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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 1200x628, goodreads_wide-e23f6858b6bf20dcaf8493237a214a0e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10914176 No.10914176 [Reply] [Original]

Goodreads thread.

Share / make friends / give reccs, etc.

What are you reading at the moment? How is your reading challenge going? What do you plan on reading next?

>> No.10914179
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On the last twenty pages of A Brief History of Seven Killings and then going to start Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (bought the book ten years ago but never got around to reading it, but it looks light and fun enough so planning on reading it next).

>> No.10914183


how does he read, watch films, and listen to music so quickly?

>> No.10914194


The Tunnel is good. Next if I have to leave the house: more McElroy, Gaddis at some point, Schmidt or Vollmann, if I can stay indoors: Evening Edged in Gold. >>10914183 Sean ist Gott, maybe.

>> No.10914239


>> No.10914243


I'm reading Heart of a Dog right now, will probably continue reading Infinite Meme when i'm finished with Bulgakov. I''m about a 100 pages into IJ, no idea what's going on, but i'm enjoying what i've read so far.

>> No.10914245
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Bless you all.


>> No.10914251

I'll add mine next time. Still putting it together.

>> No.10914280


Just started an account.

>> No.10914283

I asked him if he was a NEET once and he said no. I think. I don't know what the fuck his deal is. I wouldn't mind fucking him raw though. I don't know what he looks like but he has a personality that needs to be conquered. I'd bet he'd become a huge decadent slut once you give him enough punishment.

>> No.10914306


Just started reading after realizing I'm a video game addict and a retard.
When Phoebe gave Holden her Christmas money I actually got "feels" for the first time in a while. Wish me luck.

Also, any recommendations for a world history book.

>> No.10914320

>Also, any recommendations for a world history book.
try "how catholic church built western civilization" by woods :^)

>> No.10914326

Just avoid anyone who try to explain the whole history to you (e.g. jared diamond, harari - even just these two are vastly contradictory). it seems most of such authors are jewish. Read regional history that gives you facts only and not some wild theory to ponder about.

>> No.10914373


I was thinking I should just stick to more specific books.

>> No.10914387
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about a 1/3 of the what through and enjoying it so far in town centre earlier and saw some drunks and thougth they have the dieseaes

>> No.10914452

I know I would what's up?

>> No.10914509

how is Heart of a Dog?

>> No.10914540

Come to Perth Australia

>> No.10914666

It's quite good so far, it's a funny short novel with some criticism on the soviet government, can easily be read in a few hours, will probably finish it this evening.

>> No.10914781

He doesn't

>> No.10914893
File: 388 KB, 468x1250, 8AFA4E31-4C91-4B9B-A59B-FB7C089DDF60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>currently reading
War & Peace

>binge watching
>speed reading
>background music

>> No.10915035

Are you a Catholic? Or Orthodox?

>> No.10915058
File: 153 KB, 841x650, 2X1qVzeE47s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brothers (and sisters) pls add to your profile avatar picture, it's hard to distinguish you.

>> No.10915066

Write private message to me, I don't want to write here.

>> No.10915114
File: 22 KB, 320x228, hellomyfellowpatricians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10915251

K, just let me get my passport first.

>> No.10915315

Sic em, boys!

>> No.10915375

if I add girls, do you think I might get some /lit/ pussy? is goodreads effective for hook ups

>> No.10915458
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big Dick and Brunner fan never read any Stephen King always put off by the films
yes I am a dum dum sforeser

>> No.10915495
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>> No.10915520

It's what we call fakerating

>> No.10915534
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>> No.10915921

I keep asking but never get an answer? How do I conveniently take a screen grab of my year in books? I would use print screen but my monitor isn't that long

>> No.10915927


>> No.10915933

The only reason to have a goodreads account is to lord your taste over the girls who post there

>> No.10915936

Zizek doesn't know shit about Italian film, he spat that Rossellini's War Trilogy hasn't aged well, made me want to spit right back at him

>> No.10915961

I used my phone

>> No.10915963

In Firefox, right-clicking gives you an option to take a screenshot, which you can adjust.

I don't know enough about the subject to reply to that.

>> No.10916988


>> No.10917004
File: 28 KB, 366x362, alfsvoid11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me, bros

>> No.10917130

Boi pucci perhaps

>> No.10917624


>> No.10918890


is it just me or are a lot of you guys who read / post on goodreads catholics? maybe i’m making something of nothing but that seems to be a common trend in reading habits

>> No.10918903

Maybe i just don't have enough /lit/ people added but the only noted catholicfag is croatman

>> No.10918990


i dont like to read

>> No.10919006


>> No.10919017


>> No.10919112

there is a whole sub-discord of them

>> No.10919143
File: 255 KB, 1060x1148, 7f389827c83429adad430468b79d80f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just you really.

>> No.10919167

Descarte's Meditations and Other Metaphysical Writings

>> No.10919185


am planning to read Brothers karamasow next:)

>> No.10919428

can you give me the link?

