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1091922 No.1091922 [Reply] [Original]

Describe or sum up one of your favourite books without using the letter 'a' or any word containing this letter.

>> No.1091933


>> No.1091934

My book of choice involves lunching in the nude. Homos everywhere, plus drugs.

>> No.1091936

discussion of three men- how their work is not different despite how one works with logic, one music, one with the visual medium. It discusses self-reference, consciousness.

>> No.1091945


>> No.1091953

"In the west there is nothing new" is one of the most well known books which inludes you into the horrors of world's first struggle in the periode of 1914-1918. Seen from the eyes of Poul, one of the soldiers in the forces of the country which would soon (in 1933) turn into the third reich.

Including "a":
"All quiet on the western front" is a book about the horrifying battles of the first world war seen from the eyes of Paul Baumer who is a german soldier.

Not impossible but it sound more like a bad translation.

>> No.1091954

I enjoy books written by the chubby guy, Ernest H-something.

>> No.1091957

Two unlikely friends work new jobs bucking crops, hoping to get enough money to buy their own property. They pursue their vision of the easy life until the end, when the hero's severely stupid buddy kills the boss' son's wife, not knowing his own strength. The hero is forced to kill his friend when he is hunted down by the boss' son for his killing, but leaves with possible new friend.


>> No.1091958

EDIT: goes with possible new friend

this shit is difficult.

>> No.1091962

did this with 'e', that one was actually hard. 'a' is noob level.

>> No.1091969


>> No.1091971

Some dude gets this noir/mystery novel, right? Then it like, doesn't finish properly- so he goes to the bookshop to sort it out, but the book he gets then ends up not being the right book. He enjoys the new one but it doesn't finish, just like the previous one. This occurs until the book ends, with the books being in different genres every time. It's split between the first person perspective some of the time, when he is 'in' the books, but second person perspective when he is looking for the next one.

>> No.1091974

>They pursue their vision of the easy life
>the easy life

>> No.1091975

>but leaves with possible new friend.
>but leaves

>> No.1091981

Couple of little guys go questing to throw this incredibly powerful ring into some sort of endless burning fire. On their journey, they hook up with elves, mingle with chopper-friendly hirsute short people of Scottish predilection, befriend living trees, get frightened when their grey friend turns out to be white, then meet this twisted little monster Gollum, who shows up to chomp the finger of one of the little fellows when it's time to throw the ring into the fire.

There were some woses involved, too, but they didn't get to be in the movie. Nor did this sorcerous super-powerful pixie pipe smoking hippie guy in the forest or his super hot wife. The horse people turned out in force, though, kicking some serious butt in the skirmish of Helm's Deep. Some pretty cool scenes there, I thought. I suspect the writers snuck some bonus elf sexiness into the movie, in my recollection most of it didn't occur in the book.

Then there's some criticism of industry, before the book ends with fleetfuls of elven ships going off to find new shores. The chief little guy is on one of the ships, but his best friend isn't.

>> No.1091991


As far as I can tell, spot on.

Also, I really appreciated 'skirmish of Helm's Deep'.

>> No.1091992

This guy shoots robots for his job. He fucks one of the robots

>> No.1091996
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The Culture gets butthurt.

>> No.1091999

soseki is a fucking sick writer! his prose could be surprisingly modern for it's time. i felt i could believe in the people in his stories too.

>> No.1092000
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Lynne Truss bitches on the subject of English.

>> No.1092004

Tennis school for kids. Quebec is getting belligerent. Hulking fellow helps those trying to quit drugs. Murdering video slowly gets hold on the country.

>> No.1092006

I haven't even read it (planning to) but I know it's Infinite Jest

>> No.1092030
File: 107 KB, 510x680, themoonisaharshmistress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revolution occurs on moon with help from sentient computer. They nuke the developed countries with spheres of influence or interests on the moon into submission through the dropping of humongous rocks. Heinlein's substitute endlessly monologues, expounding the perfection of the writer's constructed free society with its notions of liberty.

>> No.1092040

Pied-Noir kills desert-person, questions life, gets executed.

