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10925088 No.10925088 [Reply] [Original]

What's on your mind anon?

>> No.10925099

A global catastrophe will happen soon. I can sense this in the air.

>> No.10925107

go back to /x/ nigger

>> No.10925108

I'm worried that I'm too much the victim of some rather long lasting biological cycles. Some weeks go by great, with above average moods and productive reading sessions while others are wasted on tired days and video games and a complete lack of motivation. And these things last for quite a while sadly.

>> No.10925112

On my mind are thoughts filled with twenty wieners

>> No.10925138

Honestly it isn't something as impossible as it once was, some of the more extreme estimations predict severe climate change problems within 10 years already.

>> No.10925158

I have been thinking the exact opposite. I don't know how to word it precisely, but I think the desire for decisive historical moments are destined to be eternally frustrated from here on out. That as the system we live in becomes ever more complex and automated any hope of fully comprehending what it is we even live in grows smaller so the idea of big simplistic catastrophic events become appealing simply cause a asteroid impact or nuclear war are easier to understand then what actually happens in a normal day to keep it all spinning.

>> No.10925162

since I started going to uni i've been losing contact with all my friends
what do i do lads

>> No.10925170
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Pray for wake up in your teenage body and live it all over again, cause what you described is simply part of growing up.

>> No.10925178

Find new friends, a gf maybe.

>> No.10925180

Who cares? If you've got some good friends just chat online. Friends are pretty circumstantial for thr most part, very few are lifelong.

>> No.10925191

i'm too socially lazy to find new friends, it takes me years to delevop even the most basic friendship
i care, i don't want to lose them

>> No.10925199

>i'm too socially lazy to find new friends
Well, not friends but buddies then. People you basically hang out with.

>> No.10925248

The transcendent self does not exist and this is my last and only day alive.

>> No.10925256

live stream it so we can make a pepe of u

>> No.10925260

Im really high.
This live resin just werks.

>> No.10925262

Autogynephilia is the last step towards Absolute Knowing

>> No.10925275

Live stream what?

>> No.10925287

ur suicide?

>> No.10925308

wait whats autogenophilia again? is that were u suck ur own dick? i'm on a laptop and cutting pasting shit into search is too pita

>> No.10925317

>not going to uni with you friends

>> No.10925327

I won't kill my body. I die when I fall asleep anyway but my body will give birth to many future mes and to murder them all by killing the body I live in would be immoral. See >>4391767 for explanation

>> No.10925332


Autogynephilia (/ˌɔːtoʊˌɡaJnəˈfJliə/; from Greek αὐτό- ("self"), γυνή ("woman") and φιλία ("love") — "love of oneself as a woman") is a term coined in 1989 by Ray Blanchard, to refer to "a man's paraphilic tendency to be sexually aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman."

Pro tip: it's caused by what Deleuze & Guattari call body without organs.

>> No.10925336

oh wait its just some tranny talking about having his balls removed and larping as a chick in his "new life"

>> No.10925341

i'm in love with love and wish i wasn't.

We are all slaves to our bodies and hormones and biases. The most we can do to distance ourselves from this handicap is acknowledge our irrationality.

>> No.10925343

oh ya thats hot as fuck i only fap that these days

>> No.10925358

I have a massive crush on a cute girl in my classes but whenever I feel so strongly about a girl I like I feel like I give off creepy vibes.I end up avoiding them because I don't want them to think i'm creepy.

>> No.10925365

whenever i sense a chick likes me i avoid her as much as possible so she doesnt realize im a fucking nerd who reads books and programs computers instead of doing whatever shit ppl with gfs do

>> No.10925377

Nerd culture is more popular than ever.

>> No.10925385

Pretty sure she's into books though.

>> No.10925390

it's understandable to see why youre giving off creepy vibes. imagine a gigantic black man having a massive crush on you and wanting to fuck you and cuddle you without knowing or caring who you are as a person, that's pretty much how she feels. not to say you're a shitty person or whatever for crushing, it's totally normal. just trying to give you some perspective on maybe why you come across as creepy.

if you want to talk to her, or at the very least get over this feeling, try to acknowledge you're only falling in love with this imaginary idea of her and not actually her. maybe when you talk to her after understanding this, you won't seem desperate.

or if you want to write an incredibly angsty novel about love, continue to crush on her and use this wellspring of romantic frustration to write all of your thoughts about her down to capture this feeling that all but vanishes as you reach middle age. i only recommend this if youre able to distance your creative self from your actual self and you don't become a normie-hating incel in the process.

