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/lit/ - Literature

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10936760 No.10936760 [Reply] [Original]

/QTDDTOT/ General
"There's gotta be a fucking word for it" Edition.

>> No.10936763

What's the word for it when a person digs his fingers into his scalp and then runs them back and forth real fast out of frustration? For the life of me, I can't remember.

>> No.10936769


>> No.10936775

yeah, but what about like ruffling the hair and all that? Ruffling seems almost playful and scratching is slow and ponderous, but this is like, a burst of really short, really intense movement.

>> No.10936793

scrape, grate, thrash

>> No.10936825

Hhmm. Might use this. Thanks.

>> No.10937126

Besides the KJV, what's the best version of the OT to read for easier understanding without sacrificing accurate translation and linguistic phenomena (speakest, thou, etc)

>> No.10937154


>> No.10937157


>> No.10938232
File: 135 KB, 500x768, rilke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recs for collections of Rilke translated into English? I'm not sure I'll like any of Stephen Mitchell's translations even though they are the most popular, based on a small sampling of his and other translators. His work isn't as spellbinding as others, but is that appropriate for Rilke?

>> No.10938755


>> No.10939413

pls respond

>> No.10939631


>> No.10939700
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>> No.10940674

here's an idea: sample the different collections on amazon, and buy the one you want. wa la, you got a rilke you can by happy with

>> No.10940696

>wa la

>> No.10942081

sounds like scab

>> No.10942097

Probably another dumb american or *nglo, nothing to see here kids.

>> No.10942488
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Is it a good collection for $15?

>> No.10942497

How old is that?

>> No.10942509

Spring for the new Cooper edition. It's worth it.

>> No.10942655

I'm reading The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway and I'm feeling confused when I shouldn't be. Does Jake have two offices? He goes to work, to the office, takes a taxi back with two coworkers and then gets to the office with Cohn waiting for him? And is Cohn retarded? Getting that angry and ready for a brawl for Jake sending him to hell? What?

>> No.10943015

I forget about Jake’s office (I don’t remember it being too important), but Cohn is definitely an autist, at least when he’s put side-by-side with the other drunken dickheads in the book. This will become apparent later on when they’re in Spain.

>> No.10943037 [DELETED] 

Is this board bad for it?
Is no social interaction better than only interacting online with a bunch of pseuds?

>> No.10943047

Is this board bad for you? I'd like to leave, but I do enjoy the occasional poetry thread.

>> No.10943128

It has its redeeming qualities, but the cynical, self-loathing, volatile, and oppressive mindset that pervades the board really has had a negative impact on me personally. I know I sound like I'm either trolling or being ironic, but I've transitioned to Reddit/lessened my internet time in general, and I feel much better lately. I still come here maybe once every couple days for 10 minutes or so, but after exploring healthier communities both online and irl, I don't really have much of a desire to ever rejoin /lit/. It can be good for recs, but it's mostly shitposting, hatred, and toxicity. Try going without 4chan for a week and see what you think.

>> No.10943140

it's a /ck/ meme, ya dips

>> No.10943173

It's shit. I come here to laugh at you retards. The amounts of self delusion present here are astounding.

>> No.10943180

Sounds like good advice desu, I think I'll try it. Only problem is I really can't stand reddit so I'm not going to have anywhere to spend time on online. Though that's probably a good thing.

>> No.10943844

gerund or present participle: scrabbling
scratch or grope around with one's fingers to find, collect, or hold onto something.
"she scrabbled at the grassy slope, desperate for a firm grip"

>> No.10944872

who are the best living authors /lit/?

also what books would you guys recommend that have been written since 1987

>> No.10945058

>I've transitioned to Reddit
drink harsh acid

>> No.10945087

Is there any good fiction with a homeless main character?

>> No.10945099

How the fuck do I pirate the Cantos?

>> No.10945114

On 4chan we call people who are overly influenced by ideal or the world of forms "autist"
What is a better word ?

>> No.10945122

put the canon into a markov generator

>> No.10945146

Fuck, reminds me of the time an anon mixed up Hitchhiker and Portrait and put it on amazon.

>> No.10945148

Hunger, Knut Hamsun.

>> No.10945287

fuck off algernon

>> No.10945951
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What do I do when there's information I want to learn from a book but the book itself is horrendously boring? I can force myself to read, but when it's presented in a boring manner, most of the information just bounces off of me.

>> No.10945959

a noogie

>> No.10946105

Do I major in Classics, English, or Electrical Engineering?

Seriously giving you all to decide my fate.
Please give some sort of supporting reason for your decision. Thanks

>> No.10946143

Engineering is for 120 IQ brainlets.

>> No.10946148


>> No.10946160

None of the above. Do CS if your program is good*, otherwise try for stats or applied math.

*This means it's not just codemonkey shit you can learn on your own but it's also not just theoretic shit you'll never use. Your goal is to be valuable in positions that require abstract thinking.

>> No.10946181
File: 23 KB, 306x387, Beavis-I see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is up with this "Not DMCA removals" thing on warosu. It's not letting me post

>> No.10946186

It's for people who aren't good enough for real science or mathematics so they settle for brainlet """applications""" that either don't take smarts or don't take rigour.

>> No.10946196

Awful advice, don't listen to this guy.
CS is really poor. . . electrical engineers do everything a fresh computer scientist can do and plenty more. If you go CS, you'll have no time to write, be seen as a living machine, and regret your decision, leading to a midlife crisis.

I'd recommend EE, the patrician's major.

>> No.10946212

Did you even read my post? I specifically said not to do CS if it was a meme program. I'm well aware how awful they are, having transferred out of one myself.