>> No.1092051

Boy gets expelled from school, thinks everyone is 'phony', writer of the novel gets well-known despite never going out and spending his life on /r9k/ until he dies

>> No.1092053


A bunch of hobbits go on a mission to rid humanity, dwarfity, hobbitity and hippy woodhugging tall bowman-ity from orcs, goblins, trolls and whatnot. Also, from Sauron and his monstrous Satanic magic invisibility mind-trick ring.

Planning to fuck up Sauron's ring by throwing it into a volcano, Frodo and his pals join up with Gimli, Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir and a particularly asskicking hippy woodhugging tall bowman with long girl hair, and go about killing orcs as if this is a fantasy Tarantino film.

In Moria, Frodo and company mix it up with a mo'fucking Balrog who walks up from way down to find out what's up. Gandalf has to go all "you shall not pass" on his ass, and this turns out to work. Sadly, though, Gandalf falls down to his doom with a Balrog whip around his shin.

Following that and a bunch of hippy stuff and singing and all, Frodo and Sam go off to that burning mountain, Pippin and Hobbit # 4 hook up with a magical talking oak and his pals, Boromir croaks, Gimli and Aragorn and that bowman who's always hanging out with Gimli kills a bunch of orcs, and Gollum shows up and that's cool.

Frodo throws his ring into Mount Doom. And a lot of stuff follows. Saruman is back, but Frodo and Sam fuck *him* up as if its nothing. Finally, a flotilla of boats sail off to find far off lands far far away. And it's sad. And Sam isn't about to go, so Frodo is on his own.

>> No.1092058

Guy who might be exiled king becomes professor / "Boswell" to noted US poet. Edits 1000 line opus, provides comments. Doesn't dine on flesh-suspected homo.

>> No.1092398

bump because I like this.

>> No.1093835

I suspect Georges Perec might be impressed by the effort in these posts. But seriously must I sum up the plot of ULYSSES by James Joyce like this? Very well.

Dublin, June 16, 1904. We follow two men: firstly Stephen, the young writer modelled on Joyce himself, who is mourning his mother's untimely demise. Then one Leopold Bloom, bourgeois Jew cuckolded by his wife Molly. In following these two figures, the story of Homer's Odyssey is retold through numerous forms or styles of storytelling, over the course of this single twentyfourhour timeperiod in the bustling capitol city of Eire, the echt Modernist epic ending of course with Molly Bloom's well-known soliloquy of "yes yes yes".

How did I do?

>> No.1093853

Guy gets mystic sword cuts shit up. Tortured by red fighter. Turns sword white then Wrecks evil guys scheme. Gets witch girl in the end. Love conquers everything.

>> No.1093872

Roddy offs old crone. Fevers. Fight of intellect with Porfiri ensues. Punishment is in the pursuit, reprieve is in the surrender.

>> No.1093874

Children used to destroy buggers, formics to be pc.

Yedion psechish

>> No.1093877


James, capitol

>> No.1093883

n the beginning.....two people, kicked out of eden. God kills with big flood. ten rules with predictions. son of god born, killed, comes back? In the end....every goes to hell or not

>> No.1093886


i'll contribute to the oulipo fun

non-descript single dude gets pursued by employees of his former employer, in style of detective fiction of the nineteen forties.
While on the run, dude meets professor plus home-schooled girl, who becomes mute, goes on mission, encounters inklings.
counter-story to this is the subconscious mind of the guy, inside which some simple settlement functions, i.e. the end of the world, things get kept in the enclosure, with no getting out.
the novel is very well written, very highly recommended for everyone to enjoy.

written by Mr H. M.

>> No.1093889
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>> No.1093896

In Umberto Eco's highbrow whodunnit, two fourteenth-century monks become detectives to solve murders which seem to be following the list of trumpets sounded in the end book of the Bible. Soon inquisitors show up, heretics get burned, but the two monks continue doggedly in their efforts to solve the crimes. The culprit is shown to be Jorge of Burgos, the elderly sinister blind monk with total opposition to mirth, likewise to merriment. He poisoned the sole surviving MS of the second book of The Poetics (the volume which discusses comedy) by the noted Greek Stagirite philosopher, which is how he killed those unwise enough to peruse the volume. In the end the books get set on fire, everything burns down, but the two detective monks survive.

