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10907785 No.10907785 [Reply] [Original]

write what's on your mind

>> No.10907792


>> No.10907803


I wonder if all the suffering I've contrived for myself will actually lead to anything, or will it just continue forever?

My twenties are almost over and I haven't done anything.

>> No.10907808

I busted a raw nut in my gf yesterday and the day before. It was ok at best. I jacked it twice later on because it felt better.

>> No.10907813

Every decision I've ever made in my life has been a mistake. I am a mediocrity, no, that's too kind. I am not even that. I am a failure, a loser, a fuck-up, a waste of space, a goof off, a ne'er do well, a sadsack, a retard, a scumbag, a creep, a weirdo, a fragile, oversensitive virginal dork. I am ready to gas myself. It's been a long time coming.

>> No.10907851

I got these huge blisters on the back of my feet from shoveling snow last week. They still haven't healed so I'm currently picking at the scab.

>> No.10907864

Is it really my fault that I'm so weak and pathetic and stupid? It's my nature, isn't it? Some people are simply genetic garbage with defective brains. We didn't choose to be born this way, to have these repulsive personalities and idiotic characteristics. I've tried to be strong and better myself, really, but I break so easily. My nerves are shot, they're always shot. I can't bring myself to just not care, to ignore, to focus, to direct.

I'm tired of being nervous and unhappy all the time. It's exhausting. I don't take pleasure from the same things that others do, and the things that stress seem to injure my delicate pussy sensibilities twice as much as others. This isn't right. Human beings shouldn't have to live like this. A life spent in timidity and failure is not one worth living.

>> No.10907878
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>> No.10907879

Literally nothing feels as good as dodging a girl's attempts to shit test you and jerk you around with her feminine wiles just to boost her own ego.

Freedom from slavery to pussy is a gnostic accomplishment. Pussy is samsara. It is only illusion and temptation. Only when you are free from pussy's grip over your life do you realize how low you had fallen into the base material plane. Pussy is Ahriman. I am like Neo at the end of The Matrix now, and clits are trying to punch me really fast like Agent Smith. They can call me a virgin and I just say, "No," and all the accusations of virginity fall on the floor like Desert Eagle .50 calibre bullets. I am invincible now, I am also like Jet Li in "The One."

>> No.10907886

are you an aspiring writer?
look on the bright side, take it easy, deep breathes, relax, most of the negativity in your mind is perpetuated by yourself, things arent so bad, if you get caught in thinking about yourself:bad bad bad, you will feel bad.. stop, just accept simplicities of goodness

>> No.10907898

The most rational way to live is to follow human nature. We search for objective truths and discuss the mysteries, but nobody knows anything. I'm a human and there are other humans on this planet. I wanna have sex and talk to other humans and have kids and be liked by others. These are the only desires I understand, the only desires I need.

>> No.10907909

I have a bad cold and slept four hours last night. This sickness has stopped me completely in my tracks from reading and writing. I can't imagine what it would like to have a disease or some type of cancer. I would probably have to sit months on end in a room not even thinking of reading or writing, just sitting quietly waiting for the pain to end.

We should write more, lads.

>> No.10907924
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I anyone is interested what OP image is from:

>> No.10907962

I'm in my early twenties and I'm coming to terms with the fact I'm a generic potato brained moron like 99% of earth's population. I've never had a single original thought in my life, and even what I'm typing now has been understood and written about so often as to become cliché. I'm trying to decide where to go from here, if "here" is a starting point.

>> No.10907968

>I am also like Jet Li in "The One."

Made me laugh

>> No.10907970

rome wasn't built in a day and neither will any impressiveness your life contains

>> No.10907975

True. True.

>> No.10907985

are you an aspiring writer?

>> No.10907987

I really don’t want to stay here for the summer. I want to go home.

>> No.10907989

I know the feeling, I have the same thoughts too. The only positive thing I can say is that at least we are now self-aware. Many people live under the impression that they have the talent and potential to be a great artist/writer just because they spent four years at an expensive university. My advice is to read and write extensively every single day. Don't give up, 99% of the troglodytes on this earth have already given up.

>> No.10907991

Going to the city again becuase a friend wants to go. Barely have any money from last time.

>> No.10907999

I write comedy occasionally. I have a knack for making people laugh in everyday life and I'm trying to see if that translates to the page
This is also true. Although ignorance can sometimes be bliss, especially of one's own mediocrity

>> No.10908021

I feel I need to do something, but am unsure what that "something" is.
I spent two years travelling with a carnival, proving myself capable of hard labor and gaining experiences along the way. Had my first love, tried heroin, mostly low class scumbag shit but still fun.
I spent the last year making a name for myself in the graffiti scene of the city I settled in. Girls I talk to on tinder drop my tag name to other graff writers hoping to gain "respect", kids send me messages on social media asking me to help with their sketches (when all they need do is practise), and old washed up writers ask me to show them spots. The emptiness and vapidity of the scene is quickly getting to me, but I feel no excitement at anything else.
Maybe I will try my hand at train hopping, which has always interested me. Graffiti and rail culture are closely intertwined you know. Hopefully I will be somewhere more stimulating in a month's time :)

>> No.10908027

pussy pussy pussy marijuana juana

>> No.10908031

met a qt hungarian exchange student the other day and she's coming over tomorrow
should i hide all my commie stuff?

>> No.10908116

Jacked off to some degenerate porn on /gif/ earlier today and I’ve been disgusted with myself since

There anything I can do to flush out the feelings of shame quicker

>> No.10908118

nothing i read satisfies me, so I write

>> No.10908128

nothing you can do tonight. Go to sleep now. Tomorrow, stop watching porn. It's really that simple

>> No.10908139

hahahaha same except it wasn't that bad compared to what you probably saw

>> No.10908155


>> No.10908169

how can i avoid putting the act "sex" on a pedestal?

>> No.10908197

People from ex soviet states tend to severely dislike communism so yes

>> No.10908248

I've spent the last year and a half in the trenches of a philosophical/scientific/literary journey, and I'm honestly overjoyed that I went through it because I came out of it with some intense ideas and a lot of realizations, not to mention some promising writing. I think I'm ready to go back into what >>10907898
is saying, just like I have before, even a few times in the last year, but I'll need something else to focus on. Of course that's writing, since that's been my thing since I was a kid, but what will be the backbone? I want to follow my internal self down to the pit where Rimbaud or Jarry went, but of course I won't be a genius like them. I just want to go in instead of out for once and see if I'm capable of making something completely novel. When I transfer out to a university, with nobody knowing me and me knowing nobody, I hope to be a new person, finally letting my eccentricities loose on the world. I want to stop being rational, and start being a free spirit where everything feels like absinthe and everything I write comes from that pit that every person has but doesn't know how to find. As far as regular life goes, I'm agreeing with anon; I made that decision as a little kid, then in middle school, and now, on the precipice of real life adulthood, I am again.

I needa get laid, get a gf (hopefully to go down the hole together with), become a full-on person. I also want to stop going online, find some cool nature shit to spend my time with, idk.

Who else is feeling this?

>> No.10908308

You don't go insane in one bad night. You go insane in one thousand bad nights. And one thousand nights is really only less than four years. Sure, it seems like a long time but driving someone insane is quite trivial if you are a parent raising a child. It's not hard at all if you simply just don't care.

>> No.10908315

I've ventured down many felonious paths and criminality seemed to be my only specialty aside from reading. One girl I fell in a deep limerence for, the first time my heart ever encountered love but it was a false flag. She was a whore who didn't hold an ounce affection for me and that shattered my view of women but even though it was trivial, a brief fling of youth that was destined to quickly expire, it truly damaged my sense of self. Now I write novels that go nowhere, I drink, I read, and I shoot guns all day. I'm bettering myself but I'll never be whole. A chasm, a rift, there is a hole which literature cannot fill, and my truest friends are people I've never met, authors long dead who shared the same plight as I and have no words to find succor in.

>> No.10908333

Absolutely wrong. The fact that you don't know shit doesn't mean noone does. Don't seek desires full of selfishness.

>> No.10908339
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Reading YA fiction to "see what the big deal is" makes me yearn for something a bit more high brow but I don't think I could honestly handle anything that isn't fiction.

>> No.10908390

I wish there was a way to unread something.

It wasn't even a book or anything. It was just a five word sentence, but I can't stop thinking about it.

