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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 392 KB, 1632x1224, IMG_20180318_194829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10940411 No.10940411 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading, /lit/? I got ahead of myself on Amazon and bought a big stack of books for summer. I've been taking advantage of the nice weather to go outside and catch up. So, post your stacks, rate, and recommend

>> No.10940432

your stack is gross

I'm reading the book Blue Mind and a book about local fish

>> No.10940449

u got the wrong murray book bro you gotta read coming apart!!!!

>> No.10940519
File: 2.69 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20180402_201916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8/10 for the e-celeb

>> No.10940540

Patrician stack, Jack

>> No.10940555


>your stack is gross

This is bait, I've seen this pic on here before, the sandals are unmistakable.

>> No.10940619

>Art of war that thick
for what purpose

>> No.10940723



>> No.10940746

The Bazooka Joe illustrations.

>> No.10940753
File: 2.84 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20180402_212558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No big text here

>> No.10940758

200 page foreword on why this translation is superior and the Art of War's significance in places it was never used

>> No.10940760
File: 2.10 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20180402_212940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also here is the reason why it is so big

>> No.10940784
File: 43 KB, 492x492, +feels+good+man+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sandals are unmistakable.
>mfw "I'm a lifeaholic... I can't get enough lifeahol"

>> No.10940788

wew you must be edgiest kid around here.

>> No.10940810

>Milo Yanananapopopoooppolus

>> No.10940813

Starting with the jewish greeks

>> No.10940814

Is there a reason to read the books from the alt right figures? will it help you understand the alt right at all?

>> No.10940817

is that what people think the alt-right is? no wonder you guys make fun of it, lol

>> No.10940834

Is Milo not alt-right? Please, tell me the importance behind his book, that's all I ask

>> No.10940849

merchant right =/= alt-right

>> No.10940859

he's alt-lite, milo doesn't support white ethnonationalism and is a sexual degenerate

>> No.10940873

the alt-right isn't really anything, people self-labeling as alt-right are lightweights adrift in a maelstrom of propaganda and the label itself was manufactured as a pigeonhole within which to peg contemporary reactionaries and traditionalists beneath a certain level of academe and above a certain level of social-media popularity. At least, that's what I can tell. Yianopopolops for example is a glorified 4chan shitlord with little or no actual argument to make aside from pointed jabs at easily-offended groups on the left. He is more often referred to as 'provocateur' than anything else

>> No.10940906
File: 1.47 MB, 3264x2448, C80905B7-010F-4754-BD9F-C46C7CDA5D09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, this is, I think, a bait. Whatever you do, don’t fall for it and post a stack

>> No.10940909

why would you need to read this many books on Plato

>> No.10940923
File: 76 KB, 334x250, death-of-socrates-AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You blessed man! His is an inscrutable body of work only to be penetrated by the most sublime of secondary literature.

>> No.10940939
File: 1.60 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much?

>> No.10941224

how could you possibly read what you actually want to read if starting with the greeks would take 20 years

>> No.10941273

I read what I wanted to, but everything I wanted to read pointed me in plato’s direction, and now works on plato are all I want to read. Reading anything else feels like a complete waste of time relative the the value I can gather by reading platonic scholarship.

>> No.10941291

No way this isn't the same fag from the last thread with the snapback and frumpy girlfriend in the background. Those sandles say it all.

>> No.10941295

That stack has been around since January

>> No.10941299

Both Murrays are worth reading tbqh

>> No.10941302
File: 1.86 MB, 4032x1785, C6255CE6-B402-40B1-86CC-1674DA8B64BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought these recently at an Easter sale. Round $30 altogether. The red hardcover is Montherlant’s Chaos and Night.

>> No.10941355

>Australian verse


>> No.10941557


>> No.10941636

I sincerely hope this is real

>> No.10941653
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>> No.10941678
File: 1.64 MB, 2592x1936, 1522358553311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make way for the homo superior

>> No.10941820
File: 58 KB, 480x360, stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make way for the homo superior
Oh, you pretty thing.

>> No.10941846

felafels are such reddit food

>> No.10942792

I like you. I don't agree with you, but I like you. Because you have a conviction are following though. Godspeed.

>> No.10942807

Why would an old man walk around shirtless? Nobody wants to see that.

>> No.10942816

>The meme curve
>Reddit Shrugged

>> No.10942825

go back to posting your shit on /pol/ and stay out of here.

>> No.10942834

>guide to judaism
Out you go.

>> No.10942847

wtf? I have the exact same bookcase

>> No.10942872

>Reddit Shrugged

>> No.10942921

Huntington makes you irredeemable, 3/10
nothing wrong w lots of secondaries, 7/10
6/10 hoarder

>> No.10942927
File: 24 KB, 720x714, 1493984636883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based
I had teacher in highschool who said something on the lines of beauty of philosophy being on its depth, not in breath.

>> No.10943549
File: 1.97 MB, 2011x2011, 20180403_124532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked these up the other day.

>> No.10943601

>homo superior
homo is right

>> No.10943678

nope, but its good to do research on intelligence yourself, look up anti-flynn effect
this is the only well-researched blog I know of, basically a ex-academic turned race realist (or whatever)

>> No.10943680

>Whoaaa!! You have the same Ikea furniture as me! What are the odds?

>> No.10943692

>hajoon chang
badeconomics, heterodox horsecrap, no better than lolbergs

>> No.10943730

Kicking away the ladder was decent and fine.

>> No.10944608

it has original Chinese. also huge text

>> No.10944619

>this is the only well-researched blog I know of,

what about westhunt

>> No.10945393
File: 3.85 MB, 5312x2988, 3rd of April.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very happy with finding this Junger today.