>> No.1093899


total Stagirite

>> No.1093902


I think that was a perfect lipogram, but I have no idea what book that is.

>> No.1093903
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the elderly sinister blind monk with total opposition
monk with total opposition
total opposition

>> No.1093916

Tyrone Slothrop is stimulus-conditioned while still in the crib to become tumescent from just one whiff of the polymer "Imipolex-G". This conditioning becomes useful to the efforts of British intelligence, who follow Slothrop in London in order to discover (precognitively, in some sense) where V2 rockets will come down when fired by Hitler's troops, since Slothrop's erotic trysts--like his boners--somehow occur in the spot where the bombs will hit. There's much more---including Ernest Pudding's consumption of the piping hot excrement of Katje Borgesius, the genocide of the Herero, lots of muddling in "The Zone" of bombed-out Europe, some guy dressed up in pig costume, the story of one sentient lightbulb (Byron), plus in the end the Nixonesque figure of Zhlubb---but I doubt I could sum up the rest of the plot in this style. Seriously. Could Pynchon?

>> No.1093917

Two hobbits go to Mount Doom to toss this foul ring into burning rock goo. Gollum follows. Orcs, too, with ring-ghosts on flying things. Pippin is stupid, his rock-throwing provoking this horror from down in profound pits to show up, to simply fuck up Frodo's old pyro show guy. It's ok, though, turns out pyro guy is nigh undying. Gimli is Scottish, his buddy is girly, Boromir fucks up.

For his sign-off, Frodo joins this group of ships to go off to points unknown. His buddy won't go. Boo hoo.

>> No.1093918

There is this love story, but in betweentimes in the book the Devil plus his convoy (huge shooting feline included) were fucking up Moscow while people were getting crucified, so I couldn't be expected to remember much of it.

>> No.1093923

and you were doing so well

>> No.1093928

pooh, piglet, eeyore, roo, christopher robin, tigger, owl.

I list of course the beings of import which I note through supervision of the work of Mr. Milne, excluding those superfluous presences (of which, both occur only infrequently) whose etymology offends my current purpose.

This post is openly non-specific in description of my preferred single work of fiction, nonetheless I do intend to push on with the enterprise, however unfocused.

How do I see Pooh in my mind? Why, the epitome of sweetness, like the very honey which he so greedily gorges himself upon in episode upon episode. Yellowed, rotund, unblinking icon of my childhood, oh, pooh, how joyously, freely, uninhibited you bounce with tigger (bouncing is the optimum role for tiggers).

Much merriment will follow pooh wherever he chooses to explore in his next outing. For one, I wistfully remember the excitement of 'pooh sticks', for the first time, chucking one over the edge, then scurrying to the other side, to witness my token's re-emergence, my triumph over the odds.

Cheers, Winnie, you're the best.

>> No.1093955

Two good guys go to Mount Doom to off corrupt loop. Orcs, ghosts, Gollum follow. Short folk chop up orcs. Stupor shook off by top bronco mogul. Frodo knows Gollum's not wholly untrustworthy. No loss for good guys, much glory for Frodo's troop.

Soon, sloops go forth to forlorn country. Frodo on sloops, not Frodo's flunky. Tough luck, flunky.

>> No.1093957


>> No.1093961



>> No.1093964

my feelings about M&M as well

>> No.1093979

In "The Wings of the Dove", Milly, the rich but doomed heiress from New York, meets youthful scribbler Merton Densher in London. Milly loves him from the outset, pretty much, but does not mention this. Merton, however, wishes to wed the wily Miss Croy, but they're both too poor to get hitched. Miss Croy suggests to Merton that he befriend Milly, which he does. They go to Venice, with emininent doctor Sir Luke Strett, to see the Bronzinos. In Venice Miss Croy's scheme is unveiled to Merton: he must woo then wed Milly, so he'll inherit her millions, since she's going to die from her illness soon enough. Merton is horrified. He forces Miss Croy to sleep with him in return for his willingness to follow her sordid scheme. Merton then woos Milly who seems to get better, briefly. However, when Milly finds out from somebody Merton is involved with Miss Croy too, she sees she's been deceived, then more or less loses her will to live, refusing to see Merton even once more. Then Milly dies. She does, however, give her money to Merton in her will, despite everything. The selflessness and forgiveness in Milly's posthumous bequest somehow turns Merton Densher into something different--in some sense it refines him--so he tells Miss Croy either he will refuse the money (then they might still be together), or else he will give the millions to Miss Croy and they will split up for good. Miss Croy tells Merton he is in love with Milly's ghost, which in some sense he genuinely is. Then they split up for good.

