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File: 41 KB, 326x499, endthefed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10892939 No.10892939 [Reply] [Original]

Specifically those which expose the sham of the two party system, or the concentration of power outside of the people's hands, or call for a reconsideration of current government spending and policies.

>>>/pol/ pls stay go, I'm already redpilled but want book recommendations don't derail thanks

>> No.10892963

maybe check out this dude's stuff


>> No.10892971

Has anyone read Creature from Jekyll Isle?

>> No.10892987

Righteous Indignation. One of the best books I've ever read.

>> No.10893125

>reading to confirm preconceived notions

Just find a blog that doubles down on your biases and wrap yourself up in a comfy blanket.

>> No.10893154
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>> No.10893188

Understanding Power and Killing Hope

>> No.10893205

Has anyone read Paul Krugman's "The Conscience of a Liberal?"

I picked it up at GoodWill for $0.50

>> No.10893208

I have some /pol/ and political reading guides i can dump if you want.

>> No.10893218

I already do that with Moldbug's Unqualified Reservations. I'm looking for books that can modulate the fancy with facts.

>preconceived notions
i'm sorry anon what is the difference between me and anyone else?

>> No.10893221

good pick my man, I'm looking into it

just post them, nerd.

>> No.10893230
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Don't have to be so pushy.

>> No.10893237
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>> No.10893241
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>> No.10893249
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>> No.10893254
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>> No.10893256

You probably got to read a bit more.

>> No.10893265
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>> No.10893270
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>> No.10893280

>Mostly shitty Verso books that aren't essential to knowing anything

>> No.10893289

that was the file name when I saved it. The first chart is more "essential."

>> No.10893455

Nice one bro, haven't heard that yet

>> No.10894947

>ron fucking paul
What is this faggotry? I thought this was a serious list.

>> No.10894952

Stop reading books to provide a good and evil narrative to your immediate environment...

>> No.10894959

The myth of the state by Cassirer

>> No.10894962

>right wing

>> No.10895159
File: 258 KB, 700x1051, 9781781685815-7314ba1a5f860f961f88f5712c37b541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10895162
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I guarantee no one on this board has the slightest idea of the contents of this book, but will dismiss it on the cover alone.

>> No.10895164


>> No.10895165

How would you describe him then?

>> No.10895166
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>> No.10895170
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>> No.10895178
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>> No.10895183

he's one of these thinkers that goes beyond the left/right distinction, i would simply describe him as an historian

>> No.10895189

Imagine how embarrassing it is to have two JRR Tolkien fantasy books as examples of essential reading for your political philosophy and for one of those two to be the silmarillion.

>> No.10895191
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the foremost spaghetti political philosopher

>> No.10895194
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and the second best spaghetti political philosopher

>> No.10895198
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>Specifically those which expose the sham of the two party system, or the concentration of power outside of the people's hands, or call for a reconsideration of current government spending and policies.

This classic of political science should suffice.

>> No.10895199

Bumping again to see if anyone has read the Creature from Jekyll Isle?
Seems like a book both right and left could find common ground in, unless its a fraud.

>> No.10895275
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>> No.10896378

End the fed should be a basic reading in school

>> No.10896490

I understand your point, but I also think it's useful to get a critical knowledge of what you intuitively believe, not the least to see how the experts argue it and see what holes in your own belief system there may be. If you are vaguely Libertarian because you like Doug Stanhope and think America is doing some shady shit in the Middle East reading actual Libertarians is going to be the best way to grow beyond it.

>> No.10896514

>nobody has posted Bernays' Propaganda
>or Smedley Butler's War Is A Racket


my man

this looks interesting. /k/-worthy, really.

>> No.10896927

>badass PoC chicks with guns
>democratic autonomy
looks hella f*cking epic, ordering atm

>> No.10896996

no it shouldn’t at all, people who don’t understand the mechanics of monetary policy shouldn’t be the one’s who are tasked with calling for its removal especially people who are shilling for the gold standard and fascism

>> No.10896999
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>> No.10897007
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>> No.10897019
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>> No.10897040
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>> No.10897324

When you think about it, shrinking government is just one more way of oppressing POC by deriving them of their rights. So libertarianism really is fascism.

>> No.10897354
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>> No.10897551
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Balck and women's cultural Marxism.

>> No.10897557

>supporting us imperialism

>> No.10897601
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>The Invention of the White Race
>Black Marxism
>Women Race And Class
>Marxism and the Opression of Women
Sounds fucking thrilling

>> No.10898462


>> No.10898794

Can someone give me a quick rundown on why having a mostly independent entity run the economy is a bad thing?

>> No.10898827

It’s not but the elite can be either intellectual or corrupt. An intellectual aristocracy is what you’re after. Like Athens, but in a wide scale. In representation, we need clarity in our government. The move is for the government to openly become an aristocracy so we can get the intelligentsia in control. It remains to be seen how the break up of current authority is to be effected.

