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/lit/ - Literature

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10896100 No.10896100 [Reply] [Original]

Successfully published anons, I have a question
How much do you normally get per pop? Does internet publishing work? How do you get the eord about your stuff around?

I'm currently a bit tight on cash and I've got some stuff I've written for myself, but am wondering if it's even worth the effort

>> No.10896113

im a cuck so i publish for free

building a reputation though

>> No.10896120

Empty thread, sounds about right.

>> No.10896152
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Honestly didn't know what I expected

>> No.10896246

An awful idea. Don't do this anymore.

>> No.10896266

wonderful picture

>> No.10896286

i like to have people read my work. if someone wants to compensate me i will gladly accept but i'm not trying to make a career out of writing.

>> No.10896316

$0.00 Bottom of the barrel: ezines with a submission-to-publication ratio of 1:1. These count as "credits" only to reach the-

$10-$20 bottom rung of the ladder: ezines with audiences above 10,000 per month, pub/sub ratios > 1:10 which can credit up to-

$15 - $150: academic periodicals which maintain paper printing operations and subscribers in the thousands and up, which are subsidized by their institutions with sub/pub ratios > 50:1 which lead to-

$50-$1500: national glossies which dual issue web and paper to newsstands and subscribers in the hundred thousands with p/s/ ratios above 500>1


Barrel Bottom: Mysterical-e, Storyglossia
First Rung: Spinetingler, Thuglit
Academia: Paris Review, The Journal, Bonus outlier: Zoetrope All-story
National Glossies: Atlantic, Esquire, New Yorker

This is the traditional path. Self publishing is a lottery, with similar odds.

>> No.10896442


please tell me those units are in thousands

>> No.10896450

Hundreds*, clearly I'm not published

>> No.10896464

Jesus. I'll keep to myself, then
You guys don't just write for a living, do you?

>> No.10897312

I have about 7 stories out there in the world, and I've made $55.65, after taxes. Outside of airport bookstore novelists and children's authors, I don't think anyone has made a living writing short fiction since the 70s. And the academic journals - all their subscribers are aspiring writers. I suppose it's still possible to free lance for magazines doing straight journalism and maybe get picked up as a regular, but its far from what it used to be. I told everybody back in the late 90s that the internet pressures prices of everything toward zero, but publishing is a dinosaur - the message from the tail didn't reach the brain until it was already dead.

>> No.10897349

George Saunders got 50K with a prize for his collection of short stories not so long ago, but now he is a professor at Syracuse University tho.

>> No.10897380

Yeah, contests. That's basically a book advance. I found a couple of lists.


Notice this is almost all genre, because genre readers tend to be fanatics.


Couple of straight lit markets in this one, including "Pulp Literature" which I had not previously heard of.

>> No.10897753

There are 3,400 full-time writers in the US, it's not a tenable goal by any means.

>> No.10897800

Full time fiction or literary writers you mean. Not counting journalists or reporters. Sounds about right. I didn't think I was advocating. Having a novel in the world, even a mediocre one is all some of us need to satisfy our compulsion for immortality. Drawing pay always seems to work out. Leonard nimoy drove a cab during the first season of star trek. Imagine the world today if Horace Greeley had given Marx a raise.

>> No.10897900

It includes non-fiction too, sadly. Agreed. What do you mean drawing pay?

>> No.10897973

Making a living doing something other than writing. Disraeli used to write novels for fun because, he said, I can't find anything that I like, so I write them myself.

>> No.10898048

>There are 3,400 full-time writers in the US, it's not a tenable goal by any means.
>It includes non-fiction too, sadly.

Where did you get that statistic? It's wrong.

>> No.10898090


>> No.10898102

cool it with the ressentiment, lad

>> No.10898114

>It's wrong
Nice source brainlet, https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes273043.htm
Under Independent writers, authors, and performers

>> No.10898127

>There are 3,400 full-time writers in the US, it's not a tenable goal by any means.
>It includes non-fiction too, sadly.
>Nice source brainlet,

>> No.10898133

if you don't think you're in the top 3k writers in america, you shouldn't be writing anyway

>> No.10898154

Short fiction and journalism printed in magazines aren't the same as books though. Book sales are doing just fine.

>> No.10898175

unironically this, 3400 is cushy. push yourself until you are that good.

>> No.10898252

Woah... Hey man, you're misreading the table terribly

>> No.10898262

3-4k graduate every year with an mfa in creative writing

>> No.10898273

get good at writing you fucking cuck, an mfa means nothing, maybe even less than nothing, how many mfa grads turn on their own craft and abandon it altogether?

>> No.10898286

> this mentality
> the world is transforming into molten lava
> one last thread on 4chan before the world ends
> ‘you g-guys what do I do I’m scared my family has d—‘
> ‘git gif scrub, lava is a State of mind’

There’s only so far you can push optimism

>> No.10898290


>> No.10898325

sure, keep making excuses for yourself. enjoy grovelling in your own mediocrity.

>> No.10898357

Actually, I could be the top .01% and still not make it in a pure meritocracy

>> No.10898411

even better, now the great can't make it easier. how much easier it must be to be satisfied with your pathetic underachieving life

>> No.10898457

>mid-tier bait

>> No.10898486

bait? is it so hard for you to believe you be called out on your pathetic defeatism?

>> No.10898510
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What about writing novels? Is it possible to publish a couple to make a quick buck? Or is it impossible without reputation?

>> No.10898527

pretty much you'll need to write something that'll kick everyone's ass like Gravity's Rainbow or Infinite Jest. Good luck schmucks

>> No.10898559

Income is not a function of literary merit
Write something that people buy or something that influential people will tell people to buy

>> No.10899024

Honestly I'm surprised by the thread. Why would you be writing if you were not deeply convinced - in between the suicidal bouts that make you feel you are a worthless pile of shit - that you are not a literary genius?

>> No.10900379

>"Pulp Literature" which I had not previously heard of
the fuck? are you 20 or smth? oh wait