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10926021 No.10926021 [Reply] [Original]

>>On Tinder
>>Met a qt latina with a masters degree in art history. I don't think anything of it although she seems pretty cool and hip.
>>Make her laugh with a cheesy pick up line and we start asking each other questions
>>We talk for two days including over the phone and we get along amazingly. She likes the same music as I do and we have the same kind of humor and interests. We even grew up within miles of each other. Easily the most compatible person I've ever met.
>>"Anon, what's your favorite book?" I tell her it's the Stranger by Albert Camus. She is shocked because she just ordered it and can't believe we're so similar. I ask hers and she says Nausea by Jean Peal Sartre.
>>I order Nausea partly to read it, partly because I never got into Sartre even though I like Camus, and partly because she has so much in common with me I figure I must like.
>>We go out on a Friday night. We got to a microbrew, jazz club, and then get dinner. It feels like the perfect date. She was into it, into me and had fun all night. Almost kiss all night but I didn't go for it because she didn't seem like the kind of girl that would be into that with someone she just met. We talk until 2 am before she takes off.
>>I think it goes well. She texts me excitedly right after she left. We keep talking for another two days. Getting along great. We make a date for Tuesday to go watch a movie.
>>Next day radio silence. I think it's odd but since I'm a grown man with responsibilities I chalk it up to life.
>>Next day she sends me a text saying she was only testing the waters to see if she could see herself in a relationship or whether she wants to be single. She says she doesn't want to lead me on. She then proceeds to ghost me. I get pissed off mostly because I actually would have been cool just being her friend since I never met many people who like all the same stuff I do, and I thought she just jumped to one hell of a conclusion. I have no choice but to shrug it off.
>>Nausea by Sartre arrives. I decide to read it because I already bought it and she recommended it.

Holy shit, what the fuck is this garbage? Am I just reading it wrong or is Sartre just a whiny bitch? I thought Absurdism was supposed to be existentialism with a hopeful slant and not just a middle-aged guy going through a mid-life crisis talking about how nothing matters despite making it painfully obvious he's just a robot in the 1930s.

Anyone else ever been fucking bamboozled like this?

>> No.10926026

Drop Sartre, read Celine.

>> No.10926028

Should have kissed her and she wouldn't have ghosted afterward. Chin up, kiddo. You win some, you lose some. Most importantly, you learn.

>> No.10926032

Take this shit to /r9k/

>> No.10926035

Don't worry about it, she probably met somebody handsomer than you on tinder the day after. It happens.

>> No.10926037

If painfully obvious that you’re just trying to shit on her taste because you’re butthurt about her dumping you.

>> No.10926038


>> No.10926039

nice blog fag
Sartre sucks, it is known.

>> No.10926044
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Sartre is a meme
Read real existentialist lit like pic related

>> No.10926045

t. Woman logic
I know girls are this petty but intelligent men retain objective taste not based on the last Chad that ignored them

>> No.10926104

You absolute beta cuck. It's no wonder she had no interest in you if you were to scared to even kiss her.

>> No.10926105

>le pure womin who is not like other womin
You should have kissed her boy. It doenst matter how a woman is, she still gonna have that XX cromosome.

>> No.10926110

Drop Sartre, read Schopenhauer

>> No.10926126

>I acted like a beta faggot
>Blame her

Never change

>> No.10926137



>> No.10926198 [DELETED] 
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>>On Tinder
>>Met a qt latina with a masters degree in art history.
>>She messages me with a cheesy pick up line and we start asking each other questions.
>>We talk for two days including over the phone and we get along amazingly. She likes the same music I write and we have the same kind of humor and interests or something. We even grew up within miles of each other. Easily the most compliant person I've ever met.
>>"Chad, what's your favorite book?" I tell her it's the Republic by Plato. She is shocked because she read the Allegory of the Cave in college and can't believe we're so similar. I ask hers and she says the Nausea by Sartre. I don't think anything of it although she seems pretty cool and hip.
>>We go out on a Friday night. We do coke at a dive, go to a warehouse show and then to a diner. She says it feels like the perfect date. She was into me and we fuck all night. She didn't seem like the kind of girl that would be into that with someone she just met. We talk until 5am before she takes off.
>>I think it goes well. She texts me excitedly right after she left. We keep talking for another two days but I'm getting bored. We make a date for Tuesday to go to her museum job.
>>Next day I ghost her. It's odd but since I'm a grown man with responsibilities I chalk it up to life.
>>She texts saying she still wants to hang out again but I don't care. There's too many people who like all the same stuff I do, and I thought she was clinging. I have no choice but to shrug it off.
>>More matches arrive throughout this time. I decide to respond to and send a few messages.
Pic related, I fingered her with blaze fingers