>> No.10908411

"You are such a fag"

>> No.10908419

I just registered to get my GeD or diploma at 22 years old. Just took my placement test and scored high enough I can just enter into a pre algebra class and not have to take a writing class.

Im so ready to pursue my goals

>> No.10908420

"I fucked Kyle, so sorry"

>> No.10908425


"Saliva is just filtered blood."

I made my peace with being gay almost 13 years ago now.

>> No.10908428

>don't seek desires full of selfishness
All desires are selfish, I'm just seeking the desires that unquestionably benefit me. I believe in spirituality but there's nothing guaranteed. I'm not devoting my life to something I'm not certain about. If I suffer from this decision, so be it.

>> No.10908442

I found my autistic soulmate but she's 20 years older than me and professionally unable to reciprocate


>> No.10908474

When you realize that, against the majority of the forces of nature, any one piece of your body is nothing but pudding, and (despite your previous feelings of its immutable presence) the threat of your body being obliterated like slush looks you in the eye, that is terror.

>> No.10908491

the czech side of my family says otherwise. You're thinking of shitholes like Russia or Poland that like to blame their natural shitiness on politics

>> No.10908498

>My twenties are almost over and I haven't done anything.
please don't remind me

>> No.10908527

my thirties are almost over and haven't done anything, whatever happened in your 20 is just going to repeat in your 30s, it doesnt get better or worse, its just more of the same, once you become an adult and finish school nothing else really happens its just the same shit every year but a little different and with a nicer phone

>> No.10908529
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I am going to turn my life around

>> No.10908533

Why do I feel so sad thinking about the girls/women that I've had brief relationships with? There's really nothing to be sad about, other than things not working out. Maybe it's that I'm alone and my life is going nowhere, while all of them seem to be moving forward and making progress in various aspects of their lives. Is it jealousy then? A sort of sorrow knowing that people can't truly reach success without leaving me behind?

>> No.10908545

have sex and realize its the same as fapping but some chick is fapping u with her pussyhole instead of your hand

>> No.10908549

it's not though

>> No.10908555

sorry but it is, the only difference is u get to brag about it after to ur bros instead of feeling ashame

>> No.10908565

Good for you man. Keep up the good work.

>> No.10908573

most people are wrapping up their undergrad at stanford at 22 and applying to law school, lmao way to fail at life...but better late than never i suppose, hate to break it to u tho but high school diploma is completely worthless they give those away to any black kid who shows up more than 50% of the time and doesnt commit any felonies on school property, it signifies nothing, not trying to rain on your parade just getting u ready for reality

>> No.10908580

Reading the unabomber's manifesto effected me more than I thought it would, lame as it sounds. I am pretty goddamn liberal, and I do often feel a lot of the things mentioned in his manifesto. I also have started to notice the truth of some of the things he talks about. I am making a conscious effort to be more positive and instead of campaigning, just treat everyone else well. I'm not sure what else to do, life is kind of hard. Still feel crushing loneliness.

>> No.10908583

There are two types of people in this world

>> No.10908585
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I want to learn so much, but have so little time to do it. Immortality better be being made by the time i'm like 50 so that i can just sit back and study all the thing I want

>> No.10908595

>liberal reads serial killer's insane manifesto and gets his mind blown

this is what happens the first time some liberal kid reads something more radical than the shit on late night comedy shows, normally it would be the communist manifesto during the first semester of intro to western civ at college, but this is 4chan and its mostly retards, so baby's first radical thought is instead its some serial terrorists idiotic manifesto

>> No.10908613

>serial killers insane manifesto
>serial terrorists idiotic manifesto
Anyone who's actually read it at least gives an honest criticism. It may not be 100% true, especially the revolutionary activism part, but it contains truth that isn't commonly understood.

>> No.10908615

i got a shittier phone because i hate apps and barely text anyone
if it werent for my desire to not disappoint my parents maybe i would take a chance and find a way to stop disappointing my parents... lol

>> No.10908640

hey at least you parents are capable of being disappointed that must be sort of motivating, i have weak hippy parents who are just happy when i'm happy, i could live in poverty working a super easy part time job and just shitpost on 4chan all fucking day and theyd be like "were proud that you're living life on your terms" or some shit, oh wait thats what i'm doing rn

>> No.10908642

my twisted world is so much more insightful and just an overall more compelling read

>> No.10908647

i got a song for u bro


>> No.10908678

I miss having feelings.

>> No.10908720

My twenties are almost over, and I've done all sorts of things. Most of them could be considered personal growth opportunities, I guess, but I none of them will make me any money.

>> No.10908721

love lil xan desu

idk its kinda just depressing. they definitely encouraged me to become a fledgling-cosmopolitan and I'm not into it. glad i have a family that loves me but i have some serious guilt over the money they spent on my education.

>> No.10908725

yeah i actually did do some cool shit in my 20s dont get me wrong, but like now that its over those memories dont pay my rent or fap my dick u feel me

>> No.10908736

i need to read something fun or at least interesting, this canon slog is boring as shit

>> No.10908748
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its about the journey not the destination
its about how you behave in the present rather than how you did in the past or whatever the future brings

follow ur heart, just b urself
>deciding where to go from here
if you don't know u don't no but maybe thats fine, u don't know really
im not one to tell people what to do so maybe ill talk about how i would answer the question and let u figure it out for urself: i am going from being a loser to being a winner, weak to strong, feminine to masculine, acted to actor, coward to gorilla, consumer to creator, academic failure to phd, 100k debt to millionaire wallstreet quant, 160lbs to 260,0 girlfirends to more than 0 girlfriends, ignorable to inimatable, unflexible to flexible
GODDAMN I HAVE LIGHTNING IN MY VEINS NEVER BEFORE HAVE I WANTED TO FIGHT AND FUCK AND SCREAM AS I DO NOW, AND I DO SCREAM, the fighting and the fucking should come later i imagine, rather, they will come later ;)
whether you believe you can or you cannot, you are right! fuck 4chan i gotta reel in my addictions, its too easy to open my laptop and waste time on the internet hunched over hungry neglecting responsibilities and the possibility of what i could have done with the time. when you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe, then you will be successfull also i should stop starting smoking pot since im never use responsible like i trick myself in to thinking i could

if you liked this content it would mean alot if you liked, subscribed and geave me a (you)

>> No.10908771

Thanks dude
I came from a shitty child hood, and delt with depression my entire life, but good for them, I just got a car a few months ago and work 2 jobs. Equality isa bitch, eh?
My goals are really high and I don't think many people could overcome what I have gone through and done.

>> No.10908796

i make my own rules bitch

>> No.10908853


>> No.10908857

I agree, its a joke how easy it is to get out now that I know how.

>> No.10908858

cool story bro

>> No.10908861

holy shit, this sudden diarrhea

>> No.10908894
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>> No.10908902
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what do you guys think of this(you think it would be wrong to prefer one over the other, because they both contain unique positive qualities?):



>> No.10908925

What did you do to get out of your depressed state?

>> No.10908948

The shelter closes at 7:30. That's also when the mall doors open so you only freeze for a little while, depending on how your legs are today. The security will harass you out of course, then you go underground to the car park. State monopoly begins selling alcohol at 9am. Not to a drunken person but the mornings are different of course. Nobody wants arguments or people cramping there. There aren't benches in the library lobby anymore as you're not wanted. So back to the mall, maybe buy some food, back to the underground. The shelter opens again at 9pm.

>> No.10908957

I love to write, I feel like I've improved a lot as a writer, and people who read my writing seem to enjoy it. But sometimes I wonder if I'm ever going to get there. What good is people telling you you're a good writer if it's so hard to get anything published? I'm worried I'll never get to the mountaintop.

>> No.10908984

A coworker of mine broke of with her longterm boyfriend on my advice to do it. The reason being is that she is an incredibly insecure person who needs to learn to be independent, and she was only staying in the relationship because she would immediately value her self less because she didnt know where her future would be without some man in her life

Little did I know that she was already setting up a rebound and is now dating him. I feel like I wasted so much time trying to make her understand what her problem was, and I can only imagine that this will end badly

>> No.10908990

where youat?

>> No.10909077

Anyone want to help me edit my novel?

>> No.10909167

I'm ... going to medical school and becoming a surgeon. No clue where I'll be in my 20s though. 10 years of anguish followed by 20+ years of a six figure job. That's how I see it, and I don't know if I'm being foolish. I suspect I am. I am foolish.

