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/lit/ - Literature

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10899774 No.10899774 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this simplistic, middle school, tumblr-tier, pretentious trash taken seriously?

>> No.10899804

/lit/ basically repeats two threads over and over:

>guys, tell me why rupi kaur is popular
>guys, what do you think about jordan peterson?

>> No.10899858

it's not

great thread tho, glad you could make this brainlet >>10899804 rage and I'm glad you killed whatever trash thread died for this one

>> No.10899865

In what age do you think we live

>> No.10899886

It's literally tumblr poetry ya dip

>why is it taken seriously?
Is it?

>> No.10899893

I think the Peterson meme has died down a lot lately, thank God.

>> No.10899987

Actually it hadn't. There are multiple peterson threads each day, but they get taken down by the mods.

>> No.10899993

Thank Mod, then.

>> No.10899996

Someone recently linked a great article on instapoets here but I didn't save it

>> No.10900004

...oh, wait, maybe it's literally Instagram poetry. I can't tell the difference tbph

>> No.10900007

Well you know what they say Mods=Gods.

>> No.10900018


found it

>> No.10900325

based mods

>> No.10900361

Don't forget John Green

>> No.10900751


>> No.10900771

No one takes her seriously except the fanbase you mentioned. But every day we hear about her here.

>> No.10900777

please do

>> No.10900793

>tfw mention peterson in a thread for ez (you)s from pre-ironic pseuds pretending there's actual viable discussion to be had on 4chan
derail a thread with ~1-3 posts, try it sometime

>> No.10900979

decent article, if not lacking a more analytical perspective on the structure, or lack thereof, of her "works"

>> No.10901004

>why is pop culture popular

>> No.10901029

Pretty much this. Kaur is not an establishment poet or an academic poet she’s someone that makes easy poetry. Really I see nothing wrong with Kaur and she may end up getting people into other poetry.

>> No.10901047

sounds like the mods are doing their goddamn jobs for once

>> No.10901068
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>> No.10901082

The dominant view of poptimisim says we must take seriously anything targeted at teenage girls.

>> No.10901106
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>if not lacking
>or lack therof

>> No.10901165

I can't wait until affirmative action leads to women becoming more involved and comfortable with literary tradition so they'll develop a fucking modicum of good taste.

>> No.10901398

- ban '/lit/ roulette'
- ban peterson threads <- we are here
- ban rupi kaur threads
- ban polfags
- ban /b/ and reddit
- the board actually becomes usable

>> No.10902307

I pity the ones that don't catch on.

>> No.10902323

its not

>> No.10902377

>ban polfags
>ban /b/ and reddit
>the board actually becomes usable
There won't be a board left

>> No.10902511
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Real reason is because she's young, female and not white
No need to look further

>> No.10903124

he's not wrong tho

>> No.10903407
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And yet no one has written any Kaur/Peterson erotic literature.

>> No.10903437

>getting people into other poetry.
they'll move onto other tumblr poetry, not Celan or Oppen

>> No.10903450

fuck rupi kaur

>> No.10903453


>> No.10903493

If you got the chance to hatefuck Rupi Kaur, but only after an intensive two years of dating, would you do it?

Are you a bad enough dude to not get carried away on the affections of a terrible poet because you are so goddamned deprived of non-familial love?

Do you think you could bring yourself to use her like a rubber chicken and dump her out of a moving car after you've shared so many serendipitous moments, so many mediocre meals made memorable by not being alone?

>> No.10903733


>> No.10903748

(1) Modern feminism
(2) Modern political strategy
(3) The immense volume of brainlets which make up The Masses - most of whom do not read at, much less read good poetry
(4) It's short.

>> No.10903763

My ex bought me this book because she thought I would like it and I didn't have the heart to tell her I thought it was trash.

>> No.10903804

This is a discussion about the devaluation of literature and culture through universal literacy and huge accessibility of literature in a modern consumer market, and I think the conclusion is obvious. /lit/ should be above this populare shit, we should become aristocrats of the soul

>> No.10903811
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post ur own rupi kaurs

>> No.10903825

Can I?

