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10905263 No.10905263 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: the most fucked up thing you've ever read.

>> No.10905276

Apparently people fainted when Chuck Palahniuk read "guts".


>> No.10905282

>Hold your breath while I distract you

>> No.10905299

this was kinda gross

>> No.10905322

the FPS where the medic pulls a guys foot off like a fucking sock.

people faint for the weirdest fucking reasons. Legend has it that the first time someone painted a picture with depth, people kept fainting in front of it.

>> No.10905326

What's sad is that it's happening for real somewhere right now.

>> No.10905346

I know for sure someone fainted when the cinema was just invented and they showed a projection of a train coming towards the camera.

>> No.10905353

I've always found this story funny t.b.h

>> No.10905355

Exactly. People can shout "fake" however much they want, shit like this happens all the time. Want a real documented example of torture?

Here you go https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Mengele

>> No.10905358

Imagine all the fucked up things happening in the infinite universes. If you can imagine it, it's happened...

>> No.10905362
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The absolute worst thing that has ever happened to anyone -- and I doubt even the most sadistic person's imagination can't top this -- is the 44-day period that Junko Furuta, a Japanese teenage girl, had to suffer through before her death.

Pic related, highlights; tip of the iceberg.

>> No.10905368
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The story of genie. Strapped to a toilet seat for 13 years.


>> No.10905373

God yes. The fact that 3 of them only got 8 years and one got off scott free made me fucking racist against japanese people. I mean, not a lot, but I just can't enjoy anything japanese anymore without thinking about how socially fucked up they are. The asian countries in general. They've got a mirror shard in their eye.

>> No.10905380

Dude, the Japanese people were outside protesting about the sentences. Also their prison terms were extended.

The thing is, cases involving minors always turn out like this. The two boys who sexually assault and murdered James Bulger are now living freely under constant police protection despite being known paedophiles and despite the public uproar.

>> No.10905389

>atrocious slaughter of hundreds of thousands of chinese civilians during the occupation of china doesn't spoil his love of overly sexualized cartoons for pedos
>handful of sicko japs torture jap teen
>now he can't watch the pedo cartoons anymore


during the nanjing massacre japs would pour gasoline into chicks pussies and light it on fire, they are sick sick people, how is it that the germans have been grovelling with no dignity for the last two generations but the japs never even apoligized

>> No.10905393

This is it.

>> No.10905399

not quite. one of them is back in prison

>> No.10905410

Yeah, I guess. It's just hard to stomach that anybody could do that to somebody else, especially kids.

I'm against capital punishment, but you really have to wonder how the fuck a person could be so fucking kaputt from the get go to do that to a person. Like, I understand, a kid kills a kid. Awful, but they don't have the context about death. Rape someone, burn someone, stab someone, it's all awful, but you can understand somewhere- curiosity, no morals, it's bound to happen at some point.

But to sit there and listen to someone scream while you torture them for days and days? How does a person not feel anything about it and keep going? After she begs to be killed?

it's more like that put it into perspective, suddenly. I avoid all kinds of war lit, because I can't deal with it. I can't deal with a lot. I'm kind of a pussy, I guess.

>> No.10905451

This just makes me feel real sad. How do you just happen to meet a couple other people who are into this shit.

>> No.10905455

>But to sit there and listen to someone scream while you torture them for days and days?
The "scientific" answer is that genetic mutations lead to all sorts of weird fucked up disorders - they were obviously lacking empathy and were suffering from sadism i.e. they were psychopaths. It's actually better to think about it this way, because instead of feeling hatred and disgust at our species, you understand that it's the inevitable result of the evolutionary process.

I admit, however, that it's hard to think about such cases in a cold and distant manner like I suggested: reading the story evoked such strong emotions in me that it elicited a physical reaction - raised heartbeat, trembling hands... I agree entirely that capital punishment is the only sane thing to do in cases like these, and I don't mean that in a vindictive way; it makes no sense to keep these people alive.

>> No.10905459

I've thought about this and I get the feeling that if you have two psychopaths in one classroom, they might actually gravitate towards each other. Maybe a few passing remarks are made and the two can identify each other as possible "accomplices" to fulfil their own fantasies.

>> No.10905545

> by pussymonster
Some of the post on this site are pretty fucked up

>> No.10905657

how is a detailed record of her physiological state possible? Were there doctors there monitoring the torture?

>> No.10905692

Testimonies of perpetrators under separate interrogations, if they both said she had her clit burned off with a candle, unless they were conspiring and had discussed it beforehand (which makes no sense in this case), it is very likely they actually did all that. Also, the body was retrieved and the autopsy could reveal a lot of the injuries. Don't forget there were 100 other witnesses with whom to piece together the story. The Yakuza and associates knew about the girl, and so did most of the neighbourhood, but they were afraid to report it to the police.

>> No.10905710

my diary desu

>> No.10905720

My maternal grandmother is from Okinawa. She was a child in the closing years of WWII. She fucking hates the japs for what they did to Okinawans during WWII. She unironically thanks God that the US dropped nukes. In terms of completely debased and depraved behavior, the Japs are in a whole other class.


>> No.10905790

That reminds me. I can't post the image here because it's not SFW but Google "Hisashi Ouchi". Radiation victim kept alive by Jap doctors for 88 days of hell.

This thread does not look good on Japan I gotta say.

>> No.10905796

I haven't seen this in years

Not gonna read it again but is this the one with the Loli torso slaves or the one with the breaking a toddlers jaw with his dick one? Both are peak "that's enough internet for today"

>> No.10905853

>The Yakuza and associates knew about the girl, and so did most of the neighbourhood, but they were afraid to report it to the police.
this makes me want to die just for being the same species as these people. why the fuck am I even on this site again

>> No.10905858

>one of the most painful experiences in human history
>named Ouchi
did pynchon write our timeline

>> No.10905904

Because japs make stuff that the Western world likes to jerk off to

>> No.10905937

>After being treated for a week, Ouchi managed to say, “I can’t take it any more… I am not a guinea pig”
at one point they had his brother donate all of the skin on his back in an attempt to save him (didn't work obviously lol)
they had completely fucked up practices and standards at their nuclear sites and tokaimura didn't have a single ncs engineer (the people who stop this from happening) on staff

>> No.10905971
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holy christ.

>> No.10905977

Does anyone have the one about the CP cybercop with the transcription of pedophile chatroom logs?

>> No.10906008

So many stories similar to this all around the world. Puts me on edge if I hear something weird in a suburban neighbourhood. What if?

>> No.10906010

>its the inevitable result of Gnon
wow you guys have an intelligent world view

Hey did you know that asian elites do this kind of stuff for fun in their free time all year long and that Eastern european oligarchs were routinely raping and torturing kids to death on film in the late 90’s and that Prince Bernhard was directly implicated in a pedophile ring in belgium that was doing things just like this as was Lord Andrew, Leon Britton, Cerile Smith, Ted Heath and a series of British businessmen? Did you know that this has been common for elites since at least the 1600’s? Weird huh?

>> No.10906019

I don't understand. It was just 70 years ago. Humans haven't changed since then. We are just slowly creeping into another huge war that will open up opportunities for stuff like this again. WIll it ever end? I don't think so.

>> No.10906027

I’ve seen and read fuck nugget stuff before

>> No.10906047

there’s more fucked up things than pic related in OP, the elites eat kids sometimes alive, sometimes just their organs, will drain them of their blood, torture them for days and then rape them to death. Its all passé to them

>> No.10906090

...for other child abuse crimes

>> No.10906117

saw some screencaps of a "pozzing" forum on /b/ once, anyone have them?

>> No.10906136


>> No.10906148

I know it's a documentary, but it made me so physically disgusted i couldn't watch the last thirty minutes. There's a scene where a girl describes how when first seeing another girl being raped all she could think of were wedding dresses, and it's ridiculously grotesque:

>> No.10906151

How does that remotely contradict the notion that this behavior is the result of genetic mutations?

>> No.10906154

Any literature about these people in positions of power and wealth and this pattern of behavior?

>> No.10906158

It was a hoax. No legit cases.

>> No.10906160

Reminder that japan actually casted a cannibal to play himself in a movie.

>> No.10906172

What's pozzing?

>> No.10906177

Lee Kuan Yew had remarked how before ww2 everyone was impressed by how polite and cordial the japanese were, just to be horrified by the depravity of the things they did when the war broke out. To this day governments in asia regard japan suspiciously, and south korea refuses to share intelligence with them despite the common threats of north korea and japan.