>> No.10909184

I've got this too, I want to leave analysis behind and embrace pure feeling.

>> No.10909212


In your 20s? How young are you? Should you be that confident about admission and all?

>> No.10909215
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>> No.10909221
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Stuck in the desert, in the middle of nowhere, far from home. The air reeks of garbage and human waste. Flies are everywhere and they literally attack you as soon as you leave any building. I'm surrounded by people at all times, yet as always I feel alone. Even so, I still miss the peace and quiet of my apartment, the reflective conversations with myself in dark solitude.

I work myself to the bone just to escape debt and poverty, but I often ask myself if it's even worth it, Going from one exhausting trial to another just to avoid as much suffering as possible and hopefully attain some level of freedom.

Despite all this, I've never wished for a different outcome, as all of my experiences are what made me who I am now. To wish for a different fate would be to basically wish I was another person, and I quite like who I am, regardless of all the failure and disappointment I've experienced,

>> No.10909251

The rights of the individual in society dwarf the needs of the community. Without equal merit given to each individual perspective in the construction of rules/laws, those who are left disadvantaged are prisoners of the prosperous. Furthermore, if all men are equal in a state of nature then there is no authority with which one can attempt to regulate the action of another man. Any claim of domain over the actions of man in an effort to create a society which benefits the collective community, without the unanimous consent of the individuals comprising the community, must be done by force and should be considered slavery.

>> No.10909275

Your feelings are entirely your own. To truly find introspection you must do what you wish as you wish it. Allowing the thoughts of other to influence your mind, even for a moment, will bar an unhindered view of your ego in its entirety.

>> No.10909285
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>> No.10909389

This hayfever medicine has made me extremely drowsy.
Goodnight homos.

>> No.10909419

I've made a lot of personal breakthroughs since my recent move and yet I still feel off. I've spent more time at home this month than I did when I was in high school. The only place I go outside of work is the gym, and due to how utterly rude everyone there is I just go in, do my workout, then leave. The only person who I kinda talk to work always wants to talk about safe shit that isn't worth discussing. She'll even interrupt me having a deep thought to discuss this trivial bullshit. I still can't afford to go to the place I moved here to start going to more often. I can't even really talk to my mom anymore because that would require her to drop her constant naivety, start listening to understand and stop trying to "fix" me. Overall it feels like this move was completely pointless because I'm no better off than I was.

>> No.10909443

I wonder if it's cheating to just eat another girl's ass.

>> No.10909891

>have to write a 12ish page paper with a partner for a class
>write 10 pages of it, trust my partner to handle the rest
>editing it now
>the parts I didn't write are really bad
>I'm not being pretentious, they're not just rough they flat out don't make sense
>have to rewrite
And people ask why I'm a micromanager

>> No.10909947

You can't move away from yourself. And bear in mind, no one wants to talk about deep shit at work or the gym.

The individual is but a fragment of the community.

I'll do it for a modest fee.

Eh, can't help someone who won't help herself.

>> No.10910446

>I'll do it for a modest fee.
what are your favorite books? scale of 1-100 how genius are you?

>> No.10910465

Honestly? I turned to God, gave up my own life, and learned how to work with his pressence in mt life.

I've always been very 'spiritual' (wisdom beyond my years) and I learned to give credit to where credit is due, and to understand most of my life is out of my hands and to put faith in what is unknowing.

>> No.10910484
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Are we technically gods? We create a universe when we write so that could be seen as the first dimension, and with the creation of movies and video games we have 2D and semi-3D now. So who’s to say we are not devine beings in our own way, and that we also reside in a similar universe?
> also is this blasphemy or something? Idk

>> No.10910492

I'd give myself an 85 on the genius scale. My favorite book is Murphy by Samuel Beckett.

>> No.10910548

fucking Amen anon

>> No.10910670

I'm nearing the end of my bachelor's degree and I have no idea what to do with my life hahaa.

>> No.10910675

Oh cool, I like Beckett too. Have you written or edited any complete works? Are you working on anything now? I would be open to you being inspired and including any worthy writing in my text, to make it more a collaborative effort. Have a throwaway email? How much would you have charged the disciples to help edit the bible? I suppose infinite wine and fish would not be an unreasonable request

>> No.10910677

unironically true though

>> No.10910697

fiNally unbanned HAHA FUCK YOU MODS

>> No.10910730

I want to join the military because this life i live and this safe, friendly world doesnt have anything to teach me. I want to be beaten and degraded by someone who has earned the right, and by a system that does it for a purpose. I dont find any pleasure in pursuing women, having a job, making friends, partying, or any of that shit. I think i need normalcy beat into me.

Too bad i have scoliosis, a weak elbow joint ever since i broke my arm, im probably going to get cirrhosis in the next few years, and low commitment. Also my parents would disown me.

I want to die lying on the ground and just decompose back into the dirt. All i do rn is school, video games, and art shit.

>> No.10910753

wanna help edit my novel?

>> No.10910779

Whats it about

>> No.10910795

an attempt at a little bit of everything, any interesting thought or idea, poetry, philosophy, politics

>> No.10910802

Thats not really a novel but if you want me to look at it send it to me

>> No.10910803

Nevermind, you lost my interest with this trash.

>> No.10910804

I do not care about my career. I’m utterly ambitionless in terms of my profession (Law)

>> No.10910820

if you dont think thats a novel theres no reason to further speak
guess you were unworthy and/or just a blowhard stubborn twat

>> No.10910838

hey, shithead, are you one of the greatest thinkers and writers of the generation or not?

>> No.10910851

I cant check that email rn for some reason, but if you wanna read something i wrote its on my deviantart
Idk where else to put the stuff i write so its there for now

I hope this doesnt get me banned for soliciting

Also, there should be an amateur writing general on /lit/ where people can just exchange works, do proofreading, critique, or whatever

>> No.10910861

Ok, just trying to be nice
Correct me if im wrong, but a novel usually has characters, a setting, and stuff like that rather than a list of ideas about politics and philosophy

>> No.10910862

>Also, there should be an amateur writing general
comeon man you are losing points off the intelligence test. No serious writer wants to associate their potentially published work here, or have it stolen. How old are you? What are your favorite books?

>> No.10910876

yes sorry for not being nice, I sincerely do apologize. Yes you are write, mine attempts to have that, but the topics it is interested in are as mentioned. Do you live in Europe? I just scanned your writing and it looks good, I think you have skill and imagination and passion and intrigue.

>> No.10910880

sincere apologies buddy, you are a good writer,

you cant check the email because you posted link:


. con instead of com?

can I try to email?

>> No.10910882

Im relatively new to /lit/ so i havent really soaked in the culture. Is this on the toxic /pol/ side of the spectrum, or the /k/ friendly and eager side? 19, all quiet on the western front, starship troopers, the great gatsby

>> No.10910885

No, im american, thanks

Yea .com

>> No.10910900

switch to psychology niklas

>> No.10910911

ok cool, you are definitely gifted and have great promise, especially for 19. You are the one talking about army? Give me a real email to contact you, or email me: derndernit123@gmail.com

>im probably going to get cirrhosis in the next few years
if that is you, stop drinking, you have a bright future, you are great kid, youre gonna be a star

>> No.10910915

>im american,
North, south, east, west?

>> No.10910928

Genuinely, thank you for the positivity
And yea i was talking about the military

>> No.10910931

join the club

>> No.10910937

lmfao lurk moar

>> No.10910946

check your email, westdickens? Consider putting those plans off and trying to collaborate with me on a text, after a few months you can always consider other things, but who knows, maybe we can create a worthy book together

>> No.10910965

What else can we do? I feel stuck.

>> No.10911697

i got an idea today to write a short story about an old master furniture maker that gets hit in the head and then all his new furniture works just becomes more and more deranged and surreal as he tries to just make a high end table for a rich aristocrat or something like that

yes or no?

>> No.10911704

i like it see where it goes

>> No.10911705


>> No.10911710

do it

>> No.10911735

have the aristocrat not be satisfied with the furniture, and keep asking him to try again, but the maker holds onto them in his garage or workshop or whatever, and eventually they become very popular, maybe

>> No.10911789

or the maker kills him and builds him into the furniture
but I dont want to write it for you

>> No.10911797 [DELETED] 

Underneath the park bench laid a brick that was cut in half.
Red chalk had spilled from the inside.
Ants crawled between the brick’s halves.
The ants crawled into a hole in the ground.
Crawling into the hole. Listen. The ambiance of a seashell. See. Nothing.

