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File: 23 KB, 480x360, anti-Natalist Cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10893630 No.10893630[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10893668

that's just another word for depression

>> No.10893674

Hey don't knock it. Would you really want an antinatalist to breed anyway?

>> No.10893678

more people = more pollution

>> No.10893682

Quality over Quantity, not no Quantity at all, brainlet.

>> No.10893688

why do commies hate people

>> No.10893693

why do you care about worthless millions that contribute nothing? also, individualists are the opposites of communists and likewise hate people

I agree

>> No.10893698

Why do you assume he's a communist?

>> No.10893704
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>people keep reproducing like animals
>overpopulate the earth
>old animals will refuse to die because of better technology
>space colonization is still far from reality
How will you purge them then? War?

>> No.10893707


>> No.10893712

depopulate africa the middle east and the UK

>> No.10893840

i didn't make any assumptions, i asked a question
human life is precious you atheist piece of shit

>> No.10893854

Commies are the last people to be anti-natalist. Who do you think are all the people bullshiting about "population growth"? That's right, billionaires.

You might find some misanthropic greenies who know little to nothing about economics, production, or even ecology, who would gladly genocide people for their idealised "Nature".

>> No.10893865

>Who do you think are all the people bullshiting about "population growth"? That's right, elite liberals who are far-left but not full marxist...yet.


>> No.10893875
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>human life is precious
O how fortune favors you. Ignorance is a bless.
See, you can't come up with a real answer.

>> No.10893899
File: 403 KB, 330x204, tips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lay off the ellipses, Mr Anime. They're called neoliberals by the way, there haven't been elite liberals since the 19th century.

>> No.10893901
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>human life is precious

to you, maybe

It would please me more to remove the worthless to prevent unnecessary destruction of our planet

>> No.10893904

Give everyone feminism and secularism so their birhtrates drop to below replacement levels

>> No.10893931

antinatalism for everyone except me and my bros and those l deem worthy or eugenic

>> No.10893933


>> No.10893949



>> No.10893961
File: 62 KB, 526x799, 1511222185628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want children, they're fucking annoying. also I'm pretty sure humanity has like a good 20 year before everything goes to shit with how we're losing oil and are resorting to fracking, tension between russia rising, nationalists coming in front of camras, it's all going to go to shit

>> No.10893973

by the time we're 80 the earth is fucked

>> No.10893987

Any Anti-natalist books that are good?

>> No.10893989
File: 7 KB, 260x194, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to take up the banner of ecoterror, my friend. We'll take on fracking companies, Russia, nationalists, e-readers...

>> No.10893999
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exactly. You think i want to be like the man in the road, dragging a child through hell and shit? Honestly i'm doing little timmy a favor not nutting in a girl
It's too late for that anon. all i can do is hope that gun control is still loose while i stockpile for the mad max era

>> No.10894002

>liberals anywhere but left and far left

>> No.10894229
File: 373 KB, 1693x1864, Screenshot (30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this, I've never met an antinatalist who wasn't depressed

>> No.10894249

I'm not depressed and think people should stop reproducing

>> No.10894264

Well, there's going to be exceptions like you but the vast majority of antinatalists I've seen were depressed. You can go on r/antinatalism and half of the posts are just people complaining about life and about terrible it is. And a lot of them also happened to frequent r/depression and r/santiocedsuicide.

>> No.10894369

Funnily enough, the best argument in favor of anti-natalism are the anti-natalists.

>> No.10894557

It's called Leftism. I believe it should be made a more explicit part of the doctrine so as to cleanse the gene pool of left-wing people.

>> No.10894612

when this is actually true desu

>> No.10894622

literally not an argument though. if "your mental state led you to this conclusion, therefore it's invalid and gay" is your position, then an anti-natalist could use that same standard to say that you're just a full of shit optimist high on brain chemicals and that the reason you have your outlook is a convergence of privilege that has allowed you to live a life where you haven't become a pessimist. on the dime of immense cruelty and suffering.

maybe the problem is you are just reading anti-natalist shitposting by redditors instead of actual anti-natalism

>> No.10894625


I too left religion for atheism.

Unlike you, perhaps, I didn't immediately seek a replacement to fill the void in my life. For those who have not grown up in religion, it is important to realize how religion becomes a part of your identity. When you leave it, it feels like you have lost a part of yourself.

