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10925303 No.10925303 [Reply] [Original]

What do you like/dislike about him? What is he wrong about?

>> No.10925331

He doesn't hate blacks/jews enough

>> No.10925334

He doesn't understand truth.

>> No.10925335

I never got into the New Atheism thing, nor that whole culture of YouTube videos that emerged alongside it: Watch (insert pseud here) DEMOLISH this Feminist/Fundamentalist/whatever in 2 minutes, etc. Seeing as how Harris is part of that I never gave him a shot, but I'd be open to consider him. The only thing I'm aware is that he's known for going against Islam and those Chomsky emails.

>> No.10925349

morality and free will for starters

>> No.10925354
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he is kind of adorable, in that autistic anglo kind of way, yeah, he is a pleb in a way, but his most vocal detractors are not much better to be honest, i'd rather listen to him than to some Vox """journalist"""

also once you learn he is basically a rich kid that hasn't worked a day on his life it explains a lot

his recent meltdown was fun:

>> No.10925357


He has noticeably asymmetrical face, and as a believer in Calvinist aesthetic epistemology (that god chose certain people to be correct and gave them beauty to prove it) I simply can not take the man seriously.

>> No.10925364

i don't care about "STEM free will is fake" stuff or "le anti-religion man" stuff

has he written something about buddhism? always fun to see traditions butchered from the point of view of nihilist liberals pushing their agenda

>> No.10925369

he´s an idiot who think he´s one of the smartest people alive

>> No.10925379

Everytime he gets criticised it's always the same song and dance. He doubles down saying "You're misrepresenting what i'm saying" "You don't understand what i'm saying" Then he gets offered a debate and he declines while publishing the e-mail exchanges which add nothing, and usually expose him as being an idiot. This is all delivered with aggression. The latest example being this Ezra Klein crap, at some point, when you have this with everyone you speak with it's not other people, it's you.

>> No.10925387

I like that he BTFO Peterson and now triggers the shit out of Peterson's lame loser followers

>> No.10925389

he is kind of ruining his appeal, he first alienated the right wingers by going never Trump, and now he is kind of losing the liberals that remained by going against Vox, not sure if he has any niche left after this

not that this is an issue, his mother is rich, so he probably does his podcast and anti-god stuff just for ego-stroking reasons

>> No.10925408
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it was fun to see Peterson cucked by le autistic godless man desu, not that i was able to hear to more than 5 minutes of that podcast, but just the concept of being pushed around for 2 hours for your poorly thought conception of truth kind of amuses me

Peterson is not that smart and all his arguments amount to grandstanding, so if you deny the grandstanding bits everything else just deflates very fast

Most of his critics have the issue that they try to grandstand back at him with "tolerance" or some poorly thought liberal memes, which is a mistake and you can't defeat him in that field after the guy basically spent 30 years grandstanding at 20yo retarded kids

>> No.10925427
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well, for one, he's jewish

>> No.10925432

I don't understand what his appeal is anymore, i'm not even sure I remember what it used to be. A 9/11 liberal?

>> No.10925445

he's a brainlet and the only person he has entered into debate with and not come out looking incredibly stupid was Jordan Peterson, and he didn't really win, they just kind of argued semantics like the 105iq scum they are.

>> No.10925449

just your typical 90s or early 2000s ideology where you don't have to explicitly believe in nothing, just in rationality and """science""" where science can mean anything from empiricism, to liberalism, to "common sense". it is whatever you want it to be.

that died slowly after all the failed middle east wars and the 2008 financial crisis, now it's untenable

>> No.10925479

>let me just unpack this for you
>I'll just plant a flag right here
>allow me to deconstruct your argument
>k but-
>'my being' an atheist has nothing to do with the argument
>'my having' a PhD means im a neuroscientist

>> No.10925506

I am a semi regular listener to his podcast, and I like most of his stuff when he is talking about anything besides politics. I find it hilarious that someone who worships rationality like he does flies off the handle about trump on a regular basis, one of the worst cases of trump derangement syndrome I’ve seen. It gets really cringe when his basic bitch New Atheism intersects with politics, there was an event he did about a month ago in DC where he implied that a not insignificant portion of the Evangelical vote for trump was due to their desire for him to cause armeggedon and in turn create the rapture.