>> No.10925391

popular nerd culture involves playing video games and buying star wars merchandise, i should have said geek, no one likes people who read book and program computers

>> No.10925402

Good move anon. Girls associate being super invested in them as desperation, because if you had your shit together lots of girls would be after you and you would not get so hung up.

>> No.10925407
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>imagine a gigantic black man having a massive crush on you and wanting to fuck you and cuddle you without knowing or caring who you are as a person, that's pretty much how she feels

>> No.10925410

Same, but tbqh I think it's the mix of the grass being greener on the other side and porn being centered on how much women enjoy themselves no matter the effort or pain. So much porn is based on excess, seeing how many male genitals can fit in a woman at the same time for example, so the woman becomes the image for the illusion of infinite enjoyment. It also doesn't help that we're all passive in a sense because enjoyment comes to us rather than being a willful act like moving one's arm, which is why in some days sex feels great and in others it's pretty meh based on thresholds that can or can't be reached due to cyclical hormonal levels and other material factors so passivity as a stereotypical female trait describes all sensuality. All of this makes the woman the image of a slave that is also master, capable of infinite enjoyment and also degraded constantly because of it.

>> No.10925412

Whenever I sense a girl likes me I avoid her as well but not cause I am scared she will find out I am a nerd who reads books. I avoid them cause I don't wanna have to go and wake up early to go to a fucking farmers market or whatever other bullshit she wants to do. Women cut major chunks out of reading time, and leave you so tired from their perpetual bullshit you don't have the energy to read when you do have the time.

>> No.10925429

You're overthinking it. But I agree that the freedom of being single is great, I have no regrets about being a manchild.

>> No.10925431

man you're way overthinking this whole hobby thing.

i mean yeah programming and reading math for fun is something not a lot of girls are into, but to be honest, you and a partner don't have to have EVERYTHING in common at all. the most important things to have in common with another person are probably sense of humor, ability to communicate, and responsibility. hobbies and interests and all that are nice, but don't really matter when it comes to a romantic relationship so much as being able to feel like you're being appreciated by the other person, and you appreciate them.

you could have the exact same hobbies as somebody else and you'd fucking hate each other because one person could be less responsible than the other or you wouldn't get each other's jokes.

so really don't worry about being into niche shit as a hobby, because let's be honest, unless you're a NEET that lives in a wizard spire fortress with nothing else to do in life, you are a lot more than just your hobbies when it comes to day-to-day life.

>> No.10925433

yeah this is the part of "having gf" that lonely sadsacks dont consider, shit takes so much fucking time...but on the other hand if u give up internet socialized aka shitposting posting with strangers and/or talking to your mommy every day, suddenly you have more free time and desire to connect with a women, like if quite internet forums 100 percent and never talked to my mom again, i'd probably have a fulltime gf within 3 months, but im not going to fucking do that lol

>> No.10925439

>thinks reading and writing code is my "hobby"

yeah not everyone works at taco bell ok guy

>> No.10925443

the point still stands dude. does being a programmer mean you can only have a programmer wife, does being an engineer mean you can only have an engineer wife

>> No.10925457

Yeah, I read as societies become more complex and interconnected they become more fragile and prone to collapse, I really think it's the opposite.

Industrial society will collapse in the future, but not any time soon. I don't even think a full-scale nuclear war would totally unroot it at this point, since even bullshit countries like Brazil or New Zealand could capitalize on the destruction once the dust settles.

>> No.10925462

This. In fact social psychologists, for what their opinion is worth, recommend having a different occupation (not necessarily hobby though obviously) than your spouse because then there no risk of conflict of opinion to strain the relationship. It's not a rule though, sometimes occupational power couples work our great.

>> No.10925464

dude no one wants to be a in a relationship with someone who reads books or works in tech

>> No.10925478

This feels like trolling, even if you're trolling yourself. Afaik overall more women are into books than men and tech has no bearing on relationships by itself (although holding a stable job and earning a decent salary does help).

>> No.10925483

I really want to shave my cock but I am too lazy

>> No.10925490

Unless you have a qt lick your shaved sack (or if you're a qt trap), there's no point to it. Just trim.

