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10934136 No.10934136 [Reply] [Original]

this team thing has got to be a sociologist's wet dream. it's pretty incredible how quickly things escalated after dividing this website's user-base into arbitrary, randomly-assigned teams. notions of team-supremacy appeared immediately. now there are anons going as far as suggesting the genocide of inferior teams.

perhaps this was intended to provoke the xenophobic and nationalistic tendencies of the majority of users here. but i feel as though this would happen even if such an experiment were conducted outside of 4chan. the tendency to favor one's own team could very well be a primal human instinct.

it makes me wonder if this was intended as a social experiment. either way, the results are impressive

>> No.10934147

god youre such a fat fucking faggot, kys

>> No.10934151


Look, in-group policing!

>> No.10934157

classic peep faggotry you're just butthurt your team sucks dick

and no wonder with this kind of intra-team backstabbing jesus christ

>> No.10934169


Well said fellow gentleman of colour!

>> No.10934184

Posting to see what team I’m on

>> No.10934188


>> No.10934205

We're proud to be racist here, sweetheart

>> No.10934243
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That's why Mini's on the bottom, eternally ground under the heel of the (seemingly) egalitarian Team PB!

>> No.10934270

>browse /lit/, /sci/ and /his/ catalogs
>little to no team posting
>browse /pol/ catalog
>more than half is team posting
is team posting inversely related to IQ?

>> No.10934271

I deserve due process and I'm not certain that's happening if my trial is at a railyard where the juror are tied to one track, my defense is tied to another track, and nobody is stopping the train or relocating the trial.

I would probably call for a mistrial and hope things worked out better in a real courtroom

>> No.10934274

Take your fake deep pseud crap back to r*dd*t

>> No.10934283

I'm pretty sure it's all just shitposting anon. No one here actually cares about the teams beyond shitposting. Everyone knows they don't matter.

>> No.10934318

>is team posting inversely related to IQ?
That goes without saying. Double digits have a strong tribal mentality.

>> No.10934337

/his/ and /sci/ are retarded so no correlation as far as i see

>> No.10934399

That's right!

>> No.10934403

>everyone knows teams don't matter
let's see, where is your team ranked again, I forgot? Oh! Last place?

>> No.10934407

It's more like people on 4chan are bored and say things that are shocking to try and get attention.

>> No.10934417




>> No.10934420

How is a shitposting competition hosted by Hiro shocking or transgressive?

>> No.10934433

The results aren't impressive because the whole thing's a joke though. No one is actually taking it seriously, they're calling for crusades and the like as a direct parody of the typical 4chan aesthetic for calling for crusades against anything and everything. It's a very self-aware kind of almost self-deprecating humor.

>> No.10934442

Leave him, he's a brainlet mini incapable of grasping complex sociopolitical interactions

>> No.10934447


>> No.10934471

People shitpost for attention.

>> No.10934525
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Op, this actually shows one of the good sides of tribalism. It's been a lot of fun and there hasn't been any real hostility, just some banter. Knee jerk hostility to any sort of group identity doesn't make you enlightened, just a buzzkill. Also, these teams are incredibly arbitrary and dumb, but some real life group identities are quite important.

Team creme, check those digits!

>> No.10934529


>> No.10934588

The only good Peep is one who understands that there is only one solution to the Peep problem

>> No.10934589

I was born a peep. My parents were peeps. Their parents were peeps. And so on and so on. We peeps are a proud people and it makes me sick to see a fellow peep question our place at the top of the hierarchy.

>> No.10934854
File: 18 KB, 403x365, downs-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reeeeeeee being socialist doesn't make me completely fucking retarded

Science and history denialism are the classic hallmark traits of a retard.

>> No.10934862

spoken like a true peep. worst. team. ever

>> No.10934914

>he can't recognize the difference between boards discussing a subject and the subject itself
Looks like someone didn't read Plato