Beyond that I also think his worldview is fundamentally flawed. He seems to operate under the assumption that rational people are good. I think it was in the first Jordan Peterson podcast where he said that if a whole bunch of rational atheist scientists were put on a rocket ship and sent to the moon they would build a perfect society.

All of that doesn’t even begin to cover his stance on free will. I am pretty sure he is a determinist, which makes his rage about trump even more confusing.

>> No.10925513

He's wrong about how to bootstrap 'objective' morality.

He's right about human biodiversity and the mudslime scourge

>> No.10925520

what must he have studied in his philosophy degree? he doesn't seem to have read any of the moral philosophy or any other classical author for that matter, did he just read current mind philosophy meme writers? can you even get a degree in philosophy that way?

>> No.10925523

The Harris v Peterson debate was great example of the level of projection going on within their fanbase. Like you said, it was a really unsophisticated struggle for both of them to agree on a handful of terms and definitions. The whole thing was a meandering prolegomena to an actual debate that never happened, yet the fans are out there claiming victory.

>> No.10925537

That's a good observation. When you ask Peterson to actually produce a coherent worldview the whole thing collapses.

>> No.10925540

>What do you like/dislike about him?
He has no original ideas and is not an actual neuroscientist. Also his smug face and superior than thou attitude turns me off from him.

>What is he wrong about?
A lot of things. Mainly his assertion that science can answer moral/ethical problems.

>> No.10925547

He sure as shit didn't read Hume

>> No.10925548

The Tendency to publicly release private correspondence; and then looking like an idiot as everyone agrees with the other person
He did it with Chomsky and then Ezra Klein and looked bad in both cases, and you have to be a special kind of person to look good against Ezra Klein

>> No.10925555

he was on golden girls and likes science. disqualified.

>> No.10925571

>Since getting his PhD, he has conducted no scientific research.
>Since getting his PhD, he has taught no university/college courses in neuroscience.
>Since getting his PhD, he has devoted his efforts to his anti-religious think tank and publishing books, such as the one on using drugs and meditation to discover truths about our reality.
>He received his PhD through partial funding from his own atheist organization.
>He didn’t do any of the experiments for his own thesis work.
>His PhD thesis was about how science can determine what is right and wrong and he turned it into a book for sale.
>Since publishing his thesis/book, Harris has yet to use science to resolve a single moral dispute.

>> No.10925589

>He did it with Chomsky and then Ezra Klein and looked bad in both cases, and you have to be a special kind of person to look good against Ezra Klein
it's been pretty fun seeing the /r/samharris subreddit devolve into a shitfest of IQ, race and mental gymnastics. It's legitimately worse than /pol/ while the guys doing this shit are antiracist liberals, so i guess that this is what happens when you fall for the "there are no taboos, science will solve everything" meme and are too autistic to realize what function unspoken rules serve in a society

>> No.10925611

cia agent.

>> No.10925619
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>> No.10925695

He's based

It's internet age, you can build incredible large niche audiences.

>> No.10925722

i mean he has almost as many patrecucks as peterson

not sure how much money they give though, it's hidden

>> No.10925801

How much of this is true.

>> No.10925814

~80k per month

https://graphtreon.com/creator/samharris (switch to 2y on the monthly graph)
~20k per episode = over 80k per month

>> No.10925845
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nice, le rational atheist man wins against le postmodern christian man

also what happened in july 2017 to Harris? i think it was when Trump won the nomination, which is kind of funny

>> No.10925850

literally all of it

>> No.10925999

this episode was July 19, maybe the Trump loving part of his patrecucks got triggered or something

>> No.10926027

I like Little Red Riding Hood a lot and so far Sam hasn't had anything bad to say about that, so he's alright by me.

>> No.10926097


ezra klein is a dishonest hack without a journalistic bone in his body

>> No.10926103

He's just a boring, milquetoast, materialist anglo intellectual like Pinker. Not offensive, but not interesting in the least. At least Peterson's mystic Jungian insanity is entertaining.