>> No.10911849
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some dude sperged out about boris johnson in one of my history lectures today
it was pretty amusing, particularly because we are americans

>> No.10911883

I feel like there's a grain of sand stuck in my brain that constantly needles at my reality. I used to be a lucid thinker but now I am forever blind and cluttered.

>> No.10911952


The problem is that the only advice anyone ever gives me is to conform to what everyone else is doing, which means giving up on ever having any kind of genuine relationship with anyone. It makes even trying to make friends pointless. That's why I mostly stay at home.

>> No.10911971

I seriously feel myself becoming paranoid. some days I go full innawoods within my own house, even going to the shops makes me incredibly paranoid

>> No.10911992

what kind of paranoia?
like people are out to get you, thew world is going to go full anarchy, or just everyone you know is just a 2 faced asshole?

>> No.10912000

people are out to get me, I don't know why but whenever I'm out in public I feel as if everyone already knows be and alot of things about me. I kinda feel like the only way to fix this is to move suburbs, even countries

>> No.10912032
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This is making me very sad

>> No.10912072

I want to kill somebody

>> No.10912167

Lol my gf freshman year of college always told people she was going to go med school and be a surgeon. Pretty sure she dropped out of undergrad and is waiting tables now. Good luck!

>> No.10912175

>I still can't afford to go to the place I moved here to start going to more often
A strip club or something?

>> No.10912178

I'm a negative creep. I'm a negative creep. I'M A NEGATIVE CREEP AND I'M STONED.

>> No.10912181

Anyone who describes himself as having wisdom beyond his years is a moron. That's not a self-describable quality, that's something other people can say about you.

>> No.10912208

What is truly good is beautiful, and what is truly beautiful is good.
Perhaps "sublime" is the better word, if one wants to be consistent with aesthetic theory.

>> No.10912289


Nudist resort

>> No.10912294

just dropped out of university, going back to the bush to train myself as a boxer and read books
feels good man

>> No.10912309

Seven or eight flies are buzzing; bouncing off the unhinged lightbulb in my shitty little room. I'm laid out on a bed with no sheet and two blankets. I keep bending over the end of the bed to grab at an empty glass of chocolate milk. I've done this four times now.

I'm waiting until I have to shit to take a shower. I'm wasting the best years of my life waiting on the best years of my life. I keep staring at my phone due to the flies and I'm let down all day.

>> No.10912668
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Some anons complemented my poetry, which was really nice. Maybe I'll finally try to get it published one of these days. Any suggestions for entry-level places to submit to?

>> No.10913061

Awesome, cause I was just using what others have told me. Fuck off

>> No.10913080

You'd think reading about the evolutionary reasons for feminine behavior would make me hate women less, but...

>> No.10913103


Its funny jews aren't classified as white when it comes to this shitty journalism

>> No.10913104

That's even worse because 1. you believed them and 2. you brag about it. You're wise beneath your years. Don't talk about "giving credit where credit is due" while lacking any semblance of humility.

>> No.10913128

It's not a lack of humility to defend my self, and it's nothing to brag about. I have no idea what you are on.

>> No.10913205

Twice now, I've woken up abruptly in the middle of the night, slanted. One edge of the serta sleep system box springs pressing firmly into the now personally distressed, bellawood prefinished hardwood floor. The unexpected sleep cycle disrupting foot and a half drop is startling to say the least.
That's not even the worst part though. Poor poor Pluto has half a tail now thanks to this sleepy guilotine. And let me tell you, scrambling to free a Czech shepherd in total darkness, while you're naked and half asleep, from his freshly bisected favorite tail while he does something you can only assume is the dog version of screaming, is a horrifying memory to have.

>> No.10913243

I'm madly in love with a girl I've only ever exchanged text/photo messages with. I feel like she's my soul mate and I fantasize about getting married to her and having kids with her.............and then I nut. She's a good friend though.

>> No.10913261
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shiggy diggy

>> No.10913308

theres a weird shit smell and i cant tell if its coming from the bathroom down the hall or my own ass, i had some weird protein farts earlier maybe it left residue

>> No.10913309

Honestly, all I want to do is burn my past and the city I'm currently in with it. In the last year I've seen almost all of my friends move away and continue onto the next phase of their lives. I wake up in the morning, midday, evening or what have you and feel like I've accomplished nothing that I set out to do. My only real ambition as far back as I can remember, was to create and raise a family and then live out my days until I left this world. On the other side of that though, as of late, it feels like there's a strange change happening in my life. I'm more determined to actually talk to people and get to know them in a basic sense and am actively working to get out of this slump that I've been in for the last five months or so. A change of pace would be really nice in comparison to the monotony that I've worked my way into and I know that I have a chance comping up here to get out of town for a bit. I'm nervous and restless and I daydream every single day of moving on. Also, I hold onto the promise I made myself two years ago that when leave the job I'm currently employed at that I might fill the bottom of select garbage cans with bags of pea gravel and make them impossible to move for the other employees that piss me off; that or fill at least on refrigerator with large double sided dildos as a parting gift. Either way, I'd be satisfied.

>> No.10913313

failed yo midterms eh? shoulda studied insteada shitposting, boxing is fun tho, enjoy it

>> No.10913634
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>> No.10913947

It occurs to me that nobody cares about discussion anymore. Sure people are more than happy to talk but that's just half of the equation, you have to be able to listen too. It seems as though that even in the rare occasion that a person can deign to listen to another almost never will they really hear them, sure they'll go through the motions they will maintain eye contact and nod at the appropriate moments, every now and again make a confimative noise to assure the other that they understand that every word has passed from tongue to ear without incident but this is nothing but a farce a hollow performance one does while internally counting each second until next they can vomit their own proclamations to their unsuspecting victim blind death and ignorant of what their partner has said and all the happier for it. People of the modern era have developed an impressive resilience of the mind preventing all alien ideas from penetrating it while also maintaining a animalistic killer instinct to destroy all ideas of their competitors, there can be no room for compromise no show of weakness such is the law of the jungle such is the law of contemporary discourse because if you were to give an inch they would take a mile so you must seize very land beneath them before they can. For all our lives we remain imprisoned within our own heads only capable of communicating with our fellow jailbirds through a limited and convoluted system of sounds ill fit to express the concepts they represent. The last thing such a fragile setup needs is to be weighed down by complications.
Their are millions of people in this world that talk to each other every day, but I do not think I have ever had a single conversation with any of them, I think that one day I might like to.

>> No.10914321

whole thing sure, but woah 18:55

>> No.10914374
File: 442 KB, 791x606, 245757542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all his piano sonatas are enjoyable (however; top 10? top 15? its so hard to put one over another, it is one of my top 15 or so out of any piano piece)(coincidence that this and symph 5 were c minor?)

>> No.10914381

What song is this from?

>> No.10914386

Start coming up with stories. You dont need to write just get your stress and fucked up emotions on a page rather than bottling them up forever. Thrn, once you feel like you have good stories, start writing.
Then start writing

>> No.10914483

Hammerklavier is the best by far. Les adieux, Moonlight, and Tempest are also all very good. I really like several of the unnamed ones too but I don't know their numbers.

>> No.10914532
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First 3 are great but ive listened and shared #1 much and have just started more realizing at least these 2:





>> No.10914550

and I appreciate your comment and always had agreed and likely do, just a long waiting rerefreshment of that no32

(this piece should be an impossiblity,how every exalted part which is most all of it was able to be fit together)

>> No.10914721
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>> No.10914776

On this new medication, I've noticed a really disturbing trend. See, the main benefit I've gotten from it so far is that it makes sleep feel very nice, and otherwise puts you in a very relaxed and comfortable mood where every song sounds like a lullaby. As a NEET with nothing better to do, more often than not I succumb to that urge and sleep 10-11 hours instead of 8. That's when it happens. At least three times so far, during that short period when I go back to sleep, I've had some of the most fucked up dreams of my life. I'm talking mass murder-suicide stuff involving my family. The conflict reaches a fever pitch, jolts me awake, and I sit there baffled for a moment before forgetting about it and making some coffee.