>> No.10906180

isgp studies and david icke (ignore the new age and repto shit)

>> No.10906186

I mean north korea and china.

>> No.10906192

high fitness leaders should not be exhibiting group fitness depressing behaviors on an industrial scale

>> No.10906219

hi, /x/

>> No.10906225

its all true and the metro police destroyed thousands of pages of evidence and about a dozen people connected to Dutrox were killed at the end of the investigation HRC also killed Seth Rich and Trump’s mentor was part of an ultra right pedo blackmail ring with J Edgar Hoover and McCarthy. Nixon whistleblew Bohemian Grove as a homosexual men’s club

>> No.10906226

Hi, /pol/

>> No.10906231
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>> No.10906237

Fake but fucking kek

>> No.10906245

Fritz Krupp, a series of SS generals, one of the Counts of Hesse and a number of Wemacht Gernerals were all pedophiles and fucked Jewish and Polish children on the Eastern front and in their Castles in Germany. Its an open secret that the Rothschild mansions are used for pedophile torture orgies

>> No.10906246

Supposedly a fetish in the gay community for infecting someone with HIV by poking holes in condoms or rape.

>> No.10906251
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woops wrong pic lmao, here u go

>> No.10906259

in 2000 russian media covered up a massive eastern european pedophile torture ring which had evidence linking Russian and Slavic along with central european businessmen, government officials and military officers to these atrocities, Putin had it taken put of the media. Similarly the Kaiser banned all German media coverage of Fritz Krupp being a pedophile and he killed himself in shame the year it was broken in the european press

Its worth noting that the boy’s home scandal implicated Prince Charles as well as the Rothschilds who at the time owned Reuters and AP, along with obviously Charles and Andrew being precious to the British establishment’s public image

>> No.10906275

In China its common practice for elites to eat human organs, drink blood and keep sex slaves. In fact the Saudis and Israelis are so well known for human trafficking and sex slavery that the CIA will stock up elite meetings and conference cities with slaves and sacrifices before they arrive. Saudi Arabians know perfectly well how debauched their elite are but are so terrified of the mafia networks that control the country and the intel agencies that no one would dare breath a word. its rumored that Turk bin Faisal Al Saud is a mass murdering cannibal pedophile and that he helped plan 9/11 with George Bush Sr and Daniel D’Anniello

>> No.10906280

you forget the templars, son.
never forget the templars.

>> No.10906286

She could just have bitten off her tongue and be done with it.

>> No.10906289

idk how anyone who grew up on the internet can find anything edgy. Like there is just nothing left you can read or see online that can be shocking. irl is a different story of course, but online i dont get it

>> No.10906299

the Knights of Malta are basically the Templars and are also involved in pedo networks and intelligence circles to a point of almost absurdity if one looks at the sheer volume of spooks and spook associated businessmen and officials who are inducted
i gagged reading the loli slave doll story and gagged reading worse shit about elite pedo murder circles doing significantly worse things to kids and adults

>> No.10906304

what does ouchi mean? Big outside or something? trying to remember judo terminolgy from years ago (ouchi gari for example.)

horrific story.

>> No.10906306

The funniest part of this story is that all the kids who did this are free now.

>> No.10906315

>OUCH! My feet.

>> No.10906318

but there's just nothing left is there? I mean once you've seen somebody describing baby rape and mutiliating a body I dont see where there is to go

a person can only experience so much pain and it is quite easy to get them to that level, everything else is just window dressing

>> No.10906320

and the freemasons.
oh god don't get me started on those little shits.

>> No.10906324

What is the Franklin Coverup? The Dutrox Affair? Epstein's Lolita Express? Jimmy Seville? Pedowood? The Finders Cult? Why is every attempt to even discuss or bring up these confirmed pedo rings and elite pedophiles always met with outcries of conspiracy? Or the fact that any time a story like those mentioned above hits the press it goes almost completely unnoticed and very rarely discussed?

Elite pedophile rings DO exist. Outright denying their existence when plenty of evidence exists to prove otherwise is willingly remaining ignorant because it makes you uncomfortable.

>> No.10906328

ah i totally missed that. haha

>> No.10906329

is this the one where he cuts the arms, legs and chords?

>> No.10906334

It's evil.

>> No.10906335

fake as fuck but imagine writing something like that

good god

>> No.10906339

What Happened: Hillary Rodham Clinton

>> No.10906352

Shriners are the worst, they run children’s hospitals and charities, intertwine with police chiefs and military officers extensively. Rabbis and Catholic Church notorious protected pedophiles that the Caths and Jewish community refuse to deal with
Boy’s home scandal, Eastern Euro pedo scandals, East Asian elite pedo scandals, Israeli businessmen friends of netanyahu, Peter Madelson friend of Rothschilds being a pedophile, Barnie Frank and other democrats as well as elite RNC people, Sheldon Adelson’s casinos and Trump’s hotel mar-a-lago used for underage female prostitution rings and mafia human trafficking. Pedo blackmail rings the CIA’s right wing ran throughout the mid-20th century, Mossad snuff rings entrapping Arab oligarchs, Saudi harems filled with ladyboys and young girls from Eastern europe, South American snuff industry, Kubrick whistleblowing elite human trafficking of military and lesser elite children to hyper elites in EWS and of course the accusations against Meyer for the Wizard of Oz rape, the accusations against Charie Sheen by Feldman, the accusations against Krupp and the SS generals on the eastern front, the mass rape of children in SE Asia by US death squads and so on. Its really tiresome at a certain point tallying up how evil these people are

>> No.10906372

hope you guys like some hellsauce, this schizo document is over 10,000 pages long

>> No.10906384

You forgot the link faggot.

>> No.10906387


>> No.10906388

People don't want to think about it. Sometimes, they just cant. Even the good folk of 4chan. They have mental blocks when it comes to this kind of thing and cannot process it.

Yes, children are being kidnapped, enslaved, raped, tortured, sacrificed and even cannibalized on a mass scale, every day. You and others like you can process this and be rightly outraged. For many other people, they will just dismiss it anyway they can. They can even be presented with the proof and will only stare at it blankly.

It will take a mass awakening on a large scale to truly combat this. Until then, they get away it.

>> No.10906395


I thought I knew where it was going and I guessed it but then it got even better than that.

>> No.10906426

>The absolute worst thing that has ever happened to anyone
Definitely one of the worst but THE worst?
I got to give it to this Hisashi Ouchi.
>Ouchi is considered the first fatality of his kind in Japan, perhaps the only person to ever receive such a huge amount of radiation in such a short amount of time. The amount of radioactive energy that he was exposed to is thought to be equivalent to that at the hypocenter of Hiroshima atomic bombing. The immensity of radiation completely destroyed his body, including his DNA and immune system. According to the book A Slow Death: 83 Days of Radiation Sickness, “[N]one of Ouchi’s chromosomes could be identified or arranged in order.”

>What was cruel was that, he was resuscitated on the 59th day when his heart stopped three times within a period of 49 minutes, despite wishing not to be let to suffer.

>As his condition worsened, he was transferred to University of Tokyo Hospital and, reportedly, underwent the world’s first transfusion of peripheral stem cells. He was also given many blood transfusions, fluids, and medicine that wasn’t even available in Japan yet. He also had to undergo several skin transplants which couldn’t help the loss of fluids through pores. After being treated for a week, Ouchi managed to say, “I can’t take it any more… I am not a guinea pig”. However, the doctors kept treating him and taking measures to keep him alive, which only ensured a very slow and very painful death.

>After 83 days of struggle, Ouchi died of multiple organ failure on December 21, 1999.

Three's an article with pictures online if you're interested.

>> No.10906428

And knowing all that they still gamble with kid's life by bringing them into this world.

>> No.10906432

>tfw knew what this was from the thumbnail

>> No.10906441

I believe this but I just feel nothing about it. What does this mean, is it some sort of defense mechanism

>> No.10906442

I'm not saying this isn't fucked up, but there are so many hentai authors that rehashed this bullshit (pretty mainstream ones too) that I have a real hard time feeling any shock.

>> No.10906473

Can you drop injecting your antinatal autism into any bad thing for one moment?

>> No.10906488

>Approximately 100 people knew about Junko Furuta’s captivity, but either did nothing about it or themselves participated in the torture and murder.

