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/lit/ - Literature

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10937696 No.10937696 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished this incredible epic, + Urth and Long Sun

Where the hell do I go know? How could any Sci Fi I read from now on even compare?

This world that Gene Wolfe created has been a part of my being for the better part of a year now. I feel empty knowing that it's all over. My thoughts are still buzzing about everything

>> No.10937716

>Where the hell do I go know?
Read secondary lit examining BotNS and Gene, then reread!

>> No.10937779

Try R. A. Lafferty and Jack Vance, they were Wolfe's favourite scifi writers.

>> No.10937790

Book of the Short Sun, of course.
Then read it all again.

>> No.10937834

It took you a year to read it? I read it in a few months and I was only reading like 5 pages a day.

Stanislaw Lem is good in a different way. If you want more Wolfe. The short sun series is supposed to be good.

>> No.10937900

go to your containment thread you fucking faggot

>> No.10937916

Yeah, it took me almost a year to finish all the books. I'm not as good about it as I used to be

>> No.10937918

My posts get ignored there :(

>> No.10937920
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Treasure Planet is just Book of the New Sun

Change my mind

>> No.10937922
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>> No.10937928

Fret not, friend. Give it time to digest, then read it again. It'll be even better.

>> No.10937935

It's time to take a break from sci-fi. If you started with the Greeks go with Latro in the Mist, otherwise go with the Knight and Wizard.

>> No.10937945
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I didn't start with the Greeks, I don't even come to this board. Recent books I read that I liked were Moby Dick, Blood Meridian, Dune, and Childhood's End

>> No.10937951

Wizard Knight? That's a Gene Wolfe book, but is it any good? The premise seems stupid

>> No.10937955
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>I didn't start with the Greeks, I don't even come to this board.

>> No.10937959

So sorry for not following your arbitrary "big boy" guidelines. I didn't know you had to become an asshole in order to enjoy books

>> No.10938416

>So sorry for not following your arbitrary "big boy" guidelines. I didn't know you had to become an asshole in order to enjoy books
you're definitely new here

>> No.10938485

>how could any sci fi I read from now on even compare
It can’t and you don’t need to read any more sci-fi because this is the pinnacle of it. Everything else is childish babble

>> No.10938524

Read Gene Wolfe's Soldier series.

>> No.10939598

Read them again

>> No.10939606

Don't lie nigga

>le not reading for enjoyment gigafaggot anon

>> No.10940462
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Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust was heavily influenced by BotNS, worth checking out.

>> No.10940486

Alastair Reynolds if you like high-concept hard-SF space opera set in a thoroughly imagined universe

>> No.10940489

This it is just as good imo

>> No.10940496
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Read The Book of the Long Sun and the rest of Gene Wolfe.
Probably avoid Wizard/Knight for know.

>> No.10940499

you all do not realize how bad it is to do this shit to yourself, you won't realize how ugly this all is till far into the future when you can no longer wince in amazed anguish at your own masochism

>> No.10940529

you're only a communist because you offer society fucking nothing because of your own poor choices in life. You chose this path, now wallow in it and die alone you poor, fat piece of shit.

>> No.10940535

just start listening/reading malazan

>> No.10940612

Treasure planet is treasure island

>> No.10940627

pure ideology

>> No.10941553