>> No.1093983

Consider Phlebas: There's this dude who gets into bunches of fights between cultures, one of which is "The Culture", this guy shifts size whenever, for spying. The fights seem terrible, the book ends by killing off everybody.

"Gentile or jew, you who turn the wheel then look to port, think of Phlebus, who used to be high yet pretty, like you."

>> No.1093987

Who is John G-


>> No.1094010

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens is pretty AW GODDAMNIT.

>> No.1094014
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the story depicts this bloke who exits prison upon being wrongly convicted of setting fire to some writer's house. he finds his home life in turmoil when his wife is getting off with his neighbour. suddenly more writer's homes begin to burn down. our hero must journey through out this northern province in the U.S. to try to stop these fires. it is funny but quite down once the ending occurs. here is the cover for you to enjoy. I recommend it.

>> No.1094027

"The telephoning of Cthulhu" is one of H. P. Loveskill's more well known longer short stories. It tells the story of one drunken ship worker's fight to keep his vessel from colliding with huge squids in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.1094032


What book is that?

>> No.1094065

"Do good, Frodo!"
"OK, no prob, Bob."

How? Frodo do go to Mt. Doom to throw down no good gold loop. Long shot. Short fool lobs rocks, no good follows. Old mojo got to go down. Not for long, tho.

On Doom, Frodo-chomp shoots loop down to rock goo pool. Good dog! Wow, Frodo, good show! Woot!

Soon, sloops go forth. Frodo on sloops. Not Frodo's old bosom cohort. Boo hoo.

>> No.1094075

The City of Holy Dudes plus Demented Dudes by Jeff Vendermeer is his compendium of stories set in the metropolis of Umbergris. Pretty much postmodern. Fuckin' Greycups!

>> No.1094097

Infinite Jest

>> No.1094568


... D'OH!

>> No.1094639


Name of the Rose, right?

>> No.1094665

So it goes

>> No.1094672 [SPOILER] 
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He shrugs.

>> No.1094683

Sorcerer plus detective solves mystery with mute hulking sidekick. Storyteller turns out to be evil genius who resurrects the body of Coleridge.

>> No.1094689

There's this incredible life possible, in the world just over the rolling blue, blue which came to Chickentown.

>> No.1094692


Oh fuck yeah. It's about time for the third book too.

also read >>1094683

>> No.1094694

Evil Empire toppled by iron filings.

>> No.1095783



>> No.1095810

This guy is loco for this chick, so fucking loco he goes for her & kills her. it's more complex but I'm not permitted to exposit more.

>> No.1095831

Renowned French novelist kept some stuffed, multi-colored bird by his desk to inspire him while writing Un Coeur Simple. Roughly one century following the novelist's demise, multiple museums house different stuffed, multi-colored birds which they contend to be the genuine thing. One grief-stricken English doctor tries to figure out who is telling the truth, uncovering the purpose of his life in the process. The book is post-modern like nobody's business.

>> No.1095834

It involves lots of sex between men who become bereft of gender. They kill off the people currently ruling the world to empty space for the new, better world they will build.

*wow, that was tough... trying to describe Wraeththu without using the words androgynous, hermaphrodite, attractive, or beautiful. lD

>> No.1095845


>> No.1095866

"The Turn of the Screw".

Slightly neurotic governess is supervising two children, little Miles plus his younger sister, in this huge country house in Essex. Little Miles gets expelled from school for unspecified misdeeds. But it seems possible the children's former supervisor, Miss Jessel, with help from her demonic lover, one Peter Quint, performed hideous deeds with them, or corrupted them in unspecified modes. Or else the kids were just pure evil from the beginning. Soon the governess begins to see the ghosts of Miss Jessel and Peter Quint moving through the grounds of the Essex country house. The governess is convinced the children see the ghosts, too, but they refuse to confess to it. However, in the end, the ghosts turn up by the window, Miles undergoes some sort of conniption fit, and shouts "Peter Quint - you devil!" then dies while his governess holds him.