>> No.10945417
File: 254 KB, 640x477, F20A6454-B5A9-4AB0-80DC-3FC868039740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a delightful stack and it makes me happy when /lit/ shits on it because I know that you’re all fucking retards with no jobs and shit prose and I’ll forever be superior to you in politics, reading, writing, and having a life hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.10945625

It may have some extra works included, my copy does

>> No.10945682

Currently listening too Red Line by Walt Gregg. It’s alright, rather far fetched however.

>> No.10946360

anon dont worry, I got your reference

>> No.10946371
File: 3.50 MB, 4032x3024, C038F2E5-6BB1-4393-829E-87BCA034AF74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10946430
File: 2.83 MB, 4160x3120, 2018-04-03 12.19.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current stack... just started on Strange Tales a few days ago.

>> No.10946506

That is going to take you from now until summer ends...

The hell you doing with your life

>> No.10946528
File: 241 KB, 1287x843, wholesickcrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder: your pride in your consumerism is disheartening to me.

>> No.10946530

Thanks for the encouragement.

>> No.10946573

I like the Drop Cap edition of Moby-Dick. Very aesthetic

>> No.10946578
File: 1.60 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apart from Molotov cocktail supplies (to be used to topple many a corporate edifice) is there a purchase that is more anti-materialist than the purchase of anti-materialist writing? I don’t get it. Aren’t books promoting ideas inherently anti-materialist, some more than others?

>> No.10946797

Literally what is the point? Plato isn't even good. You would have been better off studying Freud or Kant in that depth.

>> No.10946804

>don't read what you like, read what i like
How to spot a red

>> No.10946841
File: 2.38 MB, 4160x3120, 2018-04-03 20.02.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I love the look of the Drop Cap version too. The dyed pages are a nice touch. Once I saw it, I had to get it.

>> No.10946848

nice b8

>> No.10946870

I think by a stroke of luck it was one of the only ones in the series to completely nail the aesthetic. First of all they picked 26 authors 1 for each letter and assigned a color to it so the whole series looks like a rainbow, and the color of water/seafoam just happened to be in the middle of the spectrum for Moby-Dick to receive it (I mean imagine if the book was yellow or red, it would just be wrong). But then also the letter on the cover is for the author, not the title, and it just so happened Melville and Moby-Dick are both M's, so it still looks like it's just a logo for the book or something (with whale tails and all harpoons and all that).

>> No.10946892 [DELETED] 

Seems you have a penchant for gay authors. To each his own, I guess.

>> No.10946933

I'm looking for an Art of war translation, can any of you recommend me one?

>> No.10947028

If you're still here or open to suggestions OP, I just want to point out Atlas Shrugged. The book is absolute dog shit. I have read Atlas Shrugged, a biography of Ayn Rand, and The Fountainhead, and I can say without a doubt Ayn Rand is terrible at writing and her ideas are bad. I am a libertarian and I despise her. She loves her protagonists too much, and presents them as some sort of ideal, impervious to criticism or faults. Her writing is annoying and superfluous. And my main criticism is her background. She was a RUSSIAN JEW. Her parents were bourgeois fucks, and Stalin, somewhat wisely, started persecuting and expelling her kind. She internalized this so much that she became an angry capitalist in the worst way possible.

>> No.10947050

You're retarded

>> No.10947059
File: 31 KB, 800x522, flat,800x800,075,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come embrace egoism friend

>> No.10947381

check out lu xun

>> No.10947536

Thanks for the tip! I'll check him out.

>> No.10947574

Keynes is good look at what neoliberalism has done of the past 38 years, utter disaster
The West is exploitative of developing nations and demands they adopt economic models that benefit them and hurt the target nation just look at the Asian Tigers vs Philippines and indoneisa

>> No.10947575

best stack ITT

>> No.10947593

The tree body problem saga.

>> No.10947734
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x1836, 20180404_004622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my stack, lads

>> No.10948095

> And my main criticism is her background. She was a RUSSIAN JEW. Her parents were bourgeois fucks, and Stalin, somewhat wisely, started persecuting and expelling her kind.
RIP your criticism of the book.
I wasn’t going to read it but I’m going to go out of my way to now

>> No.10948100

Throw the Pentecostal book in the trash. The other books are all masterpiece 10/10 money well spent.

>> No.10948102

what if he's doing research for a novel

>> No.10948103

RIP, you got metamemed.

>> No.10948171

Agreed. Academics can be such bullies

>> No.10948197

In order of importance:

1) Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Russell & Norvig
2) Lenin 2017 by Zizek
3) Existential Psychotherapy by Yalom

>> No.10948208

Who else thinks OP isn't gonna read more than 10 pages of those books?

>> No.10948233

the strange death of europe has probably big letters, Douglas is a decent writer and it can be read in a day or so

>> No.10948309 [DELETED] 
File: 1.83 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current stack + representation of current viewing!

I've got a Schmitt biog and Feuchtwanger's From Weimar to Hitler to read once I'm done with the Washington biog - been on a huge AmRev binge and need a break!

>> No.10948321
File: 3.94 MB, 3024x4032, Stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current stack + visual representation of my nightly viewing!

Got a Schmitt biog and Feuchtwanger's From Weimar to Hitler to read once I'm done with General George Washington - been on an AmRev binge for months and need a break!

>> No.10948373

Why's the name of the author oriented differently in the second book? Triggers my autism.

>> No.10948388

I haven't checked the specific editions I've got but these books were originally published seperately over a span of about seven years, so the cover artist or whatever was just inattentive. It triggers my autism bigly too.