>> No.10906491

Its going to take someone sacrificing their life like Seth did but probably a worse fate than he suffered, and then members of the public being willing to bombard social media with evidence. If Putin did not control wikileaks and if the alt-right wasn’t totally controlled by elite rw deep state people, we would’ve charged HRC and Podesta for treason, Trump and his cohort would be in jail, Bush would be in jail and we’d cut off all aid to Israel and SA, China would have a revolution when they realized their elites are eating people for fun. im really disappointed, we almost had it with the boy’s home investigations and the metro police were allowed to shred half the evidence and silence dissent through the press. They got away with rigging an election and running two pedo connected candidates. If you read the story about Epstein and Trump its disgusting how blatantly the witness lied, he said Trump ate all his meals in the Kitchen which is the most bizarre thing i’ve ever heard and certainly not what someone would do if they were uncomfortable with underage girls being offered to them, which if one looks at trump’s history, is simply not in character for him. So, they are allowed to lie, to pressure witnesses, to murder whistleblowers, “good” people like Assange get blackmailed (rape accusation) and bought out, good movements “truth movement” get subverted by feds and turned into political machines and all the while these people kill more kids, deal more drugs, steal more wealth. Stephen Schwartzman and Gary Cohn were put in charge of economic policy. Wilbur Ross, who worked for the Rothschilds before saving Resorts International, which was a Rothschild partially owned business ran by James Crosby who was a CIA front man and mafia front man, which was Trump’s hotel chain, is the head of commerce, Mnuchin who was involved with the 2008 crash is in charge of the treasury, a CIA spook is in the state dept for the first time in US history and elite neocon John Bolton is the NSC. Things are going to get uglier before they improve. The fact that Podesta and people like James Woolesy were so close to the two candidates should tell you how bold they’ve become.

Remember Omar Mateen was known about, the Boston Bombers were contacted by feds, Muhammad Atta was hanging out with Hilliard who ran coke for the contras, remember the head of Paki Intelligence who was a heroin lord, was meeting with Porter Goss and another elite spook in DC the morning of the 9/11 attacks and that he wired 100k to muhammad atta, remember that elite Zionists and deep state people owned all the floors that were “hit” that day, and that building 7 came down from a fire on the opposite side of the building from where it was “hit by debris”

>> No.10906495

You seem to imply that it takes a conspiracy for creeps to get their rocks off. There are countries where these things aren't policed.

>> No.10906503


> a person could be so fucking kaputt from the get go to do that to a person.
Those people who did those terrible things where after all regular people (it wasnt just a minority of the army).

First you cant do that, but after you done that a few times it just becomes another routine.
First you do it because everyone else is doing it and you dont want to be a pussy before your comrades and also you have to do it (you are training on captives not on ragdolls).
After some time you dont feel a thing when you look at the person as something with a value less than a pig.

Read some accounts from the Japs at Nanking (Chang - Rape of Nankin), they are much better at describing the process of "degradation" than the Nazis (but the process is very similar).

>> No.10906504


>> No.10906509

no im implying that elites do this and that there are networks of these people in most countries who protect this behavior and that torturing, eating and raping kids and young people to get high isn’t normal nor is it likely due to evo psyche and evo bio yet it is real, it is happening constantly and it goes all the way up to the highest levels of human society. Something is amiss

most of the mentioned incidents happened in Northwestern europe and america, japan and China where its heavily policed among the public

>> No.10906510


>> No.10906523

>Elites do this

Why elites? Which elites? How do you know? Of course there are criminals in every level of society; but why do you imply it has to be a conspiring group of powerful people? Hardly takes a genius to commit a crime like that, which is evident if you read about the Dutrox affair.

>> No.10906532

My guess is you don't have children or aren't an uncle/aunt?

>> No.10906551

because they control intelligence agencies and law enforcement. The elites i named in the thread and on ISGP. Anyone associated with Jacob Rothschild, Epstein, Dutrox affair, House of Saud
ISGP is all sourced endlessly, Icke’s research is all sourced besides the obvious disinformation

>> No.10906556

i know because Fritz Krupp and Prince Andrew got caught doing it as did Ted Heath and Cyril Smith, Leon Brittan (who conveniently died before the investigation wrapped up) and a litany of Eastern european mafia connected oligarchs. Military academy pedo scandals, people being killed when they name names, whole groups of witnesses changing stories, press blackout

>> No.10906558

Are you retarded? "mass awakening on a large scale"
Are you implying it happens everywhere? And if so, what are you this basing on?
It is much worse to envision Africans, Philiphinos, and others who suffer due to socio-economic circumstances, being bred by their idiotic parents (you see, the circle doesn't stop) and are forced to eat off garbage heaps, put their bodies for sale in order to earn money (especially in the Philippines) and here you are complaining about le hidden secret pedophile rings that you cannot prove? Get real

>> No.10906559

It's because White people aren't behind these atrocities (it mostly happens in Africa and Asia) so the West doesn't protest - that would be racist - and the rest of the world doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.10906566

Ah; I see, how convenient for you! And guilt by association as well, what proof! You're just another crackpot spouting your half-believable nonsense. Even if it were to be true, what does your shouting in the void contribute to it? Get into investigative journalism or something, and actually get the evidence for whatever you're claiming. Otherwise, you'll remain what you are; a proper nutter.

>> No.10906569

Most of the incidents we can know of, is the key notion here. It isn't that it is more common over here, it just that there is more press and police pressure thus more glimpses into the underbelly.

For Japan and China, though, conviction rates are over 95%. You don't get results like that if your justice system works well. It either means only the dumbest/evilest crimminals go to trial or that innocent people are being proseccuted unfairly. I'm guessing the first is true in the case of Japan (because Yakuza rings) and both are true in the case of China (politicized courts and serious disregard for human rights).

In my country there was actually a state-orphanate-type-thing that turned out to have a pedophile ring with celebrities and politicians in it. About 100 kids got raped, and it only got out when a victim, that had grown up since, came forward. Look up the "Casa Pia" scandal.

>> No.10906573

OP here. Going to bed, hoping to wake up tomorrow morning with an abundance of horrible and depressing material to begin my day.

I'll leave you with another story. This one isn't brutal, nor is it gore. It is simply sad.


>> No.10906590

I'm pretty damn jaded, but this managed to make me feel mild discomfort. I'm impressed.

>> No.10906623

Is there not a single organization out there fighting this shit?

>> No.10906630

ISGP index and looking up what happened to 2000 documents on westminster is all that’s necessary to see what’s going on. Its all there, The Guardian and Telegraph covering up evil with the help of spook connected, MI6 controlled metro police doesn’t mean a thing to me. I know evil when i see it i also know real shills when i see it

isn’t it weird that when David Geffen’s name came up related to Peter Singer that Singer and Schneider both stepped down? isn’t it weird that Trump never ate dinner with his good friend Jeffery and that his other good friend Prince Andrew knows nothing about what happened on the Lolita express and neither does Bill Clinton? its even weirder how Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew are best friends with Evelyn and Jacob Rothschild

>> No.10906662

Lmao have you heard about ww2?

>> No.10906663

they’ll cut you up into little pieces and stuff you in 10 different garbage bins, they pay niggers to do it and then kill the person pays the nigger to do it. No. ISGP gets watched by spooks, if you go on there you are on a list. If you post on David Icke forums circa 2011-2014 you were on a list. /pol/ was fed pizzagate to discredit the westminster investigation and the epstein investigation, they killed the Schneider-Geffen-Singer investigation because elite Mossad, Israeli, Liberal business and spook personelle would have been subpoenaed remember Harvey was in contact with israeli intel contractors and that Geffen was named on blind item as soon as Singer was and Spacey were implicated in assaulting young boys. Remember Dennis Hastert went to jail for this and he was just a fall guy. Cyril Smith and Britton died before anyone could actually question them and the metro police destroyed 2000 documents from a multi-decade investigation into the Thatcher administration. You can’t talk about it anywhere. You get everyday average joe idiots like anon here and then /pol/ fucktards who fuck it up. The elite pedo threads on /pol/ are blasted with actual pedophiles and spooks derailing them and are slid extremely hard. No one can do anything its social suicide to even speak about this in public or on tv. The Guardian, The Telegraph, Daily Mail, Times, BBC won’t breath a word about it that isnt condemnation and US media has full blackout because of how bad congress and hollywood are with this stuff. Seth rich really was murdered for giving files about election fraud in the DNC, HRC really did commit high treason by giving nuclear secrets to China, mar-a-lago really was used to sell young girls via mafia people connected to the US president. Bohemian Grove really was a pleasure camp for elite homo pederasts which is why Nixon spoke so nastily about it, despite himself being a closet homosexual. Roy Cohn was part of a pedophile entrapment ring run by the CIA in the 50’s and 60’s that targeted Societ and Liberal along with military officials in the West

