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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 128 KB, 1471x1471, AuraONE_FrontHero_Reading_US_806d621b-0726-45f5-bb32-dceda2c8acec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10932971 No.10932971 [Reply] [Original]

so whats the point in spending $300 on a e-reader?

>> No.10932984

Books are slightly cheaper and it's more compact than a book but absolutely nothing other than that

>> No.10932991

I've spent over 1000 dollars on books, I figure that a 300 dollar e reader at the cost of 99 cents to two dollars per book would have saved me 500+ dollars but I prefer physical copies. An e reader is more sensible.

>> No.10932994

> I prefer physical copies

>> No.10932999

You could find much cheaper e-books.

Also it saves money in the long run.

>> No.10933002

There is no point. Which is why you settle for a kindle paperwhite for under $200. Ya buy it, ya load it, ya read it. It's literally worth every penny, and ereaders really are revolutionary and amazing. Stop these threads, ya minilet

>> No.10933006

Just another step in further postponing actually reading anything. Get more tools, eat this diet, do cardio, get an e-reader, get references, start with the greeks, get nootropics, then you will be smart enough to do a simple task people have done for thousands of years in shitty conditions.

>> No.10933007

Why even pay for ebooks? lol

>> No.10933021

While in the long run an ereader is more sensible for monetary and portability reasons nothing will beat the feel and smell of a real book, the experience of turning the pages and getting comfortable on a long train ride

>> No.10933023

Not gonna lie, I'll only buy ebooks when they're no more than 2 bucks. Anything more than that, I pirate. I like to give a little back

>> No.10933050

Convenience. Large books are easier to read. Instant access. Built in dictionary. Can highlight and save passages.

>> No.10933056

Always interesting seeing this /lit/ view of reading as some inherently good, disciplined, activity from which other things are a distraction. Seems to me reading's really just another way of passing the time and consuming stuff.

>> No.10933064

It can be, the point is people build up this idea of a perfection that doesn't exist

>> No.10933065

What the hell e-reader costs €300? Pretty sure you can get a perfectly fine one for less than half that.

>> No.10933075

Anything is just a way of "passing the time."

>> No.10933090

Mine costs 100 usd, haven't spent a dime on books since I download everything for free.
It has adjustable lights so that you can read in any setting, and you can zoom in on the text. 1000% times better than regular books.

>> No.10933118

Sure, so why does reading get this aura of merit around it? You get people here asking how they can maintain attention, avoid distractions, etc etc. It's just such a bizarre way to talk about a leisure activity.

>guys how do I focus on Super Mario? I keep shitposting here when I should be jumping on turtles
>when you fuss over what exact TV and speaker setup you get you're really just putting off watching movies

>> No.10933124

I bought a new Paperwhite in my country for €100, new books are usually around €5-10. Do the math.

>> No.10933130

>what translation is best

>> No.10933168

I don't know. I got the basic kindle, and so far it's been great. A well spent $25. Maybe when I get a higher income, I'll get a paperwhite.

>> No.10933176

until your physical copies get old enough to make your reading time uncomfortable due to the excess of dust on your book.

>> No.10933193

Having good reading comprehension can benefit someone in a lot of ways

>> No.10933203


I bought a Kindle Paperwhite for like $120 and now pirate all of my books.

>> No.10933292

I read in public to demonstrate my intellectual superiority. I also like to show my financial superiority by using products with luxurious and wildly expensive design implementations. It also demonstrates that I am, as the common folk say, hip. Not everyone can keep up with all the latest trends and technological breakthroughs, but I do.

>> No.10933335

>It has adjustable lights so that you can read in any setting, and you can zoom in on the text.

What do have m8?

>> No.10933388

physical readers are poseurs and fakes for the most part. They like the idea of collecting books and having a library more than the act of reading the words

>> No.10933457

practical for being poor, its a one time large payment to have all the worlds books at your disposal via the internet. it may not be as stimulating as a physical book it will save money in the long run

>> No.10933498

>pirate 1000s of books and carry them around effortlessly
>keeps annotations, bookmarks (etc.) neatly, such that you can always view a quotation in context
>built-in dictionary
>good for a quick read, some longer fiction as well

Real books:
>write your thoughts in the margins
>have different styles of marking (underline, brackets, boxes) for different species of annotation
>can easily flip to and fro between sections
>full color images

In short, real books are best for philosophy texts and books with many images (e.g. science textbooks). eReader is good for all else.

>> No.10933563

will never understand writing in books. just keep a notepad of some kind to collect your notes on rather than defacing something you spent good money on

>> No.10933582

>They like the idea of collecting books and having a library more than the act of reading the words
I like both ideas.

>> No.10933614

Free books. Front light. Change text size. Easy to hold and turn pages with one hand. Take multiple books with you. Small. Built in dictionary.

>> No.10933647

Aura one, 7.8" screen is a premium ereader, its superior to other ereaders in every way. Naturally premium products always cost more, its just the way it is.