This morning, though, I realized something. These events seem to mirror traumatic memories I've had with my family in real life, but to a much less horrific degree. The sort of thing where, if I am asked to pinpoint the source of all my problems, that is the first thing I consider. And do you know what these problems are, and why I am taking this medication? It is that I no longer feel emotions, or take in pleasure. Although this has now engulfed every emotion I once felt and every activity I took pleasure in, I can still pinpoint the first instance of this squarely as the moment when, during yet another family fight, I found myself able to 'step back' and look on the scenario with a sort of amused indifference. You might find this too personal to share, but I find it too fascinating to keep it for myself, and too apathetic to withhold it either way. It reminds me of those bizarre anecdotes you'd find in an old psychology textbook, and even if there's nothing to be learned from it, I can guarantee that it's all true. You're the only people I've got to share it with, so I hope you find it curious at least.

>> No.10914960
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>> No.10915173
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The one thing that pisses me off is being ignored, yet I constantly am.
For example, a girl was having problems with her family where her parents weren’t willing to pay for her college, and she had no money. I told her to just go for it and take the risk, but then everyone started to try and lecture me on the risk of it. I told them that it was either go for it or just wallow in self pity and how they’re just complaining with each other about how “ oh man parents suck” and then they got mad at me and left. The other one was when there was a guy who said that women are more inclined to monogamy and are less likely to be polygamous. Everyone ambushed him so I tried helping him out, then when I was explaining his defense they just left. Why the fuck do people not listen to the opposite sides?

>> No.10915195

Anyone find it hard to describe why they like reading? I can’t think of reasons, I just like to read.

>> No.10915213


>> No.10915227
File: 171 KB, 800x600, 2D2AA314-BA2F-4D04-B0DD-2B5842EBF7D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a cheap and uninvasive form of entertainment

>> No.10915267

People generally don't want to have their mind changed, that one chick might have been asking for a second opinion, but what she really wanted was to have her preexisting opinion validated. The people arguing with that one dude probably didn't want to actually talk about the subject, instead they wanted to tell him he was wrong.

It's rough, but true, nobody wants to listen to anybody else, they want to talk while others listen.

>> No.10915291

Today I was scrolling through reddit and encountered this video:

The father's last words struck me really hard:
>..you can't come up with any content so you just fucking bare yourself
It made me realize that I too bare myself quite often and a lot of my conversations with my friends and such are filled with self-deprecating humor and things I should be embarrassed to share. I took a look at my writings and those are basically diary entries with reflections and described emotions (a style that I picked up from confessions of a mask). Never have I ever written about things that didn't happen in real life to me or someone I'm familiar with, never have i ever written about things to come - only reasons why things have become this way. Even this post.

>> No.10915346

>I was scrolling through reddit
kill yurself
btw nobody is interested in giving you affirmation, they just think your desperate pleas are annoying and you will probably drive them away. everyone has shit to deal with, they dont need to deal with yours on top of it all.

>> No.10915347

Does someone wanna write me something good that I can send to a girl and impress her so she thinks I'm a really smart and creative person?
I wanna write but I suck

>> No.10915360

> happy birthday
> “but anon it’s not my birthday”
> either way you’ll be in your birthday suit soon enough
There’s a dudebro response

>> No.10915374

Don't go out of your way to sound smart unless it's knowledge of a subject she actually cares about. If she's really into a tv show or something read the Wikipedia page and ask her a few questions based off of that.

Unless she's studying the natural sciences, then you're fucked and you should probably just let her sperg on about the subject while nodding or something. I used to know a girl who wouldn't shut up about botany, eventually I decided to stop trying to add to the conversation and just let her yammer. She loved it.

>> No.10915426

She's into books, but she's still a bit of a pleb but I've been slowly coaching her into some better stuff which she has liked

>> No.10915433

If she's just a pleb don't worry about the quality of your writing, just show her what you've done.

>> No.10915483
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I'm turning twenty soon and am feeling pretty dejected about it. That might sound ridiculous, as most people would say I'm just entering the prime of my life, but I do. I feel there's a lot I didn't get to do while in my teenage years. Never danced with a girl, didn't go to prom, didn't have any comfy nights out, never joined a club or sport, never got drunk, never smoked, never ditched class. Even if these things are dumb or useless I still wish I had the experience, you know? College hasn't been much better, my only friends here are gym buddies and I wasted the last two years chasing a girl who in the end has left me more heartbroken than I thought possible.

I imagine things are better than me than for a lot of anons, I have a few friends, have had women show interest in me, was never a total outcast. It still hurts though. I'm depressed, but normally manage it enough that most of the time I'm just a little sad.

The real issue is that I don't know what the future holds for me. I'm not good at being an adult. For a long time I just wanted friendship and love. I've kind of got that now, but I think the time for sort of blissful, childlike love I longed for has passed. Spending hours together with your companions each day is impossible with college and work and adult responsibilities and all the mundanities they entail. I do well academically, but not well enough to realistically hope to become a professor. I have good job opportunities, but can't bring myself to fall for the careerism meme. I'm lonely, only really seeing my friends during school breaks, which will soon be gone forever. I don't have big ambitions, I'd like to write and get published, I'd like to travel, I'd like to spend time going /out/, but none of those really give me any sort of drive. I don't know what to do with my life.

There are a few positive things I suppose. I've learned to love literature and philosophy and music and poetry and art in general. I've become more contemplative. I kicked my video game addiction, working on the porn one now. I'm in good shape and dress reasonably well. If I chose a path and threw myself into it I could probably succeed. But I've yet to see a path worth committing to.

>> No.10915518

Things seem to be going rather well. Improbably well

>> No.10915543
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>I feel there's a lot I didn't get to do while in my teenage years. Never danced with a girl, didn't go to prom, didn't have any comfy nights out, never joined a club or sport, never got drunk, never smoked, never ditched class
>I think the time for sort of blissful, childlike love I longed for has passed
God damn it anon...

>> No.10915701
File: 878 KB, 720x629, EB28CDDD-25E2-4AA4-A94C-F933933FC602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this shit hits close to home, except I love video games too much. Trying to develop them on the side as like a part time indie. You just have to go balls to the wall man, do the things you want at any chance you get. Smoking isn’t all it’s hoped up to be by media, but clubs are fun. If you join late and graduate you can still visit as an alumni

>> No.10915762
File: 109 KB, 728x882, 01b62ba39acdc0f6951f734d6a5fae82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder:

When you were 15, watching porn and playing video games everyday, ATTRACTIVE males your age were already having sex.
Everything was happening behind your back and no one told you because you were deemed UNFIT to participate in such sexual activities .
It was over before it even began.

Life is all about being YOUNG and cool, a generically handsome jock who lays with his virgin gf under the stars, seeing her priceless face as you first enter her pure pussy, moaning your name when her parents aren't home. Having a cool group of jock friends to hang out with...THAT is what life is all about.

Sneaking out at night to lie with your virgin gf under the stars. Penetrating her for the first time. Seeing her face in the crowd at your HS football game. Having a huge group of jock friends. You never experienced any of that. It's over. You lost at life. Time to man up and become a provider. Time to downsize and save for retirement. Time to acknowledge that you were always destined for mediocrity. Welcome to hell. Welcome to life.



>> No.10915780
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oh shut up you self-defeating faggot. Go read some Jordan Peterson you unhappy projecting schmuck.

>> No.10915789


t. roastie

>> No.10915823

There are more important things in life than Jordan Peterson to reference disparagingly.
What roastie would admit that this is the way things work?

>> No.10915831
File: 179 KB, 1400x1110, les-miserables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become a cop, anon. Take your frustrations out on people who represent your former shadow and then kill yourself.

