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/lit/ - Literature

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1090203 No.1090203 [Reply] [Original]

Best characters in literature:

1. Sydney Carton - A Tale of Two Cities
2. Jay Gatsby - The Great Gatsby
3. Arkady Svidrigailov - Crime and Punishment
4. Quentin Compson - The Sound and the Fury
5. Edmond Dantes - The Count of Monte Cristo

No order these are just the official top 5.
If you don't agree you probably don't read much.

>> No.1090206


">Characters I relate to are superior to yours"

Pretentious asshole, I hope you are trolling.

>> No.1090208

As I said, if you don't agree you probably don't read much.

I guess you don't read much?

>> No.1090211


>> No.1090232


>> No.1090238

Svidrigailov... was probably one of the most complex characters in that book, I agree. The drunk Marmeladov's wife was the most tragic one. And Porfiri Petrovich probably had the best 'scenes' if you will, he was the most clever.

>> No.1090246


>> No.1090248

Atticus Finch called, he said Stagolee's a faggot.

>> No.1090250

Steerpike in Gormenghast

>> No.1090254

Oh hey OP, I fixed this for you:

>1.- 9000. Uncle Tom - Uncle Tom's Cabin

You can thank me later.

>> No.1090255

Howard Roark in The Fountainhead. The ultimate man.

>> No.1090258




>> No.1090261

0. Judge Holden - Blood Meridian

>> No.1090264

saw Gatsby, thought the same thing.

>> No.1090265



>> No.1090267


>> No.1090272

wife of bath?

>> No.1090277

This would definitely be on my own list.

But what is the definition of the best characters? Characters you liked, one with the most complexity, ones you related to the most?

>> No.1090278

Best characters as in they are better than every other literary character

>> No.1090285

The obvious unbiased answer is Hamlet bros

>> No.1090296

Bump and Hamlet isn't a good character unless you count ceaseless whining as a good character trait.

>> No.1090299

And just remember that characters like Bella from Twilight have that trait.

>> No.1090304

Hamlet is by far the greatest character ever written.

If you don't agree you probably don't read much.

>> No.1090311


>> No.1090313


Wish Horatio was my bro, or Mercutio

>> No.1090324

Cool list OP.
So your 5 favorite literary characters are all from entry-level works of fiction?
I've got no problem with that; at least you're getting into books. Keep up the good work!

>> No.1090336

rick deckard you fucking faggot

>> No.1090337

This is exactly how I feel.

>> No.1090340
File: 12 KB, 380x299, salam_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Character in all Lit.

>> No.1090351
File: 37 KB, 720x480, thatsapaddlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya'll are posting in a Stagolee thread

>> No.1090673
File: 11 KB, 258x314, harvey1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sound and the fury
>entry level