>> No.10925491

you guys can't think or at least can't read, i never said i wanted a techie wife that sounds fucking horrible, i simply said that when a girl has a crush on me i do everything i can to avoid her so she doesnt find out im not an accountant or roofer or whatever kind of bullshit jobs chads have

>> No.10925498

ok thanks anon

>> No.10925500

You're still playing yourself. /r9k/ isn't a good source for truths about how people think (unless those people are frustrated shut-ins).

>> No.10925509


shaved balls are comfy as fuck dont listen to that pleb

>> No.10925515

yeah i misused the word hobby because that's typically defined as something one does in their spare time for fun but what i say about hobbies could also apply to occupation or general interest in life. when you're in a relationship you need some sort of "safe space" to retreat to from your loved one, because even people that are made for each other get sick of each other after some amount of time. but at the same time there should absolutely be some common ground for you to appreciate the other person's perspective with. a good example is like a biologist and a historian. both are very different interests, but at the same time there's quite a bit of overlap between the two fields as theyre both contained within the field of science. or another example is someone into theatre and someone into making music. again both different, but still both are creative pursuits, and the two can bounce off of each other and learn and appreciate things about each other. or a painter and an architect, or a doctor and a massage therapist. tons of examples but i can't be assed to list every single one.

of course this isnt an absolute formula for romantic perfection it's just what i've noticed in mine and others successful relationships

>> No.10925518

it's so itchy tho

>> No.10925526

ok in this case you just have serious self-esteem issues. get over yourself, nobody cares that much about what you do for a fucking career unless you're some sort of porn star or drug dealer

>> No.10925528

yeah keep deluding yourself into thinking women dont despise soys who read

>> No.10925534

When I masturbate the disgust I used to feel following my peak has begun to precede it. The act now lacks conclusion in my life. The feeling i had about this is now somehow positive. I no longer cum. I merely fap.

>> No.10925538

I wish my spouse would primarily read as a hobby and had a real job in tech. Instead of talking all the time about dumb shit or watching Netflix and having a shitty job from being a literal art major.

I like reading and it's frustrating being interrupted every goddamn 3 minutes. Like, I know you have all this energy because you don't have a job but please shut the fuck up for long enough for me to finish a page.

>> No.10925541

I'm lonely and bored, wish I had someone to go to the cafe with. I had a coffee date with a girl a few months ago and it was the comfiest time I had all year desu.

>> No.10925544

dude anyone whos "into computers" enough to work in tech reeks of autism, how many levels of delusional self-help pua shit are you fags on to think women dont find dudes who read tedious at best repulsive at worst

>> No.10925554

are u trying to make me feel bad by larping as a slut with a deadbeat bf? not gonna phase me bro i'm already well aware of how the world works

>> No.10925556

it's called planned obsolescence, we can expand the plan to fit humans now. you can be like varg and run and hide in the forest and hope natural forces upend unnatural manmade civilisation.

or you can be a man about it and just accept defeat graciously. inferior men deceived themselves that machines could solve the problem of their ill-fated birth. they spent thousands of years manipulating man and nature in the hopes of destroying both for their innate flaws. and we are months away from one of the major world corporations being completely controlled by AI, which will create a new cold war arms race between machines until one monster emerges.

in the future humans will live discarded in the basement of machine cities.

>> No.10925558

I think that accusation is more aptly faced upon yourself if you really think women in general are so base. But this is probably bait, or depressive thinking talking here.

>> No.10925562

im just curious how you leaped to this conclusion that girls hate tech autist fags when it sounds like despite having a bunch of girls start to like you, you've never had any one of them get actually close to you. unless you didnt tell us something

>> No.10925569

It doesn't last long sadly, when the hairs grow back it feels like you have a porcupine down there. Which is why I said it isn't worth it. Maybe I should have mentioned it directly.

>> No.10925578

History has been taking the wrong turns since the Middle Ages and every attempt to ground European society in its original values since then has utterly failed. Germany should have won WW2 and WW1, the French Revolution should have been thwarted, the Reformation should have ended with Luther getting burned at the stake.

If we want to survive as a European folk in the face of globalization we need to return to subsistence farming and instate neo-feudal social structures. Nazism was woke, people.