>> No.10948563

Stop buying the Bell Curve meme, its been disproven time and time again and yet impressionable schmucks keep slurping it up

>> No.10948586

nothing has been disproved, just many empty articles have been written saying it's been disproven

>> No.10948589
File: 11 KB, 182x277, download (37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading this book. Its a very comfy read, I'm a brainlet so I struggle with alot of the LIT Core. Mainly due to lack of vocabularly, I would typically spend the majority of my time on a LIT Core book looking up words and thus I would find the reading experience less enjoyable as I would need to retrace my steps to keep up with the story. This book is very nice though, I haven't needed to look up words as often and I am finding myself simply enjoying the story. I probably need to pick one book for enjoyment at my reading level and one a few levels higher to improve my vocab comprehension. I can't wait until I reach the promise land and I can finally put away the dictionary.

>> No.10948614
File: 14 KB, 425x302, darkplace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there have been several studies and articles with weight disproving Murray and his claims. Plus the added fact that he is supported by the well know cunts known as the Koch brothers who are known to sow dissemination and misinformation in order to further political discord.

>> No.10948655

>nothing has been disproved
You’re wrong.

First of all income distribution doesn’t look like a Bell Curve, it looks like the number ‘seven’ with the head of the seven being around the minimum income required (because if you get too much below this, you die).

Or it used to be he case before income started becoming way too inflated in the direction of administrative personnel.

In my opinion, this point is actually connected to the fallibility of The Bell Curve, because clearly income gains are not at all attached to ‘intelligence’ which isn’t even cleanly distributed like IQ supposedly is. You see this in growing administrative incomes. They are almost forming a sort of ‘income rent’ on lower incomes, absorbing all additional income increases beyond a reasonable profit, like how landlords were to farmers in the nineteenth century

>> No.10948762

>Huntington makes you irredeemable
Certain occurrences in the past few years have made that book worth a read even if it needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.10949638


>> No.10949936
File: 1.49 MB, 2000x3374, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New bible came in today, Oxford NSRV w/ Apocrypha. (9634A). Until now I've only had KJV and NIV. I am SO fucking stoked for this. It's a perfectly comfy pocket size with a durable but flexible leather cover, this will be replacing the pocket NIV I've favored for everyday reading the past ~10 years.

>> No.10949948

*NRSV. tired.

>> No.10949975
File: 219 KB, 2048x1058, readthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey what's up anon. just want to echo what the other anon said, i like your style. and i mean that because it is not a style, it's a real passion. you are a satisfactory temporal figment. keep on my man.

>> No.10951620
File: 1.27 MB, 3203x2404, IMG_1856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10951734

Strange death of Europe was very depressing

>> No.10952235
File: 1.31 MB, 2283x2467, le carre smiley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This came today, I ordered it after starting thread earlier this week where some anons said that Le Carre is worth reading.

Planning on reading Houellebecq's Elementary Particles before I get into any of these though.

>> No.10952254

I-it was a phonebook, anon. I was trying to be cheeky

>> No.10952262

the prince is good, the rest is trash. why waste your time?

>> No.10952289

This is my thought exactly.

You’ll find some valuable advice from The Prince and even learn more about being a good leader/person (inb4 people misinterpret Machiavelli as being evil).

But everything else is wrong/stupid and far too biased politically

>> No.10952321

I'll agree that certain parts of their interpretation are incorrect. I don't think a "cognitive elite" is rising. However, their data is sound, and the most controversial claims from the book, namely about racial differences in IQ, are well-verified.

>> No.10952363
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks friend

>> No.10952384

What a meme stack

>> No.10952396

strange death of europe and the bell curve are good

>> No.10952485

I think that the racial aspects are cherry picking. A lot of blacks/latinos in america are super poor and thus won't achieve the same intellectual qualities as say the white kid from the suburb.

>> No.10952486

hows the not give a fuck book?

>> No.10952506
File: 3.29 MB, 4032x3024, 20180404_211710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little over half way through Rings of Saturn right now.

The blue book is The Education of Henry Adams.

>> No.10952510
File: 194 KB, 833x814, april_books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm reading this April.

>> No.10952566

fuck yea mate the karla trilogy is epic. a murder of quality as well. haven't read the others but lecarre is tits.

>> No.10952597

I'm sure they are, but I disagree that overall intelligence is JUST 'pattern recognition', which is how IQ is tested.

I do disagree with this, because intelligence, in my opinion, comprises a wide variety of traits.

I will say that there are differences in opportunity. I will also say that races are considerably different just because of living circumstances when they were born and raised, the culture they were raised through, etc. They get very easily indoctrinated into thought systems and speech behavior. Just think about the world we could live in if all the races looked at each other as just other human beings, fully capable of appreciating reality.

But alas, we see these differences and think negatively, instead of seeing these differences and thinking positively.

That's a big problem with linearly quantifying intelligence, that sociological effect right there.

>> No.10952632

>t. read the wikipedia page on The Bell Curve

Anyone that has actually read the book front to back will realize that they covered many topics all varying in validity. The parts on race are largely disputed because its always interpreted politically.
The APA task force that addressed the findings from what I gather corroborated most of the major points or called for more research.

>> No.10952650

>all these idiots talking about Bell Curve as if the authors didn't explicitly state in the book that the differences are likely do to environmental circumstances, poverty, etc.

The entire controversy around that book can be traced directly to poor reading comprehension and people who are professionally outraged.

>> No.10952656
File: 2.06 MB, 4032x3024, 842BAA42-ACE7-4BED-A2E3-2C1B5344C7E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10952677

Come now. You and I both know that no one ITT is disputing the IQ results versus race.

