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/lit/ - Literature

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10925065 No.10925065 [Reply] [Original]

>As gamers we don't give a shit. We don't care about religion. We don't care about politics. We don't care about wars. We don't care about your gender. We care about the game. It's the release we seek after whatever we have been doing through the day. If papers are moaning about fantasy sci if movies then they really need to have a word with themselves in a corner.

What did he mean by this.

>> No.10925078


>> No.10925080

>If papers are moaning about fantasy sci if movies then they really need to have a word with themselves in a corner.
the fuck does this even mean

>> No.10925082

A good fap clears our mind and vision!

>> No.10925097

>We don't give a shit about anything except the realise at the end of the day
What is he even saying

>> No.10925113

>>We don't care about your gender.
Ho boy.

>> No.10925118


I don't know where that's actually from - a quick Google suggests Reddit - but I anti-ironically agree.

>> No.10925127

>If papers are moaning about fantasy sci if movies then they really need to have a word with themselves in a corner.
Papers btfo, how will they ever recover?

>> No.10925165


It's true though. They're making in-depth points about products whose main demographic couldn't give a shit because they don't want to think deeply. It's like how /v/ is mostly just complaining about something. I often sit back and wonder what do you get from that? Why not concentrate on discussing movies that are doing whatever you want them to do the correct way? That's what they used to do and I find it extremely hard to separate it from the current need for journalists to spark some kind of emotional reaction to get clicks. The writing is more cynical than the points they make.

>> No.10925405

>We don't care about your gender.

And yet they REEEE everytime a female gamer shows up.

>> No.10925409

pure ideology

>> No.10925415

It's no doubt virtue signalling, since the entire existence of the book is to be marketed and obviously to be made into a movie, but he is virtue signalling towards people who actually play and enjoy video games, who think that way but genuinely.

>> No.10925422

I totally disagreed with that. I care about gender and politics in art. If the dude that created the piece of art was homosexual, I wouldnt buy it or play it, because of my natural heterosexuality, Im not gay so I dont want to apropiate a culture.
Thanks for reading.

>> No.10925426

Gaming culture is absolutely disgusting

>> No.10925430

>What did he mean by this.
It's an explanation of why America isn't great anymore. In order to make America great again, we must do away with the cancer described in that statement.

>> No.10925437

80% are thots looking for beta orbiters or looking to make a quick buck off guys, or are there to parrot some social justice nonsense they heard from their professor.

>> No.10925442

>It's no doubt virtue signalling
"virtue signaling", by the very act of calling out virtue signaling. A code word is a code word, a buzz phrase is a buzz phrase, no matter who uses it.

>> No.10925451

gamer identity is so forced and cringe. slaves to physicalism and sensation justifying their faulty dopamine pathway addiction. so hedonistic they don't even participate in material hedonism, eating, sleeping, sex suspended for pure mental pleasure.

at least smokers and drug users create meaningful art. the same recycled tropes, mythmaking, eurocentrism, pseudo-fascism. where is the game where you are just a bird flying and building a nest? a game where you are paint on a wall, being applied, then wet and dripping, then dry but still sticky, then peeling and cracking years after being drawn on and abandoned. where are the games where the object is to save lives? share wit? develop good manners or show sympathy?

absolutely disgusting. a cultural backwater, america never change.

>> No.10925463

>"virtue signaling", by the very act of calling out virtue signaling.
That's retarded. I'm not trying to sell anything to anyone, especially not on /lit/ of all places.

>> No.10925470

[citation needed]

>inb4 just look at Twitch streamers
>just look around you

>> No.10925482

is this the designated outrage thread?

>> No.10925510

Hearing the word "gamer" makes me want to shoot myself. At least other people with consumptive hobbies tend to build a deeper understanding of what they're consuming.

/lit/ pseuds learn about philosophy, artistic movements, etc
film buffs learn about cinematography
wine connoisseur visit vineyards and shit
gearheads learn how cars work
"""gamers""" literally just play games. That's it.