>> No.10925583

be real dude if some chick texted u right now like "lol lets get a coffee wanan meet in like an hour" would you really go? maybe but it would feel like a chore or a job interview and then you have to sit there for an hour realizing that chaddy dudes would keep her entertained meanwhile you already ran out of non-autistic topics, and you're worried the coffee is gonna make you fart

>> No.10925584

jesus the projection in this post is staggering

man if you really wanna get better, get off 4chan

>> No.10925601

This, but ironically. Praise Marx.

>> No.10925608

its not "projecting" since im clearly stating my own opinion, why are people so stupid lately? is this a new kind of trolling where you try to misdirect the persons response? in some other thread i posted something counter something a writer wrote and some fool is like "but he didnt write that!" no shit idiot i was posting a counter to the crapola he wrote...

anyways, it's been 5-10 years since the last time my phone lit up with a text from a chick and i was happy about it, 90% of they want you to do some chore-date like "go to a farmers market at 9am" like someone else mentioned, or its a chick you like but you know you can only pretend to be a normie for so long, so the last thing you want to do is text for an hour about normie shit which will reveal your autism

>> No.10925613

what did he mean by this

>> No.10925622

sadly rightwing people just not that smart man what can i say

>> No.10925623

You're projecting anon, I would be very happy if that happened and I'd obviously go. And talking with girls really isn't as hard as you make it out to be.

>> No.10925639

if talking to girls is so easy why are you telling us what a lonely sadsack you are? shouldnt u have a bunch of chicks texting u rn?

>> No.10925652

wow i have some pitchfork bnr album playing as background music and its fairly enjoyable, pitchfork music is way to fucking boring to actually listen to with full attention, but wow this stuff makes great background noise during a shitpost session, its so bland and inoffensive it never distracts but still gives a mild entertainment

>> No.10925657

if you really don't care about how trivial chicks are as a whole, why are you bitching so much about them? if i were you with such an interest in tech, i wouldn't give a fuck about a gf, i'd just go full wizard and lose myself in machine learning and heuristics

>> No.10925660

Projecting means attributing your own problems unto others, assuming that your problems are universal in a sense, or something of the sort. So it does not mean using someone else's opinion to judge something, if that's what you understood by it.

In any case you seem too embedded in your /r9k/ categories to see a way out.

>> No.10925664

Because there's a difference between being able to talk to someone and being good at growing a large social circle? I never claimed I was anything but clueless at the latter anon.

>> No.10925667

i never bitched about them, i simply said when a chick has a "crush" on me or some other display of interest i try to avoid her as much as possible because when she figures out i'm not an accounted who plays xbox and goes to sports bars ever weekend she'll have contempt for me, and no matter how self-centered one is no one its like to be contemptible in the eyes of sexy chicks

>> No.10925671

After decades, I'm still nowhere close to having found a proper way to engaging with women.
I surprise myself when I get a hookup. Completely unplanned or lucky shot. And when I try and pursue it, I mess up majorly, but also sometimes it works. And I don't get it anymore.

I feel like women are completely unfathomable. And I cannot ever see myself long term with one as sooner or later they figure out I am but a shadow of a man.

>> No.10925675

Wow very insightful!

>> No.10925676


you grow a social circle by talking to people who stupid fuck "yo bro im a total chad when it comes to conversation with the ladies, chicks totally dig my dank conversations about the latest comic book movies, but i dont actually talk to women or know any women" ok dude thats really neat

>> No.10925690

I quit my job yesterday. I think I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. I took a year-long break from school but got accepted to return in August. I have a four-month void in my life now. My eyes are always really wide open like I'm losing my shit. I quit my job because it ground my patience to dust and every shift ended with me having thoughts of self-harming. I guess things are okay.

>> No.10925693

just bee yourself, chicks totally love autistic faggots with a bunch books by greek homos next to their bed

>> No.10925696

stop lying, u quit ur job so u can play some long gay jrpg all summer like a manchicl

>> No.10925703

I'm sorry you're so jaded anon. I empathize with you, believe it or not, because I think we struggle with many of the same problems. I'd love to help you, but as long as you stay in this reductionist worldview there's no hope.

Try to spend some time outside anon. I recommend gardening if you have the opportunity, it's very calming.