We're disputing IQ (which is a common dispute) and the fact that A) Income isn't cleanly distributed like IQ and B) therefore, intelligence isn't associated with income gains

>> No.10952848

IQ is a lot more then just pattern recognition its Referred to as G or General intelligence it covers Spatial awareness, memory, problem solving in novel situations (fluid intelligence) the data in the bell curve is solid and they extrapolate solid conclusions such as the average IQ of ethnicities is different, they take into account of outliers and genius IQ people, but that doesn't discount averages, and further more using identical twin studies they can show that there is an IQ correlation between twins of .7 (a slam dunk correlation) where environment is at about a .3 correlation (also technically "significant")

>> No.10952871

It's laughable that you somehow believe it's a 'slam dunk' correlation.

Lets be honest here, twins are similar no matter what. You asserting plainly that them having correlated intelligence proves anything is just plain false.

The fact is, we're sitting here trying to prove certain things regarding non-linear attributes to people (as in the impossibility of trying to scale people cleanly) are just inherently more valuable than a simple variable, that some may score higher on than others. Me, personally, technically I may have a high score, but it doesn't matter to me, what I want to do is have discussions regarding the truth without being swayed by any biases, even my own cognitive biases.

>> No.10952976

how did you like zero k? i've read a few delillo books, including zero k, and it felt like the weakest. a poor distillation of his well known style.

>> No.10952980

borges is an A+ choice and those selections are powerful. take ur time with it. every story in there can be read in an hour or two, but they all deserve to be thought about and talked about in depth.

>> No.10953080

great choice with the tale of genji mein kuro-san

>> No.10953117

Thanks senpai

>> No.10953123

I read The Spy Who Came in from the Cold last week and thought it was good (and I'd recommend it if you like other Le Carre works), so I figured the rest were worth a shot. Was less expensive to buy them all together than it would have been to buy them separately even though I already have TSWCIFTC.

>> No.10953134

I thought this was a stack thread of next reads. I haven't read it yet.

>> No.10953213

oh yeah, my bad. got excited when i saw delillo. i hope you enjoy it.

>> No.10953290


i was just reading some vallejo's poems myself, they are much stronger in its native language dont you think?

>> No.10953293

"Far too biased politically" means "doesn't conform to my liberal worldview", doesn't it?

>> No.10953310
File: 58 KB, 600x578, AD8A1CE4-46A4-43D7-BBB0-01EC80539C0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>called Rings of Saturn
>not sci fi and is actually about some nigga goin for a walk

>> No.10953311
File: 403 KB, 667x380, imagine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just think about the world we could live in if all the races looked at each other as just other human beings, fully capable of appreciating reality.
Sooo deep man!!

Almost everybody in the world does do that - even people who have read The Bell Curve and know the data on race and IQ. The point of that data isn't to make it easier to discriminate against particular people on the basis of their race, it's to explain why there are disparities in outcome between large, aggregate racial groups and to thus undermine the pathetic politics of grievance.

>> No.10953325

>spend the majority of my time on a LIT Core book looking up words
That’s how you expand your vocabulary though, I enjoy that aspect of reading.

>> No.10953336

>it's to explain why there are disparities in outcome between large, aggregate racial groups and to thus undermine the pathetic politics of grievance.
That's a terrible motivation for reading an incorrect book, and you know it's not the reason they wrote it.

No, you fucking retard.

>> No.10953360


>> No.10953425

That's a handsome Bible I think I found it on amazon but the only pictures available show a zipper cover even though the description says there isn't a zipper.

>> No.10953427

>That's a terrible motivation for reading an incorrect book, and you know it's not the reason they wrote it.
The only way in which you've suggested it is "incorrect" is with the claim that income and IQ do not map identically to one another - which is an utterly retarded criticism.

>> No.10953468

Look at him and laugh

>> No.10953473
File: 14 KB, 400x293, 3546765621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10953502

you seem like a real piece of shit

>> No.10953512

>you'll never be so well off that you can buy meme books for the sole purpose of posting meme images on meme websites

>> No.10953537

I'm a reactionary and I don't really give a fuck about muh IQ. I only see a GLOBOHOMO corporate monoculture NWO closing in, destroying everything in its path, backed by an affirmative action egalitarian ideology, which if we are REALLY honest functions mainly as an instrument of assimilation, a means of reducing us all into a single brown mass of genderless, raceless and cultureless consumer blobs. Nietszchean edgelord that I am, I can't help but assert my difference by waging total war against the state, whatever that entails. If the monoculture thinks 'racism' is the ultimate evil, then I'll be a 'racist'. I read vox/the guardian/nyt/cnn every morning , not for the news, but because I want to know what these people hate and fear, I want to become the embodiment of everything that takes your sleep at nigh

>> No.10953546

>Enter this anon's house and have a nice conversation
>Ask for book recommendations
>He takes you to this room
>"Start with the Greeks"
What do?

>> No.10953553
File: 7 KB, 259x194, download-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will say that there are differences in opportunity. I will also say that races are considerably different just because of living circumstances when they were born and raised, the culture they were raised through, etc. They get very easily indoctrinated into thought systems and speech behavior. Just think about the world we could live in if all the races looked at each other as just other human beings, fully capable of appreciating reality.

>> No.10953586

I need to read more Sebald. Rings of Saturn was very good

>> No.10953606
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 8B1171FD-FD4E-4E95-ACAC-DD15841D9BF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you know

>> No.10954018

that's the one

>> No.10954828

They indeed are

>> No.10955229

>Selected notes to the introduction
Imagine needing to read an introduction to an introduction

>> No.10955243

I almost bought that edition but it is a P & V.

