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/lit/ - Literature

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10936147 No.10936147[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does it seem like there is a dearth of intellectually stimulating relationships to be had? How do I meet people who are as obsessively passionate about a variety of intellectual subjects as I am? I need other people to bounce my ideas off of, instead of just bouncing them around in my own head, and doing that online isn't a very satisfying medium of communication. Does anyone here have satisfying relationships that involve intellectual exchange, and if so how did you meet these people? I want to meet normal non-autistic or cringy people with genuine intellectual interests (don't care if they're super-smart or whatever as long as their interest isn't just a fashion statement but is sincere). Having a whole circle of friends with such an orientation would be heaven on earth tbqh, but most people seem to be interested in partying and I've already gotten that out of my system and find it boring now. pic sorta related must have been pretty cool to belonging to the early traditionalist circle or parisian occult circles and whatnot, even if only by long distance correspondance via mail. Anyone wanna be my friend?

>> No.10936228

Most intellectual relationships seem like trash too. Isolation of intelligence. Do some creative activity that allows you to exercise your ideas. Perhaps comment on /lit/ discussions if there are any worth joining in on. The sad news is, even if you attend a top university, you you’ll be let down by PC pseuds lambasting great literature. Joyce is the best author for isolated, intelligent people. Find ways to interest the friends you have in whatever ideas you might want to talk about, but also know which battles to choose there. Also, smoke pot, drink alcohol, take psychedelics occasionally and appreciate the subtleties and patterns in life. The discussion grade level of presidential elections decreases each year—this last election was around a 6th grade level. Trend is widespread, especially since TV and duller media replaced literature in many people’s lives. Influence your friends to read if you can and try to take your own mind as far as you can. Maybe my advice isn’t good, however, since I only have a girlfriend and no friends, and my relationship with my girlfriend isn’t an intellectual one, in the way you describe in your post

>> No.10936237

Also, allow yourself room to have contempt for stupidity. You could sift through potential friends much easier if your stupidity meters are well attuned. And contempt for stupidity means higher and higher standards for yourself—never a bad thing unless you also have crippling low self-esteem...

>> No.10936239

You'll probably get made fun of for this post but I can still relate heavily. I'd love nothing more than a close group of friends (3-4 would do) to talk about philosophy, history, classic literature, etc. I've had very, very little success, unfortunately, so I can't tell you much in terms of what to do. But I can tell you what not to do.

Don't live in a small town. Don't keep to yourself too much. Don't go unpublished; writers tend to reach out to one another if they're interested in their work. Don't be a totally inaccessible weirdo who *only* cares about intellectual pursuits. You need at least a passing interest in something like sports to get people to latch on, typically, since the current ethos discourages curiosity.

Best of luck, OP. I'm hoping for similar friendships.

>> No.10936248

The internet is by far the most efficient and realistic way of making the sort of friends you talk about.

Speaking personally I have met two friends through online forums who have become very good friends, we discuss everything, philosophy, literature, politics etc and I wouldn't have it any other way. It is somewhat disappointing that they live hundreds or thousands of miles from me but you take what you can get.

As a practical point, as I have gotten into better universities the number of smart people per given group has increased. (It is still not even 1 in 50
but its better than it could be). You just have to be open-minded and keep an eye out.

>> No.10936258

nearly all of this advice is irrelevant to the ops concerns and seems advice a 2smart4u teenager would give

>> No.10936266

Watch Before Sunrise and realize you'll never EVER have something like that
Accept it, then either be single the rest of your life or marry some thot

>> No.10936274

He’s looking for advice on finding intellectual relationships. I’m giving advice on how to deal with not finding them and still being somewhat content. He can continue to try but his post seemes rooted in disappointment, which my advice aims to lighten

>> No.10936305

I met some highly intelligent people while at prestigious prep school. Several friends ended up at Ivies, etc.. For a moment in time I felt like I'd achieved somewhat of an intellectual circle, keeping in close touch with these people over the years. They all ended up much more interested in career success, relationships, lifestyle. Whenever I bring up literature or philosophy they seem a little uncomfortable -- it's almost like they consider it immature or a waste of time. One friend described feeling "disillusioned" with such topics.

I'm was a bad student so I didn't get into ivies; went to a top state school instead. It was actually pretty good. Many people only into partying or sports, but some real interesting people here and there. Smartest people I met were in-staters. Nobody as cultured or well-read as some prep school kids, but some real horsepower variety of topics.

Make sure to do the following: whenever you meet a smart person make sure to get lunch with them later. It feels awkward but you have to keep the relationship going. If you are passive in your social life you will end up with uninteresting people around you.

>> No.10936309

>Joyce is the best author for isolated, intelligent people.
why do you say that?

>> No.10936343

also, word to the wise. Befriend people who have a thorough knowledge of any subject, however mundane it might seem. Every piece of the puzzle matters: politics, bitcoin, woodworking, consulting. Don't be picky about what kind of knowledge you can pick up from people.

>> No.10936372

His writing is powerful and aggressive, bringing insight to any object he touches on. He doesn’t rely on shock aggressiveness, like simple obscenities, but is simply ruthless in his dedication to truly showing human character. I think his writing is best for isolated intellectuals because of this—the strengthening of the individuals ideas, the inlkings of which yield isolation—as well as the sheer scope of subject matter.

