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/lit/ - Literature

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10897593 No.10897593 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10897635

I have, it's one of my favorite books and very underrated here.

>> No.10897641

i have, it's not very good and its shills are just under read

>> No.10897645

Because I have seen the movie and the documentary. Most novels are better experienced as films. All of you should be reading more science.

>> No.10897657
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>> No.10897774

I have, and I liked it, though to me the only great part was the last 50 or so pages

>> No.10898398

I read the book a couple years ago as part of my undergrad and absolutely adored it. It reads like a Freudian nightmare, but has moments of intense beauty and pain.

I actually found an old copy of Ultramarine at a unique and used bookstore and am about 30 pages from finishing it. Though it lacks a lot of the brilliance of Under the Volcano - and is somewhat melodramatic - it's still a great read imo.

I'd really recommend Lowry to anyone. Lunar Caustic is also fantastic, and a very light read. Lowry, perhaps better than any other writer I know, best evokes pain and beauty.

He's easily one of my favourite writers, so take what I said with a grain of salt, but everyone ought to at least give Volcano a try.

>> No.10898401

Books about alcoholics are fucking trash

>> No.10898884


>> No.10898892

I have and the experience was soldily in the top ten reading experiences of my life. Llike drunkenly wading through waist-deep molasses.

>> No.10898893

Haha yeah. Hey btw when is the book of Leviticus movie come out? I hear it stars Natalie Portman as the ‘house with leprosy that spreads through the walls’.

Oh man I can’t wait for Plato’s Laws to come out on VHS, it’s going to have all the athletic regulations in the deleted scenes!!


>> No.10898926

>The Great Gatsby
>The Sun Also Rises
So Ultramarine is worth the read? Is it as dense as UTV?

>> No.10898942

Not him but Gatsby isn't that great and The Sun Also Rises is fucking trash

>> No.10898943

bought this based on a random /lit/ recommendation but I haven't gotten around to it yet desu

>> No.10898967

My best friend recommended it to me, but since his taste varies from patrician to weirdly shit, I was cautious. Judging from the thread it seems I was wrong to be. Will read during my next travel, thank you anon.

>> No.10899036

yeah Lunar Caustic is amazing

>> No.10899208

Those aren't fictional novels. Where is your reading comprehension?

>> No.10899217


I'd say it's definitely not as dense as Volcano, but there's still enough worth puzzling out.

>> No.10899401

Np. Keep in mind that you will likely find it melodramatic or abstruse, but keep on reading. The garden is where it picks up. The end is impeccable.

>> No.10899407

I have read it not one of my all time favorites but very good and absolutely worth reading.

>> No.10899588

Best bit was the guy desiring a rough life on the sea but finding comfort and luxury

>> No.10899604

kys pls

>> No.10899615

The truth hurts you? I will continue living and using my limited time wisely. I don't understand your idiotic hostility towards a different opinion. To be clear I mean modern novels such as this one are often best experienced as film.