>> No.10926224
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>On Tinder
>>Met a qt latina with a masters degree in art history.
>>She messages me with a cheesy pick up line and we start asking each other questions.
>>We talk for two days including over the phone and we get along amazingly. She likes the same music I write and we have the same kind of humor and interests or something. We even grew up within miles of each other. Easily the most compliant person I've ever met.
>>"Chad, what's your favorite book?" I tell her it's the Metaphysica by Avicenna. She is shocked because she read the Quran in college and can't believe we're so similar. I ask hers and she says the Nausea by Sartre. I don't think anything of it although she seems pretty cool and hip.
>>We go out on a Friday night. We do coke at a dive, go to a warehouse show and then to a diner. She says it feels like the perfect date. She goes home with me and we fuck all night. She didn't seem like the kind of girl that would be into that with someone she just met. We talk until 5am before she takes off.
>>I think it goes well. She texts me excitedly right after she left. We keep talking for another two days but I'm getting bored. We make a date for Tuesday to go to her museum job.
>>Next day I ghost her. It's odd but since I'm a grown man with responsibilities I chalk it up to life.
>>She texts saying she still wants to hang out again but I don't care. There's too many people who like all the same stuff I do, and I thought she was clinging. I have no choice but to shrug it off.
>>More matches arrive throughout this time. I decide to respond to and send a few messages.
Pic related, I fingered her with blaze fingers

>> No.10926404
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>>Alone in my room
>>Halfway through Roberto Calasso's masterpiece Tiepolo Pink I see a "charming portrait of a young woman in a cloak whose hood is ruffled by the wind and who seems to have been pictured as she sets of in romantic trepidation and a hint of anxiety to a clandestine love tryst", portraying "Lydwine of Schiedam, who lived in Holland between 1380 and 1433 and has been renowned since for the strength of her faith, which permitted her to bear with abnegation terrible sufferings, following an accident that occurred while she was ice skating".
>>The glow of her cheeks, the charming gleam from the corner of her eyes, the way she tosses her head gracefully to the side, and all the beauty which art has endowed to this disfigured woman, whose strength of spirit can be seen in a single glance, and whose reputation lives centuries after her demise makes me laugh, although it touches my heart with a kind of muted sadness to know that she lives not. Looking her up on wikipedia, I realize she was born only several kilometers of my own home town
>>I think about her for the next two days. I invent a kind of fantasy where she likes the same kind of music as I do and we have the same kind of humor and interests. She is easily the most compatible person I have ever dreamed.
>>I invent a mental tulpa of her and, one day while taking a walk together along the riviera she asks me "Anon what's your favorite book?" I tell her it's A Rebours by Charles-Marie-Georges Huysmans. She's shocked because her favorite author is Léon Bloy and she can't believe we're so similar.


>> No.10926409

>>We have dinner one Friday night, I smoke hashish and drink myself senseless with wine, she eats a single fig and blood pours out of her mouth and eyes
>>I think it goes well. She talks to me excitedly till 4am. We keep talking for another two days. Getting along great. We make a date for Tuesday to go watch a movie.
>>Next day radio silence. I think it's odd but since I'm a grown man with responsibilities I chalk it up to life.
>>Next day she appears to me in a dream saying she was only testing the waters to see if she could see herself re-manifesting within the earthly realm or whether she wants to retreat entirely from the δημιουργός. She says she doesn't want to lead me on. She then proceeds to ghost me (or rather, not). I get pissed off mostly because I actually would have been cool just being her friend since I never met many people who like all the same stuff I do, and I thought she just jumped to one hell of a conclusion. I have no choice but to shrug it off.
>>"Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church" by Bloy arrives. I decide to read it because I already bought it and she recommended it.

What is this garbage? "The worst thing is not to commit crimes but, rather, not to accomplish the good that one could have done. It is the sin of omission, which is nothing other than to be unloving, and no one accuses himself of it." I just want to retreat to my tiny digital simulacrum of reality. I thought life was supposed to be nihilism with a hopeful slant and not just a generation going through a mid-zeitgeist crisis talking about how nothing matters despite making it painfully obvious they've simply retreated from the spiritual world of genuine human interaction for cheap gizmos, anonymous sex, and constant mass produced affirmation by profit driven corporations using algorithmic data tracking.

Anyone else ever been fucking bamboozled like this?

