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/lit/ - Literature

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10892611 No.10892611 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK has Pynchon not won the Nobel Prize?????

>> No.10892642

Hes a shit meme

>> No.10892651
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It's a shit meme

>> No.10892669

It doesn't matter.
Out of all the literary prizes, the Nobel is the biggest joke.
This was true before Dylan won.

>> No.10892677

What is the true prize now? Man Booker International?

>> No.10892682

Our literature is shit though
t. Dutch

>> No.10892691

How the FUCK has Pynchon not won the Pulitzer Prize?????

>> No.10892696

We wouldn't like him as much if he did.

>> No.10892701

Too niche.

>> No.10892706
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>> No.10892710

They know he won't travel to make the acceptance speech. Knowing their reaction to Dylan's delayed acceptance they just can't handle that.

>> No.10892737


>> No.10892742

He's one of the most famous authors alive

>> No.10892751

winston deserved his tbqh familia

>> No.10892772

Not remotely. What the fuck are you basing that on?

>> No.10892784

Wtf he's a giant in modern literature and is hugely influential and is taught at universities more than any other writer of the modern era

>> No.10892789
File: 257 KB, 800x345, old-pynchon-100k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok, the Nobel Prize for Literature doesn't matter. He just won the Christopher Lightfoot Walker Award of $100,000 from the National Academy of Arts and Letters.
Maybe he'll show up in person for the May 23rd award ceremony instead of sending Irwin Corey to accept it like last time.

>> No.10892890

This. They teach him in English 101 at my university. Most of the plebs "studying" English who are accustomed to YA don't like him though.

>> No.10892917

When was the last time you peeked outside the /lit/ bubble? The most famous living author is probably fucking Dan Brown or Stephen King or Rupi Kaur

>> No.10892921

Borges didn't get one either, if the nobel prize was worth anything that'd be scandalous

>> No.10892957

>one of the most

>> No.10892978

I honestly can't think of one that I would take seriously.

>> No.10892993

Youre a fucking idiot

Whenever Pynchon releases a novel it's an event in the literary world

>> No.10893003

I think his world only encapsulates /lit/ and Barnes & Nobles. So, he thinks the former is only an esoteric meme fest not influenced by academics and literary circles. But, little does anonimo know, that this is where the coolest, the most Bizarro and Fantastique of literary minds come to cryptically spread our influence to NEETs - our true target audience. Even I am P. xerself.

>> No.10893010


>> No.10893032

Not true in the slightest

>> No.10893048

What makes you think I am not P. xerself? You could only know that if xou xerself were P.

But, deep down, xou know.

Xou know that they cloned a sheep back in '96. Called her Dolly, that's what her name a-was. Even now, xou know that they've gone past nuclear transfer using somatic cells.

O' Dear Jove!

Make the Pain stop!

>> No.10893053

>He just won the Christopher Lightfoot Walker Award of $100,000 from the National
someone tell Pynchon to paypal me $50 so I can get some weed

>> No.10893068

Well, what's ur paypal.me link, there, friend? I think I got some cash somewhere. After all, I want you enjoy your Easter next week.

>> No.10893149

I dont have a paypal, just made that up to be funny, but thanks for the kind offer, even that little friendly gesture has resurrected my spirits

>> No.10893304

my diary is better desu

>> No.10893386

Was Anne the original my diary desu poster?

>> No.10893472

The Nobel Prize for Literature is a joke, and it always has been.

They're all fucking shit.

>> No.10893484

There are objections to be made to his prose.

The main one - in my view - would be that he writes literature as if it were all wordplay, as if the words were more important than the things they signify. It is a common criticism and was already used by Unamuno (or was it Ortega y Gasset?) against Ruben Dario back in the 1900's. Lobo Antunes also mentions it as one of the reasons why he doesn't really like James Joyce nor Nabokov, and has rejected his own first two novels because they were filled with verbal tricks - he once said something in the lines of 'I feel that I wrote them to prove that I could write, not to say something important'. Indeed, if you read his first novel it is full of world plays, complex cultural references, all in the tradition of something like Ulysses or The Cantos, but if you read his best ones, that he wrote much later, there's not a single author named, not a single cultural reference and such - he only just talks about life itself, using the most immediate words possible.

Since the Nobel Committee also cares about the social importance of the work (read the wiki page on the reasons for the Nobel Prize), it is natural that they will prefer writers who write in a fluid style (except for poets, who are allowed to be more difficult) and who touch on important social themes. This is why they gave it to Dylan and to Svetlana.

>> No.10893496

>more than any other writer of the modern era

It never ceases to amaze me how Americans think their country is the whole planet!

He is barely read here in Brazil. People like him, sure, but they don't tend to think much of him, as far as I can see. Because I read the originals, I can't judge the translations, but I know that his translator is a very good contemporary poet. Philip Roth and John Ashbery are probably considered superior writer here.

>> No.10893582

>as if it were all
stopped reading there

>> No.10893587

>prefer writers who write in a fluid style
has never read Pynchon

>> No.10893692


>> No.10893696

Very carefully.

>> No.10893713 [DELETED] 

Unamuno died a year before Pynch was born.

>> No.10893740

I've read him. The prose calls attention to itself all the time.

