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10935612 No.10935612 [Reply] [Original]

About to start reading this. What am I in for?

>> No.10935656
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Why aren't you reading the superior version?

>> No.10935759

So then what's the 49th law?

>> No.10936062

Back in my youth, I thought this book was everything. Namely, on how to get ahead in the business world. Now, I've realized that it only pushes strife in your life by calculating unrighteousness in all your paths. It's a very deceitful book by nature and you would be wise to seek the truth. That truth is found in the Holy Bible. Read the Book of Proverbs for real guidance on wisdom and instruction.

>> No.10936075

Nonsense, really. Your time will be better spent studying persuasion.

>> No.10936105

Historical fiction based on true events.

>> No.10936133

The official book of Red Pillers and Black Men Excellence clubs

>> No.10936174

>da la autoro di "la arto di sedukteso"

>> No.10936188
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it's really stupid don't fuck with it

and this is not reverse psychology

I really mean that

some things are meant to be untouched so that you can uphold certain mystique (if this is the path you are interested in)

he's still going to read it.

>> No.10936356

>some things are meant to be untouched so that you can uphold certain mystique (if this is the path you are interested in)

what do you mean

>> No.10936395
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>> No.10936427


pls i beg u sir

>> No.10936432

I was going to agree with you up until your religious bs mumbojumbo.

>> No.10936435

I think this book, if followed to the T, will turn you more into an asshole, douchebag. It's a modern day version of The Prince

>> No.10936452


you realize you're asking someone to explain how it is you uphold a certain mystique

I'll try my hand at it though. he means that if you don't touch something too thoroughly, and keep your knowledge on the subject light, it wont corrupt you with the same force that it would to another person who dove into it headfirst, hungry for -explanation- (like what you did)

I am the he

>> No.10936482


>you realize you're asking someone to explain how it is you uphold a certain mystique

that wasn't reaIIy what I was asking, I just didn't understand the point that he was trying to convey.
'(if this is the path you are interested in)' is what confused me.

From what I understand he/you are just saying that someone who reads a book Iike this and analyses the 'ruIes' or 'techniques' wiII become too caIcuIated or stiIted in their interactions with others. Yes?

>> No.10936496

I’m assuming you were in the other thread, let me help u.

Have one good fart and kiss ur granny Good night.

The end

>> No.10936499
File: 36 KB, 570x565, 9db4899e594f86cb31b821f9b870488b--simple-addition-stoneware-clay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related in original post


>> No.10936510

Reading books like these has zero effect on your personal life.

I mean, I used their lessons when I was working in marketing, but it doesn't make you more charismatic or a better person around others. Knowing a few little tricks is a tiny aspect of manipulation, and you gotta practice them constantly.

>> No.10937377

48 Laws to Power advices you to be deceitful to others, the Bible advices you to be deceitful towards yourself and your natural desires

>> No.10938872

No way, you gotta be kiding.

>> No.10938915

Show me a book about persuasion

>> No.10939133

Robert Cialdini's book

>> No.10940036

"Law 49: Some traps are less gay than some women"

>> No.10940092


Law 49.5: Some traps trap bears, some traps trap horny boys - an offshoot of the horny toad - sometimes they are both known to ribbet - Traps of the second variation are ok to step on.