>> No.10904694
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>> No.10904736
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why not?
we have so much good content here everyday

>> No.10904740

For you

>> No.10904741

Yes, if you really want to take an antibiotic regimen.

>> No.10904770

>Fidget spinner poetry” is produced quickly and consumed quickly. Within our increasingly frantic quotidian, and Instagram’s youthful metabolism
Damn, how can i become the metaphor-monster like the author of this?

>> No.10904817

>ruby gloom
elite poast

>> No.10905477
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Shes literally tumblr as a person

>> No.10905493

You're supposed to keep track of the days between your periods and wear a pad/tampon before it comes. It's not even hard to do. How apathetic and lazy do you have to be in order to let period blood stain your sheets? Who the fuck did she force to take that picture? Disgusting.

>> No.10906041

it's probably fake blood on cheap sheets

>> No.10906075
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>> No.10906094

The crazy kinds of feminists think that tampons are oppressive and that menstruation should be celebrated.

>> No.10906123

i am similar to rupi kaur but want to write good poetry. wat do? i have never really experienced love or abuse from men so that wont be in my poetry but idk im very tumblr despite hating tumblr. im like a mix of r9k and tumblr.

>> No.10906131

Because it sells. Rupi Kaur is likely a millionaire by now.

>> No.10906168
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>> No.10906178
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do the tide pod challenge and make a poem about it

>> No.10906260
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>You're supposed to keep track of the days between your periods and wear a pad/tampon before it comes. It's not even hard to do.

You can't wear a tampon before you start bleeding. It's a tube of cotton wool - put it in dry and it will stick and hurt and be extremely painful to take out. You can barely wear a tampon at the end of your period or on any other particularly light day. You are not supposed to wear them at night, ever.

A pad you could wear in anticipation with less discomfort, but given that periods almost never arrive 'on time' and there is usually a difference of a couple of days, sometimes even a week, this would still mean wearing a dry piece of cotton on your crotch for hours/days. It would rub your genitals and thighs raw.

However, there is also a 'liner' which is a very thin sanitary pad that lines your underwear and catches any excess blood from a pad or tampon. This you could wear in anticipation of your period and it wouldn't cause too much discomfort - allowing your clothes maybe a few hours of protection until the blood ran over.

However, consider the extra cost of this to add on top of the cost of your usual menstruation products and you can absolutely understand why a woman would rather go to bed as normal and then, if she wakes up with a bleed, just clean and wash her fucking pjs and sheets.

I think the reason people like Rupi Kaur, as terrible a poet and attention seeker she is, post things like this and get approval for it is precisely because of people like you - people who think they know what it's like to menstruate when they know jack shit. Getting a bit of blood on your sheets and pants is absolutely normal. For you to say it isnt is just putting fucking sheckles in her pockets, because you become her opposition.

>> No.10906273

Why do women feel a need to share their periods with the world? This is a major problem that occurs in every single society throughout history and is probably one of the biggest reasons as to why women were actively suppressed throughout time.

>> No.10906293
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>people who think they know what it's like to menstruate when they know jack shit
I am literally female. Nice text wall about your oversensitive vagina though.

>> No.10906300
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sup ladies

>> No.10906310

oh my apologies

maybe your vagina would be sensitive also if you didnt keep dry tampons up there for days at a time

>> No.10906312

>Rupi Kaur thread
>devolves into women talking about their periods
>like poetry

>> No.10906336
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because she's fucking hot
I would stick my dick so far up her tight asspucci I would fuse with her insides like an anglerfish

>> No.10906340

dawg she looks like 99% of non-fat girls with whore makeup, lets be real

>> No.10906345

she's brown, not obese, and has thick eyebrows
that's three check marks that pretty much guarantees my dick will lust to inseminate her ass

>> No.10906349

until you heard her speak

>> No.10906355

not gonna lie tho id still fuck her too tho

>> No.10906356

Your standards are low