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10940408 No.10940408 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for fantasy, swords/magic, dragons, adventure, chosen one, destiny type books. Like young adult fantasy. Stuff sort of like harry potter where a group of friends go on quests. They can be kids, teens, adults whatever. The kind of fantasy books you probably read when you were 15/16 years old.

I just finished binge reading The Arinthian line series and loved it. It's objectively for 10 year olds but it made me feel young and happy again staying up until 3am just reading. thanks

>> No.10940547

Stormlight Archives is 10/10

>> No.10941342

eragon series
merlin saga by ta barron (ive only read books 9 and 10)
benjamin ashwood series

>> No.10941400

I dunno but find some where the protag has to contend against a wall which might not even be a wall but could be an optical illusion with the princess on the other side and he doesn’t knownwhat the shit is goonf on but nothing he does matters because all the brisges get burnt anyway because it turns out everyone is fucked in the head and in the end it’s all really pointless andnone of it meant anything.

>> No.10941531

>name is literally just "Dragon" but with an E instead of a D
>literally Star Wars "but with dragons lmao xD"
OP literally just listen to any DragonForce song to accomplish your goal. That is faster and way more efficient than the energy and time it would take to read an entire book or trilogy.

>> No.10942787

there are plenty of fantasy books for grown ass adults too

>> No.10943301

The Circle of Magic series by Tamora Pierce. I recommend the audiobook versions because they are acted out like radio plays by Full Cast Audio.

>> No.10943357

Shop infantilizing yourself through saccharine pleasures. It gives you a cheap thrill, but slowly hollows you out. Modern genre fic is mostly cynical, distilled trope ash, robbed of any soul or distinction its forgotten predecessors may have possessed.

Push yourself a little. At least with every other book you read.

>> No.10943571

accio shitpost

>> No.10944766

>if I say it's a shitpost it won't be true

>> No.10945278

>The kind of fantasy books you probably read when you were 15/16 years old
Nope. I read LotR around age 10.

>> No.10945284

The actually well-written one is Wizard of Earthsea. Salman Rushdie's children's book (Haroun and the Sea of Stories) is good too.

>> No.10946670

It's not like a planned on reading thousands of books. I just got an itch currently for some YA fantasy. The whole reason I enjoy them are the tropes. And I disagree that they are robbed of any soul. I would assume a number of authors try and shake things up or add a personal touch. Whether they succeed or not is a different story, but if the author was genuine about the writing and not just checking off a list of tropes then it's hardly cynical.
So did I but I'm looking for series that would be considered trash here. Low to mid tier fantasy stuff.

Thanks for suggestions

>> No.10946714


Magic school? Tick
School bullies? Tick
Elite language learnt mysteriously? Tick
Mythical creatures? Tick
Dark lord and followers? Tick

My god it’s like a rip off of a rip off of a rip off... still better written though

>> No.10946718

Kingkiller Chronicles that is... The Name if the Wind

>> No.10946781

>Implying Eragon isn't a fuck ton of fun tho.

>> No.10947084


The Thief Lord

Wheel of Time starts out good then starts to suck by the third book

The Shannara series. LOTR ripoff, a slightly darker tone than most but fits the bill.

>> No.10947348

I don't understand why you would savor the experience of tropes. I get that they're comforting, but regressing back to reading new YA stuff as an adult (as opposed to rereading something from childhood, which is as much about your own nostalgia and life as it is about the book itself) strikes me as something that will leave you, as I said, hollowed out. You can do better than that.

Even if authors try their best, they're generally poisoned by an internet culture drowning in irony and self-awareness. Their worldview itself is defined by tropes, and they are unable to do much more than mix and match them. Hacks like Sanderson make this terrifyingly obvious by writing things like his rules for magic, carrying implicitly with it the soul-closing notions of systemization and invariant modern perspective. It results in writing that only ever feels like contemporary Western people visiting a renfaire, leaving you with the distict impression that any one of them could whip out a cellphone at some point.

>> No.10948418
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That article where the chick who interviewed the author and got showed his sword collection then implied he was fucking his sister is better than the entire series imo.

This, although the circle of magic is a little faggy.
The lioness quartet is my nostalgia read even if it's aged terribly.

>> No.10948442

link that article

>> No.10948480

Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks, not weak half-assed fagotry like Sanderson, has deep well developed characters, and realistically dark themes. Honestly the greatest story I have read. The extra interviews included in the books put it so well; without the depths of darkness we can't apreciate the light. Yeah a sociopathic teen rapes a child to establish dominance within his gang in the first few chapters, if you cant deal whith that, then you don't deserve the literary masterpiece and extreamly optimistic crescendo of the books.

>> No.10948503

The extent to which people squeeze their brain, and weave and twist their own words, in such a beautiful display of the full power of their well-learned intellect, and the finesse of their knowledge in language only to, once examined and put together, convey a message equivalent to that of "my dick us longer than yours".

>> No.10948536

Not at all; I'm hardly one of the best-read people here. I love genre fic and mythology. I just think it's currently in a very bad state, and it's unhealthy to read books meant for children (YA, in the OP). It can be fun to indulge in unhealthy things now and again, but I think there would be similar concern if OP said he'd spent the last few weeks binging solely on cake and was looking for new sweets to try.

>> No.10948565

David Eddings: "Belgariad" and "Elenium" are very comfy and young-adulty but have better soul and nostalgia, being wirtten in the 70s. I read them when I was 13 or so, and even though later on in his career his wife died and his writing went to shit, they still give me a sense of comfort and joy for an afternoon or so.

>> No.10948793


>> No.10949072

pretty much all the d&d books

>> No.10950563

The Legend of Drizzt

>> No.10950753

un lun dun by china mieville

>> No.10952040

arent those all like choose your own adventure kind of junk because that sounds stupid

>> No.10952174

which part of the article

>> No.10952207

not him, but no, they're pretty much ya fantasy novels like this one >>10950563

I only read the Crystal Shard and didn't like it very much, but if you're not very picky about fantasy you might like it