>> No.10955687

nice \m/ keyboard

>> No.10955803

Why is everyone so frail and call everything they don't like or agree with /pol/? It's really pathetic

>> No.10955807
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How sad you have to promote your silly life on 4chan, no one cares

>> No.10955851

Don't read what I don't like. Grow up

>> No.10955865

Show us your stack, so we can take it apart

>> No.10955881
File: 195 KB, 1024x768, qIzHB6UKoGtffRT6mhDlt_73OCD3J_PCyP1z3kX7Vm0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, people get triggered because it doesn't conform to their belief or facebook/twitter feed.

>> No.10955889

babby's first bait

>> No.10955891

Good input, will buy it now

>> No.10955894

>is there a purchase that is more anti-materialist than the purchase of anti-materialist writing?
That's a trick of the system to making you think you're smart. Same thing that happens with self described commies.

>> No.10955900

What a weak person you are

>> No.10955914

I like you, keep going. We need more people like you. Everyone gets caught up in belonging to either side and can't see the obvious manipulation and disruption going on. The guys on top must be really be proud of the level of deception they achieved

>> No.10955950

How much does something like this cost?

>> No.10956448

I think they all look garish myself, but de gustibis non est disputandum.

New cost on Amazon is $13 or so.

>> No.10956562

Reading the Iliad right now. After about 2h of reading, I read 88 pages. Why am I so slow at reading?

>> No.10956576

because posting here about reading speed instead of actually focusing on reading is what weak minded people do

>> No.10956580

>After about 2h of reading, I read 88 pages. Why am I so slow at reading?
Fucking incredible.

>> No.10956592

yeah you're right

>> No.10956600

Are you so much brainwashed by frogposters to believe 88 pages in 2 hours is little? You must be pretty stupid

>> No.10956629

I do not frequent this board enough to know what's a meme or not. That's what I get for taking things at face value

>> No.10956658

Okay I'm sorry, you're not stupid, but please do not take 4chan seriously. You're quite a fast reader.

>> No.10956933

That shits gonna rot yer brain, anon.

>> No.10957053

>162 page long introduction to a book that isn't even 100 pages long

>> No.10957064

He's alt-lite, aka somewhere between the alt-right and daddy Trump. His views aren't as crazy as theirs, but he considers himself to be their ally (even though the alt-right wants to gas him).

>> No.10957075
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>even though the alt-right wants to gas him
The alt-right considers him a based gay-man and welcomes him as much as any based black man and Jews of any flavor. Now get back to reading material

>> No.10957078

For now. Most alt-right people are very strongly anti-gay.

>> No.10957363
File: 1.52 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20180405_18_45_17_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought these at half price books an hour ago

>> No.10957405

Now this is bait.

>> No.10957752

Those are kekistani and the rest of the alt-lite

People affiliated with the alt-right have views of individuals such as Richard Spender, David Duke, Jared Taylor, and similar folk

>> No.10957841

Most alt right people are gay men with a nazi fetish

>> No.10957856

Can you do a better job of putting words together so I can try to make sense of what the fuck it is that you are trying to say? What is the ‘that’ you refer to? First, take a look at those two assemblies of syllables you shat out, separated by a period, and understand that you use words to point to ideas, but if you dry-fire western pistols Willy-nilly in place of ordered reasoning, you really would be better off killing yourself, as opposed to sinfully burdening others with the task of attempting to impose meaning onto your senseless babbling. Second, there is no second. Make the call.

>> No.10957862

I mean anon turned out to be a retard, but you're just setting yourself up for disappointment it you're actually going to read Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.10957874
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>> No.10957876
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>Jeez, the world is becoming a soulless corporate mess. What should I do?
>Become a soulless reactionary, that's what!

>> No.10957885

Is reading Gnostic literature the new reading Marxism?

>> No.10957892

The alt-right like him because when they start calling liberals "degenerate" and "anti-family" and shit for supporting gay rights, they can point to Milo and say "BUT LOOK! We're not homophobic! We have a gay mouthpiece!"

>> No.10957895

I agree with this. I wasn’t gay (or I didn’t know it) until I went alt-right and started idolizing Hitler. I don’t know what happened. I had girlfriends and I was super straight, but when I started being scared of Mexican men, black men, Arab men, I just started becoming attracted to those I feared. It’s so confusing. I guess it’s sort of like women being attracted to the hyper masculine ‘bad’ guy that is rooted in their fear of that same guy. I feel like someone has played a massive trick on the US by taking those men that are most insecure and predisposed to hatred and introducing the alt-right ideology to the subculture for the purpose of turning them into the type of person they profess to hate, the gay man, by turning them gay through xenophobia. I guess the end-game is to teach empathy and cure this cheap latent hatred, but I think there will be suicide-resulting bouts of self-loathing that will come across the country in waves when more and more people make the realization I recently came to, that this ‘hatred’ I was taught to feel translates, psychologically, to gayhood.

>> No.10957915
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its the other way around retard, IQ is genetic. Eskimos have nothing in common with privileged white american lifestyle, and they have a higher iq than us.

>> No.10957983

Based Eskimos.

>> No.10958031

managerial liberalism has become an hegemonic ideology, the kind of discourse that was restricted to tumblr girls back in 2012 is now prevalent among fortune 500 corporations, the democratic party, niche facebook groups, the pages of the new york times, all mainstream 'literature' and Hollywood. It's really an unholy amalgam of managementspeak, shrill social justice whining at its smuggest,the stereotypical mannerisms of sassy Queer(tm) or Women of Color(tm) archetype affected by middle class white people. What's the alternative to being a reactionary? should I buy tickets to Black Panther and pat myself on the back for supporting such a revolutionary film- those fatherless pickaninnies finally get to see a superhero who 'looks like them'!-? I didn't hate niggers or homos until the monoculture started using them as an instrument for the enforcement of conformity via slave morality.