>> No.10906684

im aware this is too much info but its worth mentioning that the Yakuza basically runs anime and government in Japan and that Shinzo Abe is connected to an ultra right Yakuza run think tank and action group with ties to pedo human trafficking and of course the major Japanese entertainment companies. Its also worth mentioning that sissy hypno is pretty obviously CIA MKULTRA shit and that the porn websites purposefully switched to incest, father-daughter, shemale, fart and foot fetish porn strategically once anime went mainstream circa 2015 and that its not a coincidence that Hollywood closed ranks around Woody Allen and Polanski (the latter a Rothschild close friend) during the reignition of the Me Too scandal this past year. Its not a coincidence that Trump targeted the FBI and CIA for reorganization, i would go after the intel agencies if i was in charge so they couldn’t blackmail me. and lord knows he had a lot of things to be blackmailed with

>> No.10906826

bump for /pol/ and /tv/ to see

>> No.10906861
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My diary, to be honest.

>> No.10906937

So are we just fucked then?

>> No.10907070

Broken window theory.

>> No.10907091

I don't see this applied any way but loosely here.

>> No.10907111

i don't, but Im not emotionally stunted or anything, I have empathy for kids and all. I think probably i just don't register this stuff as being actually real. As in i believe it happens but it still seems not real. who knows

>> No.10907119

>ts also worth mentioning that sissy hypno is pretty obviously CIA MKULTRA shit and that the porn websites purposefully switched to incest, father-daughter, shemale, fart and foot fetish porn strategically once anime went mainstream circa 2015
i am loling irl

>> No.10907122

>the holohoax
goy please

>> No.10907129

But where was Pepe Silva?

>> No.10907158

Reminds me of something Yukio mishima said, can't remember the exact quote but it was basically that the world sees Japan as very polite and beautiful but the country still has that fierceness inside of it.

>> No.10907286

This has always been my greatest fear - being tortured and kept alive without the chance to end it. It's the sort of shit that keeps you alive at night, the fact that these kinds of people exist and live seemingly normal lives. I'd love to think that I'd take the first chance to commit suicide if I was ever in such a situation, but apparently human instinct is so overpowering that people endure incredible suffering and despairing that I can't even comprehend.
Fuck this world desu

>> No.10907324

keeps you up at night*

>> No.10908040

I dont consider myself a psycho but I dont feel anything, empathy, love, sadness, etc
And I can say that I would hate being friends with another person who is like me
I wont be able to predict how they react to stuff and I wont be able to manipulate them, it would suck ass, thats why I love emotional girls

>> No.10908058

its not a coincidence that sissy hypno and anime correlate with each other
that's a good pop culture reference, I also think in absurdist terms from vision machine cortical burn in

>> No.10908082
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>t-the fuckin government is trying to make me want to be a little 2D Asian girl who likes black cocks so it can solidify globalism n shiet
Good day, Judge Schreber

>> No.10908092

That's absolutely hilarious. Thanks anon

>> No.10908164


>> No.10908185

Yes, cultural engineering is extremely important. Also the East Asian and Israeli-Russian mafia involved with online porn and homosex programming

For increased credibility the pentagon spends hundreds of millions of dollars on consulting with Hollywood every year and cointel pro exists+porn and hollywood mossad connection

>> No.10908191

>tfw researched the Dutroux case, beginning back in 2011
>tfw it brought me to other connections similar to the case
>tfw after years of research into human trafficking, the deep web, and a big delve into occult philosophy to try and at least explain the sickness, I know have a very blackened portrait of the world

wouldn't recommend 7+ years of cataloging all the many atrocities and injustices that fleck all over the globe.

I now literally, without a doubt, believe that this world is fully run by secret societies propagated by families of bloodlines who participate in ritual andrenochrome abuse.

I honestly wouldn't wish this information on anyone who isn't stoic enough to handle it. Fuck this world.

>> No.10908195

You've lost it

>> No.10908202

None of us ever truly know what "it" is, anon.

There's the information out there, free for anyone to delve into.
James Alefantis' Pegasus museum should be alone to put people on edge.

>> No.10908203

You might as well just jerk off if you're willing to go through all this hassle

>> No.10908215

Humans aren't really rational like that, anon..

>> No.10908282

same, since 2012, Nazi-Soviet funding from US corps, Operation cointelpro and Building 7

Its worth asking, I hope you did not fall for Trump? He's extremely owned, totally connected with mafia and rw deep state people to a point of absurdity its like Obama all over again

>> No.10908293

I've long been out of actually believing in politics, anon. It's all just bread and circus for the middle class now.

I actively avoid anyone who gets zealous over politics these days. And that is the word to use: Zealous.

>> No.10908318

I like to think that if upper class people with wonderful lives on paper can feel sadness, that even the poor souls undergoing torture are in some way not too pained. Maybe it all evens out based on your life experience, like if all you know is abuse, moments of lesser abuse become bliss and moments of more severe abuse are equivalent to a bad day at work for most people.

>> No.10908326

fags here like to pretend that everything anti-social or contrarian is acceptable, but it's p fucking obvious that there's a good contrarianism and just horrible excrement from fucked up minds like whoever wrote OP's pic related.

>> No.10908570

What is that video about?

>> No.10908609

I can't stop reading Fluffybooru stories even though they disgust me on a spiritual level.

>> No.10908631


>> No.10908634

yeah i stopped as soon as the election fraud in 2004 became obvious, bought and sold souls cannot represent the people and democracy is a fradulent game for demagoguery. good luck to you anon

>> No.10908686


>> No.10908840


>> No.10908860

A Japanese work aimed at the west isn't genuinely Japanese.

>> No.10908893

bunch of pussy ass faggots that don't read guro novels

>> No.10909059


>> No.10909063

Thanks for the thread anon. Your pic related has been near the top of those things for years, really appreciate some new darkness

>> No.10909081
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Funny, we were just talking about "mental blocks".....

>> No.10909086
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>> No.10909087

It's not been disproven at all. Yeah some nut didn't find a secret rape dungeon in there, that doesn't explain the ton of creepy shit.
Did you see Alefantis aka j'amie l'enfantes' instagram? Id be willing to think the "pizza" in the Podesta mails were drugs (you'd know it's not pizza if you read them), but those ig posts, coupled with the art the Podestas are into, is haunting shit.

On topic of books, while they're far from the most disturbing things written, Bjorneboe's History of Beastiality, Huysmans' La Bas, obviously de Sade's works and those of Peter Sotos could all be worth reading.

>> No.10909093

I fapped so much to the visualisation of that.

>> No.10909094

Honestly, my soul might be too mild, but the killing scene in "In the Miso Soup" made me almost throw up.

>> No.10909097
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Welp, time to go Rorschach

>> No.10909102


What's the hentai manga called? IIRC there was one. I need it to feel any semblance of empathy.

>> No.10909104

>“[N]one of Ouchi’s chromosomes could be identified or arranged in order.”
So he was completely destroyed on a biological level by radiation? That's fucked up. He wasn't even a living being for those 83 days then practically, just a walking corpse.

>> No.10909111
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>too fucked up to be hot
>but not enough to be shocking
i guess i'm desensitized both ways.

>> No.10909123

He wasn't "dead" most of the time, not even unconscious. He was there to look at his own "body" in excruciating pain.

>> No.10909131

There are people that are a million times worse. I'm not even sure if anyone has ever plumbed the depths so low they couldn't turn back.

>> No.10909132
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>Dutroux case
Just looked this up. Pretty brutal but not very much detail.

What did he actually do to the girls?

>> No.10909133

That's what I'm saying, he was already dead, he couldn't be saved, but still suffered to seal the pact of death.

>> No.10909137

Does anybody know the name of that book that describes just over and over the horrors of war and rape. The book is literally just cum, guts, and blood over and over. Some anon posted the pdf a while back and read a bit and it was pretty overwhelming if not bland. But interesting nonetheless.

