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/lit/ - Literature

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10941580 No.10941580[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Full STEAM Ahead
>Arts degrees in demand

Is it finally our time, /lit/?

>> No.10941584
File: 220 KB, 303x296, Stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop going to uni
stop going to college
stop going to trade school
destroy education...

>> No.10941591


>> No.10941593

The whole 'STEAM' push is pathetic. Why would you want sully your field by latching onto STEMtards of all people.

>> No.10941609

This is embarrassing if it's real.

>> No.10941633

>'STEMtards' he says outloud with a mild chuckle to himself as he finishes unclogging the men's toilet in a Caltech science department

>> No.10941643


>> No.10941644

has anyone from caltech EVER started a successful startup? biggest pseud school around

>> No.10941658

>'what time do you get off? Never!?' the man said to the calculator who could took over his duties at the chemical engineering plant

>> No.10941683
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Go build me a table so I can write the Great American Novel, you soulless worker ant.

>> No.10941684

>Gender Pay Gap
>Creative Hiring memes
What the FUCK is this SHIT publication?

>> No.10941696

>why would you want to latch onto STEM
In a word: Funding. STEM get all the funding, while the Arts are left to pick up the scraps. Some universities in countries where the government supports tertiary education are beginning to suggest that, while STEM students get a free ride, Humanities students should have to pay their own way. If we can trick them into thinking we’re as relevant as STEM, we might all get to keep our cushy Lit lifestyles.

>> No.10941751

You can at least argue that stem in general is a fairly cohesive group, where each field within it depends on and interacts with the others. Adding art is absolutely hamfisted.

>> No.10941767

>implying carpentry is STEM
>implying you're not a shit writer
>implying anything written by an American is good

>> No.10941770

When they push Arts forward, who do you think spearheads the movements?
>The Reverse Trombone of Gender Studies sounds in distance
The blunder studies.

They should all be rounded up and sen to re-educational camps where they should be forced to pass mathematical ecology, theoretical genetics, evolutionary biology, Political philosophy, and population dynamics with straight A's to even speak about gender and society.

>> No.10941774

A man who couldn't form sentences to save his life laughs at others.

>> No.10941824

What funding do arts need

>> No.10941869

>being surprised an ICP-MS costs more than a pen and paper
Fuck off parasite

>> No.10941962

I study law.
Am I accepted by anyone?

>> No.10941971
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>Arts degrees are in demand

Why lie to people like this

>> No.10941997

Strong cope

>> No.10942006

Enough funding for me to leech off the government without feeling like I'm actually living off government handouts

>> No.10942008

No you're a despicable pseudo kike parasite

>> No.10942017

You'll be hearing from my lawyer.

>> No.10942019


Grow me a table!

>> No.10942022


For money; it's how advertising works...

>> No.10942061

I actually switched from CS to philosophy after taking the required intro to logic and ethics classes. No regrets.

>> No.10942064

>the only thing you need to study the arts is a pen and paper
lol fuck off STEM shills. Do you think professors work for free?

>> No.10942079

The humanities is currently roughly divided into two distinct camps: there's shit like gender studies, sociology, indigenous studies etc... and then there's god-tier patron stuff like history, philosophy, and the classics. Lit and everything else kind of straddles the spectrum. There's no shame in studying the good stuff - in fact, units from all three should be mandatory for all students, and kudos to your university for least making the philosophy portion so.

>> No.10942085

Eh, marketing is an extremely overrated field. They really take anyone. I have never noticed an arts degree ever being an expected background for it unless an extremely specialized one like a public relations MBA

>> No.10942088

The fact you misinterpreted his comment this badly is only further evidence that at least some reading comprehension should be required of every STEM student.

>> No.10942089

Philosophy for BA, CS for Grad School is the elite route

>> No.10942091

You caught me

>> No.10942345
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>you need a professor to read a book or write a poem
The absolute state of humanities brainlets

>> No.10942359

Why should we pay these "professors" exactly?

Does their knowledge pay dividends? Is it just a money sink that will never stop costing money without return on investment? Why fund it?