>> No.10958046

>a race

>> No.10958131

I bet you are a Christian. Isn’t that funny?

>> No.10958190

you are a christian, you merely replace christ with a screeching pink haired LGBTPoCWoC genderblob

>> No.10958203

this is true humanist prog libs are basically christfaggots which is why both are insufferable ugly cattle

>> No.10958224

Honestly, I hate both sides of your culture war equally, but, no, my Jesus is death-embracing Socrates, an anti-christ of sorts, so you are sort of right, but certainly not Christian. Bill Hicks wouldn’t have done anything differently if he were given the responsibility to organize this clash of cultures. This has been, and will continue to be, the funniest fucking phenomenon of human history. Keep it going you patriot you

>> No.10958268
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Snagged a bargain with this copy of Man and his Symbols. Its such an aesthetic copy and it was only $15 inc shipping.

>> No.10958417


>> No.10958428 [DELETED] 
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That's great, man. I picked up the same copy a few years ago for the same price at a local bookstore. It's a great edition.

>> No.10958443
File: 1.57 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20180405_23_11_56_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's great, man. I picked up the same copy a few years ago for the same price at a local bookstore. It's a great edition

>> No.10958452

are you >>10958443 ?

and are you sure you're not me?

>> No.10958456

whoops meant to quote >>10958268

but yeah

>> No.10958458

uh bro stop fucking around and delete your post, YOU are definitely not me.

>> No.10958496
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Wait, if I’m not you to us, then who the fuck are we to them?

>> No.10958498

clean your room, bucko! xDDDDDDDDDDDDD

i'm not transphobic at all, i just care about muh free speech! lmao

>> No.10958501
File: 381 KB, 2898x1500, social ontology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes I think Marxism and critical theory aren't properly studied in the USA, I was looking at philosophy courses at Reed and they didn't even mention Marx or Sartre... But surely they had neopositivist and neokantian philosophers... Absolutely horrifying. Meanwhile where I live everyone at least reads Foucault.
Regardless, the communist hypothesis is in an all time low and the internet heavily leans on the extreme right ideology. If anything, 4chan is neonazist, another popular forum from my country is clearly fascist (but not racist as 4chan).. News sites are filled to the brim with bigoted opinions.
I'm definitely writing a paper on class consciousness and the main object of my research will be the absolutely deplorable state of the internet in general and the uniform predominance of the extreme right on popular forums

>> No.10958502



c-could there?

>> No.10958516

kill yourself you fucking school marm

>> No.10958522

there's yer problem. it's a druggie day care for rich kids.

>> No.10958526

>Meanwhile where I live everyone at least reads Foucault.
that should worry you mister.

>> No.10958528

(For the record, I’m >>10958496 And I can’t fucking stand Peterson. I’m certain that Jung would have had murderous thoughts directed toward Peterson if Jung were alive. The message being: it’s ok to associate Peterson with pseudo-Jung, but please don’t go the opposite direction, associating Jung with Peterson.)

>> No.10958548

Nice collection, friend. I have a few of those in alt editions. Do you happen to own the Corpus Hermeticum?

I agree with you about the trolls that merely associate Jung with Peterson and say these things each time someone posts a collection of Jung's works. Incredibly annoying.

>> No.10958621
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Ya it’s in the Mead 3-in-1 volume. These four are cost-effective and full of great content on that subject matter if you don’t already have them

>> No.10958743
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Do you have all of Frances Yates stuff or just the art of memory? I've been keeping an eye out for her the rosicrucian enlightenment at local shops. Also the other rosicrucian manifestos besides the chemical wedding

>> No.10958827

How many healing crystals do you own?

>> No.10958853

I’ve got the rest of her stuff, and she is a clear writer and I appreciate what she’s done, but she’s not my favorite. She’s coming at all of it from a different angle than I am and ends up in a different spot as well.


>> No.10958869

Kill yourself my man.

>> No.10958875

>homo superior
>can't take a well lit photograph in focus

>> No.10958909

>known to sow dissemination

>> No.10959009

What do you expect from those people?

>> No.10959164
File: 360 KB, 613x554, 3284DB18-5FAC-4616-8950-4F7F189C4AE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I’ve read this year

>> No.10959173

A wasted cool title.

>> No.10959278

Praise kek fellow bucko.

>> No.10959339

>unholy amalgam of managementspeak,
You've never worked for a corporation, shut the fuck up.

>> No.10959472


more like homo sexual amrite guys???

>> No.10959535

u rt u rt

>> No.10959544

teenage boy tier

>> No.10959553
File: 519 KB, 2000x1125, vnice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate me cuz you ain't me

>> No.10959578

>le fight club
is it decent compared with the movie?

>> No.10959582

I feel bad on shitting on anyone for reading but you have picked some real shit books here. Imagine wasting your time reading something like the bell curve in 2018

>> No.10959608

it's been many years since I read it, and I had seen the movie first. preferred the film, it was just too good.

>> No.10959712

Besides Coelho and CS Lewis how?

>> No.10959729
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Excuse the glare. The books in Romanian are Crime and Punishment, The temptation to exist, So spoke Zarathustra and Beyond good and evil. I'm currently reading the Phenomenology and it takes me like 6 min/page to be honest.

>> No.10959740

Why does being a philosopher mean you should subscribe to an incorrect economic theory?

>> No.10959765

Look at the way you've framed this picture and added little accessories.
Honestly hope you die.

>> No.10959773

It doesn't explicitly state that at all.

>> No.10960575

Smuggler's Bible peeking in on the right is the best one there

>> No.10961003
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>> No.10961004

Yes it does and the authors say that too every chance they get. Saw Murray speak two years ago and he brought it up then too.

>> No.10961022
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Forgot this one. Highly recommended.