>> No.10926491


>> No.10926549
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She has commitment issues. It's very unlikely it's something personal if you're accurate in your assessment of the date, how well it went, etc. It's very likely she got fucked over in a relationship before you dated and she's experiencing a sudden spike of anxiety and ahedonia in reflexive defense.

You should text her and tell her exactly what you said in the second to last line and tell her that you understand if you didn't already fuck everything up by getting pissed at her.

What you do then is you just enjoy her as a friend and if she wants a relationship make her pursue you because she needs to be the one making a positive decision rather than passively accepting a relationship, which is how you get over commitment issues.

>> No.10926603

Not OP but I'm unironically over the games women play and decided that none of them are different or capable of listening. I've been in a couple relationships and just got out of one that was as stereotypically bad as the rest of them. Women are inferior, plain and simple. Probably going to get into Otto Weininger and then live the ascetic/celibate life. I really tried to be liberal and see things as if God created us all equal but sometimes truth just screams at you until you hear it.

>> No.10926613

Ever think that maybe the problem is you?

>> No.10926620
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>> No.10926627

>he's just a robot in the 1930s.
wasn't Sartre literally fucking young girls daily that his gf brought him as a ritual offering so he didn't even have to pick them up?

>> No.10926632
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does pooh actually look this smug in the original

>> No.10926640

Yes, because relationships are definitively destined to work out, right? I've never met a happy couple in the long run, and hardly even in the short run.

>> No.10926951

Nice, my date just left me. We spent our second date at my place talking about our favourite literature and then kissed, she got up right after that and said she needed to get going. Wtf is up with people, why meet me at all if you don't even want to kiss? Fuck it I need another drink.

>> No.10926991

>on tinder
>not the kind of girl to kiss someone she just met
ya blew it kid, better luck next time. also Sartre and Camus are both fags

>> No.10926996

Two wonderful posts, anon. Must object to your referring to Tiepolo Pink as Calasso's mp, however. The Ruin of Kasch- the (youthful) brio, the daemonic compulsion to attempt way too much and yet somehow (if in a way that cannot be made articulate even remotely!) succeeding will and must remain 'the one.' Just sayin'.
Nonetheless your -way too good to become pasta- made my day. Thanks.

>> No.10927001

why are there so many tinder ads lately? are they getting ready for an ipo and want to pump their user stats?

>> No.10927018

she didn’t feel a physical connection and didn’t want to be pressured into having sex so she left. it doesn’t matter what your intent was, women control sex, if they feel even slightly uncomfortable, unless you are exceedingly handsome, they will bail on the drop of a dime if you give off bad signals or signs of low fitness (tiny dick, bad kisser, awkward in bed)

>> No.10927025

isn't tinder the new facebook to steal information from normies now that facebook has been disowned by the elites?

>> No.10927039

yeah also they're probably trying to pivot away from slut hookup app now that that new law about sex trafficking went into effect, actually im surprised github itsnt trying harder to appeal to normies and bring them onto it as a social network, theyve been expanding it beyond just code repositories for a while letting people host bloggy posts in markdown from the repo etc. and they monitize by selling private repo space so they dont need to spy on your whole life to make a profit, hopefully they have a ceo with killer instincts who can make it happen

>> No.10927050

>theyve been expanding it beyond just code repositories for a while letting people host bloggy posts in markdown from the repo etc.
well, they have those sort of quotas for women in that company, no wonder they are moving from code to blogging

>> No.10927055

>on Tinder
>not that type of girl for kissing
Stop braaaaaapsniffer larping, please.

>> No.10927068

Yeah you're probably right I'm just butthurt because I wasted a whole day cleaning my appartment.

>> No.10927075

Bruh you should’ve done the kissie poo on her and not been so cowardly :))) hey buddy you should’ve uhh been really hardy and done the kissie kissie on her face-O!
even though she is similar, she definitely was like “omg ugh I don’t like him cause he didn’t kiss me” dumb dumb head!
you need to grow up and kiss people lift heavy stuff and have the sex, your are beta being you?? chad. this was because woman and uhh kiss. read this book I read

>> No.10927077

>throat fuck a marxist asian girl the day i meet her as a card carrying nietzschean
>she's obsessed and borderline stalks me

take the red pill, kid

>> No.10927080

What did he mean by this

>> No.10927085

stop investing in women you meet at bars and on the internef, your friends and work related shit is the best way to get a gf who is serious. if not, then you have a fucked mentality for getting laid. its completely about how handsome and sexually potent you are if its just “”physical””.

