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/lit/ - Literature

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10901116 No.10901116 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many edge-lord fedoras writing ironic 1 star reviews of the Bible on goodreads?

>> No.10901122

Because of the new atheism movement.


>> No.10901196

They hate God's Word.

>> No.10901207

It's almost sad. Each one of them thought about how clever and funny their post would be and it's just the same recycled garbage. "Hehehe LE FICTION!"

>> No.10901217

Cause they think it’s funny, and comedy is subjective so maybe it’s also funny to other atheists

>> No.10901289

It's the most witty thing to a witless person.

>> No.10901290

>Cause they think it’s funny, and comedy is subjective so maybe it’s also funny to other atheists
I never take an atheist seriously unless they recognize the Jew as an equal problem to Christianity. They show their hand as unironic fedora tipping faggots with only the faintest grasp on a dogma that they present to the world as being that which they hold most dear. Most atheists are posers.

>> No.10901442

>these 1 star reviews are ironic

it is not a good book
>and Jezebalath begat Shem and Shem begat Odom and Odom begat Larry and Larry begat Nad and Nad begat...

this meaningless filler shit is 80% of the bible, there are some good chapters like song of solomon, revelations, first parts of genesis, ecclesiastes, etc but most of this crap is hebrew filler shit

>> No.10901786
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> Let us take a literal only interpretation on the Bible.
> Let's ignore the fact the book in itself is a translation of translations and has always been subject to figurative interpretation.
> Let us ignore all other religious texts.
> Hurr durr muh problem of evil, hurr durr muh 5000 year old Earth, hurr durr muh monkeys, hurr durr I didn't even read any of it
My face when these plebs think they are being ground breakingly intelligent

>> No.10901802
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>> No.10901803

Because most of them are too young to have experienced anything outside their comfirt zone and echo chambers and so they believe that doing this is new and original and also will properly state their agenda as a rational atheist in a pseudo social network in a subtle but smart way.
Little do they know true patrician value the scriptures.

>> No.10901810

I thought this wouldn't bother me but I can't bear all these mentions of "inconsistent narrative" and "poor character development" as negatives.
Why, just why is literature infested with this lifeless cancer?

>> No.10901815

Almost all the comments against the “le bible is fiction xd” are nice and polite just asking for a little understanding and respect.
I wonder what atheist would say to a critic of The God Dellusion

>> No.10901824
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>> No.10901835
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Ian puts this one in the "garbage" shelf with all of his other books

>> No.10901908
File: 26 KB, 500x300, 4202A637-E262-4D26-868D-1BD3FEBE7D1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burning the books left in the hotels by the Gideons more than a hubdred years ago.

>> No.10902090
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Why can't new age atheists get over their refutation of a literal interpretation.

>> No.10902121

>in ungrammatical and poorly spelled Arabic

As if that guy could actually read Arabic.

>> No.10902192

God dammit OP, tapir-posting is only allowed in "post your novel" threads.

Delet NOW

>> No.10902294
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>> No.10902788

>this meaningless filler shit is 80% of the bible
Nah, it's the ultimate proof of the bullshit we call Jews. Where is their lineage they use to tie themselves to Israelites? Where is their temple? Where are their priests? Why aren't they patrilineal, etc.?
It's as if they were fulfilling an opposite quota, just like their German/Nazi names (-stein, -berg...).

>> No.10902798

>my philosophical opposition to atheism is rooted in whether the ignoramus is aware of the JOOISH question
>this is what /pol/ cynics actually believe