>> No.10936477

Yes I'll be your friend

>> No.10936479

good advice

>> No.10936503

Don't be a pleb like >>10936305 who's easily impressed by glamour and prestige.

Do write every day, try to hold /lit/ to a higher standard by regularly producing OC and writing long thoughtful researched posts for the benefit of the two people who may care.

Don't be a total pessimist like >>10936228 and retreat into a haze of drugs and self delusion, placing yourself above and beyond the entire world. Don't be a status chaser like >>10936239 who cares only for the "literary community", most of those people are a bunch of jackasses.

Do realize that some of the most interesting minds are elderly people in small towns, volunteer at your local nursing home, engage with your community, when things seem overwhelming go for a stroll through a second hand bookstore and realize that not one of those books hasn't been read by someone who once walked through the exact same store you're in.

Don't idealize past lives of great people to the point it blinds you to your present reality. You're never going to belong to a Parisian Occult circle or early traditionalist club, and you probably wouldn't want to be either.

Do realize that true traditionalism is community, and true occult knowledge is friendship, and remember the holy Koran: "We have enjoined on man to be dutiful and kind to his parents. His mother bears him with hardship and she brings him forth with hardship, and the bearing of him, and the weaning of him is thirty months, till when he attains full strength and reaches forty years, he says: ‘My Lord! Grant me the power and ability that I may be grateful for Your Favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds, such as please You, and make my off-spring good. Truly, I have turned to You in repentance, and truly, I am one of the Muslims" (Quran 46:15). Remember to say your prayers daily, and to add value to your town, and to honor your family and neighbors.

>> No.10936533

I don't give a shit about prestige. I just think it's worth pointing out that if you want to meet a successful writer types you should write with at least mild success.

>> No.10936553

>I met some highly intelligent people while at prestigious prep school. Several friends ended up at Ivies, etc..

That's a very roundabout way of saying absolutely nothing, for someone who doesn't care about prestige.

>> No.10936642

that wasn't me
I was >>10936239

>> No.10936714

you need women as social hub
blackpilling but true

>> No.10936729

This. Annoying as it is women are the glue of the social. It is simply in their nature, they love to introduce people, matchmake, bring groups together and organize social events. If you are looking for a boys club that is fine too, but it is often women who have to push men into meeting each other, especially slightly jaded intellectual men prone to staying home reading books 99% of the world will never care about.

>> No.10936812

OP here, just wanted to remark that I recently became a Muslim so you calling me out (intentionally or not) on neglecting prayer really hits home. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.10936869

"True occult knowledge" is knowledge of the Self.

>> No.10936881

Fucking larper. None of this has any relevance to anything esoteric. You're one of these people who puts on the garb of a tradition and contents himself to sit outside the gates to be seen by others, while true knowers go inside.

>> No.10936891

Why would you become a Muslim? Let us know how that goes, when in 10 years your life has gone to shit because you listened to a bunch of inbred goatfuckers

I know numerous people who have converted and they just fucked up their lives for nothing, and end up leaving islam totally dissapointed with it.

>> No.10937063

wow look at this autist go. there's nothing "roundabout" about that post, if you can't connect the first statement to the next, that's on you. and it's funny, that post has some advice that would probably help you, it certainly pertains more to what the OP asked than your goofy "volunteer at a nursing home and go to secondhand bookstore", holy shit what a gem, you mean these donations were donated by other people? OP asks for advice on how to find meaningful relationships and your advice is "true occult knowledge is friendship", what a fag. you're just another version of >>10936228, it's the same kind of generic, superficial nonsense, it's like listening to a virgin try to conjecture relationship advice.

>> No.10937065

and before anyone (You)s me to say poster 1 isn't poster 2, it doesn't matter, they're the same

>> No.10937107

Join a PhD program in the subject area, that interests you. Your professors and peers will inevitably share your interest.
Otherwise, remain a brainlet and search for buddies on internet forums.

>> No.10937145
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>fuck yeah science

>> No.10937351
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Aren't you using the idea of intellectually stimulating relationships as a defense mechanism that maybe prevents you from going out and meeting people that you deem intellectually inferior (whatever the fuck this means) but that can maybe push you to your limits in a way that you can't even predict or know before you try it out.

Aren't you just searching for something that you think is unattainable only because it enables you to stay in your little shell without pushing yourself to maybe achieve a higher degree of communication that opens up a way for you to observe at least some value in everyone.

Maybe you only fantasize about those intellectual endeavours. In reality you don't even want them because they might end up unveiling your limited intellectual and social capacity that you didn't develop because you were so full of yourself.

Screw them all. Be an outlaw. Join /sp/.

>> No.10937911

This, most smary pants intellectuals, especially the gay anti-social faggots that post on here are just Eingebildete suckers. Go out and meet people in your community, make friends and the social relationships and bonds will/should be intellectually stimulating in their own way. Not just cause you finally met a fellow cocksucker who's read Nabokov.

>> No.10937930

This; be a part of your community first and foremost. The classics are stimulating enough.