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10922727 No.10922727 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /lit/ I have a question.
>America present day
>Drug problems since the 90's
>Libtard fags that think something is wrong if they aren't happy all the time
>People don't care for history past 9/11
>Being a roastie is less frowned upon
>Find other peoples pain funny
>Kids having sex at a younger age is less frowned upon
>People do things on impulse all the time
My question is, is Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" becoming more accurate every day?

>> No.10922772

>Drug problems since the 90's
lel you think the drug problem started in the 90s?
>Libtard fags that think something is wrong if they aren't happy all the time
It's almost like we have the capacity to work towards making everybody's lives as happy and comfortable as it could be, but other people would rather stick in the muck and drag everybody down with them. Also
back to /pol/
>>People don't care for history past 9/11
What does this even mean? They don't care about what happens after 9/11? Cus that's stupid and wrong and doesn't make sense. They don't care about what came before? Because that's stupid and wrong too.
>Being a roastie is less frowned upon
As it should be
So what? Wait don't tell me, you're gonna tell me that religion is the only thing that can convince people to do and be good. I have unfortunate news for you, that all of the bad things that happen without religion still happen with religion, the number of hypocrites just goes out. You can post all the *tip* memes you want in response to this, but it doesn't change the fact at all. Or are you gonna tell me there's something virtuous about buying an indulgence or confessing to a sin means you have free reign to do whatever you want?
>Find other peoples pain funny
You can't possibly think this is a new or recent development in the United States.
>Kids having sex at a younger age is less frowned upon
Yes because pushing abstinence has worked so well in the past. Instead of pouring money into that fruitless effort, why not educate them about sexuality and give them means to practice safe sex? I guarantee teenage pregnancy rates would go down both farther and faster than pushing abstinence has ever even come close to.
>People do things on impulse all the time
Once again, not a new concept.

Conclusion: 0/10 do more research before spouting dumb opinions and the most basic connections.

>> No.10922883

OP's entire post can be boiled down to a degradation of morality to a point of near-moral-bankruptcy. The days of a society run by and comprised mainly of God-fearing men are just about over, which you can make of what you will.
At the very least, promotion of Christian values kept some semblance of social cohesion for most of the history of the US. Granted Christianity has done plenty to completely fuck itself to where holding those in high seats in contempt is warranted, but Man drifting away from the idea of God/believing we have transcended God isn't doing us any favors.

>> No.10922927

To me it seems as though the people who act the most christlike are not christians in the United states.

Jesus espoused some very positive values and it is a shame to see how modern christians (and most christians through the ages if I'm being honest) behave and I believe it de-legitimizes them quite heavily.

tldr consumerism, nationalism, and extreme individualism are cancers on society.

>> No.10922952

Do you even realize that all of this is bullshit? That your entire perception of trends in recent history and the state of the world today is completely the opposite of reality?
Oh look, more horseshit. "Drifting away from religion" is the only reason anything is improving in the U.S., and whenever the process stalls, we're back to the bullshit fascism.

>> No.10922961

>"Drifting away from religion" is the only reason anything is improving in the U.S., and whenever the process stalls, we're back to the bullshit fascism.
butthurt liberal-leaning pseud detected

>> No.10922969

religion doesn’t seem to have a strong effect on a culture’s ability to excell in the sciences. iq seems to be the limiting factor, which comes from low stress, eugenic breeding environments with plenty of excess resources

>> No.10922976
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>change is always good