>> No.10926107

you still have to play it cool if you want to win internet arguments

>> No.10926109

they both fell for the iq and race meme, there's no way they won't be destroyed by the left soon

>> No.10926115

I remember when he got destroyed by Chomsky. I wanted to see how his fans were reacting to the curb stomp and I found that not only did they think that Harris won, they thought he was the one doing the stomping.

>> No.10926121


more like gene

>> No.10926124

Pinker's been woke on IQ and race for over a decade. He knows that the evidence is incontrovertible

>> No.10926127

Because when he gets called a literal nazi he is being misrepresented, he never applies aggression where it isn't justified, you showed a great example with Ezra Klein.
Why so dishonest?

>> No.10926134

sam has the facts on his side.

to criticise his argument on the basis "lol u mad" is literally the type of dishonest hack type journalism that klein lives off

>> No.10926139

pinker spoke on race and iq?

>> No.10926144

Sam is just a little under 50% Ashkenazim so he has the Jewish gift for sophistry but also has enough European heritage to value the truth.

An interesting combination.

>> No.10926145

He really doesn't. He doesn't address the counterpoints at all. He also passes off his views as the scientific consensus when it is not.

>> No.10926149

pink is full redpill on hbd

>> No.10926151

Wow a NEET on 4chan calling two people with PhDs low-IQ

>> No.10926158

>sam has the facts on his side.
you still don't write an article literally saying:
>(blacks < whites < Asians)
specially if you want to play the liberal game, it's just too autistic and will make you look extreme whether you have the facts or not

>> No.10926159

but it is scientific consensus. it's a basic literal fact that intelligence varies in groups. of course it varies between races.

you wouldn't be upset if someone said chinese people in general have a higher iq than whites. (which is true)

but you would get upset if i said whites have higher iq than blacks.

this doesn't mean anything about any particular individual.

why is this controversial. this is literal science fact

>> No.10926163

pinker is highly redpilled

>> No.10926164

why are you upset about how facts look to people

if it's a fact, it's a fact.

>> No.10926169

Why are anti-Harris fags so dishonest and slimey?
Jesus Christ, he stated that that "These are the most provocative claims in the book", he's merely quoting someone else you dumb cunt.

>> No.10926176
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>it's a basic literal fact that intelligence varies in groups.
let's be honest, there's a good reason there was a taboo about this

let's also be honest, it was the left that opened the can of worms when they started expecting proportional outcomes for all groups, and implemented policies which assume all groups are equal like Affirmative Action, which make no sense and will open the can of worms of group differences as soon as you don't get proportional outcomes even using them

>> No.10926177

>lefties are so unreasonable that even liberal jews have more in common with the alt-right than with them

we live in strange times.

>> No.10926180

i am not mad, i'm saying you can't play the liberal game with a sentence like that. I'm not interested in playing the liberal game personally, but Harris seems to be, which means he is autistic to write something like that

>> No.10926181

that autism is sam's greatest charm. he honestly wants to be a liberal but will not lie for it.

>> No.10926185

What kind of an asinine idea of liberalism do you have that someone subscribing to race realism can't be a liberal?

God I fucking hate Americans.

>> No.10926188

>but it is scientific consensus. it's a basic literal fact that intelligence varies in groups. of course it varies between races.
The issue isn't the fact that the differences exist. The issue is how these differences are made to seem as essential and static attributes. Murray is not a respected author in the field of psychometrics, and passing him off as one is a disservice to the public.

>> No.10926192

liberalism literally states that all humans are created equal by god, not sure what kind of liberalism you believe in

>> No.10926199

>Murray is not a respected author in the field of psychometrics
let's be honest, nobody is respected in psychometrics, it's a meme discipline at this point

>> No.10926211

Only by the people that argue on IQ threads on the internet.

The produces useful instruments for education and health services.