I currently own a latest paperwhite, its also very good and does what it is supposed to do. I pirate most books.

this is true for textbooks, but for fiction its simply stupid.

>> No.10933708

where do you download books?

>> No.10933717

irc, torrents

>> No.10933842
File: 162 KB, 533x526, 1522577315469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ereaders good for your eyesight - myth (making font bigger just weakens your eyes, and reading in illuminated screen also bad for your eyes)
ereaders save money - myth (you can buy ton of new regual books for same amount of money and you have what to read for whole year, later books you read you can rent to your friends. Actually physical books are kind a free thing, because of libraries)
ereaders easy to carry - true (vacation setting is optimal experience for ebooks, ebooks so light)
ebooks are not comfy - true (its no surprise that ebooks have no character or charm, when I in page 961 with regual book I start to feel something, but with ebook its just a number.

I had ereader once and sold it, if I lived in south Asia it be cool I guess.

>> No.10933866

My kindle fire 7 is shit for anything but reading and can hardly browse the web, and I imagine e-ink is way more luxe but also it was $30 and that is WAY CHEAPER than the contents of my kindle fire 7

>> No.10933879

>when I in page 961 with regual book I start to feel something, but with ebook its just a number.
wow, nice argument, I am blown away

>physical books are kind a free thing, because of libraries
and ebooks are a free thing, because of internet

>> No.10933905

$300 e-reader is luxury item which have different category of pricing, and are targeted to wealthy buyers.

>> No.10934063

I get it guys, let's say you want to read whole Infinite Jest, and you are form Europe. Libraries probably dont have it, you probably have two options, buy cheap ereader or buy paperback from Amazon. About the same price in the worst case scenario. But its 1079 pages, how many pages do you even read a day? 30? you read it in 36 days, shit thats quite fast. Its hard to be patrician when you are poor, Now I be more proud of my book collection.

>> No.10934165

>first time on /lit/ since around 2011
>you fags are still posting these ereader is the devil threads

Fuck sake guys.

>> No.10934171

I don't follow. Are we talking about the same thing?

>> No.10934619

whining like lil bitch

>> No.10934724


so I literally purchased that model (the most expensive one/flagship Kobo model) about a month ago and here's why.

it has:

> thinnest body
> largest screen (it's actually a bit too big sometimes - I can't fit it comfortably in my jacket)
> automatic brightness and hue (for hue, you set when you go to bed and it'll change the light to an orange color)
> can sync with overdrive - so I can download books from my library directly
> waterproof so I can read in the shower

and then there's the other stuff that most ereaders have:
> annotations
> dictionary
> e-ink technology (ie it looks like ink on paper, and doesn't hurt your eyes like phones)

it's nice to have the choice between paper books and ebooks. also, it makes reading really thick books at lot easier

google, mobilism, aaaaaaa, torrents

>> No.10934793

>buy 1 e-reader which can store thousands of books for free =$300
>buy hundreds of books costing $10-$50 a time which will more than likely cost a lot more in the long run
I’ve read more books since I got my Kobo 3 months ago than I had read for the last 10 years of my life

>> No.10934812

I use my e-reader to read books I can't find in hard copy. It's also easily to illegally download whatever book you want for free.

>> No.10936164

reading (in general, as long as it's not harry potter at age 25 and twitter-tier shit like that) makes you way smarter than mario and tv will.

>> No.10936253

I have nothing against e-readers. but they're definitely not for me. I bought an e-reader years ago before I was into reading, and tried so many times to use it, but I could never get into anything. I just assumed that I wasn't a fan of reading and moved on. But after trying to read a physical book, I realized that I just couldn't read a book on a screen. I love the smell and texture of books, and being able to see and feel my progress makes me want to continue so much more than just pressing next page. Plus seeing my continuously growing book collection on my shelf is so comfy. It helps that I work only a couple minutes from two great book stores though.

>> No.10936299

Both of your joke comparisons actually ring true, though. Go into most threads on /v/ and you'll see plenty of people complaining that all they do is shitpost there instead of playing through their video game backlog. Go onto audiophile / film forums, including Reddit, and you'll see plenty of threads where people fuss over their speakers, picture settings, room environment, etc. This sort of stuff plagues every hobby.

>> No.10936518


>> No.10936620

uhm no 100 dollars. and every book for free. and you dont look like a pseud reading brothers k on public transport

>> No.10936995

What? I googled that and couldn't find anything

>> No.10937000

Damn that book was good

>> No.10937081


>> No.10937130
File: 380 KB, 2560x1080, deadpseud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing. its capacitors and resistors and microprocessors and solid state storage will fail many, many, many years before even my paperbacks will. and many of my books are not available in ebook format, or if they are they are poorly assembled and formatted by some non-publisher and therefore practically unreadable. and you better hope your book doesn't have image scans, because they're probably now in black and white and full of artifacts or in a resolution meant for ants. ereaders are a mature technology, but it's still prone to failure and the content is not up to the quality of centuries of printing on paper.

bugmen btfo

>> No.10937178

seriously i have a sansa mp3 player from 13 years ago. it died after two years of use and can no longer hold a charge or operate from a plug. electronics are useless not only in a shtf scenario, but also if you want your property to still be what you bought a few years down the line

>> No.10937189

To read. I dont care if it wont work in 7 years, i just want the convienience now

>> No.10937223
File: 104 KB, 640x471, can-smell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. luddite

I bought my kindle touch in 2011. It still works great, and ive read probably 350 books on it in that time. When it dies from overuse, it will have been worth it.

