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10916660 No.10916660[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I'm against transhumanism

>> No.10916708

transhumanism is for the weak.

>> No.10917189

Most peoples consciousness isn't worth immortalising in a machine desu

>> No.10917212

this is a sad fact, but also irrelevant. the intellectual/literary merit of one's consciousness is outweighed by the system's drive to turn it into currency.

climb up and start the rotors gordon

>> No.10917220

I think most people are against transhumanism. Think about the amount of science fiction that revolves around some kind of technological singularity going horribly wrong for humanity. Hell, one of the most popular shows on Netflix right now has tried to deal with this from different angles.

Who would win? Some edgy teenagers and Ray Kurzweil being like "Someday we iz gonna be robots n shit" or common sense

>> No.10917227

>transhumanism can't happen because humans couldn't possibly be so stupid as to implement it
it is already here, anon. you're standing in it. you dedicate hours of every day to it.

>> No.10917235

>Bases his predictions about the future on narratives

Not going to make it.

>> No.10917256
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>has any understanding of what transhumanism is

>> No.10917260
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>thinking anyone is going to make it

>> No.10917270
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>Me a Reactionary? This is not vituperation but praise.

>> No.10917278
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>> No.10917287

i dont really care about transhumanism as long as i can get murdered in the process. suicide is a sin and i really dont want my consciosness to end up slaving away eternally as a cpu.

>> No.10917312
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Except that people don't take dystopia fanfics seriously. There's always going to be enough public education and propaganda to inform people once the ideas grow big as time goes on and become accepted by people who matter

>> No.10917313
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'transhumanism' is a LARP scenario for Californian bugmen, an escape fantasy for those who are too weak to face the Truth. The torrent of being is already roaring within you, coming into being and passing into nothingness every single instant.

>> No.10917323

This guy gets it. We weren't human to begin with, our humanity is inescapable
Human human. All too human

>> No.10917352

Why is it an escape fantasy?

>> No.10917392

> tfw you are too autistic to seize the try power of BEING, so you place your hopes in an hyperrational AI god-daddy who's actually nothing more than a secularized autistic ersatz substitute for the abrahamic God you grew up with and crave to this very day

>> No.10917398

We're already transhuman.

>> No.10917406

Who let the Nietzschean out of his cage?

>> No.10917444
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race of genetically engineered ubermensch > race of mechanical NEET abominations

>> No.10917462

I'm a transman

>> No.10917464

nigger I'm still a monkey typing my monkey thoughts on a keyboard

>> No.10917465

His own will

>> No.10917468

Yet we're still cucked by Platon's consciousness in the West. We do it anyway.

>> No.10917477

The idea that people think we'll be able to upload our consciousness into a machine is laughable. First of all moore's law is dead and quantum computing is a pipe dream for the next few decades at least. Second of all, hard problem is real no matter how loudly midwit retards screech. The brain isn't a purely physical/material object. And finally society will almost certainly collapse in on itself from gradual automation and failure to maintain social infrastructure like morality, marriage, religion, etc. ending any hope of science advancing much beyond what we have now.
>t. stemfag

>> No.10917478
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>implying we wouldn't genetically engineer a slave race to do all of our menial physical and clerical labor in place of robots/transhuman untermensch

>> No.10917522
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Hello /lit/, just wanted to let you know that Transhumanism isn't about merging humans with computers and machines. I don't care how many fanfics you've read but that's just not the case. It should be about genetic engineering and genetic engineering only.

>> No.10917678
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>It is also instrumentally rational and morally urgent. The metabolic pathways of pain and malaise evolved because they served the fitness of our genes in the ancestral environment. They will be replaced by a different sort of neural architecture - a motivational system based on heritable gradients of bliss. States of sublime well-being are destined to become the genetically pre-programmed norm of mental health. It is predicted that the world's last unpleasant experience will be a precisely dateable event.
>the removal of pain is morally urgent
>pain no longer serves it's natural function
>happiness/hedonic pleasure is the highest good

>> No.10918261

um sweetie you're an ape not a monkey. monkeys aren't apes.

>> No.10918284

Your reaction pic is incredibly appropriate.

>> No.10918288

>i-i need to be punished often to be a good goy!

>> No.10918295

Well what if it just led to a different pain ceiling/base level, as in nobody would ever have to feel less than 7/10 any given day?

Just playing devils advocate. It does seem perilous, but I'm not sure why. This was a sort of problem I had with brave new world: what exactly is the problem with everyone eating soma all the time? What's actually wrong with complete bliss if we could guarantee it to be complete and lasting?

