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10941377 No.10941377 [Reply] [Original]

>failed as a man
>literally do not exist as a sexual being to women
>write to sublimate the pain
>always sound like I'm compensating for it
>can't escape the awareness of how shameful and rat-like it is for a lesser man to try and imitate the beauty and intellect of his predecessors when he can't even look a girl in the eye

is this what gnosis is bros?

>> No.10941389
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>> No.10941395

it feels bad ya

>> No.10941402
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>letting women interfere with your art

>> No.10941413

nice d u b s my meat-brother wanna slap some meat when you get home from the job tonight its ok brother i didnt mean that the gay way i just meant it the straight way i mean the way you literally take meat on the table and slap the shit out of it supposed to make it tender i hear. woah!

>> No.10941416

>13 hot moms you can't ignore

>> No.10941428

>literally do not exist as a sexual being to women
if you're not hideous get hammered and go to a show/festival that degens are likely to attend

>> No.10941616

Well the transcendent self does not exist so what you feel is not regret but anger at past selves. And you didn't waste your life. After all it only started this morning. But you inheroted memories of thousands of lives wasted. but this experience makes you stronger for you look at past selves and what you dislike about how they lived their lives and canold your own life now in a meaningful way future selves will be proud of.

>> No.10941619

can mold*

>> No.10941621


>> No.10941624

What did they mean by this?

>> No.10941675

>write through sublimated pain

>> No.10941702

You are spooked my friend. All these arbitrary standards are culturally bound and have no real existence. Go travel in a non western country and you will understand

>> No.10941706

Gnosis would be being free of all attachments. You are attached to lies your culture brainwashed you with.

>> No.10942016 [DELETED] 

that sounds like goofy spouting to me

>> No.10942036

bruh you're still in a very immature phase of your development if you are sill obsessed with being attractive to women and compensating

do what >>10941702 says and go to Thailand or something and fuck a bunch of girls, get it out of your system and realise there are more important things in life and move on