>> No.10909194

It hurts me how incredibly dumb you are, almost physically. Yes, it is odd, and? You cannot for the life of you substantiate any of your pizzagate claims, even if you'd dedicate your whole life to the ""cause"", which honestly, you probably have already

>> No.10909195

It’s not lol

>> No.10909199

die moralist. you would do the same.....

>> No.10909200

Mate let me tell you something. There's a proven link between unemployment and conspiracy theorising. He's so deep into that bullshit you will never win an argument with him because digging up links that comply with his worldview is literally his full time job lmao.

>> No.10909203

My Diary Desu

>> No.10909205

The right of the stronger, cuck. Muh group muh group. This is why /pol/ will be bloodslaves to the cog elite in the next HellWar

>> No.10909209

>an ultra right pedo blackmail ring with J Edgar Hoover and McCarthy.
How does one join....

>> No.10909237
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>> No.10909262

>unironically uses 'cuck' and 'muh' memes
you seem really dense

>> No.10909264

you have just been added to the register. when the autism-torturecamps open, your number will be 59402. i'll remember to visit. enjoy your stay.

>> No.10909274

thanks for being one of those guys that's ruining the board

>> No.10909284

on the contrary, i am fixing it. you are the never dying worm, the thorn in the side. the stickler who stickles without end.

>> No.10909286

take your meds

>> No.10909288

stop taking yours

>> No.10909303

lemme ask you sumthin

Do you use the word 'cuck' in your day to day life? Like when you are walking to the shop to pick up some milk does your inner monologue actually think about cuckoldry?

>> No.10909310

strange thing to fixate on. does my casual use of the word irritate you? when you see this word browsing 4chan, flung about by laughing nameless, faceless people, do you become irritated? enraged? do you blush hot with anger and incredulity and, maybe even shame?

>> No.10909314

The fact that you avoided my question and instead starting projecting was the answer I needed, thanks.

>> No.10909319

but you've put more thought into the word than i have, my friend! it's only natural for me to ask why your sights were set on it, is it not? there must be something in the word to attract your special attention and interrogate me for my use of it

>> No.10909334

It was less about the word and more about whether your parrot-like mentality of repeating buzzwords on this site has spilled over into your real life where you view the world through the same lens you view 4chan

but again, your complete avoidance of the question is the answer I needed. have fun with your already warped worldview

>> No.10909344

that's a bizarre assumption to make, amigo. is it not fair for a man to know why he is being asked a question before he answers it? we are on 4chan, after all. the discourse demands a certain adherence, a certain rhetoric, and none of us are liable to disobey. even you, in your bland and muted and boring tones, are talking like some robot who spends 24 hours on the internet. "lemme ask you sumthin", "take your meds", and so on and so on. i am sorry you were offended by my choice of words. i will visit you in the autism torture demon lice camps.

>> No.10909349

In fairness I read Guts when I was 15-16 and I got pretty light headed because I hadn't read much like it before. There's another story in his Haunted book about someone learning about sticking things into his urethra so he tries it with wax and it snaps off and crystalises in his bladder which made me fucking wince.

>> No.10909351

> is it not fair for a man to know why he is being asked a question before he answers it?
only if he actually goes on to answer the question, which you did not.

>> No.10909358

well, i use the word cuck whenever it amuses me. the same standard for any word like that. is that a crime or pathology?
When I was insecure, I said cuck in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am no longer insecure, I say cuck openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of cuck and the desire to be very grown up.

>> No.10909369

So you actually use 'cuck' in your day-to-day life? Jesus. Does the fact that 4chan has affected your real life that much not scare you?
>is that a crime or pathology?
No, but it's embarrassing. For you and anyone that has to interact with you.

also nothing makes you seem less like a man than having to explain that you are a man now

>> No.10909375

Holy moly

>> No.10909378

This is that story

>> No.10909384

I never said I used it in my day to day life, and i do not, unless i'm speaking to another 4channarian. why are you so eager to reach this conclusion about me? i think you want your mental image to be true...

of course, i'll be open in my assumptions about you anon:
1. you have autism, or some other cognitive dysfunction that makes you unable to not confront people like a deranged retard, in a totally serious and grave manner, for perceived slights.

>> No.10909386
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Why did I had to browse /lit/ today.

>> No.10909390

you got me bro

>> No.10909393

today's exchange may have served a little to right your course

>> No.10909403

yes. hopefully one day I will realise my potential as a neckbeard obsessed with the word 'cuck'

>> No.10909406

you are halfway there, at least

>> No.10909415

yep. Just need to grow this beard out and make sure I view everything through the warped lens of 4chan and I'll be right there with you

>> No.10909429

/lit/ has been pretty good this morning, I'd say.

>> No.10909472

holy shit fuck you anon i'm laughing too much over this fuck you and fuck me

>> No.10909482

Dude you come into a thread like this - threads like this are common on /x/ - and you don't expect some /x/ nutcases to be in here?

>> No.10909492

Yeah, you're probably right. Did you have a source on the unemployment thing? Would be funny to see

>> No.10909494
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> this thread: WHERE IS PEPE SILVIA????

>> No.10909499

>Christianity is bad

>> No.10909500

oh fair enough, not read it in a while. is it the same story where the guy cums into the swimming pool and goes "pearl diving" but is worried he'll get his mom or sister pregnant?

>> No.10909571

why people read guro novels?

>> No.10909734

The whole pozzing/aids spreading stuff is totally fabricated homophobic lies

Gay people are all normal well adjusted people just like you and me. Wow! Its 2018!

>> No.10909763

They seem to be missing the part of them that makes other people go “dude...”

>> No.10909774

Because you want to see the worst

>> No.10909775



Japan routinely did things in occupied Manchuria that were as warped and sadistic as the most brainwashed, dehumanized Nazis. Like, standard practice stuff was Mengele-level. Battlefield surgeons would get training by amputating the limbs of Chinese civilian prisoners, officers would be inducted by beheading prisoners.

One of the best courses I had in college was "Modern Japan". Professor was a true Japanophile (and not a weeb, the kids in class asking him about pocky and anime disgusted him) who spared no aspect of their history.

Read "Japan at War" for some interesting oral history on that front. Although my favorite story was the veteran Zero pilot who still had to fly missions despite losing an eye who was finally sent out in a kamikaze squadron, only to get lost in the clouds and return to be treated like a ghost.

>> No.10909785

It’s all so tiresome. The Catcher in the Rye imo had a strong theme of child sex abuse. People just don’t talk about it. And worse, they call people who bring up easily verified information conspiracy nuts and dismiss things that are a visit to Wikipedia away as false. Make me pretty misanthropic desu.

>> No.10909792

I of course don’t think children deserve it and think that it should be stopped. I despair at the vast majority of the population who allow it to go on.

>> No.10909794


>> No.10909802

I remember the day I got to “well, the world is probably run by satanic pedophiles” and just laughed despairingly. Still going on with my life. Have told a couple of people who could hear it. Tried to find ways to convince Reddit. Unsuccessful. Studying math and physics at uni now.

>> No.10909804

No, he hasn’t. The drenchrom thing sounds a bit speculative (but that could be my ignorance). Everything else is information you could find from reading the right Wikipedia articles and BBC articles.

>> No.10909806

I avoided using cuck IRL for a long ass time but then my not-quite-normie but not-on-4chan friends started using it (I’m guessing it started to appear on Reddit?) and now it’s common in our groupspeak

>> No.10909809


Initiate me, my man. I can't look away from suffering, especially injustice perpetrated against children. I've worked and volunteered with abused and neglected kids. It's horrible but I'd rather know about the evil in the human heart than remain ignorant.

>> No.10909810

If you read to the end of this, you’ll be convinced that something is probably up:

>> No.10909814

This desu

>> No.10909862

So much reddit ITT jesus christ

>> No.10909873

ITT: Actual crimes that are pretty spooky and retards posting their conspiracy theories which way too many people are buying into

>> No.10909879

Is there anything you morons don't look at without saying "reddit"? Like what does it even mean any more. Genuinely fuck off.

>> No.10909899

lmao, what kind of person would even be this triggered over elite-pedo ring conspiracy allegations. This is even beyond basic bitch shitlib tier.