>> No.10918305


>> No.10918314

>he doesn't know that suffering is the most rewarding part of the human experience
What a pleb.

>> No.10918329

Transhumanism is just ultrahumanism, man transmuting that which is divine into something earthly. Satanic gnostic shit.

>> No.10918336

Transhumanism is simply trancending the means of the struggles of being human, adding cyborg parts does not change what it means to be human.

>> No.10918337
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>t. spoiled soyboy who never knew true misery and injustice
You are all just too lucky.

>> No.10918344

I agree with him and Ive dealt through some shit. Hell my dreams are more real than my life.

>> No.10918412

Bullshit. I'd wager you're the spoiled one with your pussy ass attitude.
I've been through some shit in my life. But no matter how bad things have been, I can't help but look back and not only be grateful for, but also happy that I suffered as I did.
At the very least, it has spared me from be a whiny, whimpy faggot like yourself.

>> No.10919122

Back to the opium den hedonist.

>> No.10919130
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>I block add on 4chan

>> No.10919131

The Nietzschean
He destroyed his cage
The Nietzschean is out

>> No.10919805
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Fundamentally, there needs to be "bidirectional" thought for any transfer in order to preserve ego continuity. If we imagine a mind as like water or some fluid, and the brain as a vessel for it, then just "pouring" the mind into a new vessel doesn't preserve continuity; the new mind in the new vessel can't communicate back to old mind in the old vessel.
However, if we consider simply connecting the two vessels and siphoning the mind from one to the other (at whatever speed) while the new mind can talk to the old mind as the latter is transferred to the former, then continuity is maintained and death does not occur.

There are two methods for that: Gradual neuron replacement and Mind Outsourcing

>> No.10919871
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Only the ignorant put a limit on knowledge. Technology is of man and man is holy. All that we create brings us closer to Aeon Teleos. Knowledge stretches us beyond the Demiruge's prison of air and stone.

>> No.10919897
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>read this wikipedia article

>> No.10919906
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>> No.10919913


>> No.10920040

I like transhumanism in its interpretation of bettering the human condition and expanding ways for experience.

>> No.10920114

Transhumanism is for weak phaggots who can't even deadlift 3pl8 so they think the only way they can compete with GENETICALLY SUPERIOR MALES is to literally LEAVE HUMANITY BEHIND.

>> No.10920119

this but unironically

>> No.10920126

Show pecs or GTFO

>> No.10920149
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I'm pretty sure the worst it will get is everyone just turning themselves into pretty white people with purple eyes and glowing silver hair with iphones embedded in their retina.

>> No.10920418

Depends on the timescale.

>> No.10920739

I just want a cure for autism.

>> No.10920838

>the brain isn't a purely physical/material object
The last gasp of irrationality from the theists.

>> No.10920881

>want to live forever
>upload consciousness
>cyberzucc automatically scrapes all of your memories and sensations in order to cause your digital self to spend as much time as possible mining bitcoin
>after 50 subjective years in your new digital habitat (time elapsed on Earth's surface: 12.5 seconds) you conclude that everything you appear to be doing is actu--

>> No.10921473

wait for protues virus

>> No.10921700


>> No.10921716

I wanna be transformed into Cyber Mike Tyson you beta

>> No.10921723

I just want a brain chip that will make everyone highly intelligent. I'm not for the taking parts off and sticking robot ones on, unless we're talking penis upgrades.

>> No.10921749

Yeah, most people are against transhumanism, because they're influenced by fucking Black Mirror. Anti-transhumanist culture just sells at the moment. No one will buy into the promise of a bright future, and for sure the last generation to die won't go off without the complete assurance that the future is bleak. They hate the 21st century, they hate their mortality, they hate young people. So long as their hold on our civilization is not released, they will seethe. But when the tech is going to be here, you'll see if people are ridiculous luddites in the front of the possibility of a radical improvement. You will reflect on the moments of history when common sense said no to technology and technology fucking did it anyway. You will think long and hard on why doing fucking nothing until the technology exists in the hope of reverting the existence of said technology was not a viable strategy. And reach the conclusion, that asking who would win was a fucking stupid question with an obvious answer.

It was going to happen.

>> No.10921786
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>I'm a transhumanist

>> No.10922024

I have no idea what you mean by that.

>> No.10922665
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Have fun losing your sanity once you cease to function properly without a proper organic system, dreamboy. Everything is connected to everything.