>> No.10961236

lol get fucked pinko communism is for retards

>> No.10961440

God created the integers is harder then I thought it would be.

>> No.10961450
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forgot image

>> No.10961517


>> No.10961529

>sometimes I think Marxism and critical theory aren't properly studied in the USA
Americans can't into continental phylosophy of any kind.

>> No.10961531

Wrong site amigo

>> No.10961579

As some1 who goes to reed

This schools phil. Department is run by a group that seriously has not time for continental philosophy. Every single class is heavily analytic and hardly reads anything pre frege. Tbf tho it’s nice, continental philosophy is for pseuds. You’ll read Foucault and Sartre here in comp lit tho

>> No.10961868
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x2448, A8C668B2-77F5-4D15-8A32-CA7C9B1E95A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i usually use my ereader for books these days purely cause i’m running out of shelf space, so here’s part of my physical backlog

>> No.10961882

an economic theory by definition cannot be correct, and communist critique is entirely accurate, the prescribed solutions are nonsensical utopianism but the inherent contradictions within capitalism have been exposed time and time again by marxists or marxist leaning intellectuals like Baudrillard, Focault, Fisher, Adorno. It should be supplemented with ideas from McLuhan and Land certainly, but the problems remain almost unchanged. There is a parasitic dynamic between the worker and Capital which becomes more apparent by the day in the most exploitative of all industries, entertainment, medicine and internet media

>> No.10961930

>an economic theory by definition cannot be correct

This is, by definition, false. There is something called scientific economic analysis. It's the kind of thing Walras would have used. From a scientific, mathematical analysis, you can learn quite a bit from economics. For instance, if I said that importation duties were always harmful to a nation that adopts them I would be saying the truth, but if I justified it by saying that the system of equations

p'b + p''c > (b + c) q,

pa + (b + c - a) p'' < (b+c) q,

and p'b + p''c - (b+c) q > (p' - p) b

denote that b > a, where b is the quantity of goods sold within the country after a protective tariff and a is the quantity of goods sold through free competition, then the system is impossible, then this proves that producers can never make more than consumers lose by taxation on imports.

You see, Adam Smith, more than 2 centuries prior to Vilfredo Pareto said exactly this, but Pareto defined it and specified exactly why this is the case. Or how Pareto says Ricardo's stipulation only works for certain productive efficiencies in combination with certain tastes, that it's half right.

It's like when Walras said the LTV is fundamentally incorrect because there are two independent variables in one equation. No one takes that shit seriously in academia, moron. Not a single well-respected economist actually fucking gives a shit about Marxist theory, not even Keynes, who disagrees with it fundamentally on the basis of his Time units (read The General Theory, a more up to date economics book)

>> No.10961959

>Department is run by a group that seriously has not time for continental philosophy
Really surprising considering that school's reputation, but a friend of mine who went there told me the same. I think he did mention taking a class on Hegel.

>> No.10961960

This is the same poster.

I should add, for this same reason, no one takes Ayn Rand, or Murray's Bell Curve seriously either, because they've been proven incorrect.

>> No.10962048
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I only have 62 pages left in Gravity's Rainbow the rest I have finished. I'm also reading a collection of works from Cicero but it's in my desk at work. Guns for scale.

>> No.10962204

Not the dude you're responding to.

I just want to say that just because it's analysed scientifically, doesn't mean it's a God-given truth.
Just because don't take it seriously, it doesn't mean it makes a bad point.

>> No.10962222
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>deterministic models

>> No.10962610

doyers baby, we're winnin that 7th game this year

>> No.10962628


>> No.10962671

I'm reading The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. I'm an agnostic, I'm on chapter 3 and so far it feels like he's preaching to the choir.

>> No.10962699

I knew the Rothschild family perused 4chan

>> No.10962706

This is complete pseud. I said nothing about the predictability of economics in that post.

>just because it's analysed scientifically, doesn't mean it's a God-given truth.

Scientifically, you're right. There can be certain economic theories that have been proven wrong over time. Like Malthus'.

But we're talking about mathematical truths here. That system of equations proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that taxes on imports always hurt the economy and destroy wealth, because the profit to producers can never be greater than the harm to consumers.

Just saying. Also, that point about the LTV being untrue is also extremely valid. In mathematics and science, it mathematically invalidates an equation if there are two independent variables in one equation, because you cannot solve the equation.

>> No.10962843

He probably read it in the Polisci department, there is a guy named peter steinberger who teaches a class called hegel marx and a class called being and time and politics. If you want continental philosophy, it is not in the philosophy department.

>> No.10962942
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I'm going through a phase.

>> No.10963610

No. I’m pretty sure even Palahniuk prefers the movie now.

>> No.10963736
File: 3.00 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180407_103650165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also Camus' The Plague on my laptop
rate my stack

>> No.10963755

good fuckin eye dude

>> No.10963768

Jesus Christ, couldn't you just read a coles notes on 3-4 of those books? I don't really see the point in reading the entire bell curve book when you could easily understand the principle laid out in that book through osmosis of post on /pol/ and or reading the wikipage. Same with Ayn Rand. Do you really need to spend the next 7 months of your life reading that tome

>> No.10963775

haha wtf

>> No.10963782
File: 43 KB, 500x500, d96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you like to buy books without actually reading them just because they look so handsome

>> No.10963787

best ITT

>> No.10963791

its a status thing anon. these are bugs and cattle. everything they do is social signaling or narrative building. its extremely debased

>> No.10963934

Did someone read War and peace by Leo Tolstoy?
What do you think about it?

>> No.10963970

>if there are two independent variables in one equation you cannot solve the equation
Nope. There are ways to solve those.
>invalidates an equation
Uhm sweetie...