He was better than Pynchon, and so was Ruben Dario.

I like Pynchon very much, but OP asked a question and I tried to answer it objectively: I don't think his style is very much liked by the Swedish Academy. Have you noticed how they rarely give it to poets too? Yves Bonnefoy, WH Auden, John Ashbery, João Cabral and Geoffrey Hill never won it, but they gave it to Tony Morrison and Dario Fo, as well as to Bob Dylan.

>> No.10893745

This. Winston Churchill was a rare statesman, in that he was also an excellent historian. He deserved his.

Most of our presidents don’t though, in America. I know Trump and Obama didn’t...

>> No.10893749

The Bob Dylan one was an inside joke.

>> No.10893755

Prizes don't mean shit anymore.
The only true and highest honor nowadays is the respect and admiration of /lit/. Every author knows this, and that's why they share this board with us

>> No.10893781

Yes, most subtly referring to the fact they will never award it to the America greats, either because they are sexist - Roth - or because they write difficult prose which does not resonate with their literary ideals - Pynchon, McCarthy.

This is also why Saramago won instead of Lobo Antunes, who's been universally recognized as a better writer since the 80's. And also why Dario Fo won instead of any other Italian writer, even though he was probably the worst of them.

>> No.10893818

>I don't think his style is very much liked by the Swedish
Why does America The Great care and shyly sit to see what some hoighty toighty yourapeeins think and say, Why doesnt America have its own Nobel Prize?

Call it the Nobelle prize, or the Noble prize, or Nobell prize

>> No.10893824

What can you recommend by Lobo Antunes? Either translated or not.

>> No.10893986

My favorite is Exortação aos crocodilos, but I don't know if it was ever done into English.

>> No.10894001

His supposed reclusive nature probably hurts him with the committee. And after the Dylan debacle, they might not want to award another publicity-shy writer for a while. Maybe not an American.

>> No.10894010

The Land at the End of the World.

>> No.10894014

I'm australian, nobody I've ever met has heard of pinecone, I've never seen anyone reading a pinecone book

>> No.10894032


lol fuck off nigger

>> No.10894041

Do they even ship books to Australia?

>> No.10894043

and yet in most bookstores i see his books all over the place and it was taught at university

>> No.10894044

brazil is like a bizarro world version of the united states if it was founded by catholics instead of wasps, except its not bizarro world its real life!

>> No.10894068

The Neustadt has a pretty good record. It's only been awarded since the 70's, that may be why it isn't as well known.

>> No.10894155

doesnt quite roll of the tongue, especially for something literary, doesnt quite have that catchy ring to it, apologies if its someone importants name

>> No.10894212

If he were to send Irwin Corey it would make quite a stink

>> No.10894398

>If he were to send Irwin Corey it would make quite a stink

We'll considering that he is now a corpse, yeah it'd be stinky

>> No.10894674

I'm an Ausfag who has a civil engineer friend that reads pinecone, but he comes from a very well-to-do family so he's more cultured than most Australians

>> No.10894789

Best? Sure. Famous? Fuck no. How many normalfags have you heard talking about Pynchon? Any time I've brought him up no one knows who I'm talking about.

>> No.10894822


>> No.10895431

>'I feel that I wrote them to prove that I could write, not to say something important'

I'm very entry-level /lit/, but this is my biggest gripe with many of the /lit/ top 100 books i've read. Seems like a lot of the authors at times are peacocking their wordplay and knowledge rather than just speaking to some truth or idea about life.

Of course it's their prerogative to write whatever they want to, it's just an observation I've made as I personally prefer reading prose that resonates with me on some underlying level of universal human frequency.

>> No.10895439

how can people unironically think that there's no message in ulysse or lolita or gr
have you maybe consider that you may not be mentally equipped (let's put it that way) to deal with those texts

>> No.10895634


>> No.10895639
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His writing is shit!

>> No.10895730

I feel like if he were to interact with a fan it would probably be to do something like this. I wonder if he ever bought wine coolers for his kid's friends.

>> No.10895933

>Seems like a lot of the authors at times are peacocking their wordplay and knowledge rather than just speaking to some truth or idea about life.
an uncontrollable and unconsidered motive to follow in the footsteps of God who did not leave many clear cut books of truth scattered throughout his creation nor rivers of unshelled coconut milk

>> No.10896262

Message? Are you serious?

There are many points of view which are shown in those books, but I am not sure there are any 'messages' in the sense your high school teachers talked about 'messages'. Joyce certainly didn't care much about messages.

Anyway, the point made by Lobo Antunes is entirely different and you simply do not get it. Ulysses is one of my favorite books, but that's because I enjoy baroque prose. The Nobel Committee doesn't.

Saying that there are objections to be made to Pynchon's prose does not mean I agree with them.

>> No.10896278

Borges, Joyce and Auden not getting it proves that the Nobel is literally worthless and you shouldn't waste your time worrying about who gets it and who doesn't.

>> No.10897097


It's barely more reputable than the Grammys

>> No.10897135

Yup, you didn't understand those books at all. I don't know how it's worth my time continuing to reply to someone who enjoys reading baroque prose but can't pick up on Joyce's concerns regarding Irish identity. You may as well find someone to write you a baroque prose generator and read whatever it spits out.