>> No.10946221

Even if the program is seen superior, a degree in EE is a CS degree + more.
Plus I'm sure he'd prefer not to work with half-assed Indians all day

>> No.10946694
File: 12 KB, 305x500, 9780141197241-us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have these Nabokov editions? I have a few but am struggling to find more. They're quite nice.

>> No.10946913

What should I read to understand most of the current philosophical authors and/or memelords?
Just from the top of my head I think of nick land (maybe I was playing too much deus ex)
Should I start with the greeks?

>> No.10946932
File: 245 KB, 861x1280, madame-blavatsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best editions in which to get HPB's works?

>> No.10946957

Why does the American proletariat eat up liberal garbage for breakfast and refuse to admit, or even refuse to look at the facts, that they're being taken advantage of and rise up to do something about it?

>> No.10946964

this is indeed very specific of the american proletariat compared to other ones

>> No.10946979

What's reading and writing like when drunk?

>> No.10947684

you can't noogie yourself

>> No.10947733

The paper on that edition is like single-ply toilet paper. Much worse than I expected. Have you ever torn a page?

>> No.10947835

>writing like when drunk?
depends. i think it's easier, but only sometimes. you make more typos, tho

>> No.10948049

Do any of you have /lit/ parents? Did they have any influence on your desire to read? Do any of you plan to bestow your /lit/iscence upon your children?

>> No.10948054

Severely overrated.

>> No.10948297

I was given a copy of Augustine's Confessions. Do I need to read anything else before it or is it a comfy read even for a layman?

>> No.10948363

'Rent' can be used to refer to the tearing of one's clothes, specifically violently and in anguish.

You might start there.

>> No.10948375


Set and setting matters immensely.

When I was younger and enjoyed recreational drugs, I'd take enough shrooms to trip the fuck out and meditate on my thoughts.
When I'd start coming down I'd relax and wait until I was capable enough to write down my thoughts.
I've had some pretty fluid thoughts on shrooms.

Don't simply get wasted and think you're going to be the next Hemingway.

>> No.10948378

Just read it mate. It's the personal confessions of a man, so all you need is a bit of human empathy.

>> No.10948398

I've got the hardcover Everyman's Library ones. I love them.

>> No.10948401
File: 2.04 MB, 3474x3474, 1521ce755353573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do i start with the goethe? I often hear that he's quite overrated.

>> No.10948429

Faust is the obvious answer. That and the Erlkönig.

>> No.10948672


I had to pay more than 60 for it.

>> No.10948683

White men.

>> No.10948707

There are two things at play here. One, they eat garbage because the garbage is far cheaper than non-garbage. Two, they don't complain because American culture teaches you that being poor is your fault, that if you work hard enough you will eventually cease to be poor.

>> No.10948764

Two questions:

If I quoted Polonius in my cover letter (and also Camus about whether Sisyphus who I am using as an example of my current, shitty job is happy) to BOOKS A MILLION WOW will I be immediately rejected? I didn't even know I had to write a cover letter to sell books at a large bookstore.

The Third Wave experiment seems a lot like it's happening now during capitalism? Am I being retarded or are there parallels to fascism in capitalism in general? Exclusion, a "higher class", punishment, malevolence in general, etc?

>> No.10948778

he is and he isn't, out of the 20 thicc volumes of his life work, 90% is pretty forgettable, some of his stuff is decent and worth-while but won't blow you away (Werther, Wilhelm Meister etc.) BUT he created Faust, which I think is the best literary work since Shakespeare and he wrote some of the best poems known to mankind, so yeah; also worth mentioning that the fucker lived to be 84 which, for the time was like a biblical age, and produced literature from his 20s to the end, creating and beeing influenced by many different movements in his lifetime; so when u talk about 'Goethe' you always have to clarify which Goethe you are talking about - Sturm & Drang Goethe is different from classicist Goethe etc.pp.

>> No.10948798

What's that word that describes the consecutive use of the word "and" to achieve an artistic style? I read about it in a Cormac McCarthy thread, unsurprisingly

>> No.10948802

there's a word for it?

>> No.10948805


>> No.10948812

Yeah, I remember reading about it and looking it up

>> No.10948815

Thanks, parataxis and hypotaxis works

>> No.10948820


>> No.10948826


>> No.10949357
File: 106 KB, 276x258, angrydeadmantu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get told your whole life not to use "and" too much, because it's bad writing
>it's a completely valid literary technique

>> No.10950200

I suggest you read the KJV and just keep some popular modern translation close by, and check it when you think you don't understand something. It's probably shit on its own but should do the job if you just use it like that.

>> No.10950332

How accessible is faust? Can it be read by someone with only a superficial understanding of philosophy and religion?

>> No.10950369
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Got a few very general "rec" questions. I got an Amazon gift card so I need some stuff.

The last books I was really fascinated by are The Naked Lunch and Valis. I want something more akin to that.
Robert Anton Wilson was namedropped in Valis and I put Prometheus Rising into my shopping cart already.

>> No.10951455
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Can you write more than one novel at once?
I have two very disparate ideas I'm excited to try.

>> No.10951571

You could write fifty, but you'd probably do well to make sure you have enough free time to devote to each so you don't lose track of the atmosphere or character personalities by faffing around too much.

>> No.10951597
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How would you describe this face?

>> No.10953162

My Dad's read thousands of books, but they're all genre fiction spy thrillers and Sci-fi. None of it rubbed off on me considered it took me 22 years to start reading for recreation, and our tastes are pretty polarized.

>> No.10953801

My dad read a lot of thrillers: King, Koonz were the big ones. When I was little, I saw him reading for hours and hours at a time. I fell in love with reading before I even could, but I never got into what he likes to read.