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10940208 No.10940208 [Reply] [Original]


they clear their throats at me
so I have gotten good at blinking
mucus flying into my eyes determining a reaction
one of equal or opposite
a typically moves into b
but not with me
I cough back

>> No.10940248

Flem up out from throat
Like a nasty gem cast
I thunder a mast of wise
And throw out this cast of mine
Now cleared in readied use
Words summoned and venture
Fro to you and others I bellow
All below I deem demise true
For me I sanctified all blue

>> No.10940305

Bah I am glad, No sheep I be
But for like many alad
I become strange when mad
Jealously, admiring strengths
Accute and sharp I diminish
Fact from farce, judgement
Lengths of writtem wrought
Tear those who let self rot
Strength and power, deciding
Filament of actualization
Self demoralization, mirror

>> No.10940326

Abdominal custard
Spills from beast
Slaughted down Casts
I this lame lamb
Done in for sin
As I strike beast
Worshiped a death
Culling so for feast

>> No.10940328
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what weight!
ten tons of patience that I do not have!
attention paid to deciphering!
my bah god, what wool you still have

make like blink and coat your eyes
in slight, and slightly slimy liquid clear
wash your face and clean your ears
give it all you've got
but don't forget
to bury the spear head
so they don't know what to expect

>> No.10940365

Minutes of time
Minutes you buy
Used of lines, be thorough
Consciousness lends in swirl
Bend thine ferrous virtue
For thy then leaves
With that hurt in you
Be from place of not
Lend face for up
Learn phrase, gaze atop

>> No.10940381


>> No.10940552

No wonder I like it.

>> No.10940576

Humour in my eyes
All focalised for me
I take it in, sightin brim
A limbo of in focus or no
To summarize Im old
And my blinds are gowing thin

>> No.10940636

Oh dear I, again woke I did
In the time of soon, of to soon
I cast up my head, and take
Off from before the eve of dawn
Down through to a mourning state
So joy be found in this pre morning
After the rise of sun, a warms earning

>> No.10940719

Truth is backwards in mise
The formed reality of is no lie
The one the you can never miss
Peer behind this mess of life
After every step there was a before
And all of it is behind the backwards door

>> No.10941183


my fav

silly eyes flutter again
why did they have to open
so soon, so soon!
eyelashes caught together
and ripped apart
it's been years since I found myself slipped out
how old am I again?
well, quite that long
must be the oil in these veins aflame with
sweet and sour pork sauce
ding, fries are done

>> No.10941190
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cool, I won

>> No.10941649

Retire in passion to undress
From a call from a heavy mind
A passage of being is this way
A closing time I end this day
To where the curtains have drawn
I fall into a deep place and wait
For this is time for a show on play
A world that isn't, truer I wish
Not as long as last, but Free still
Next time maybe, I'll get to stay

>> No.10941730
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ever ever next time
never never wished I
to reside too long in one place
how could that be
to unlatch, open, dive into, and live in one case
no thanks!
i'll skip from this stone to that
and bop neverland's alligator
you pernicious chomper!
refrain from your attack!
we're proudly civilized in these parts
skipping - skipping - skipping

>> No.10941752

Focused to much, and agape
A vex shows up innate
Twas a place all free
A place to define destiny
Twirling worlds over
Can create a new lover
Here I dwell forever and ever
And dance with chance
As time here is but a blimp

>> No.10941759
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one of us! one of us! one of them!
i'm one of them??
couldn't possibly be
searching for what
nevermind that
one of us! one of us!
and one completely bent to their own shape
how wonderful
could use a dash of salt
and maybe a toe sticking out

>> No.10941769

Blue bubbles swell in toe
Towards where the wind blows
And I chase, I chase the blower
For thats also who is my filler
I dance around, near again
Following where there others go
Just another one for watching
As delicate play thing
Oh bubbles of kin
If you pop, it's a fin
Oh bubbles in toe
Where does the wind blow

>> No.10941789
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new troubles, well is so
gourds snare the jinzo
and i face, i face the glower
for that's also who is my griller
i france around, beer again
swallowing where the brothers know
just a gutter, won for botching
as smell of it may ring
snow huddles of gin
if you drop, it's a swim
snow huddles in grow
where does the gin go

>> No.10941821

Time is out, but sincere is doubled
Regrets cause drain, of who i be
Time is down, but in ear is troubled
Yesterday I tried but found lame
Now set out of it, beside
Out of time, now less, down is wit
Here I cry as thoughts dont fit
And Here I lie, waiting it out
As Im lone again
And time is out

>> No.10941855
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not to console
although, maybe petting done the problem isn't
but don submissive stance, or kneel
perhaps belly up
but those are just categorical cataracts
I don't meant to tack those on
but just remember, from this moment on
there are others, lone by your side
moaning like honey syrup and bitter coffee
loning and passing the time on
the thread goes through us all

>> No.10941872

For all I know a toll has rung
And the air is now full
Of sounds from bells in sun
Quietness now left behind
But it too
Must call back to an end
And silence will be met again

>> No.10941908


the bell rings
and the time is now
the last drop of caffeine
has left my blood
farewell thousand eyed potato
farewell my spud

>> No.10941913

This was fun goodnight anon. (:
You have better stylization than I do

>> No.10941923


most fun i've had on here in a while :]

your imagery explodes more than mine does though, just crack your mind open a little bit and the yolk of style should tumble out no problem

>> No.10941939

can you guys give me advice on how to write poetry? I want to learn how. I have no idea.

>> No.10941957
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short: just write poetry and keep writing poetry and your brain will eventually start doing things it didn't do before and you will start doing things you didn't do before

long: find some poets you like and read them until you have a decent sense of what's going on with them. and then realize that you also have the sense to create a sense.

this takes time and lots and lots of practice and writing. constant experimentation. and a near constant state of emotional vulnerability. I don't mean a weak emotional state. but not hiding what you feel from yourself. the more you do this the more complex the emotions and experiences get until you think you're going crazy. then you do a little bit. then you come back to yourself and your writing now has something to it. because you have something to it. this was my process anyways.

kind of a nothing is off limits way of doing things.

try writing poems about pieces of art you find. things around the room. states of mind. etc etc. your mind is an acrobat, its up to you to find out how it can bend.

>> No.10941993

do you literally just make arbitrary line breaks though?

>> No.10942012


they're not arbitrary to me

>> No.10942066

I like your use of the word ferrous.

>> No.10942072


that was the other person

i'm the follow the white rabbit guy

>> No.10942144

Oh I see. Do you find when writing poems you start with a theme first and then form images then form the words or does it just come to you in any order? I am writing a long poem right now I would appreciate some insight.

>> No.10942158
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yeah so typically there's a theme or a perspective or an image or a symbol that i hold in my mind hands and then i kind of dip my face into what my mind hands are holding and see what it has inside and sometimes there are words and sometimes there are pictures and sometimes there is nothing. the nothing is the interesting one.

some words are connected to other words and some symbols are connected to other symbols and some symbols are connected to some words and if you want to stay with the same theme you can create a kind of map of the theme that you're working with and explore the topic like tossing a mud ball around in your hand and squishing it or maybe keeping it whole.

up to you

aka up to you. up to what you see.

>> No.10942262

Thank you! This is very helpful as I was trying to force the words to come out but they wouldn't. I think if I just think about the images more it will just come out naturally.

>> No.10942267


never force

unless you're writing about force

or intending to be forceful

may the force be with you

>> No.10942342

Cool thread op, enjoyed it