>> No.10927087

I hope the comedy here was intentional - in which case, bravo.

>> No.10927089

>Asian girl

lol nah you're alright man

>> No.10927093

>your friends and work related shit is the best way to get a gf who is serious

Chances are they're all ugly and old though

>> No.10927115

holy shit op u just caused a revolution in my mind, what if you get a bunch of interns to larp as sluts on tinder and get sadsack whitebois to order books they say they like! you could def. pump your sales with this, hell ya bro

>> No.10927122

haha YES BRO!

>> No.10927124


>> No.10927126

>doesnt have hot young coworkers

where the fuck do you work at? lmao

that said fucking chicks from work is sketch as hell and a super gamble, if it doesnt work somebody is gonna leave the job unless shes one of those sluts who just gives everybody at work a go, but then you'll probably catch feelings and be salty when she humps the janitor next week

>> No.10927147

op she wanted u to dick her down with the bwc on the first night, but while she was waiting for u to get around to giving her the dee chad swiped her, gotta move fast with internet sluts, no one has time for friendzoney guys

>> No.10927164

>am I wrong or is Sartre just a whiny bitch?
It is known

>> No.10927165
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all this thread proved to me is that interests and hobbies being shared by two people mean fuck all and not even remotely the most important thing in a relationship

she doesn't truly care about your chosen esoteric pursuit, she wants to know things like your dick size, confidence level, wallet size etc.

>> No.10927189

would you be attracted to a fat chick with saggy teets who lives in section 8 housing with her black baby because you have the same "hobbies"? who gives a shit about hobbies u fucking fool

>> No.10927210


what an insanely retarded analogy

truly breathtaking

>> No.10927228

he's spot on desu. you wouldn't fuck some rotting whale because it can quote melville.

>> No.10927234

oh i see hot sluts are supposed to get on their knees are slurp your cock because you both like collecting baseball cards, but you wont fuck a fat chick with three kids even tho she shares your passion for sudoku? double standards much? kys fag

>> No.10927246


you literal retards, that analogy doesn't work because attraction between the two was already determined way before their interests were shared

the point of my post is that the OP played up them sharing interests as a big deal, yet it clearly wasn't and she flaked for an entirely mundane reasons like most chicks

>> No.10927284

>attraction isn't important
Ask me how I know you're ugly

>> No.10927286


>> No.10927301

what part of that post implied attraction isn't important? perhaps you should learn to read you stupid trash

>> No.10927316

I really enjoy Camus' writing too and I'd read some of Sartre's non-fiction for a college class, so I tried to pick up Nausea. You're not alone in thinking it's shit anon. It took me three times to get into it because I kept putting the book down around page 20. I don't know how to explain my disdain for this book other than by calling it shit. The ideas in it aren't awful, but holy fuck is the actual prose terrible. Sartre can't write.

>> No.10927318

You imply wanting to fuck a hot chick who you have similar interests with and not wanting to fuck a fat chick you have similar interests is hypocrisy

>> No.10927333


damn nigger who sure are dumb! the point was that some loser was mad that women wouldnt suck his dick for having the same hobbies as them, like what the fuck bitch i love table tennis as much as you why arent you fellating my penis! could it be that she thinks youre repulsive

wow man if ur going to post on a literature board at least try to have basic reading comprehension, i mean theres always dumb fucks on 4chan but you seem like you might literally be retarded, like you cant follow a thread for three fucking posts

>> No.10927334
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Women, amirite?

In any case, you sound really butthurt regarding Sartre. You're definitely reading him with a biased slant bc you were rekt by a female. Put it down and read it again when you're over this grill.

>> No.10927341

>jazz club
no wonder she doesn't want to see you again, you filthy peasant

>> No.10927356
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Obviously that is an extreme example. If you take resident qt or someone that you would realistically date and she likes the same stuff you do that's going to make a difference in your relationship because there will be a relationship to be had.

>> No.10927378

maybe for some people, but i hate that shit, if they like the same stuff then every time u go out it just becomes a trivia contest like "did ever read blah? oh yeah! blah was rad! did u ever see bleh? oh no i didnt know about bleh, better check it out, but what about bluh, do u like bluh anon? well, im aware of bluh but i never really got into it" yeah this is actually fucking tedious i hate it

>> No.10927417

Thanks anon, glad you enjoyed it

>> No.10927509

Isn't that exactly the point, you retard? He didn't say it only went one way.

>> No.10928379

Yes, and hoofing huge quantities of mescaline - to the point he became incapable of retaining possessions.

>> No.10928451