>> No.10909949

is Icke not the lizard guy

>> No.10909950


>> No.10909955

>if it hurts me to know something everyone who’s willing to call a spade a spade and work out some of what’s likely happening is insane

>> No.10909972

Isn't that what The Ogre is kindabout?

>> No.10909988

Icke is definitely the lizard guy, he's a broken clock however, and he was right about Jimmy Saville, so that brought about a new wave of people who listen to him. They say that the holographic lizard people is just a disinformation bit so the government doesn't assainate him.

Conspiracy theorists are unironically some of the most fascinating people in the world. The combination of smug superiority and cognitive dissonance leads to some truly amazing shit.

>> No.10909997

I like philosophy and revisionist history of various kinds so I'm sympathetic to the program of conspiracy theorists.

I can't help but notice though, which I'm sure this is not an original observation, that the stringent requirements of proof they use for the mainstream narratives are basically never applied to the alternative theories they concoct. The logical end result of the conspiracy theorist mind seems to be total skepticism rather than any sort of uncovering of what's actually going on.

>> No.10909998

wtf is this?

>> No.10910005
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Do we even have mods? Pedophile conspiracies and old #SPOOKY internet stories aren't even remotely LIT related.

Anyways I say pic related, more specifically the sections focusing on the mugwumps.

>> No.10910006

Why it seems that sociopathy and psychopathy are the rule when it comes to human nature? Every time I read a comment on internet reacting to a rape or murder asking for the culprit to receive the same amount, makes me believe that empathy is just a disguise for serious mental illnes, because at the end the empathy a human being can show is really limited.

>> No.10910010

Just read it already

>> No.10910022

They’ll never pull their heads out of the sand.
The Torah, which is Jewish self-recording, records them ovening their own kids en mass in moloch sacrifices and Romans make the same claim about the Levantine phonecians in Carthage doing the same and yet the idea that our current elite, many of whom are from Europe’s merchant/banking caste, could be engaging in similar behaviour, is seen as totally insane, despite Epstein and Saville already getting caught, NAMBLA only splitting from political gaydom in the 90s after IGLA (of whom it was a member) got UN consultative status, the Catholic Church having an appalling sex assault rate (including cardinals), catcher in the rye being partly about widespread sex abuse, NATO allying with pedophile warlords/police chiefs in Afghanistan, the CIA using sex abuse in Abu Ghraib, the Brits probably having had a pedophile prime minister with Edward Heath, the Westminster pedophile dossier going mysteriously missing, the UK police admitting to covering up multiple pedophile rings in cities across the uk, the mass of pedophile whistling surrounding comet ping pong and James Alefantis (which is not definitive, but is certainly a pile of circumstantial evidence strong enough to say that he probably likes the kids), the edgy art of marina abramovic that these people love, the creepiness around the podestas in terms of their art. There’s more circumstantial stuff that people like to nitpick, but the core is solid.
Add the Dutroux affair, the level of depravity that NATO was willing to engage in in terms of Operation Gladio (where they armed “far right” groups to carry out terrorist attacks against civilians in the west which could be blamed on left wing radicals), the current Drąsius Kedys scandal in Lithuania and on and on.
“The Big Dick @ Nick” just got let go.

>> No.10910042

schizo brain, linking lots of unconnected things (alongside things that are connected). the catcher in the rye mention seals the deal. same with obsession with biblical stories about moloch sacrifices... obviously made an impression on you and informed your worldview.

>> No.10910051

>schizo brain
I think this is the essence of conspiracy nuts. Never do they seem to offer any conclusive evidence, conclusive links even, but keep hammering on about the guilt by association and seeing eerie monsters lurking in the dark where there are none.

>> No.10910079

I wish I could save her in some sort of time machine

>> No.10910084

My point is that elite child abuse is obviously a thing and fairly widespread, that it exists within a broader culture of child sex abuse and that it’s not far fetched that pizzagate has some validity to it (the claim at least that people are pedophile-whistling to each other). I don’t think that any of these ideas are basically debatable if you do a google search on the things I was listing out.
Calling me schizophrenic (not likely considering I don’t hallucinate, have never been diagnosed schizophrenic, and have managed to live a full life and achieve goals) is a cop-out.
It’s hard to communicate things people don’t want to consider or that are too far outside their experience and cultural norms without sounding insane.

>> No.10910107

See the above post for the three claims I’m making.
I don’t think they’re at all wild after googling some of that list. The problem, as you identify in a bit of a roundabout way, is that most of these things don’t say much in isolation. But together, they build up a picture of elite child abuse likely being fairly common, existing within a broader culture of the acceptance or wilful ignorance of child sex abuse and therefore of pizzagate likely having some validity to it.

>> No.10910115

*that people were

>> No.10910119

sex abuse exists, of course. sex abuse is endemic in many institutions and cultures. where you go wrong is assuming they're all connected. its likely they have similar causative factors, you know, being part of the same society and similar psychological and cultural shit. but you point to the existence of non-controversial things as if that demonstrates that other allegations of a similar nature are true too, that they're "all connected". Like what does catcher in the rye have to do with anything. On the one hand you can say that people can be very sceptical about these things, but on the other hand you can say they're almost too willing to believe them, to the point of hysteria. See: daycare satanic ritual abuse and #metoo. It's not so clear cut.

>> No.10910166

Eden Eden Eden?

>> No.10910199

Depends on what you mean by connected. I’m saying it’s common and giving examples of western and European institutions participating in or tolerating the same behaviour. I don’t necessarily think everyone’s in league. They don’t have to be. Although Jimmy Saville’s friendship with the British royal family and epstein’s wealth probably didn’t hurt.
Catcher in the Rye is one piece of evidence indicating that sex abuse may have been common in American society at that time, and that therefore it might be common in Anglo culture today as well.
In a couple of circumstances there’s been too much willingness to believe. I think there were two prominent examples, one in the uk and one in the us of innocent people getting hassled. Aside from that, most of this stuff has turned out to be true.
It’s two in the morning here and it’s a frustrating experience trying to raise a topic that most people ignore despite it being in the public record that thousands of children have been pimped out by grooming gangs in Britain and interfered with by priests and a popular tv host. So I didn’t write an initial post that was as structured as it could be.
To give you another example, my father worked as a merchant banker and a man from that world who he knew described one of Australia’s notorious businessmen going out on a boat filled with Cambodian boys. In my city, Sydney, police were found to be taking protection money from a child brothel in the centre of the city during the 80s, and our charity organisations, some of our schools and a high percentage of our priesthood had active child molesters, which means the rest knew. We also had a semi-famous artist painting pictures of his Balinese boy lovers and sending them to Sydney for profit, to the apparent approval and acceptance of the art world.
I actually don’t have a monomaniacal focus on this issue, it’s just that it’s not talked about and it seems like 4chan is a better venue than social acquaintances.
The real takeaway, as always, is that normalfags ruin everything. If they didn’t have such a habit of getting things wrong, I might have written a more coherent post with the expectation that it would be charitably interpreted and you might not have thought I was an r/the_donald type.

>> No.10910225

>Catcher in the Rye is one piece of evidence indicating that sex abuse may have been common in American society at that time, and that therefore it might be common in Anglo culture today as well.

You are so insistent on your child-abuse myths (or at least about the pervasiveness of child-abuse), that you do not see this is not evidence and that the assumption (which you imply logically follows) "THEREFORE" has to be common in Anglo culture.
Just admit it, you have your worldview and are trying your best to find whatever piece of "evidence" or loose connection supports it.

>> No.10910243

I’m saying it’s one example.
Really, if you can read the rambling list I wrote and go “see! This part, when takes in isolation, isn’t evidence of your relatively mild claims” then it’s you trying to bury your head in the sand about this matter.

>> No.10910248

If you can’t admit that it’s way too common then that’s your hangup.

>> No.10910255

Shut up idiot kids get raped ergo ipso tuo quoque no le dice I am right dumbass

>> No.10910340

I stared at this for a minute trying to figure out why it evoked a strange feeling in me.

>> No.10910357

you're looking at this wrong. there is no rational program of inquiry. conspiracy theory is a genre of pornography, specifically pornography involving power.

>> No.10910362

Are you the same person as >>10906352 and >>10906491 ?

Or is there more than one guy posting the conspiracy theories about elites eating children and paedophile rings?

Thread is coming to an end so it would be nice to have some information about where you get this kind of stuff - sources, forums, literature.