>> No.10922987

Oh, you sad sacks. You're missing the bigger picture, adolescents who can only converse in tired 4chan slang. This endless doom and gloom crap really needs to take a reality check. It's not just that it's silly to say things are much worse than they used to be, it ignores the reality being dramatically the opposite. The world is getting better so incredibly fast that most of us refuse to perceive or believe it, and instead spend our time worrying about nonsense that used to be worse. And the stupidest thing of all is trying to tie social trends and the current "state of the world" with lowering religious observances, because since most things are getting better, any actual causation would indicate that lower religious rates are saving the world.
Let's review:
1. Since 1990, the number of people in developing countries living in
extreme poverty has halved: from 43% to under 21%, a reduction of a
billion people!
2. Wages? Well, look globally: in India, incomes have tripled in just the
last 10 years. In China, they've quadrupled.2.5 billion people are
earning much more than ever before, and that's taking inflation into
3. Infant mortality? WAY down. The global rate of children dying before
their fifth birthday has dropped by almost half since 1990. 100
million more children are alive because of charity and progress. Life
expectancy, of course, continues to rise.
4. War? Add up all of the wars and you find that worldwide deaths from
combat have been plummeting. During the Cold War era, about 180,000
people a year died from war-related violence. Over the last decade
we've slashed that number down to about 55,000 a year. Obviously not
ideal, but notably better. Combat deaths are at their lowest in 100
5. Crime, property crime, theft, burglary, murder--all WAY down. Media
coverage of crime, of course, is way up, so everyone thinks they're
about to be attacked. School violence? Down. WAY down (like 90% in the past 25 years). Schools are about the safest place for a kid to be, statistically. Teen pregnancy? Also at an all-time low.

>> No.10922992

6. Intelligence? Rising. Even given the difficulty of calculating/measuring such things, it's clear. The average IQ score is up 24 points in the past century, and the test is constantly being adjusted upwards. Education levels are steadily climbing in most developing nations.
7. Childhood obesity rates in the U.S. are down by 43% in the past decade. That's right: all that MyPlate stuff people were making fun of Michelle Obama for doing seems to working dramatically (or maybe it's a coincidence).
8. Energy? Renewables now produce 22% of the world's electricity, and
that number is rising (so wind/solar/hydro now make as much energy as
natural gas, globally). The ozone layer is healing up fast, and the
depletion will be fully reversed in a few decades.
8. Worldwide gender inequality has gone down over 20% since 1995,
according to the U.N.'s comprehensive index. Globally, the maternal mortality ratio declined by 47 per cent over the past two decades,
And so on, and so on. Obviously, there remain many problems, and some things are getting worse, but the common picture painted of the condition of our world, and especially, this utterly false idea that everything's going to Hell and was better when we were kids--that needs to be discarded. It's absolutely wrong. Our species is fixing problems at an incredible rate, and deserves some respect.
My point is, you idiots are wrong on such a profound level that it's hard to even make it clear. The world is not going to hell, it's climbing out of it.

>> No.10923014

You would've saved a lot of time had you just said you think Brave New World is a utopia, and we could've started from there

>> No.10923016

who are you quoting?

>> No.10923134

>the WEF can't me-

>> No.10923194

Nobody is denying these things, it doesn't change the fact that many more people are committing suicide now than 20 years ago. Of course opulence and luxury are nice but they don't lead to happy and meaningful lives. Japan and South Korea are some of the most developed countries in the world but their suicide rates are extremely high. I'm not religious like the Anon you're responding to probably is, and I don't know the answer to what makes people live fuller lives, but we far from live in a golden age or better time.

>> No.10923218

>let's pick an almost meaningless statistic, prop it up with some nonsense I don't back with any reliable info and draw a stupid conclusion spurred by fuck knows what

Golden Age? Moron, it is a golden age compared to anything that came before. Top suicide rates were reached in the 50's in Budapest. Go suck a cock

>> No.10923242

It's not a meaningless statistic, if everything is as great as you say there wouldn't be a rise in people eliminating their own maps. Yeah of course it's not as bad as living in a post-war Soviet satellite state, but there were less people committing suicide and on antidepressant and anti-anxiety medication just 20 years ago.

>> No.10923278

>anything I dont like is fascism

Opinion binned

>> No.10923292

how about you actual read the bible and study the faith

>> No.10923327

Please KYS with a plastic knife and a million spreadsheet papercuts.

>> No.10923339

That's not the point though, if you read the book you know that there were no diseases and the technology was very advanced, nobody starved or anything. I mean you are just corroborating what he is saying: our society is getting similar to that of the book.

>> No.10923501

Go to bed grampa the commies are gone

>> No.10923521


you guys know the whole 'people aren't religious anymore' meme has been a thing since like the 1830s right

>> No.10923691

Wow, you’re such a phenomenally trite and boring person. I’d love to hear all of your opinions on everything just to fully bask in how mediocre and boring they are.