>> No.10925704

Eh, I hate to be that traditionalist dude but from what I've seen girls that go for hookups typically aren't wife material. it's the ones that wait a long time that are worth it.

talking about personality-wise, anyway. those ones that wait arent nearly as good in bed lol but that's not everything

>> No.10925729

>wifing a chick too uptight to have sex

enjoy the sexless marriage, you'll still have to fap yourself off, but now you get to pay rent for your female buddy with "good personality"

>> No.10925750

yeah i don't have a problem with that, i rarely get horny anymore and when i do she does the job

also, lol paying rent, super lol @ not being dual income no kids

>> No.10925761

>uptight about "sluts"
>has no kids

what the fuck is the point of marriage then? i figured you were some religious nut with a small dick, which while lame is at least somewhat defensible, but why the fuck are you getting married if you have no kids? you might a well be married to a dude

>> No.10925777

wow for the first time in like 4 months the weather is actually nice and i feel like doing shit, of course its going to rain all next week, mother fuck the north east

>> No.10925779

tax reasons are a big plus with marriage, and i couldn't live with myself bringing a kid into a world like this. plus i just don't like really young kids. we were talking about adopting though.

>> No.10925787

>nytimes comments section tier poster

lay off the soy products if ur not larping

>> No.10925791

Tax rates are worse when married you retard

>> No.10925798

i went to the doctor once because i started getting acne again and they actually told me i had higher than average testosterone in my body

>> No.10925800
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Im boring, lifeless and inexpressive.

>> No.10925803

u sound like a normie, grab a beer and watch some sportsball

>> No.10925826

But 'normies' are the opposite of my description.

>> No.10926299

Really? That makes no sense.

>> No.10926301

I finally deleted facebook.
One step closer to living comfy innawoods

>> No.10926320

man, trying to quit social media too
but nowadays I feel like you literally can't be someone without having acces to the internet/a social media account

>> No.10926422 [SPOILER] 
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>ITT: reptilians
Archon, archons all the time.

>> No.10926429

What we need are city-states.

>> No.10926448

Seems like so many people live under comfortable delusions. I know I'm no better, I just can't work out for the life of me what they are.

I lived under a nihilistic delusion that nothing would work out for me, that I was deluded for thinking of myself as being worthy of good things, but recently I've began given a shit and found more potential in my career, found a nice girl, and I'm writing and reading more. But I still feel as if I'm as deluded as any of the other mad fuckers out there.

>> No.10926460

There's this mad cute girl that's seemingly into me but I think she might be autistic. She's a 4'9" Jap qt, a literal genius who can run circles around me intellectually, a virgin, I don't think she's even ever had a boyfriend, and she's dropping hard signs that she likes me. The problem is she's never paid attention to anything outside of STEM topics. She doesn't know any literature, like any art or music, care about history or religion, etc. and seems completely unwilling to explore any of it. It's stupidly impossible to talk to her about anything that isn't science or academics. She also brings up weirdly personal stuff out of nowhere but then closes off completely with other stuff. Talking to her is almost like talking to an AI chatbot, but god damn if she isn't the first girl to move my cold dead heart in years. I feel like maybe I'm making up some idea of her in the absence of her ability to talk like a normal person, but I can't change how hard I'm crushing on her regardless

>> No.10926472

Meet her on her level. She clearly has no idea of subtlety, so tell her straight up how you feel.

>> No.10926618 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 322x242, papers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to sort out the past year of papers that are covering my desk. There's a lot here to process, physically and emotionally. Novel sketches, poems, letters I would never send, drawings, random handwriting practices. It's a huge mix of heartbreak and depression and schizophrenic longing for beauty. It's me in document form. If someone wanted to know who I was, truly know not just know the labels I use for myself, this is what I would show them.

It's strange to look at desu. It's so intimately familiar, yet also feels like it's from a dead and distant past.

Pic related, it's my papers but scaled way down because I don't want you fucks berating my most personal thoughts.

>> No.10926621

i'd go for it

>> No.10926630

the definition of normie is being boring, lifeless and inexpressive and thinking they are different from all the others.

>> No.10926654
File: 21 KB, 322x242, 1522527253161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to sort out the past year of papers that are covering my desk. There's a lot here to process, physically and emotionally. Novel sketches, poems, letters I would never send, drawings, random handwriting practices. It's a huge mix of heartbreak and depression and schizophrenic longing for beauty. It's me in document form. If someone wanted to know who I was, truly know not just know the labels I use for myself, this is what I would show them.

It's strange to look at desu. It's so intimately familiar, yet also feels like it's from a dead and distant past.

