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/lit/ - Literature

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10912157 No.10912157 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some "authors" you can't stand?
Dislike him. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me. Awful.
Even more awful than Camus.

>> No.10912164

Nailed it. The two worst and most criminal French "intellectual" writers.

>> No.10912170

I've got eight words for you: you're brainlets.

>> No.10912174

>Dislike him.
Could have stopped there.

>> No.10912179

I tried to read L'Etranger but the perspective of the protagonist was so tryhard and fraudulent I was not bothered to finish the work, a non-entity indeed

>> No.10912186

This board's fascination with Nabokov's quips against other authors is so embarassing. Study those writers' work for yourselves. Or even Nabokov's. Something. Just pay attention to literature and not the social climbing and sniping, you fraudulent fucks.

>> No.10912195

The absolute state of this poster. An ideal pseud. Passionately grieved and honest but of a maudlin kind

>> No.10912202


>> No.10912204

Is there a pic like this for stirner yet?

>> No.10912225

I agree OP

>> No.10912240

I have, Nabokov's opinions on writers are extremely accurate for the most part. The only one I disagree on is Dostoevsky

>> No.10912247


>> No.10912254

>Anonymous 6
Dislike him. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up. Mediocre. Fakes realism with easy platitudes. Execrable.

>> No.10912263

You agree with him on Thomas Mann?

>> No.10912277

This. Nabokov opinion on Thomas Mann is appalling

>> No.10912283

Gay pedo

>> No.10912296

Don Delillo can't write for shit. White Noise is the most underwhelming "classic" I've ever had the indignity of reading

>> No.10912315
File: 14 KB, 467x391, grugstirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not your personal property.

>> No.10912321
File: 106 KB, 500x600, MAX_Stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nor I

>> No.10912326

Shakespeare. Gibberish! Signifying nothing. A true genius would compose clear and simple sentences, eschewing obsolete words for the language of the time. Hark! Methinks he was a retard!

>> No.10912327
File: 80 KB, 753x800, dfgjdghdgfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Five minutes in paint

>> No.10912333

That just looks like a regular Stirner drawing

>> No.10912440

>Dislike him. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up. A nonentity, means absolutely nothing to me. Awful.
Isn't this a Nabokov quote?

>> No.10912448

The thing you have to understand about Nabokov's quips are that they're made in jest and to just attract attention to himself as a writer. What better way to get publicity than to criticize a famous writer as bad? Have you heard of Donal Trump? Looks like Ol' Donny reads the Nabby quite often.

>> No.10912457

At the time Nabokov made these statements he really wasn't in need of any more publicity.

>> No.10912460

A man is always in need of more (you)s

>> No.10912464

make the brows meet and make them heavier.

>> No.10912481

He was a homosexual pedophile (and wrote a fictionalized version of that).

>> No.10912493

OPs entire post is taken from Nabokov's notes on other authors.

>> No.10912526

>literally the most accurate one
Never gonna make it

>> No.10912604

"Ol' Donny" would (rightfully) never give Nabakov the time of day. As an ESTP, he sees through Nabakov's INFJ pomposity

>> No.10912627

Stefan Zweig. Such a bigoted cuck w/ nothing interesting to say.

>> No.10912664

Redpill me on Zweig

>> No.10912678

Nabokov is textbook INFP, retard. I don't know or care about the Donald but you're probably wrong there too if you'd mistype Vlad like that.

>> No.10912735

I don't think Trump really knows how to read. Not illiteracy, but more extremely short attention span and absolute disinterest in literature. He speaks like a scrabble board that only allows two syllable words.

>> No.10912748

>Nabokov is textbook INFP, retard.
Not that anon but I don't see it. I'm an INFP and he seems INFJ by a mile.

>this post
INFJ are one of the least pompous, because they're the least affected. And if anyone is seeing through other people, it's the INFJ. That's their prime raison. They have super stats for that shit.

>> No.10912753

Oscar Wilde, D.H. Lawrence, David Foster Wallace. I just can't do it

>> No.10912780

Dosto, Mann, Balzac, Pynchon, Cervantes