>> No.10963986

It's just how it works. If I told you to find the temperature in Kelvin without giving you the degrees in Celsius, that's the kind of issue we're talking about here.

You can't find the answer if both variables are missing.

>> No.10964030

There's an infinite number of solutions. It's not mathematically invalid. The answer is a function. Just Google y=272.15+x and you'll get your answers

>> No.10964048

In that Google equation, there is no telling the 'independent' from 'dependent'.

You see, how a discrete system of equations works is that the number of unknowns matches the number of equations.

A middle schooler could understand the point YOU are trying to make.

>> No.10964052

>mathematics are true because they yield results you expect because you made the fucking system to do the thing you expected

>> No.10964055

And this is coming from fucking nowhere.

You see the point is, that I can determine the temperature in Celsius if I have the temperature in Kelvin.

I can determine the temperature in Kelvin if I have the temperature in Celsius.

But since they are both independent variables, me solving for both at the same time a priori with no evidence is a petito principii.

>> No.10964060

yes I can see that you're autistic and have no soul and think that circular logic is interesting and spent time in school paying to learn how to tell companies and governments about this excellent mental gymnastic technique where you find truth in numbers

>> No.10964069

Hey friendo, calm down. I want you to know I believe in souls, okay? I do.

When I deal with mathematics or economics or whathaveyou I like to be very precise, but I can be spiritual as well. I believe in souls, for starters. And God is very real, in my opinion (I think reality is reflective of this).

I'm just trying to correctly learn, that's all bud. You have a good day, didn't want to rub you the wrong way with my rigorous analysis.

>> No.10964078

I'm the dude you originally responded to. I'm aware that you can't get an ANSWER from it, but there are SOLUTIONS and they're not mathematically invalid ffs. I'm just explaining that. I understand that it can create problems in experiments since there's no telling which variable "moved" and created the result.

>> No.10964082

Then you see the problem with the labor theory of value, which tries to determine the price and the interest rate at the same time, since wages and rent are already statically determined.

>> No.10964084
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That's more books than /lit/ will read in their lifetime.

>> No.10964090


Real shit bro. Aristotle is what you read when you grow up. Plato is for kids.

>> No.10964099

This is just autism. We've gone too far

>> No.10964110

>Plotinus instead of more Plato

You lost me there

>> No.10964113

Anon when we said to start with the greeks we meant just read the bare works of Aristotle and Plato.

What is this autism?

>> No.10964123

transcendent autism

>> No.10964131

Sorry dude, I'm a physicist and don't really know much about economy. Tho I do think interest and rent should be banned and made unnecessary. Too many people live in slave-like conditions thanks to money lending and rent. Seriously, how hard is it to create a system without all that cancer?

>> No.10964134

>spergs out just to spite the other sperg
/pol/ is that way, mong

>> No.10964157

Did you miss Orwell, Peterson and the strange death of Europe?

>> No.10964169

Usury is rampant and is a moral condition, it's true. The hypothetical city of Magnesia in Plato's Laws was incredible, the idea there was that the burden of repaying the loan was on the lender, the culture was such that you would only loan to a friend who would repay you, and there was no enforcement for the principal.

Just shows you how far we've fallen.

>> No.10964655

Nice edition of In Stahlgewittern, care to post the front?

>> No.10965027

>That Milo book
Eh, that book was the first time I realised he was no more than whore trying to sell shit.

>> No.10965622
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It's the German edition from 1978 with a transparent dust jacket (unfortunately, mine is badly torn).

>> No.10966200

Orwell has mature themes such as rape and torture, and just because it’s a comfy read doesn’t make it for teenagers.
Europe would not keep the attention of a teenager. Its too dry.
Peterson I’ll concede

>> No.10966380

i chuckled, anon

>> No.10966434

>Reading a book about the emergence of a feminized singularity and interdimensional dishwashing.

Written by Rupi Kaur and co-authored by John Green, but edited by Neil Gaiman but also printed in JK Rowling's preserved mensuration infused ink, what those in the industry call "Muggle-mud". A deluxe copy can be found at the polio-society website!

>> No.10966456


>> No.10966687

Lists their race as "white" or "american" tier

>> No.10967424
File: 30 KB, 680x544, 902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga

>> No.10968659

fuck off racist

>> No.10968836

I’m black, no homo

>> No.10968860

Book was pretty okay. Fincher, as usual, surpassed the source material.

>> No.10969919

Still beautiful. I only got an overpriced klett-cotta paperback unfortunately

>> No.10970194
File: 313 KB, 1520x2128, IMG_20180408_134408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my stack. How bad is it?

>> No.10970202


Plato is the ultimate pleb-filter. Uniformly, anyone I've hear say they didn't like him had the most surface-level reading imaginable and were completely incapable of dialectic.

>> No.10970225

I've always said (to myself, I have no one to talk to) that the meme should be "stay with the Greeks" not start with them. Well done.

>> No.10970236

I am reading this as well and I kinda regret even starting it. I honestly can not understand why you would enjoy the story that isn't interesting in any sense. The protagonist is incapable at achieving anything and it is painful to see him trying to convince himself that everything is alright. Don't even mention that he behaves nothing like a properly trained science student. Also fr some reason the author decided that it would be great to drag the hell of the dialogues until they pointlessly filled the entire chapter.

The prose is bare and the "science" isn't even interesting at all. It feels more like a wasted premise.

>> No.10970242

>why isn't the protagonist behaving like I want him to behave

>> No.10970255

That's obviously not my complaint, though. Would be grateful if you could explain how that's a good protagonist, if you have actually read it, that's.

>> No.10970275
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Whats everyones opinion on Yeats?