Note, if i read a book 350 times over that same period it would have fallen apart unless it was some godtier folio edition.

>> No.10937232

If you read shit, then you can compare It to jumping on turtles.
For me its a way of learning about interesting topics or getting to know other cultures better. It broadens your mind and get you more conscious in general, at least thats what It does to me.

Playing videogames on the other hand is just a past time that could be fun, but that doesnt change me in any way.

>> No.10937238

>implying the pages of a book are unreadable simply because they fell out of from the spine
>implying a shitty kindle that depends on grid energy can match a printed library after the bombs fall
>implying patrician anons want to read the normie-tier books available on kindle

>> No.10937241

No one cares

>> No.10937243

and you're damn right i'm a luddite

>> No.10937252

>(making font bigger just weakens your eyes, and reading in illuminated screen also bad for your eyes)
neither of which you need to do
>myth (you can buy ton of new regual books for same amount of money and you have what to read for whole year, later books you read you can rent to your friends. Actually physical books are kind a free thing, because of libraries)
every book without copyright is for free (anything pre-19th century at this point)

>> No.10937280

Whispersync is legitimately useful for nonfiction books

>> No.10937284

search gen lib in a non-google search engine

>> No.10938632

I bought a paperwhite of the latest generation maybe a year or two ago. 200 bucks I have read over 200 books for free much costed way more than a dollar. I was gonna read these books anyway so I made money in the end

>> No.10938989

KA1 owner here just wanted to drop by real quick to tell you it's the best

>> No.10939041

ereaders are good for bad books, real text is better for good books. a patrician will read both in his time.

>> No.10939128

To not feel self conscious when you're brainflexing in front of all the plebs in public. There's nothing more attention whoring than reading a big bulky book outside of the house to "show off" to everyone how much better you think you are than them. Ereaders are the patented solution to this.

>> No.10939189
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220€, since kobo aura one i've stopped buying mangoes.

btw for the most part i borrow books from the public library and use the kobo only for download some rare book

>> No.10939247

I have a kindle that I bought for $100. I store all of my recreational reading on there, and it’s honestly cheaper than buying hardcovers and paperbacks. But don’t get me wrong, I still love the feel of a physical book

>> No.10939261


>> No.10939280

Who also downloads and reads ton of books on the kindle and then buy physical copies of the ones that really love?

Building a nice reading library without the need of storing shit

>> No.10940507

bought a paperwhite for 75$, pirating all the shit.
it's handy, mobile and sometimes much more comfy to read, especially because I don't have to be careful to not damage the books (i'm fucking sensitive in damaging books even a little)
but I will never prefer that over a phsyical copy, something that you can put in your shelf and see the progress of.

>> No.10940621

Kobo Aura One vs Amazon Oasis
which should I buy?

>> No.10940708

>centuries of printing on paper.
Only for rag paper and vellum. Modern wood pulp doesn't have anywhere near that longevity.

>> No.10940731

reading in the dark

>> No.10940785

I'm worried I won't be able to retain as much if I get one of these, has anyone experienced this?

>> No.10940789

i was speaking about the quality of the content and the technological maturity of printing on physical paper. books are still way ahead of ereaders in both categories.

>> No.10940800
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Sure your analogies are true if youre simply reading to kill time. If you read YA trash and genre fiction from Barnes and Nobles, sure. But we here, we reas literature. Y'know, trying to understand and read complex theories, plots, ideas and themes? Maybe you dont know. Maybe you dont ever try to ascend to higher form of art. In fact, I dont think you understand art at all. If all your doing is killing time with your hobbies or passions than you live a sad, sad life.

>> No.10940901

Why should retain less? It doesnt make any sense, its just the same text but on a screen that has a similar texture to paper, that you can read in the dark and that It weights way less

>> No.10940970

since its a screen its processed by your brain differently than text on a page.
also you don't get the physical sensation of making progress like you do with a book (i.e. flipping pages)


>> No.10940998


I meant aaaaarg

>> No.10941003

"comparing reading an upsetting short story on paper and on iPad"

I dont know if you actually had a Kindle on your hands , but its not an iPad screen, it feels like paper, and the light , its not pointing directly to your face

>> No.10941010

Ok im an idiot, apparently It doesnt matter where i actually read because im stupid

>> No.10941018

>The Elizabeth George study included only two experienced Kindle users


>> No.10941082

Aura One H2O desu

>> No.10941269

Why nigger why