>> No.10915837

>tfw a qt had a crush on me in hs but I rejected her because of my autism
Fuck off Michel stop making me remember these things

>> No.10915847

>15 year olds having sex
If that's actually happening, those motherfuckers were from broken homes, my parents would've shot me for having sex at 15

>> No.10916237
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>working on team project at uni
>need to to take a break for a couple days because I have a fuck-load of other stuff to get done
>"it's ok anon! We can totally cover for you!"
>get back today
>it's all gone to shit

>> No.10916503

I'm in love with a Russian qt who's about to graduate in a degree studying ancient languages but live in a different city from her (she's in Moscow, I'm in Petersburg). I want to take her to the US for just a few weeks, but the diplomatic dick waggling causes the embassies to be shorter and shorter staffed to the point that it takes nearly a year to get any sort of tourist visa. Now we need to go to Tbilisi to get her an interview since the wait is shorter, but we're struggling to pull together enough money to get anything done, in addition to the cost of me travelling to Moscow, her to Petersburg every other week and the ticket to the US. I'm hoping I can get a visa and work in Russia in the fall, but the whole process and complexity of everything is killing me. She almost did nude modeling for an art school just to make money until I told her I'd take care of things. I love her like nothing else and my life would be NEET shit without her, but sometimes I don't know what will happen. It's all I can do to act like everything will be okay

>> No.10916516

i dont understand depression. it seems like regardless of what i do or how i try to improve my situation, it always manages to sneak back up on me.

oh, you're socializing? well actually you aren't interested in other people at all!

oh, watching a movie you were looking forward to? let me remind you of how boring and meaningless it really is!

oh, reading an interesting book? guess what, you can't concentrate and lose interest after half a page and give up trying eventually!

oh, having a loving gf? lets make you lose all interest in her and dampen all your feelings so you'll never be able to love her back!

i still won't stop doing my best to get out of this hell, but these setbacks just make me feel like i'm starting all over again and not having accomplished anything

>> No.10916627 [DELETED] 

Dirt and grime, and filthy inside: the story of my lifetime. Of cheating, stealing, never feeling the pain of a brother, your dirty mother, ha ha ha! Look how far we are are are are are are are are are are are are

>> No.10916636

Dirt and grime, and filth inside: the story of my lifetime. Of cheating, stealing, never feeling the pain of a brother, your dirty mother, ha ha ha! Look how far we are are are are are are are are are are are are

>> No.10916700

most people would consider abusive parents like yours "a broken home" which is why you grew up to be a shutin neet posting nazi-frogs on an alt-right imageboard from their basement in the middle of nowhere

>> No.10916916
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Any advice on how to begin reading and writing again with anxiety?

I constantly rely on distraction to keep myself functioning. Its a good method but the problem is since the internet is great at that I gravitate towards it a lot. When I do try other methods of distraction they dont work and I start panicking. And I become so uncomfortable and anxious that I cant focus.
Does anyone know how I could get around this? I can concentrate and my attention span isnt fucked its just that books and writing take an effort and a bit of time to get into, and that space between starting and getting into it is where I start getting really nervous.

I am getting help for it, but it looks like Im mainly on my own with this one.
>btw its actual diagnosed Anxiety disorder not a meme or anything like that.

>> No.10916948
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fuck stop being me

>> No.10917009

Yeah but he still isn't a very impressive or persuasive thinker. If it made that big of an impact on you its probably because you haven't exposed yourself to serious ideas outside of the modern liberal bubble.

>> No.10917080

What I want to know is when we will grow up? I feel like I should be becoming an adult. But have only moved on from being a dumb teenager in meaningless ways and all around me I see people who are even worse. If you don't grow up I don't think stay a kid and only kids can grow up.

>> No.10917087

You can still experience some of that, you just have to pry life open. It's not comfortable and not some harrowing process of slowly "working on yourself" or "taking the right step" or domesticating yourself in all the ways you described.

You're "not falling" for the careerism meme, yet you're dutifully taking all the steps in that direction, sequestering off parts of your life, fencing others in. YOU yourself recognize that this stable life you're leading - "friends", gym, studies, books - does not leave room for what you truly desire, which is freedom. But Freedom also means Chaos and Violence.
As a child, you weren't able to endure this, for whatever reason. But now, as an adult, you're fleeing from it while pathetically whinging about "skipping class" and "never having joined a club or a sport".

There are still intense experiences to be had, but if you're honest, you'd rather remain in your little, comfortable, mundane life and alternate between melancholy and distraction than do anything.

>> No.10917092

Read while taking a walk

>> No.10917123
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Last week I paid a private investigator named Darryl $150 to track down a girl I liked almost four years ago. She worked at a coffeeshop I used to frequent regularly, and we eventually built a flirtatious rapport. However, upon first sight, I had formed a—let's call it—innocent boyish obsession with her. After a few months, I asked her out only to find she had a boyfriend. I only saw her twice thereafter. This was in 2014.

Fast forward to about a week ago, I curiously and spontaneously remembered the intense infatuation I had had. So, I decided to try to contact her. With no information other than a first name, college attended, and past employer, I couldn't seem to find her anywhere online—LinkedIn, MySpace, nothing. So, with brass determination, I thought of one possibility: hiring a private eye. I searched the web, found Thumbtack, a service to match you with investigative companies based on your needs, and two days later was contacted by Darryl. After awkwardly telling him that I needed him to find a girl I knew from years ago just so I could ask her out on a date and (hopefully) have the opportunity to profess my foolish love, and, most importantly, that I was not a stalker who'd end up on the front page of the newspaper later that month, I gave him all the info I had. With no last name, Darryl confessed that the leads available were a total and utter crapshoot, but that if I were willing to pay the $150, he'd give it a shot: a $150 long-shot. Reluctantly, I paid the man. He told me if the nothing came up, he'd be calling me. Otherwise, he'd email me the retrieved info.

Earlier today, Darryl emailed me. "I should've charged you more," he said jokingly, "but I had to be real with you: it was a crapshoot, a long-shot."

Now, I have no fucking clue what I'm going to do with her contact info, or how the fuck I'm going to go about contacting her without seeming like a complete psychopathic creep.

Any suggestions would be hugely appreciated.

>> No.10917163

Why not talk on the phone? Or video chat?

>> No.10917187

I feel the same way except I'm 24. Fuck, this sucks. You have 4 years to figure stuff out that I will never get back for myself.

>> No.10917199

What do you do in Russia?

>> No.10917204

lol faggot

>> No.10917208

If she doesn't live in the same area as you then don't contact her.

>> No.10917338

says the guy who hasn't gotten laid in seven months

sound advice. appreciate it

>> No.10917408

That's an interesting analysis anon, and I can't say I disagree with it. But the question remains, freedom to what end? To just live as interestingly as possible?

>> No.10917459
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>But I've yet to see a path worth committing to

>> No.10917493

I'm 23 but I feel so fucking old

>> No.10917495

I'm convinced it's intergalactic.

>> No.10917507

It gets better m8. I made it to 19 without having had a single friend. I spent lunch in HS in the computer lab, or walking aimlessly around town. Now I'm a grad student with a healthy social life

>> No.10917532

Should I read one hundred years of solitude?

>> No.10917549

I gagged a bit when taking today's stool sample, desu

>> No.10917627
File: 93 KB, 480x367, Summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assigned myself to this place and gave no time limit. It took a lot of time to figure out how to group you all just by what you said. I've learned a lot about myself and about the characters that I wanted to know. I posited most of you in one group I will leave nameless as extreme examples of nihilists, yet I am so sadly wrong. I hoped to find a character from Fathers and Sons amongst you, and I thought I'd find one Nihilist. But I'm happy to find you as was I when I was dumb, the tryhard mediocre self loathing fools with inferiority complexes. The worst of what I've found from your posts is a helplessness that comes from perceived societal conditions rather than a lack of character. You mostly are awaiting forced change or either circumstance or perception, and you prefer it to be perception, yet you need it to stimulate you constantly enough that you can maintain a level of delusional optimism that has nothing to do with the actual world so as to gain real world confidence - ie. Unhealthy Narcissism. I wish those of you who like me were fortunate to have good people in my life to help me escape this non-tactical, romantic pessimism. You have never been my targets, though you would probably be those who I would like to have read something I wrote. But it's the others here that are my marks, because within them is an X that someone places for gain and for reason. I see now that I have come this far that my work is still incomplete. I have few moments to spend with the task of engaging in political rhetoric, but living as I do for the reasons I have chosen has provided me a path to this next stage. I still like it here and will be here until it is necessary for me to engage elsewhere, but I am sorry, the qualities I project will have to pass by more and more through a filter until I have some semblance of unity, some liveable persona, some honesty of character that can only speak to others as though always in person. I won't call this sincerity, because it won't be. It will be dutiful to reality, though filled with my passion for fantasy and science fiction. I am sorry, I am going there. I am becoming a redditor, and I hope you'll forgive me. I'm also going to write blogs, and I'll hope for your forgiveness. I'm going to write tweets on twitter and I hope you'll be as cruel to me as I have been to others. I'm sorry /lit/. Goodbye! Goodbye my /lit/tles, goodbye /pol/tergists, goodbye religious dudes, goodbye Redpill bros.... well, actually, see you in a bit on reddit. But yeah, goodbye. And, remember, I never once called any of you fags, but I love you all the same, nonetheless.