>> No.10925525

>not one but two Stephen King threads on the front page
so this is nu /lit/

>> No.10925530

>ignore the worlds problems
>just play games
>ignore overpopulation and depletion of wilderness
>'member the 80s, huh?
>ignore corporate over reach
>retreat to the internet
The book and film does not condemn this
It celebrates it

>> No.10925533

>where is the game where you are just a bird flying and building a nest? a game where you are paint on a wall, being applied, then wet and dripping, then dry but still sticky, then peeling and cracking years after being drawn on and abandoned.
The only thing that's cringe is your post, honestly.

>where are the games where the object is to save lives?
There's an immense amount of games about this.

>share wit?
Multiplayer games.

>develop good manners or show sympathy?

>> No.10925549


>> No.10925566

The book and movie are retarded, but so is going in the opposite direction and condemning art to the confines of political discourse.

>> No.10925595
File: 27 KB, 436x333, 1335796694788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we care about the game
>i.e. we care more than anything about wasting our lives away sitting in front of a screen doing meaningless tasks for absolutely nothing that would transfer over to reality
>an entire generation not only willingly throwing their lives down the drain instead of bucking up and growing a backbone, but getting this butt mad over it

>> No.10925618

except they're not? in my experience the only stereotype that serves as the rule is girls tend to be support players or bad at aiming, and that's usually because they didn't play shooters as kids.

>> No.10925782

Gamers learn modding, but that is a tiny minority.

>> No.10925789

This is contradictory since gamers are the biggest manchildren ever and more obnoxious about a logo than any religious person will ever be.

>> No.10925796
File: 40 KB, 480x550, 1478847498067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>broadly blaming Gamerism on America

>> No.10925807

Is it worth reading this book for a laugh? Is it "so bad its good"?

>> No.10925839

>at least smokers and drug users create meaningful art

>> No.10925843

>They're making in-depth points about products whose main demographic couldn't give a shit because they don't want to think deeply.
Treating it wit kid gloves keeps it that way. People with your mentality would hold back all art depending on when you were let around it.

>> No.10925851

>"haha you can't provide an academic article literally proving 80%"
>"what, you want me to use my own eyes and my own observations? You want me to look at gaming culture itself in its most observable incarnations and not through the lens of a middleman? Preposterous! I have more important things to worry about! Like these alt righters, online racists, and internet Nazis!"

>> No.10925856

>They're making in-depth points
Such as?

>> No.10925861

Anon, right now you're acting worse than gamers.
>at least smokers and drug users create meaningful art.
The vast majority of smokers and drug users don't create art.
>where is the game where you are just a bird flying and building a nest? a game where you are paint on a wall, being applied, then wet and dripping, then dry but still sticky, then peeling and cracking years after being drawn on and abandoned. where are the games where the object is to save lives? share wit? develop good manners or show sympathy?
The whole point of the medium is to have fun. "Art" games are dull trash made by pretentious nerds who are incapable of making real art.

>> No.10925946

Is that a real sentence from the book?

>> No.10925969

Ready soyboy one

>> No.10925985


>> No.10926000

Reddit Soyboy One

Try harder, anon. Put in some effort.

>> No.10926019

>art games are bad right now therefore games cannot be art

>> No.10926051

Not that anon. "art games" is an invalid category; the category will always be filled with bad games and what it says about games will always be pathetic because of this.

And, there are already games that are art. They are /the best games/ available. But in order to determine that, you need to be a good critic of games.

>> No.10926056

i don’t disagree

>> No.10926062

What would you say are the best games?

>> No.10926089

I don't profess to be a particularly good critic. But I do know enough to follow and understand who is: the owner of culture.vg and the staff there.

>> No.10926119

>hurr durr video games aren't real

>> No.10926195

Yeah, i bet you totally would beat reality after finish Moby D*ck.

>> No.10926374

The only things transferable are references which make up pop culture, but anybody who is conscious of their consuming habits know pop culture is garbage.