>> No.10919450

Perhaps I haven't fully appreciated the irony in asking this question, but why, OP, are you interested in sharing your reading habits and recommendations? What do you (hope to) gain from publicizing your personal life, advertising literary "challenges," and broadcasting your every intention and achievement? How is this post related to reading itself instead of being just an indication of something more sinister and narcissistic in the ego? ;)

>> No.10919453

fuck off freud

>> No.10919459

Take a seat. There's a relaxing couch to your left. I'm interested in what you have to say. Please, sit down.

>> No.10919461

oops, lol, freudian slip? ;)
>>10919453 see >>10919459

>> No.10919568
File: 1.77 MB, 783x4023, Screenshot-2018-3-30 Goodreads 2018 Year in Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate me please i wanna know if i am a good reader

>> No.10919605

I think you read a lot of bullshit, but at least you read more than most anons on this board. Congrats, and keep it up.

>> No.10920759

Hey, I have a question. I actually kind of enjoy the "new releases" feature, except that I have read a book by james patterson and the fucker puts out like, 8 books a month. How do I fucking block this dickhead from the suggestions? Is that possible?

Also, why the fuck is goodreads' site design such a rolling dumpster fire?

>> No.10920768

Kind of depressing to see that the people who posted often in these thread three years ago are gone.

>> No.10920788

How do you people post this shit without feeling insecure? I read all kinds of trash.

>> No.10920820
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey its been a while


>> No.10920873

Why do you care what a bunch of anonymous teenagers/early 20 memers think on the internet?

>> No.10920876

Yeah used to be all the same people posting, but a lot of new people these days

>> No.10920878

I have crippling anxiety that boarders on paranoia

>> No.10921734

This. Nothing gets /lit/ girls wetter.

>> No.10921753

We all read trash.

>> No.10921764

my goodreads account includes only the books I've read from the time I created it and onward, it doesn't include like hundred books or so, it's the art of not giving a fuck

>> No.10921808


>> No.10922524

Hello my lit friends, I shall post my GR here again.
Just cuz.

>> No.10922770

everyone is new as far as I can tell

newfags will never know about our butters

>> No.10922810

I joined a /lit/ group on there a few years ago, but I haven't been very active on either desu.

>> No.10923412


>> No.10923512
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>What are you reading at the moment?
Reading Sarah Rudens' translation of the Aeneid for a class, its pretty comfy so I'm enjoying it. I'm also reading the synoptic gospels for another class but I'm just not marking it.

>How is your reading challenge going?
Set it to a really high number for the meme (maybe that was last year), I'll definitely try and do an actual challenge next year though, maybe 2-3 books a week. Shouldn't be too hard considering what I'm studying, but It'll be tough to squeeze other shit I'm interested in into the mix.

>What do you plan on reading next?
Probably another history book, I typically only read novels/fiction for pleasure when I have a large amount of free time, like a vacation or something. I just got a history book about the Indo-Europeans today so I think that'll be my next read.

Feel free to message me lads, I love the conversation.

>> No.10923848

worst profile in thread.

>> No.10924131

Is Goodreads a decent place to meet women who are into books or is it the typical "I'm such a nerd XD Harry Potter and Tolkien along with generic YA" types?

>> No.10924223

There is a ton of YA readers there.
I woudent get my hopes very high.

>> No.10924487
File: 97 KB, 692x444, 1493928849589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gib /lit/ gf

>> No.10924494

There are both, obviously the first kind is much more rare

>> No.10924550
File: 408 KB, 732x546, 1521950825350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never have a dom /lit/ anon daddy who will make you his bitch

>> No.10924574

No, it's a literature website not your personal E-Harmony.

>> No.10924577


I'm not very well read but I'm working on it. Just read call of the wild tonight in one sitting.

>> No.10925197


>> No.10925277
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damn, what an insightful reply

>> No.10925484


>> No.10925633
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I usually need a few days or weeks to ruminate on books to decide their lasting impact but now that some time has passed I can say with confidence that Lolita is pretty good


>> No.10925776
File: 102 KB, 254x249, what feel do this is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this year I've been too busy wageslaving and writing to sit down and read
>tfw seeing all these profiles of dudes who read all the time makes me jealous
>still want attention anyway


>> No.10926245

I'm reading random stuff at the moment. My reading challenge is fine because I've cheated with short poetry books. I'm going to try to read Mason and Dixon today with gf. I hope she likes it.

>> No.10926369

it was obviously OP bumping

>> No.10926383

I can't even make normal friends on goodreads

>> No.10926552

https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/34219103-zigmas hello

>> No.10926653
File: 44 KB, 470x595, 50a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read a compendium of short stories
>find and rate each short story individually instead of the compendium you so you get to add ~10 books to your 'read' list instead of 1.

>> No.10926671
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>that guy reading all of Shakespeare this way

>> No.10927199


>> No.10927988

Any horrorfags here? Tired of seeing all these pretentious literature books pop up with smug reviews made by complete brainlets trying to act smart.

>> No.10928408