Pic related, it's my papers but scaled way down because I don't want you fucks berating my most personal thoughts.

>> No.10926719

but that also describes a NEET

>> No.10926725

perfect description of 99% of people here

>> No.10926734

wish i knew

>> No.10926754

Part of the trouble is that I don't know how I feel. I'm very attracted to her physically, and there's some kind of magnetism to her personality, but it seems like that's more from loving the challenge of trying to get to know her and get close to her emotionally when she makes it so difficult.

I feel like I could be fooling myself into liking her when really I only like some kind of abstraction I have of her. Or maybe that's paranoia from never putting myself out there like this before.

>> No.10926909

im no longer distressed at the path my life is taking

>> No.10926927
File: 44 KB, 680x765, 1446136538389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of keeping a dairy if you can't read it without feeling shitty?

>July 18: R didn't reply to my apology or my request that she come over for breakfast.
>July 19: R is still ignoring me. I am now very behind on my work and need to grind out something presentable over the weekend.
>July 20: Still nothing from R. It's over isn't it?
>July 21: Literally a suicide note

fast-forward a little

>August 23: Going to start writing tomorrow. Going to be a good, productive person.
(guess how that went)

>> No.10926960

thats why i dont keep a diary, i used to do something like that based on that faggy "gtd" self-help homo where id make list of shit i needed to do in the morning and then see how much i actually did each night, turns out the flaw in "gtd" is that you can fill your list with trivial busy work and check a bunch of stuff off as "done" but never actually do anything of value, the better system is from self-help fag brian tracy who basically says "make a list of all the shit you have to do, sort it by order of importance to your goals, do the most important task and then just keeping doing it and do it some more and do it even more until its done, then make the a new list of all the stuff you have to do, rank it in levels of importance and then do the most important thing and so on..." but i have to confess "shitposting" is not anywhere on my list of things i have to get done never mind the most important thing yet here i am

>> No.10926976

cant decide if i should fap or not, still need to go to the bank and get grocerys so it should probably wait but most of my roommates are out so i can wack it with less shame if i get it done now, idk

>> No.10926984

I'm a gymcel reading the /fit/ sticky, hoping to get more muscular in the next two months if I follow it rigorously. I know I have the willpower because I've quit drugs and cigarettes. Now I just have to substitute the dopamine reward from eating whatever I want with the dopamine reward from exercising. Wish me luck, hopefully by the end of June I will no longer be an armlet

>> No.10927010

Don't you think that if a girl had a crush on you she would have surmised herself that you might not have typical chad jobs/hobbys?

>> No.10927037

just increase your protein intake and stimulate your muscles with whatever exercise, I went from a skinny fag to a really observable muscular development (+15 kg) with body weight exercises only, the gym is preferable, but I rather not put too much weight on my back due to a grey zone degree of scoliosis

good luck anon, you are gonna make it

>> No.10927222

How does the process of getting rid of resentment look like? I didn't have a resentful thought all day, but I feel a certain kind of sadness creeping up from somewhere that makes me want to tear up.

>> No.10927331

large social circles are overrated, you basically know a lot of people but don't really know anyone,

I have a friend who knows a lot of people, the downside is, he hears a lot of shit and sometimes when you talk to him, you can feel that he isn't talking or arguing with you, but you literally transformed in his eyes to someone who said something to him yesterday and he didn't have a right response then, but now he's come up with one and it's on you to hear him out,

but on the kinda positive, he's using the people he knows sometimes really wisely, which can be useless once they get behind your intentions or once they notice that you are not intellectually capable of holding your ground if they recommend you somewhere (I'm not expanding on this one)

the golden rule is, I heard this one on an audio book of an essay from an roman philosopher, the essay was unrelated to this sentence

"If you want to be with someone, ask yourself if you are with them because you want their company or you are with them because you are unable to be alone/or because you can't stand being with yourself" (this is of course roughly quoted), if someone could point me to the text, I would appreciate it

>> No.10927347


you probably just need to beat your meat, if u have too much jizz and no access to a clitsaqjizzpoqit to unload it u naturally get a little mad

>> No.10927361

So some depressed bag of shit is a normie to you?