>> No.10926213

they are static, niggers are niggers they’re universally less intelligent then whites. 1/6 of blacks have the same intelligence as the average white northwestern european and even less nigs have the same iq as jews and east asians. They’re intellectually inferior, just as whites are physically superior to jews and asians. There’s nothing to debate, we also know that they are a distinct subspecies of human as are asians. Polytypy is indeniably real in humans, there are 5 races, caucasoids (incl semites and north africans+indics), mongoloids (incl east asians and native amer), congoloids (all the nogs), capoids (se african khoisan afroasiatics), australoids (south asians and australian aborigines)

nothing liberals can do about this its real

>> No.10926217

*the discipline produces

>> No.10926223

liberalism is about equal rights for people, it's not about literally claiming that danny devito and lebron james are blank slates with the same skillset

>> No.10926227

public education is also a dumpster fire, and no decent private education center is taking advice from people with education degrees, those social engineering experiments are only for the plebs

>> No.10926231

>they are static, niggers are niggers they’re universally less intelligent then whites
that makes no sense, Nigerians are cucking all other groups in high education in america

>> No.10926240

they’re not at all, they send their elite to America with boosted grades, they have significantly lower iq than american whites and their american counterparts outperform them

>> No.10926241

Don't reply to those types of posts. You just make them stick around longer.

>> No.10926242
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>tfw bantus will never stop bullying the khoisan and western liberals will always believe bantus were the original south-africans

>> No.10926251


Race realism? God? Do you guys actually think a little before you start swinging the keyboard, or is the food in your region not nutritious enough?

>> No.10926252

Sure, if you think public education is the same everywhere.

>> No.10926263

>What is he wrong about?

>> No.10926272

the places where it's not shit haven't been touched by the filthy hands of graduates in education or psychometricians playing social engineering games yet

>> No.10926274

What does that even mean?
Do you know the realism / anti-realism dichotomy you goddamn brainlet?

>> No.10926298

I suppose you would know about shit education.

>> No.10926315

Harris is right about most stuff, but that's also his shortcoming: the accomplishment of not being retarded, and then writing several self-aid books about how not to be retarded, doesn't actually offer anything new. At least he is able to keep up in conversations with those that do.

>> No.10926370

I like the royal tenenbaums

>> No.10926413

True, but Harris is an even bigger hack.

>> No.10926423

Ezra Klein didn’t accuse Harris of being a Nazi, he accused him of believing that blacks are generally less intelligent than whites predominantly due to genetic factors.

>> No.10927993

Sam has criticised YouTube videos that are titled along the lines of "SAM HARRIS GOES BEASTMODE ON SMELLY DUMB THEIST" and has asked for his followers to stop doing stuff like that because it mars civil debate.

>> No.10928025

Have you read Harris's PhD dissertation? Have you listened to him try to work his way through is-ought? Why do plebs consider academic credentials as a mark of intellect anymore lmao. My sister has a tested IQ of 97 and she has a master's degree. I have one in a more rigorous field of study but even there I knew a lot of brainlets that were pretty easily able to pass with respectable GPAs.

So he is to journalism what Sam Harris is to philosophy/ethics/intellectual discourse. Sounds like they deserve one another.

>> No.10928054

I wouldn't mention that your sister has borderline subhuman IQ online, have some respect anon

>> No.10928237

This fucking hurts.

>> No.10928253

He is an evangelical atheist, despite having absolutely no proof for the non-existence of God. He's a brainlet.

>> No.10928266

>why are you upset about how facts look to people
Have you ever dealt with people?

>> No.10928281
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>North Korea is communist

>> No.10928312

>BTFO Peterson
when's this meme going to end? No one won - they both ended up sounding like jackasses.

>> No.10929255

He falls for the individualism meme as if ape blacks and spics could ever be "educated" out of basic human tribalism. Taking his idea that "yes, brown skins have low IQ but we should still value the individual" would only skyrocket liberal doublethink to unforseen levels. You can already see a glimpse of this when looking just at college admissions without affirmative action. Goalposts will always be moved.

>> No.10929272

low IQ post^

>> No.10929983

Yeah, the Khoi-descended folk live in absolute squallor and aren't given the time of day by Bantu ANC. So sad, alcoholism is almost genetically ingrained in their DNA at this point

>> No.10930015

Not an argument. Go back to /pol/