>> No.10910413

I’m a different person. I think what he’s claiming is possible but I’m not willing to talk about it as a certainty. The cannibalism meme certainly ran through some of the podestas’ art as well as marina abramovic but I wouldn’t know anything about it beyond that.
In terms of where I get this stuff? Wikipedia, the Daily Shoah, Strike and Mike, Luke Ford, E Michael Jones, 4chan and the other chan’s pol.
Primary sources like Alefantis’s Instagram account, the Torah and the Zohar, Nick Land.
I mean, it’s not that I’m “getting it” from somewhere in particular. Following my nose and mainly reading Wikipedia articles and news articles + watching the news (from Reddit and twitter, with normal mainstream sources).

>> No.10910417

I mean, I suppose I get it mainly from google searching then reading reliable sources then googling off those. That plus checking against my life experience and logic.

>> No.10910448

Really, I don’t think any of the three central claims I’ve made are particularly outlandish. It’s just that we live in a society that refuses to accept them. Like it refuses to accept les negres having low IQs (not that I personally care much) or that Jews have a vastly disproportionate amount of power (again, don’t really care). But you can have things staring you in the face (races and sexes are different) that are manifestly obvious and would have

>> No.10910455

been considered obvious previously, that will be seen as obvious within a couple of decades anyway and people will still not believe it. I think this is part of what Stanley Kubrick’s title “Eyes Wide Shut” was about. People can have reality right in front of them and they won’t see it.

>> No.10910461

I think the reluctance to accept those facts about Blacks, Jews and Men/Women, stems from a reluctance to start an identity politics war. I think most people would rather put those ideas to the side for a moment and let the dust settle - we're already in a divisive era, this is just adding fuel to the fire. You have to be mildly autistic to beat the drum about differences between sex and race.

>> No.10910478

Why is Kubrick repeatedly mentioned here?

>> No.10910508

Is this peak wageslavery?

>> No.10910511

>die moralist. you would do the same.....
>I would kidnap and torture a girl for over a month and a half
>I have less morals than Ted Bundy
holy shit. I have never been more offended in my entire fucking life.

>> No.10910515

Bruv, is that some motherfuckin' Yu Yu Hakusho?

>> No.10910534

I remember taking a criminology course in uni and some former administrator for the police came in and said "if you can imagine your worst nightmare, someone is probably doing it right now"

the world is frightening

>> No.10910542

>when you know about the evil in the world more than most but still can't bring yourself to believe in the existence of God and the eternal punishment of hell
I'd be sad if I were you.

>> No.10910546
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>> No.10910549


My friend's Constitutionalist father has started to use the term "soyboys". The first time I heard him say it, I did a mental soigble-rake.

>> No.10910568

That's the one! Thanks anon

>> No.10910576

Lots of reasons, but mostly because he was always trying to expose elite's abuse of children/youth. Most of his films deal with this topic at length, often to the point that it's the single unifying theme in the film. A Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket, The Shining, Eyes Wide Shut, Lolita--they all deal with deep abuse of children and youth and its effects on individuals and society.

>> No.10910622

it becomes sort of imperative when the continuing discrepancies in outcomes between races and sexes are used as justification for constantly berating white men. When white men drop out, which is happening, the tax base disappears, and that is not going to be very good

>> No.10910640

I'll guess, please enlighten me because I really have to stretch my imagination here.

>A Clockwork Orange
Only read the book, but the owners of the medical institution abuse the young man into feeling sick every time he hears his favourite music. They're not children though, not even teenagers.

>Full Metal Jacket
Recruiting and bullying young men, as well as attempting to desensitise them to commit atrocities. Not children.

>The Shining
Nothing obvious.

>Eyes Wide Shut
Not seen.

This is a very singular story and I don't think it touches on wider issues involving abuse of children.

>> No.10910646

> "As the French would say: Who doesn't like getting their butt sucked?"

fucking kek

>> No.10910718

>Junko Furuta
>Hisashu Ouchi
Japan had one of these guys with Ishii.

Not to forget House of Horrors, New Guinea cannibalization (one proven case of superiors eating their own soldiers) and Gosho Aoyama still being published. The fuck is wrong with this place?

>> No.10910746

>Gosho Aoyama
What did he do? Nothing on Wikipedia.

>> No.10910781

No idea, but DC is like, on volume 95. That's pretty criminal.

>> No.10910786

Junko's already been mentioned so I'll say Sylvia Likens.

>> No.10910939

fucken carnies

>> No.10911032

I think it has something to do with the neurotic, orderly repressed, collectivist culture that amplifies any abnormalities in a person. Also why you get the weirdest porn from japan. Not like all groups don't have the capability for this shit, though.

>> No.10911042

I should specify in a person OR groups. More likely to become robotic for a collective action.

>> No.10911109


>> No.10911125

This is what happens when you give normal people the opportunity to abuse someone without any consequences.

>> No.10911153

lmao cant you just go out an socialize with women

>> No.10911164

>Only read the book, but the owners of the medical institution abuse the young man into feeling sick every time he hears his favourite music. They're not children though, not even teenagers.
It's not about his favorite music. They took the only civilized thing which he identified and sympathized with and used it as a weapon against his own identity to program him to behave in a certain manner they felt best desirable. And I know they are teenagers. Hence why I specifically stated that his films deal with children and/or youth.

>Recruiting and bullying young men, as well as attempting to desensitise them to commit atrocities. Not children.
It's less about desensitizing them and more about manipulated men to view atrocities as morally good.

>Nothing obvious.
The Shining is the most obvious example of all his films concerning child abuse. The whole plot and all the symbols indicate a deeply abusive and neglectful relationship between Danny and Jack. The mother even outright claims at the beginning of the film that Jack has hurt Danny before. Then you have all of the symbolism of sexual abuse, such as the man in the bear costume and the succubus/Hag scene.

>Not seen.
The whole plot is about a secret cult who utilizes sexual assault in their rituals. There are many prominent scenes which subtlety reveal what's really happening with the cult. It's a breeding ground for underage sex slavery as is evidence by Leelee Sobieski's character who is clearly being used as a child prostitute. Then there's the last scene of the movie, where Bill and Alice's daughter is quite literally taken away by two men who are a part of the cult (with Bill and Alice seemingly not giving two fucks).

>> No.10911188

>Then there's the last scene of the movie, where Bill and Alice's daughter is quite literally taken away by two men who are a part of the cult (with Bill and Alice seemingly not giving two fucks).
I was about to say you are tripping but you are actually right. I've watched this movie 3 times and have never noticed it. What the fuck?

>> No.10911208

I find it odd how many people must have known about it to some extent but it never really got confronted until the end. Maybe it had to do with a puritanical mindset in which it was easier to imagine the neighborhood girl was a whore than being abused incessantly. The kids must've talked about it, the neighbors kinda knew about it. The nurse that visited only asked a few questions and left?

>> No.10911274

Wait what does Nick Land have to do with this?

>> No.10911292

What? Do people think its a hoax? Im literally gay and know for a fact it exists, they tattoo biohazard signs on them, you can find them at the most hardcore fetish sites and on gay clubs sometimes, lol. I personally know a guy who got aids from riding strangers dicks and now he still fucks raw. Fags nowadays are not afraid of aids anymore

>> No.10911303

What people forget, is that people don't give a shit about kids. Oh, we SAY we do, and boy howdy, do people REALLY say they do when it fits their agenda or the kid is already dead, but otherwise?
You just have to go back and look at literally any awful thing that happened to kids.
Serial killer kidnaps and kills 25 kids? Cops just shrug and say "eh, they just ran away"
Kid goes to CPS and says they'll die if they stay in the house? "eh, you'll be 18 soon"
Kids get shot in school on a weekly basis? "eh, but we really like guns"
Kids get forced to go to school and are browbeaten for being creative or questioning things.
Kids aren't allowed to have their own opinions, ideas or needs. They can be tormented, abused and mistreated until somebody comes along that gives a shit, and they usually don't.

Kids are the trash of society, and people wonder why kids grow up to be fucked up adults. We've all been irreparably damaged by some fucked up shit and we don't even notice, because we've been told it's normal. More than that, we convince ourselves that it was a good thing.

"Yeah, my mother beat me with a rod every night because she had me out of wedlock in the 40s, but I grew up knowing that hitting people with rods is a really shitty thing to do, so I mean, I'm thankful for it, y'know?"

I haven't made anything in this post up, either, before anyone tries to start some shit.