One of Henry's few first-person fictions, which might hold the clue to why it is so eerily puzzingly cryptic, not to mention full of unspecified terrors.

>> No.1095885

Lincoln killed bloodsucking queers.

God did it.

Holds every word.

Luke completes the nine-episode-long story.

>> No.1095991
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"Longtemps je me suis couché de bonne heure." So begins M. Proust's first-person novelistic recollections in seven volumes, written in his much-noted style which involves extremely long sentences.

When one little biscuit dipped into his lime-blossom-infused drink first prompts Proust's discursus on the elusive unwilled essence of memory, this lengthy story begins.

First: from childhood he recollects the love of some cultured Jewish gent for the bitch Odette de Crecy--"who is not even his type"-- (Volume One), then it moves on to his own youthful lusts for teen girls in the summer resort frequented by his household (Volume Two).

Volume Three begins to introduce numerous high-society snobs like the bitchy Princess, the ghoulish Verdurins, plus it includes the book's biggest best-known snob--modelled on the Comte de Montesquoiou--whom we will see being flogged on the buttocks by his butler Jupien just before the end of the book. (There is much filthy gossip of this sort throughout.) Then we meet the composer Vinteuil, the violinist Morel, the impressionist Elstir, the wise old foreign-service-counsellor Monsieur de Norpois, plus lots more. (It is truly one long fucking book.)

Then by Volume Four it seems like everyone is getting involved in sodomy, it's honestly pretty overwrought, plus there's the Dreyfus Case to be discussed, since it is the Belle Epoque.

[To be continued...]

>> No.1095993
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Proust continued:

Volume Five then settles down to discuss his love life with the girl who is first his "Prisoner" (title of Volume Five) then becomes his "Fugitive" (title of Volume Six) when she flees his unrelenting possessiveness, only to die unexpectedly, bringing him much grief. This is the love story of the book, more or less.

Then Volume Seven (whose title is "Le Temps Retrouvé") finishes this lengthy fiction by bringing every living figure together for one more fête---by which point they're mostly old, grey, or queer. But it does seem like some mystic moment in which he sees his whole life before him somehow.

Whether by this point Proust succeeds in seizing once more the "lost time" he's been trying to find in these seven long volumes---or so the title might suggest---is up to you to decide.

But fuck you, OP, I just did the whole plot of Proust without using your one forbidden letter, I'd like to see you do better. I'm sure even Georges Perec, were he still living, would believe I deserve the Prix Goncourt for this shit. So suck my fucking dick.

>> No.1095998

>>plus there's the Dreyfus Case to be discussed


sorry. should be: "plus there's Dreyfus to be discussed"

>> No.1096003

Very good /lit, but you overlooked one thing.

>> No.1096043


>> No.1096057

I love you.

>> No.1096063


>> No.1096074

The Stend bro, cos em frem New Zelend

>> No.1096076

1984 by George Orwell. This one guy, Winston Smith, is under control by this other guy Big Brother. Winston is forever observed by Big Brother, just like everyone else living where Winston lives. Crime includes thinking. Perusing books is considered crime too. So is sex. If you do these things to spite Big Brother, you get sent to this room; Room 101 is where they force you to see the things you don't like. You pretty much shit your undies when in this room. Pretty cool, but creepy stuff. Orwell thought it might become our present when he wrote it. He might be right...

>> No.1096305


You didn't mention the thing that O'Brien does to Winston Smith involving Norwegian rodents in Room 101. You could've mentioned it without using the forbidden letter, you know.

>> No.1096308


Norwegian rodents, eh, Steve?

