Modafinil is great in that it is not physically addictive (will be psychological ofcourse) + it is said to be the first intelligent-increasing drug they have found (i need to do more research)

I recommend you all stay away from these "smart drugs". The side-effects are not worth it and what's worse is something called "drug-induced memory". I knew many students who use to take it in the first years of med school and then weened themselves off and essentially forgot all the basics in the upper years.
Caution guys - they will just leave you dependent.

Amphetamine derivatives when taken chronically become Neurotoxic (destroy the neurons which they initially helped)

>> No.10949695

what an exceptional individual indeed!

>> No.10949783

I think it's time to you to crawl back to your scientology church

>> No.10951272

this is pretty offensive but it sounded a lot like what Sam Hyde would say so I just laughed my ass off

>> No.10951590

Modafinil is pretty nice desu, keeps you awake and very concentrated for hours (6 hours with 100mg in my experience). I could read and read and read and then write the corresponding paper in one sitting.

Side effects i noticed where a dry mouth and little to no appetite, so you have to remeber to eat and drink enough. Also the induced concentration of modafinil does not distinguish between memes and work so start your stuff before taking the pill, dont expect it to do the work for you.

>> No.10951654

Honestly as someone who smoked weed everday for a decade and was addicted to coke and addies (I was doing 3grams of coke a day), drugs are fucking retarded.

There's zero reason why anyone should do any drug unless you're legitimately clinically depressed. Since I've quit, I've got my BA, working on a Masters, and have never been more content with my life.

>> No.10951665

You're honestly a fucking retard if you need drugs to read a fucking book.

>> No.10951768

I dont use modafinil on a daily basis you fucking retard, i used it in college during exams and for important assignments.

Its not a necessity, more like a compliment

>> No.10951820

Modafinil (Modalert) is fairly easy to buy. For Amphetamines, you'll have to go on the Darknet and take some risks...

>> No.10953354

i like to rail fat lines of speed sometimes. makes me feel like a genius after reading 18 hours straight and feeling like i understand everything. comedown is hell though

>> No.10953365

What you're describing is autism, my dude. I think you might autism.

>> No.10953373

I'm literally a crack baby. Tips?

>> No.10953457

Anyone have experience with racetams? I tried piracetams a few years ago and didn't feel any effects. I'm just on dietary supplements s now, I find l-theanine to have a moderate effect

>> No.10954925

>as specially
using this from now on, thanks anon

>> No.10954945

This this this this...
Pseudo bullshit like this ruined psychology as a field of study, and now nobody respects that shit.

>> No.10955017 [DELETED] 

So we should just take you by your word that you are very unique and intelligent. What is the point?

>> No.10955164

I took adderall a couple times, I was definitely really focused and all, but the amount of time I spent was the same, I felt like I was flying but I was just walking at a normal pace. All it did was make me jittery.

>> No.10955244

>You'll never know how it is to feel like an alien in the face of supposedly normal social situations, to learn and think in different ways than most "normal" people do

Newsflash, there are no "normal" people. Everyone feels like that. Most people just don't make a number of it and fumble on until they learn to stop giving a fuck

>> No.10955274

aniracetam is nifty (a little trippy), and good for anxiety, but awful for writing.

L-theanine is good, as is l-tyrosine+caffeine

>> No.10955289

man i did a fair amount of salvia in high school, going from 20x extract up to 80x

It most definitely rewired my brain,and made me interested in dissociatives, but that shit is definitely** not for everyone.

>> No.10955407

at least call me a scottish drunk if you're going to try to seem au fait with the stats you're quoting.

seriously, of all the professions you want to outdo over the internet with datatorture and arrogance, you choose psychiatry to dip your unread dick into? thank fuck soon narcissism like that is going to cease to be a term of art, so i only have to deal with real doctors who self med. go spend seven years in university and come back when you have the appropriate training in risk benefit analysis to try a god complex near me.

at least the scientologists tell you bizarre things in made up languages between obviously retarded "data points"; you're just garden variety wrong and bad at dealing with it. take two "smart drugs" and enjoy your life in a service industry concomitant to your skills and resentment.

>> No.10956043

ADHD sounds like terminal extraversion.

>> No.10957767
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Double sequential dubs of truth,keep it real my man!

>> No.10957782

I myself tried it 3 times and just wrote it as a joke. Was interesting, but realized I’d rather do something more pleasant and euphoric (although you CAN get euphoria on salvia, it’s just not as predictable/not quite the same as other drug euphoria)

>> No.10957805
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You seem like a well informed person in this topic and also kind soul. What can you say about L-theanine and GABA suplements if I may ask

>> No.10958577
File: 9 KB, 271x271, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed post with dubs.Everyone pay attention.

>> No.10959185

I have the same thing. I’ve never tried prescription drugs because I don’t like the idea of being constantly medicated but I did try psilocybin mushrooms a few times and it was the first time I could just completely quiet my mind. I remember thinking “is this how everyone else is?

>> No.10959218

Salvia made me want to stay far away from all disassociatives. Nothing like smoking something, thinking it did nothing, just for your friends to tell you that you were out of your mind babbling for 5 minutes. Also it tastes like ass and feels like shit.

>> No.10959234

Fuck off druggies. This is not /lit/ related.

>> No.10959237

This, sometimes. After the first few days a lot of people adjust and it just keeps them awake.

>> No.10959241

There are literally brain scans that can show you have an underdeveloped amygdala and hippocampus.

>> No.10959244

Reading and studying is lit related, as it directly pertains to literature.
And please watch that gutter talk. It is very degenerate.

>> No.10959509

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