>> No.10911366

Good thing I always knew that I was smarter than my parents and elementary/middle/high school teacher and never bothered with their bullshit. I grew up depressed but when I finally got into uni I saw that I was right all along and the problem was in other people and not me. I went to study applied math away from my home town and started succeding very fast because I was surrounded by very smart people who actually knew their shit.

>> No.10911508

he was technically "alive," the only difference being that none of his cells would be able to divide correctly. Most would go apoptotic and the rest cancerous, so it would be a slow degradation of his entire body as organs lost mass and didn't replenish it, except his brain would be fine more or less the whole time. The fact that they considered trying to save him at all is an embarrassment.

>> No.10911633

It gets more fucked up when you start noticing what the stuffed animals symbolize and when they show up in the film.

>> No.10911634

Bloody hell. Most of his cells went kamikaze and wiped themselves out, and the rest became centres of cancerous growth. He basically melted away. Fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.10911658

please do tell more,
that book got ingrained in my memory, it made a real impact on me

>> No.10911673

That was me typing at 3 in the morning and putting his name in the wrong sentence.

>> No.10911780
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In contrast to most of the doctors, who viewed undertaking selections as one of their most stressful and horrible duties, Mengele undertook the task with a flamboyant air, often smiling or whistling a tune

>> No.10911816

I don't really think it qualifies as edgy if you actually tortured people to death. That's actual hardcore at that point.

>> No.10911872
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Far-rightists/leftists are still rightist/leftists, far edgyists are just overly edgy for the edgers.

>> No.10911906

It’s kind of tiresome how people will call things a hoax or a conspiracy that are perfectly well documented and will also believe things that mainstream historians dismiss as likely false (eg muh lampshades and turning Jews into soap). Reddit’s latest thing to not believe is that child sex abuse is fairly common amongst elites and their latest inane belief is that over 10,000 people were killed at Tiananmen Square.

>> No.10911931

>especially kids
Kids, specifically adolescents, are the most evil creatures in the fucking universe. They are worse than violent chimpanzees. They are worse than rabid baboons. They care about nothing but themselves because they have not yet learned to be empathetic. Especially after puberty first hits, they become creatures that only know fucking and violence and hatred and ego. That is why I am not at all surprised to see the most heinous crimes committed by kids. In their insanity, they simply cannot and do not see the weight of their own actions.

t. an uncle who had to look over the children of his drug addict siblings.

>> No.10912044



After finding out about all this, I started to find faith in God. You can call it wishful thinking, but after years of being an atheist, I just can't fathom a material world with such unchecked evil in it unless there's some sort of plan, some sort of end-game, some sort of justice to come.

I believe it's dark, dark days and evil has the power, but the these evil souls will fall to destruction and the world will return to the light in time. We might think we're powerless looking at the big picture, but in the grander scheme of things, we're on the winning side. We just have to stay strong, stay good, do what we can to move forward.

>> No.10912052

>I think probably i just don't register this stuff as being actually real

because it's too gruesome for you to process. it means you're a normal human being with a heart

>> No.10912059

What does "undertaking selections" mean? Im not native sorry

>> No.10912089


you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to think that something is seriously fishy concerning the pizzagate shit and the people involved. all it takes is 5 minutes of research. there's a reason it came to light. there's a reason the media 'debunked' it hard and instantly.

if you think the story is about a child sex ring being run from a pizzashop, you've done less than 30 seconds of research. it takes 2 minutes more actual reading to find out what the actual claims are, and then a few minutes more to do your own fact checking

but whatever. don't bother with it. it's only one doorway into this hellhole afterall. if you want something more concrete, more proven, try the Jimmy Savile story.

>> No.10912095
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>Raped (over 400 times in total)
Holy shit. Strongest opening I've ever read.

>> No.10912098

Johnny Got His Gun. That shit does nothing to me, that's written to be as edgy as possible, it just comes off as forced and cringy.

>> No.10912104

aptly named

>> No.10912123

>bad people get unsupervised power
>do bad things

>> No.10912130

>if you wagecuck you have less time to see what your masters are getting up to
drumpftards btfo

>> No.10912151

>don’t have kids on the outside chance that they’ll get abducted by a pedophile ring
Pretty low chance if you raise them right

>> No.10912177

>telling the truth is socially disruptive so it shouldn’t be done
... no

>> No.10912193
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Just what I needed to read before going to bed. Jesus christ.

>> No.10912522
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>Wow! It's 2018!

>> No.10912590

Actually yes. People do it all the time. Truth is a tool and can be used in the right amounts at the right time. If everyone wanted to be truthfull and absolutely moral govenments would collapse, social order would fail, society would be in chaos. You gotta learn to live with certain truths, especially when it comes to more uncomfortable ones, such as those concerning race, the biological nature of social behaviour, etc. so that people dont just start being nihilistic and go mad and depressed or violent. Its like when you see someone who firmly believes in some mysticism or superstition or something: you just know its bullshit, but for what purpose would you want to attack them or try to "enlighten" them? It would just be pretentious and edgy, and he woulddn't change his mind anyway. Information is not to be always disclosed at all times to everyone. Information is a tool, it is power.

>> No.10912686

Kinda not interested in having to live inside the mental limitations of other people. I mean, I know that I do, but I don’t see any point in encouraging them and I’m not inclined to stop investigating reality and trying to talk sensibly about it because some fag can’t handle it. Including if “some fag” is 99% of the population.

>> No.10912693

As to your answer about what purpose, “because it’s true”.
My objection is not so much to them believing what they do, however, but more that they get pissy and violent when you try to talk about what you believe to be true.

>> No.10912732

This makes me so mad.

>> No.10912911

Do you have stories of the horridity of the kids you raised? Or things that happened to them?

>> No.10913011

thats rite

>> No.10913224

If it's on Wikipedia it must be real, right?


>> No.10913244

There is overt imagistic storytelling in Full Metal Jacket linking the conditioning of the soldiers for violence with sex. If you rewatch nearly every scene builds onto the theme of reconditioning/perversion of male sex drive channeling the reproductive urge into a killing urge.

>> No.10913249
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>> No.10913528

Picking the people to be tortured and experimented on

>> No.10913606

Black screen.
In 1981 in the United States a new disease would be found.
First found among faggots, this disease would spread and grow and develop and eventually kill the person that had it.
It seemed that this disease was sexually transmitted.
The first stage would be known as HIV.
The people who hold the HIV would be known as gift givers.
There are people in this world who seek out having HIV, through sex.
Whether out of erotic pleasure, rebellion or suicide.
They seek the gift givers to obtain HIV.
These people who seek the HIV would be known as:

>> No.10913807

I was reading a book about one of the precursors to the Homo Erectus, a distant but ancestor of ours. They were described as having the brain of a five year old, yet the size and strength of a gorilla. I stopped to think about this for a second - what would happen if my five year old nephew, or any of the other kids I know, would suddenly have the power of a silverback gorilla? Scary vision. They'd murder anyone that has something they wanted, or anyone who got in their way, or simply do it for fun, out of boredom. Kids have no morals - morality isn't even developed until later on in life.

My theory was correct. I read on: these creatures pretty much slaughtered millions of animals as they were testing their weapons. Thanks to these proto-humans, 1/4 of living mammalian species became extinct.

>> No.10913922

I meant more as you said you were an uncle, and said kids were in your possession. I thought that implied the kids you took care of did some bad stuff to lead you to this conclusion.

>> No.10913945

Oh I'm not that guy but I think you should know, did you not go to school? Damage done by kids is essentially limited by their strength. I can't think of many salient examples but they were generally very evil and you had to teach them not to act in certain ways...

- one nephew telling another to poke the dog in the nose right after we told him the dog gets very violent if you poke him in the nose

- pranks like putting shit in the spokes of bike wheels, electrocution, tripping each other etc.

- routinely steal and lie, no sense of empathy, laughing when they see somebody else hurt

>> No.10913956

If it’s in gay magazines, gays themselves report it online and there’s only a tiny number of people calling it a hoax it’s probably real.

>> No.10914038


Rape and let them starve in his basement as he was taken away by authorities. His house was searched three times by the Belgian police but they didn't find the secret door. He let the girls write letters to their loved ones.

Some conspiracy theorists believe that the police where somehow complicit and he was protected by powerful people in the government.

His wife, who was an accomplice, now lives in a convent somewhere in France.