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10891189 No.10891189 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any other gods or dieties that are like Christ in the sense that they came in the flesh, lived a sinless life, and then suffered/sacrificed themselves for us? Or is the idea of Christ a wholly new idea that sets apart Christianity from other religions?

>> No.10891192

Prometheus to a certain extent maybe?

>> No.10891193

donkey bible

>> No.10891203

Zeus when he fucked everyone's mom

>> No.10891452

Look up Apollonius of Tyana

>> No.10891459

Divinity as a continuum was common in the Greco-Roman world. What was unique about Jesus wasn’t that he was man and God but that he was believed to be resurrected.

>> No.10891472


Also Buddha. Also Krishna.

Jesus is late to the party, tbqhfam.

>> No.10891484

>are there any deities like christ
>who did exactly what he did, down to the defining feature
no, you retarded child
that’s not at all unique
Buddha didn’t lead a sinless life or forgive sin, Krishna doesn’t forgive sin

>> No.10891518

Real person, wasnt christlike.

Zeus was not at all. Hercules but thats debatable.

>> No.10891568

religions mostly see sacrifice as something beneath God.
The sacrifice on the cross by a sinless God is pretty huge

>> No.10891661

I'm curious as to how you could see Hercules as Christlike. He lived his life in a constant state of guilt, often killed people by accident, and was incredibly rash.

>> No.10891664

Is it possible to worship him and not be a Christian?

>> No.10891930

You’re retarded

>> No.10891949
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>OP just takes every aspect of Christianity and says "Did any other religion do this"
>posters point out multiple precedents
>But they didn't have the exact same doctrine

Well of course not but obviously the argument exists that Christianity was a permutation of the existing elements expounded upon in this thread.

I think the closest analog is Horus. When the dead came before Osiris and they had fallen short of absolute virtue, his son Horus would advocate for them offering to take on the burden of their venial sins. The only distinction is that Horus is not flesh and Osiris isn't the absolute but its a pretty near-miss.

>> No.10892015

>reddit spacing

every time

>> No.10892025

He was humble, and understood the between of mortal the immortal more than anyone else in greek theology

>> No.10892030

Nah neoplatonist (mostly a way of telling people, no I'm really agnostic)

>> No.10892060

unbelievably dull

you shouldn’t make anymore threads anon

>> No.10892128

I can find no source saying that Apollonius was a proclaimed God or son of a god or that he suffered/sacrificed himself.

>> No.10892134

What do you mean by worship anon?

>> No.10892637

No, anybody who says so is an idiot. Did Zeus or any four-armed faggot god say that one is forgiven of original sin through baptism and belief in God made flesh, who sacrificed himself for humanity?

>> No.10892645

How do you know if jesus led a sinless life if a big part of his biography is missing?

>> No.10892649
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>> No.10892654

Only totally jewed people believe in original sin anyway.