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10938797 No.10938797 [Reply] [Original]

Is this guy actually worth reading or is he just a /pol/ meme ?

>> No.10938808

who the heck is that

>> No.10938811

Even /pol/ doesn't read him. But then again, they don't read anything. But yes, he's shit

>> No.10938816

literally astrology for nazis
there are a lot of good right wing thinkers if you want that but do avoid this bullshit at all cost

>> No.10938829

Very worth reading but not in the way that /pol/ or even /lit/ reads him. When Evola and the milieu he represents and synthesises appear to you in the way that reading a dozen books on Jena romanticism appears to a serious scholar of German philosophy, you can get a lot out of him. If you are reading him in the way you watch a Youtube video called "12 Things You Didn't Know About The Casting of Wonder Woman 2," you should probably not bother.

>> No.10938830

Read Guenon and the primary eastern texts first. Once you've read a lot of them then Evola can be interesting insofar as he applies Traditionalist thought to the contingent subjects he deals with like politics/war/culture etc.

So yes he is interesting although the primary reason most people are into him (traditionalist worldview/metaphysics) is best done by Guenon, who doesn't get the same attention because is isn't as edgy and controversial.

Doctrine of Awaking is genuinely good.

>> No.10938831

Kylo Ren

>> No.10938907

Any rec ?

>> No.10938913

Alright I'll check him out. Which work of his should I start with ?

>> No.10938914

I would push back against this and say that Evola is more interesting because he's not hidebound by traditionalist thought into slavishly following Guenon like so many do. He clearly has his own agenda and he's willing to synthesise and experiment, find his own way(s) to initiation, in a way that many occultists were not.

Evola is sui generis and one of the most interesting figures of 20th century intellectual history.

>> No.10938958

Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines (this will prepare you to understand Evola well)

Then you have his worldview/civilization analysis books (Crisis of modern world/Reign of Quantity) and his metaphysical books (Man and his becoming according to the Vedanta/Symbolism of the Cross/Multiple States of the Being).

Reading the first category will make more sense if you are intending to get deep into Evola since this is mostly what he concerns himself with although if you want to develop a deep understanding of what the trads call 'metaphysics' after 'Intro to Hindu Doctrines' read 'Man and his Becoming'.

I agree that Evola was interesting and original but it's important to point out that his works (maybe with the exception of a few) should be interpreted more as personal works of philosophy rather than objective expositions of timeless metaphysics. This is why it's good to read Guenon first, it allows you to develop an understanding of the principles which Evola frequently delves into, without an understanding of the principles themselves many people wouldn't be able to distinguish between Evolas personal views/philosophy with Traditional doctrines.

>> No.10939004

you should only read primary source texts, none of you have the intellectual deft footedness or constitution to not deepthroat whatever “explainer” you initiate with. Just read the works they read, then read commentaries from those cultures on the works, then come back to the secondary authors’ works. If they appeal to you even then, feel free to indulge. I would never want my introduction to Vedanta or Tantra to come from a tradfag especially a fascist or a catholic who abandoned his own faith to LARP as a muzzie

>> No.10939149

How do I know which work they read ?

>> No.10939213

you are not part of the cultures from where those primary sources come from, so unless you are going to get an spiritual master from one of those cultures to directly initiate you, you might as well read Guenon or Evola, as their project is obviously oriented towards analyzing (Guenon) or revitalizing (Evola) the spiritual life of the west, which is a culture you are part of and can understand from inside why such a revival could be needed (Evola), or how such a revival is impossible (Guenon), unless there's a direct intervention from God that starts a new cycle

>> No.10939241
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Fuck allya'll; I ain't never gonna read this slickback nosferatu

>> No.10939293

evola understood politics. that's it he was retarded when it came to everything else. read guenon or hindu shit if you want to learn about all the perennialist crap

>> No.10939358

"Evola was not just a theoretician, he also practiced sexual magic rites himself. There are unmistakable statements from him about the “tantric female sacrifice” and the transformation of sexuality into political power. Like almost no other, the Italian has openly named the events that unfold in the mysteries of the yogis and then confessed to them: “The young woman,” he writes, “who is first ‘demonized’ and then raped, ... is essentially... the basic motif for the higher forms of tantric and Vajrayanic sexual magic” (Evola, 1983, p. 389). In dictators like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini he saw the precursors of future Maha Siddhas who would one day conquer the world with their magic powers: “The magician, the ruler, the lord”, he proclaims in regard to Tantrism, “that is the type of the culture of the future!” (Evola, 1926, p. 304). He recommends Tantrism as “the way for a Western elite” (Evola, East and West, p. 29)."

And rape. He was a mongrel who could barely contain the urge to suicide, until he started dropping acid, mountaineering and indulging in Buddhism.

>> No.10939366

Did he actually rape anyone?

>> No.10939367

National socialistic fantasies.

How can his philosophy ever be considered genuine when it had a singular dishonest outcome and purpose a priori to its conception?

>> No.10939386

not being a subhuman midwit, doing preliminary research into the schools and their major texts. Nikayas and Vedas are the base obviously and then you’ll move on to the various sutras and upanishads, Brahma Sutras and commentaries on Buddhist sutras, Tantras and eventually random esoteric works from those cultures
Guenon and Evola aren’t from those cultures either and I am more intelligent, less ideological and younger than they were when they explored these teachings. I’ll be fine thanks, I know how to use cross-references to prevent confirmation bias and have access to scholarly journals that discuss technical terms from
linguistics and comparative religious study. I don’t need gurus.
>all this stupid shit that has nothing to do with understanding Eastern wisdom
ok fuck off nigger
they do not care even a little bit bout the schools they draw from, the point is to relieve tension and to play in a world of redesigned but familiar forms which confirm the slow death they are experiencing is really exalted ascencion

>> No.10939431

>he writes, “who is first ‘demonized’ and then raped, ... is essentially... the basic motif for the higher forms of tantric and Vajrayanic sexual magic
not sure why you keep quoting this thing were Evola explains something and taking it as if he is promoting rape, it's no different to defining the Eucharist as eating someone's flesh and then pretend that the catholic church promotes cannibalism, which means taking it literally as a brainlet would

>> No.10939456

i don’t know where he got the idea of the yab-yum being a rape from. id be interested in seeing the primary source he’s quoting when he describes it as such.

>> No.10939477

>I am more intelligent, less ideological and younger than they were
You can stop LARPing any time now.

>> No.10940139

haha jesterman

>> No.10941727

not sure, Evola usually adds a lot of references in his text, but i don't know where that guy took his favorite rape passage from and i don't care enough to check

>> No.10942296


>> No.10942298


>> No.10942324


>> No.10942329

read the handbook to traditional living to get started.

>> No.10942403

Unironically yes. He's mostly just a Rene Guenon rip-off with the addition of politics, but Evola was right that Guenon neglected the role that secular power plays, and that it cannot be divorced from divine power. Evola was also correct in being more pessimistic than Guenon about the future.

Guenon is superior and more original than Evola, but Evola does rectify some glaring errors in Guenon's work.

>> No.10942440

If you want to LARP as a Robert E Howard ubermensch and act like a pretentious retard with your friends(if you have friends) and relatives(if they haven't abandoned you yet), sure, he's worth reading. He's Ready Player One for autistic LARPers

>> No.10942563

You just took that from the wiki page, which was horrible vandalized after Bannon cited Evola, to make sure that Evola himself is also demonized.

I'm not really a fan of Evola, but the wiki page is a fucking disgrace.

>> No.10942703

Geoff Keighley writes literature?

>> No.10943031

is that literally your book?