>> No.10917675

yeah seeya

>> No.10917682

I don't know how to get out of my insular family so I hide in my room and waste time, so much so that I can't even think properly any more.

>> No.10917685

Hey anon, I dealt with the same thing until I moved out at 20, how old are you?

It sucks, Im sorry.

>> No.10917686

I hate homeless people.

>> No.10917687


>> No.10917695

me too for sure but the only problem is basically the only thing separating me from them is that i lucked out and got a job somehow, and any day i could walk into work and be told my job is cancelled and to leave my id with security

>> No.10917697

Same age as me, what are you doing to improve your situation?

I moved out with no car, working 2 jobs.

>> No.10917705

I'm not doing anything. It's too cushy.

>> No.10917711

>I moved out with no car, working 2 jobs.

thats gangsta, respect bro

>> No.10917719

One time I read a story about a lady that had so many allergies she had to live in a house made of her own DNA and the furniture was boobs and the carpet was human hair, freaked me out but I want to find it again
>tfw no booby house

>> No.10917773

Sounds like you have no reason to complain.
Have fun in a couple years when you realize part of being an adult is overcoming the struggles that independence allows.

>> No.10917805

supposedly there's a new weeknd album coming out tonight at midnight, i like it when they just release an album all at once instead of letting you slowly get bored of the singles over two or three month before finally letting you hear the whole thing

>> No.10918023
File: 38 KB, 768x432, SAint-JHN-3-Below-768x432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this guy just say "all i ever wanted was a catholic girl, who can move that work"

what did he mean by this

>> No.10918027

i all i ever wanted was a catholic girl
who can move that work
so u never gotta ask me whats my type
god damn i want a brilliant bitch

>> No.10918037

I failed at college and have no idea what to do with my life now.

>> No.10918043

either start a business or go back to college, thats basically your options

>> No.10918074

I excelled at college and have no idea what to do with my life now.

>> No.10918084

well while you're thinking about what you wanna do start stacking paper so when u figure it out u got resources to do it

>> No.10918088


It means he's into white girls who give out scat love.

>> No.10918095

oh he's guyanese american thats why, there are black catholics mainly guyana and nigeria

>> No.10918127

Have you ever eaten her ass?

>> No.10918132

you might be homosexual

>> No.10918166

I have the biggest crush on my neighbor, who I've only just recently actually met formally and started talking to, though she's been my neighbor for a little while now. The first time I saw her I thought her eyes were pretty--she just had a calming face and I felt a warmness from just looking at her, even. Of course, she's incredibly sweet and thoughtful too, which further kindled my desire for her. There was something about her face that I thought I knew when I saw her, and eventually I figured it out: she looks like that camgirl Tessa Fowler--bearing not only a striking facial resemblance, but with a comparable thickness and similarly soft, luscious breasts, which contain, I'm sure, beautiful erect nipples surrounded by a large aureola halo. Obviously, I have masturbated to Fowler's videos numerous times since making the discovery. I think she's a single mom, and just a bit older than I am (about 27). Normally I would scoff at the idea of being romantically affiliated with any girl with a kid, but I really don't care for some reason now, maybe because I'm older or something or she is just that cute. She's kind of gorgeous actually, to me at least. I want to confess my attraction to her but I don't want to make things weird since she's lives right by me. I suppose even if I did, it would be unrequited love anyway. I'll just save myself the trouble from any possible conflict and masturbate in peace.

>> No.10918354

I don't get this girl
We had a talk a few weeks ago, just discussing relationships, and she said she hasn't wanted a relationship for a long time, doesn't even feel a want for sex. Says she loves the connection you get with someone and the love that comes when it's such a strong connection. Yada yada
Over the past few months she has been getting into all my interests, she's started to read philosophy because of me, started to learn German cause of me, started to garden cause of me, watch certain movies cause of me, etc. She has seriously absorbed so much of what I do it's almost weird. She's described the type of qualities she likes in a guy and I match them perfectly.
She's not the smartest person, but she wants to be smart and she believes me to be very smart. She comes to me with questions about everything, literature to academics. Anytime we have "deep" talks it's mostly me saying things while she goes "I've always felt that too. I'm the same way. You're so right."
Yet through all this I never feel the slightest inclination that she ever wants to get intimate. I don't believe it to be an attraction issue because me and her sort of hooked up a year ago, but then we stopped talking to each other for a few months after until she contacted me again 2 or 3 months ago.
It's really annoying because I'm insanely attracted to her now because I've essentially turned her onto all my favorite things and molded her into my ideal type unintentionally, we click so well now. It feels like we have that "connection" that we've both spoken about, but for some reason she doesn't want to admit it

>> No.10918359

Just ask her on a date you retard

>> No.10918370

You may be reading too much into it. She just likes you as a friend and doesn't want to re-deal with the drama of gettin intimate with you

>> No.10918375

Girls dont contact guys out of the blue after a couple months. He

>> No.10918386

We had hooked up in August, we were acting sort romantically involved for like 3 days, then she slowly started being more distant from me, until we just stopped altogether. Didn't speak all the way until January when she reinitated
I used to know her as a self-aware airhead, knows she isn't that smart but she always tried. She told me soon after talking to me again that she was done with her "younger years" of drinking and partying and now wanted to get smart. I'm positive she perceives me as really intelligent, which should be considered an attractive quality to her

>> No.10918393

Yeah so why aren't you either asking her on a date, or saying fuck off to her mind games?

>> No.10918401

Cause I'm really lonely and I like having someone around I can talk to. Always walking around constantly in my own head, it feels nice to have someone I can get my thoughts out to.
I guess I'm scared of ruining what little I have because then I'll go back to my solitude, not that I don't still feel lonely, but she does help a little

>> No.10918408

I went through a similar feeling with a girl, if you don't either try to date her or deny the platonic friendship, you will dive deeper into your hell when reality of the situation gets shattered.

Guys should not stay close friends with girls, it becomes unhealthy.

>> No.10918409

not gonna lie, theres not a whole lot up there.

>> No.10918434

I study, but I want to be an English teacher. Right now I have plenty in savings to get us by

>> No.10918452

You can't just go to the coffee shop (or send a proxy) to ask the current management for contact info?

>> No.10918464

Holy shit you're creepy. You're the reason women celebrated Cat Person. Get the fuck over yourself.

>> No.10918490

My dad I haven't talked to in years friended me on facebook and asked me to watch this low-fi youtube tinfoil hat anarchist bullshit. I didn't know how to reply but said "yeah he's some flavor of anarchism, like John Kaczynski, but he claims modern society makes life pointless, while the video says it makes everyone into slaves or something.

I'm not sure what to say. Anarchist ideologies are absolutely retarded.

>> No.10918516

Send him something actually intelligent back in return, hell send him peterson you dad sounds like he would gobble that shit up and its better than that current pyschobabble he listens to

>> No.10918683

I had a dream last night where I had a conversation with a girl and we became friends at a new place where we both knew no-one else. When I woke I realised how lonely I was :(

>> No.10918707

bababaaaba wooowoo

>> No.10918725

I want to start writing again.
I want to become creative again.
Thinking of moving my creative outlet from writing to drawing.

>> No.10918737

I really want to experience manual labor first-hand. I have a very material-minded worldview, in the sense that really the only thing worth worrying about is food, shelter, etc. and yet I live in a world where you can go all the way through life without every making anything physical in your life if you so choose.

I wanna know what it's like to build a house, or grow a crop, run a power station. Then again, I suppose just about everything is mechanized and automated these days. Maybe I should just hail our robot overlords.

>> No.10918739

Isn't it weird that we all have a lot of the same problems but we still don't know how to fix it?

>> No.10918777

I really, really, really want to see my gf get deliciously fucked by another man.

>> No.10919079

I'm convinced we're all just subconciously living out archetypes. Be it to fit in or otherwise belong to this world, we conform and limit what we can be to what has been. Only the truely insane stand a chance of flourishing and breaking free.

>> No.10919211

If you fixed your problems you probably wouldn't think to go clue in your fellow posters on a mesoamerican pok-ta-pok fan site.