Anyway throughout time, the elite has used tariffs and debasement of the currency as tools to keep the birth rates in poorer classes artificially high so they remain poor and unable to resist authority.

>> No.10898832 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 1000x775, postcard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you give power to keep you safe that's how society works!! Also check this out:
https://media.giphy.com/media/47xqMrjTiFPslA0AOK/giphy.gif - more information on gif image

>> No.10899080
File: 21 KB, 300x300, dayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> postcapitalism
> ecosocialism
> women, race & class
> black marxism

>> No.10899098

If leftists actually read these books they'd be far less obnoxious

>> No.10899267

uh bro you don't know what the federal reserve is if you think it is free from cronyism. the fed backs government misadventures and delivers a profit win or lose. this is why congress/raytheon/grumman/lockheed/boeing have spent trillions blowing up shit all around the world, because the government pays industry and the fed "pays" out to the government. except, like a spending spree on black friday, it would have been wiser to never spend in the first place.

>> No.10899275

It's not and libertarian don't understand how modern nations or geopolitics actually work

>> No.10899282

Actually my current read. Pretty well-sourced; I'm liking it so far.

>> No.10899284

It dampens your ability to change based on evidence.

Absolutely terrible.Truly the Bastiat of our time - in later years I'm sure he'll be hyped to shit.

>> No.10899285

hey what's wrong with Bastiat nerd explain yourself

>> No.10899292

Reading The Decline of The West right now, and I have to say that as a good little materialist indoctrinated deeply by one certain beard of long-nosed heritage - I am literally shaking.

>> No.10899300


just kidding. easy, there, anon. please save the jew-bashing for pol. this thread is about book recommendations about economic policy and politics.

>> No.10899307

His railroad example is remarkably garbage, primarily. And that's a problem, since it's his claim to fame. The conclusion that only state actors engage in harmful activity is either intentionally limited in its considerations or he's an idiot.

>> No.10899312

Retard. He's a nietzschean/goethean

>> No.10899334

I'm not jew-bashing, just being >ironic about my stance, and how it seems to me that Spengler holds a pretty strong antithesis against the fundamental leftist works, which is what pretty much defines the right

I noticed.

>> No.10899341

Those things are undiscussable without kike slamming

>> No.10899345

Jesus, that is one bad chart.

>> No.10899348
File: 70 KB, 509x436, EE35F703-8C41-4C68-A48B-226DB3DE47FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don’t have to make every single discussion an opportunity to vent your existential rage on Jews, anon. no one will take away your HUWHYTE RAYCE card

>> No.10899353
File: 148 KB, 1150x1500, 1CEB54B7-2B88-459B-8D8C-782AA6B4421D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ellul has made him useless

>> No.10899367
File: 188 KB, 1167x1600, 865A33FD-56D1-4097-BB03-7CB9DCCF116C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also pic related from Ellul for the thread.

>> No.10899377
File: 57 KB, 354x320, 95ACD697-DDF0-4547-B511-AD56A63E566E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top it off, or begin with;

>> No.10899380

Economics and politics is (((their))) domain

>> No.10899384
File: 101 KB, 540x642, 54FCA2F7-A87E-4FC1-8B96-28186F02DD6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks politics and economics is Jewish

>> No.10899472


Those ones are just there to get right wing brainlets to fuck off.

>> No.10899473

>Being and Time
confirmed shitlist made by a pseud who hasn't actually read anything on this list

>> No.10899860

How is debasement of currency a bad thing? Inflation is the natural result of markets growing and it helps reduce the amount of debt poor people have. The only issue is when wages don't grow alongside inflation, which isn't a federal problem unless you want to consider raising the minimum wage

What does the fed have to do with fiscal policy? Congress spends all the money on that shit, not the fed.

>> No.10900472

beat you to it ho

>> No.10900496

>Inflation not bad
What would you say to these counter-points?
>Inflation hurts savers
>The growing money supply mostly goes to those with first/low-interest access
I’m also convinced that inflation keeps wages low/purchasing power but I have to do more research.
Anyways I am not an expert but am trying learn more.

>> No.10900525

>What does the fed have to do with fiscal policy?
The fed will change monetary policy based on the decisions of congress. This, unsurprisingly, has an influence on the kinds of fiscal policies congress is and is not willing to pursue.

>> No.10900530

>How is debasement of currency a bad thing?
It lowers the purchasing power of the dollar and alters the accessibility of saving, moving people to spend more in the present.
>inflation is the natural result of markets growing and it helps reduce the amount of debt poor people have
Markets growing lowers the cost of production of growing industries. The price of electronics have drastically dropped over the years for MUCH better products. Poor people's debt comes at a higher rate of interest than the inflation, they'd have less debt if they didn't have to over spend in the first place.
>minimum wage a federal issue
Federal minimum wages

>> No.10900546

Never can be too much of a good thing.

>> No.10900566

that's all /pol/ charts