>> No.10942380
File: 873 KB, 408x720, 1521390407574.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because every year they con hundreds of thousands of dollars out of a fresh batch of utter morons who still need to be taught how to read a book and think for """themselves""" after 18+ years of life

>> No.10942381

STEM (or STE, at least) has professors too, on top of the extremely costly lab equipment, machinery, computers, chemicals, maintenance, etc.

>> No.10942385

That great but not if it exists on government funding or by virtue of the governments stamps approval and graces.

>> No.10942393

Maybe it's different in the USA, but in the UK it's not so much that the degrees are worthless but theres nothing to use any kind of degree for. I've been looking through the job adverts where I live and it's 90% retail, secretarial or hospitality work.

>> No.10942398

>he doesn't support state sponsored pajeet suicide
C'mon son

>> No.10942424

this is true btw
>tfw when I actually took biology in college and most of my classmates are philistine cucked
the longest 3 years of my life

>> No.10942453


>> No.10942498

Nice reductivist greentexting.
I know your type. You think you're profound, that you're having all these incredible ideas and thoughts, and that you're the best kind of thinker because you're self-taught. You all have one thing in common: everything you think you've thought up on your own, first year students read about in their textbooks. By the time you're actually having some original ideas, your peers who have formally studied have already been prominent in their fields for a decade. Good luck catching up.
Unrelated to anything I said. Both need funding, and this is one of the reasons. The problem is that western cultures have stopped recognizing the importance of the humanities, and focus too narrowly on the money-making fields.

>> No.10942850

Litterally just a scam. Now you can say shit like "people in STEAM make X% more money then non STEAM" and retard art majors who don't know how to interpret data because they study art will think that means they'll make X% more money too.

>> No.10942858

Wasn't Pynchon an engineer?

>> No.10942882

lol what college do you go to? I went to a top forty Phil and Lit department and all my classmates were fucking retards. Dumber than autodidacts you find on /pol/ much less here

Humanities are a scam for 99% of people

>> No.10943054

Where the hell did you take that "split" from?

>> No.10943065

>western cultures
Speak for yourself amerimutt

>> No.10943239

I'm looking to go to university as a mature student. I've been working as a Prison Officer for a while, not long after high school, I got good grades so I will be able to get into most universities. My main interests are in studying people, cultures, politics etc. What thoughts do you have on it?

I am considering:
Social science (quantitative or applied, unsure which)
politics, (international relations?)

I am also torn between going for an explicitly vocational study, like education, speech therapy, real estate etc. but, and I don't know how to phrase it correctly, I want to get a 'meaty' education.

>> No.10943280

All the relevant tech startups are now big corporations. Nowadays it's fresh grads trying to develop decadent "tech" and shove it down our throats.
>Dude use your smartphone to control your garage door
>Dude a robot that dispenses salt and pepper at the ratio YOU specify
We need more lit luddites to make fun of them.

>> No.10943304

Where do you live though? that's going to be practically the same everywhere if you don't live in a big city

>> No.10943328

Sorry my sociology-studying soyfriend, it was just a first-hand based on real world experience. Didn't mean to trigger you.

You have practical real-world experience with the prison system, so that would make sociology and social work an actual viable career for you (unlike the vast majority of those studying it today). Otherwise, the only patrician humanities fields are philosophy and history.

>> No.10943353

To be honest though, I want to get out of that whole world. I have my eyes open to what crime is and in my opinion, studying it or its perpertrators in the hope of understanding is a waste of intellectual effort on a massive scale, when there are problems that need to be solved for good people.

Plus there's not that much money in it. I want to get into whatever the hell Cambridge Analytica was up to.

>> No.10943366

>I want to get into whatever the hell Cambridge Analytica was up to.
Double-major psychology and computer science. Data forensics and the analysis of big data is a growing field, you'll be set for life if you actually manage to pull it off.

>> No.10943491
File: 92 KB, 963x941, ruabmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"STEMtards are plebs!!!!"
>"Hummanitards are dumb!!!!"

You guys do realize that you can study science AND be well-read, right? Only a dumb person would find it difficult to do both.