>> No.10919314

I completely agree with this.
Im in a similar boat and I realised that some people have to work hard for what others get easily. And that even though its a bit shit, the work towards it will just make the end more satisfying and Ill be able to appreciate it more.
Nice post.

>> No.10919362

>tfw to much ADD too read a full book before hopping onto the next.

>> No.10919364


>> No.10919400

I'm stressed about moving out. I have 1k in the bank, and I will have about 2k by the end of next month when I plan on moving out. I figured because in Melbourne the rent is retarded, and most of the savings in this account should be down payment for the next month or two. I also need to find a job there because I'm not going to commute 1-2 hours a day to hometown for 16/hr.

>> No.10919504
File: 177 KB, 611x412, rest easy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave a girl a poem yesterday and she loved it. I haven't been this happy in a long long time.

>> No.10919799

I love writing. Becoming a novelist used to be a dream of mine. It took me 4 years to write my first manuscript, but upon looking at it with a critical eye, I realized how awful it was. Which was fine. I learned so much through the process.

I'm halfway through my second, now. It's much improved, but at the end of the day it's fairly generic genre fiction. I love writing it, though, and the story excites me. I have come to terms with the fact that I'll probably never be one of the great contemporary authors of my generation. I just want to write my "stupid", silly stories, and perhaps have someone read them.

On another note, I've decided to become a teacher. Maybe I can show others the joys of writings and help them avoid all of the pratfalls that I've experienced over the years.

>> No.10920207

She's fucking a random Chad tonight while you browse /lit/.

>> No.10920244


>> No.10920251

We all been there. Don't be nice to women, they will crush you.

>> No.10920278

I don't know what to write about.

>> No.10920331

I need new clothes, think I'll go to Cambridge tomorrow.

>> No.10920352

your opinion means nothing to me

>> No.10920419

Having recently recovered from a suicidal depression, I now realize that my purpose in life is to write a good story. That's it. There is no more ego or dreams of success. There is no self. I am not a person, I am not particularly talented or cultured or attractive or intelligent, I will never be "happy," I will never be respected or wealthy or accomplished--I am merely a human vessel for art. I have chosen to dedicate my life towards spiritual work as best I can. My failures don't exist, and neither do my successes. There is only work and craftsmanship.

>> No.10920729

I know
I am the Chad now

>> No.10921326

Why do all of my sexual dreams go unfulfilled? For instance, last night I offered a girl I knew in high school $15 for the vending machine in exchange for a blowjob. She agreed, but when I brought out my wallet I only had $10. I then told her I'd be back with the rest later, then went somewhere else and woke up shortly thereafter.

>> No.10922077

Trying to figure out what social media early 20's normies are using. Is it instagram?

>> No.10922193
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I want to read more but I can only read at night and on an evening.
Its just not comfy for me, reading during day light feels so strange and I feel disconnected from the book.

>> No.10922213

Ive been looking for my archetype. Maybe I am insane. Hoping.

>> No.10922258

>I am not particularly talented or cultured or attractive or intelligent, I will never be "happy," I will never be respected or wealthy or accomplished

if something is a fact, that doesn't mean you need to give it importance or attention,

>> No.10922540

nofap is making me want to die

it's been 3 days and i'd fuck the hole in the stone where the sword used to be after arthur takes it out

i'll fuck ANYTHING

>> No.10922575

>have weird dream
>it's the gay transhumanist future
>due to some disease 99.9% of female birth are not viable (they die young)
>babies are grown in vat wombs
>humanity has sort of moved on from this, most men just live now having basically never interacted with women
>traps fucking everywhere
>tons of men have just gone homo
>because of transhumanism and body alterations traps have gotten really god damn convincing
>transhumanism also make those who can afford into essentially higher caste humans, smarter, stronger, etc.
>I was a brainlet natural human male, worked in a hydroponics farm
>was friends with this rich trap for some reason

Weird fucking dream, think I could write a shitty sci-fi show about it?

>> No.10923027 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 588x376, david_foster_wallace_rect-588x376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. uh nice dream, man

>> No.10923123

In the depth of the layers of mind and thought are in between spaces of what thought is not. I think therefore I am, they said but I am so think I must.
Swimming in the ocean of words and clutter, to define the thoughts we often mutter. Never a silent moment in the workings of mind, but always a seizing of thoughts in time.
Narrow down the path of reason, nary a fault in the haze of treason; In the makings of self the Self does create, as thought resonates in the confines of conscience.

Contrived nonsense.
>Does anyone on /lit/ even think?

Foolish man partake of what you can, for the treasure of joy is fleeting in its way. Can man only walk during the day, in the light of his waking dreams, where fortune is made rather than gained? We Kings of the Earth proudly squabble and clamor in dark cyclical motions, stepping on the heels of lesser men we deem to be; Ourselves we see in the footsteps of those we rise above, toppling over dreams of they that wish to be dreamers. They do not curse themselves to dream, but find mountains and canyons where they can not be.

thats all

>> No.10923236


>> No.10923258

i think you'd be more successful writing it where men died out

>> No.10923289
File: 816 KB, 800x938, vanquished.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna reply to the other posters, but I don't wanna read about the troubles of other people.

There used to be this girl I talked to nearly every day last year, and we just abruptly stopped talking the moment 2018 began. I've seen here just a handful of times. She was so skinny and petite and she wasn't very sexual, but I'd be lying if I didn't think about fucking her before. I dreamt of her last night, and while I don't think I'd enjoy going back to talking to her daily, I would like to talk to her a few last times before we never see each other again.

The girl I'm with now doesn't show up in my dreams often. She's the first thing I think about the moment I wake up, and I'll usually stay up until 3 talking to her on the phone, but she rarely makes an appearance in my dreams. I don't know what to make of that. I used to really want her, I did, but now I'm okay with her. I don't want her to leave though. I just need to be with her again. Physically.

>> No.10923297

People keep complimenting my work even though it's shit and it pisses me off.

>> No.10923324

I have no friends. I'm all alone. I'm of good health and good means, but bad humor, my spirit incurably afflicted. Might as well be in some opulent prison, like the kind they put drug lords in. Sure, you have all the luxuries you can shove into a jail cell, but you're still in a jail cell, aren't you.

>> No.10923385

I get angry when people I'm talking to don't understand sarcasm but I also get angry when people are sarcastic to me.

>> No.10923401
File: 32 KB, 400x388, 1nu1mt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think of that kid in elementary school who annoyed me but suddenly told me that he was gonna miss me and appreciated me and displayed the most maturity and affection someone that age had ever shown me
>get teary eyed regretting i couldn't have been a better friend

im so sorry eric i did not deserve your friendship

>> No.10923588

Went to the lit meet up in bham and none of ya washington fucks showed up

For shame /lit/

>> No.10923731

Do something productive

>> No.10923758

I need to start thinking like you. I also need to stop browsing 4chan 10 hours a day.

>> No.10923797

You should be a famous poet

>> No.10923817

I live in the area but no way would I want to hang out with spergs like you guys IRL. I can barely stand myself as it is, no idea what I would do with a bunch of autists who act and think exactly like I do

>> No.10923823

As time moves on I'm still young but filled with worry. I don't want to wake up one day only to realize that my life was worthless. I need to find the motivation to push on for change that is greater and far more beneficial than to only myself. It feels like we're all extraordinarily similar, yet all trying so hard to be different when being ourselves is the stem to success. Time is of the essence but where do I turn when all of my life feels like a slave to the cog of humanities pressure to work harder than slaves for a days wage. Where do I turn when I can't choose between love and one time hook-ups. My heart yearns for both but this world never lets you have it all. Are my genetics the barrier between me and success or is it my mind that is the final hurdle and once I take the leap my life will change.

Just some thoughts...

>> No.10923916

>download well regarded history of vietnam in the 20th century including the wars
>its read by this overly optimistic fag who reads self-help crap like "deep work"

sorry this isn't going to work "the americans burnt the vietnamese children alive with napalm, also if u focus on your goals for just 10 minutes a day you can become 80% more productive according to one stanford study!"

who thought this was a good idea

>> No.10923919

i'm havin a giggle m8
i'm havin a giggle m8
hi, ho, diddly oh, im havin a giggle m8
yes hi ho, diddly oh, im having a giggle m8

>> No.10924040

Everyone is different, your just scared to socialize

>> No.10924292

i literally cant. i can not hold up quotas and deadlines