>> No.1096315

Humbert Humbert feels this overwhelming desire for nymphets, or young girls---sheer lust, like fire in his loins. He weds this horrid widow who reeks of poshlost just to get close to her kid, Dolores, who is one sexy nymphet indeed (in Humbert's opinion). But when the widow peruses Humbert's secret writings she discovers his lust for the girl: she is so horrified she flees their home, when luckily she is run over by some speeding vehicle, then dies. This lets Humbert get closer to his beloved nymphet Dolores, seducing her, driving from motel to motel across the continent while they tryst, until she tires of him, then runs off with this creepy scriptwriter, Quilty. Humbert, thus deprived of his beloved nymphet, vows revenge on Quilty, follows him, then shoots him. Quilty dies; Humbert goes to prison, where he writes his first-person memoir.

>> No.1096319

>driving from motel to motel across the continent
>across the continent

Nice try though. I liked "poshlost".

>> No.1096320

Gloomy story of quite the opposite of life, experiment in style.

>> No.1096323

(description of brave new world)

the future sucks but doesn't

>> No.1096330

Portnoy kvetches to his shrink for the whole book, with specific reference to his grotesque Jewish mother Sophie, then discussing the frequency plus the lurid inventiveness of his jerking off while in his teens, which includes fucking this piece of liver which Sophie will serve for dinner to the Portnoys. Then he grows up to screw numerous shikses, including one he refers to solely by the sobriquet of "The Monkey", but he never seems to enjoy much of this frenetic nonstop fucking. Book ends with punchline from Portnoy's shrink which refers to Freud's theories on the Oedipus complex. It's pretty misogynistic, in my opinion. Philip Roth is seriously overhyped by critics.

>> No.1096336

One morning Gregor turns into some kind of monstrous vermin. His close kin--including sister Grete--now see him solely with revulsion. His sister soon throws some fruit which injures Gregor's insect wing, then he expires. They throw out the corpse.

>> No.1096357

Blood-Sucking teen seduces one very "unique" girl in tiny Northwestern US town. Fun does not ensue. Everyone dies. (i wish)

>> No.1096360

protip:cover the letter a on your keyboard with something so you are aware of pressing it

>> No.1096370

Occult skills in unwelcome boy, who enters school. Over seven books, much occurs preceding return of semi-immortal nemesis. Objects with nemesis' soul inside must be destroyed. Very popular, especially with pre-teens.

>> No.1096372

oh fuck theres an 'a' in especially.

>> No.1096378

Old legless chief of ship, who hunts huge sort-of fish for their blubber/oil, is obsessed with killing the one who took his leg. Long stretches concerning wrong depictions of fish in question, cost/weight of ship supplies, veiled homosex.

>> No.1096397

Lord of the Rings

>> No.1096399

Lorenzo works in fishing. Discovering killers plotting to murder the king, he intervenes, rescuing the country's king by fighting the killer before he strikes.

>> No.1096410

Whales are not fish, they are mammals

>> No.1096440
File: 385 KB, 1200x787, i dunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sum feersum endjinn dos sum osom scheet

>> No.1096445

livin free lovin life tourin the country on a journey

>> No.1096464

In one big ol' bible story, John Steinbeck describes some guy, his evil whore wife, their motherless children, & some other people in the beginning of the 20th century.

Ampersands are fair game.

>> No.1096470

da and of da affair

>> No.1097717

Jem plus his sister Scout grow up in the sticks somewhere in the deep south. Then this negro Tom Robinson gets indicted for some sex crime supposedly inflicted upon some dirt-poor white chick who only sought for him to bust up this piece of furniture for her. Tom is innocent of the sex crime but gets convicted nonetheless, despite best defense possible given by Mr Finch. Then Scout dresses up like a pork-loin, but gets knifed by dirt-poor white chick's creepy pop, Bob Ewell. She is rescued by Boo, who is some sort of mute moron living next door. Then Mr Finch with the town Sheriff cover up Boo's murder of Bob Ewell in the interests of justice. We get told it's sinful to kill mockingbirds, plus you need to try on someone else's injun shoes before you should be permitted to judge them.

>> No.1097726

>guise I promise I didn't need ten hours to write this

>> No.1097731

some yelling goes over the sky

>> No.1097748

Science kills the world. Plus Bokononism.

>> No.1097764

Billy Pilgrim gets unstuck in time. Dresden gets firebombed but Billy survives. He gets brought to some other world where he gets put in the zoo. So it goes.