>> No.10927384
File: 64 KB, 600x884, 253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sucks and should not be a required course if your major has fuck all to do with it

>> No.10927405

theres definitely a double standard between math and humanities, like any humanities major who takes a math req get their balls busted and gpa thrashed because "math is important to be well rounded" but when some faggy stem autist takes a literature or history class the prof coddles them like "for those of u who arent majors this week we will spend all our time review stuff people who major in this already know, just so u stemshits can catch up" im like excuse me bitch i dont remember any math profs doing that for humanities people in their classes eh

but honestly if u do any kind of social science you better know stats so stop being a baby

>> No.10927416

why i get nervous talking to friends I've known for ages but not new friends

>> No.10927420

As someone who fell for the STEM meme let me assure you I hate
>the prof coddles them like "for those of u who arent majors this week we will spend all our time review stuff people who major in this already know, just so u stemshits can catch up"
Just as much as you do. It's shocking how bad some people are at writing in particular.

>> No.10927450

hmm fxckin I don't know... probably that I have a lot to do, yet I don't know where to begin. I feel kind of lost. I moved far away, and so far I haven't met anyone really like minded. That's sort of difficult for me anyway. I don't like my living situation 100% but I chose it, and I don't want to back out right yet. I'd rather not at all actually. I really need to figure out how to operate. What else.. It may do me well to put some money in my pocket and find a woman to pipe around here.

>> No.10927485

my existence is a momentary lapse of reason
got the dna of gothic lemons
shredded thirteen times out of eleven
your bad ideas are the atm
shed my skin
leave it for the homeless to sleep in
chronicle fuck that nautical
teaching bitches how to swim
I'm in

>> No.10927508

Dunno about the roman philosopher, but it's something Nietzsche himself said about marriage word for word.

>> No.10927552

found it, it's Seneca

"Yet the great man has occasionally, albeit with a
disdainful expression, condescended to look on you, whoever you are;
he has deigned to listen to your words, he has allowed you to walk
at his side. But you never thought fit to look on yourself or to listen
to yourself. And so you've no reason to expect a return from anyone
for those attentions of yours, since you offered them not because you
wanted another's company but because you were incapable of communing with yourself. "

>> No.10927580
File: 61 KB, 973x321, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That my eyes look like those of someone who has given up compared to about 4 years ago when they looked hopeful.

>> No.10927598

I once tried to make a photo of my eye, in the night, close up, flash turned on. Literally braindead plan.

>> No.10927627

More risk with your older friends?

I think you're greatly overstating how expressive your eyes are on their own. You look more scared than anything.

>> No.10927754
File: 4 KB, 303x314, 1431103236990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day wasted. I only came with my gf to work today to make her happy. I've only got to see her for an hour and a half out of eight hours. Stupid of me to bring my book today, thinking that I would actually write. Instead I just watched Youtube and bickered on 4chan all day. Now here I sit at Barnes & Nobles; pulsing boner in my track pants from lurking /s/ and /gif/ and I can't get up to go fap in the bathroom because these cute Greek girls will see my heaving bulge. Today was no good but maybe I can save this load for my gf's tiddies when we get home. Yeah, that'll do nicely.

>> No.10927757

Should I farm on burial grounds?

>> No.10927771
File: 180 KB, 991x325, IMG_20180401_015850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now an eye thread

>> No.10927775

im a very attractive sociable guy but i got genital warts last summer and havent had sex since. I defintely have no problem gaining alot of female attention I just dont have the confidence to pursue it anymore since I’m already very aloof and introspective as it is. I’d have to concede my innerself to be able to share an external now where i used to be able to just withold my innerself behind dissimulations. All this plus reading Kierkegaard makes me just desire a girlfriend but even then I feel now that the difficulties I’d present sexually plus already being very particular and passionate about my inner disquietude makes sharing my life with anyone an impossibility. I’ts really been bumming me out, i miss touching girls

>> No.10927784

I'm excited for 4chan's april fools. Will it beat /fitlit/ and /cock/?

>> No.10927916

In the back of my mind, I always suspected the concept of anxiety was bullshit. Now, though, it rules me. Whenever I step outside I am immediately launched into fight-or-flight mode and thoroughly on edge despite rationally understanding that there is no threat at hand. I must stop at every reflective surface and ensure that my hair doesn't look retarded or my posture is too slumped. When I walk along a crowded street, I can feel their eyes like spears my skin. No amount of meditation will make the feeling go away. You simply have to bear it.

That's how everything is with this awful disease. Every day, for no apparent reason, you feel like shit.