My primary goals when I realized I was an atheist, was to look for the truth, which I've always defined as "that which comports with reality." I began researching epistemology, ethics, law, and general areas of philosophy.

As for my personal development, and what it meant to be an atheist, I realized more and more that the shackles of religion no longer ensnared me--I was free to pursue my own happiness and goals. To a religious person, such a revelation seems sinful, damnable, selfish, and earthly. I found, however, that this meant a life more fruitful and enjoyable.

This doesn't mean I only look out for myself, but it does mean I can decide how much time, energy, and money I put into things; I don't have a holy book telling me how to do that.

I would recommend both the Recovering from Religion website and the Atheist Experience TV Show as valuable resources for new atheists. The first provides some of the community you might be looking for (even if only online/virtual) and the second has excellent answers to many questions posed by atheists and theists alike.

Best of luck!

>> No.10894816

It's pretty useless to respond to posts like this because I know that no one will be persuaded, but I can't resist. That a being will suffer is the only guarantee when it is introduced into this world. Suffering is the state that all beings are promptly greeted with if they fail to take in the necessary inputs. If we fail to eat, then will get hungry. If we fail to drink, then we will get thirsty. If we fail to make friends, then we will get lonely. Furthermore, even if we do manage to procure these necessities, we can be struck by a car while crossing the street or contract a disease out of nowhere such that our lives become suddenly hellish. It is assured to us that as we grow older our minds will rot and our bodies will become decrepit. This is not the kind of world that a kid should be brought into. Birthing a child is plainly an imposition of a potentially unbearable amount of suffering onto a being and a definite death sentence for that being. There is simply no arguing around this.

The eventual extinction of the human race is inevitable; the only thing that we can do is reduce the amount of suffering that occurs between now and then by peacefully speeding it along. Moreover, we must strive to eliminate as much of the other life on Earth as possible.

>> No.10894941

Here's the best way to btfo a anti-natalist:
Suffering doesn't have a negative or positive moral value as morality is the regulation of actions done by autonomous being which is regulated by rationality and not emotion. If a being is controlled by emotions then the being can't be moral as it is in a state of heteronomy and not autonomy which is a presupposition for morality.

Anti natalists are pseuds.

>> No.10894970

This is not a western problem. The only people that ever talk of anti-natalism are westerners, when it is quite obvious that the problem lies in Africa and Asia. European and (white) American birthrates are already low, below replacement rate.

>> No.10894974

Reddit get off this board. wtf hahahahaha

>> No.10894978

Anti-natalists are usually depressed, reddit-browsing crybabies. That's it. The western world is not the problem, look at the population predictions for the rest of the world, especially for Africa. The problem is that Europeans are not having enough kids

>> No.10894984

The good thing about Anti-natalists is that they wouldn't have children anyway, before they ever encountered anti-natalism. Most of them are just under the illusion that they are making a choice, their anti-natalism is a way of accepting that they are unwanted.

>> No.10894985
File: 43 KB, 613x771, maxima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw used to be antinatalist until i realised i need young people to pay for my welfare and take care of me in my old age

>> No.10894989

getting some dumb broad pregnant is the easiest thing in the world even for unattractive people. the default in society is to breed (accidentally), it's hard to avoid rather than hard to accomplish.

>> No.10895003
File: 11 KB, 302x167, Без названия (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one is harmed by not being brought into existence
>everybody is harmed by being brought into existence
You niggers are too dumb to follow that?

>> No.10895029

I can only assume I'm the exception to the rule as most antinatalists are awful people to be around in my experience but I'm not depressed in the slightest.

Eating 8+ fruit and veg a day, regular exercise and meditation are what I attribute my great mood to

>> No.10895036


>> No.10895096

>harm reduction principle
Jesus christ is there something more simplistic than this? Well aside from consent morality.
>everybody is harmed by being brought into existence
"you" are not brought into existence, that implies there is someone before you exist who is the passive recipient of some action. That of course is nonsense because there is no you before you exist.

>> No.10895143

You are not undermining it's value by calling it simplistic. Life is simplistic. Stay alive until you can fuck by killing other living creatures and eating them, fuck, die. Repeat this for millions of years and you get humans. We, however, possess the mental capacity to stop this meaningless game.

>> No.10895190
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>> No.10895196
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>> No.10895203
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>> No.10895210
File: 216 KB, 960x1082, beheaded-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10895235

When she wakes up she has a surprise lol