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/lit/ - Literature

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10888272 No.10888272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What should I major in /lit/ I need your advice.

Right now im undeclared and have been doing pre-requisites and working.

I also became obsessed with philosophy and thought about majoring in that. There are two problems with this 1. there ain't a lot of jobs available at the philosophy factory and 2. I really don't want to be a lawyer.

The other three options I am considering (and my objections) are as follows:

Psychology (I know nothing about it, but it seems interesting, and pertinent to leftist thought)

Sociology ( probably the only field of study that has a plurality of leftists in it, employment is what im worried about)

History (my favorite subject while in secondary school. Employment is also a problem, I'm not sure if I would be willing to be a teacher desu it's a possibility)

Philosophy is by far my favorite subject. I study it in my free my time, the problem is philosophy doesn't pay the bills. Whatever I major in, philosophy will always be my greatest love, and I can always study it on the side like im sure a lot of you guys do.

I know this is kinda long winded, and probably slightly off topic, but this seems to be best place ask for advice, in my particular situation.

>> No.10888276

All those are for soyboy liberals. Drop out, pick up a trade, and breed white children. Become a white nationalist

>> No.10888301
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That sounds like spooky shit my guy

>> No.10888314

>breed white children
This is all I really want in life.

>> No.10888319

Psychology is for dumb people (which you might be since you post frogs), you should major in neuroscience instead.

>> No.10888329

Forgot to post that STEMniggers should stay away.

>> No.10888346

Yeah something along this.
You don't have to follow the trade meme. But do try to find what you love and go with it.
The universe greatly rewards courage, if you have it doors will open for you that you thought to be impossible to open, or not even there.
Finding what you are meant to do is like coming out of a Forrest of needled brambles onto a private highway. Fighting to do something you don't want to do is meaningless and will not get you what you think it will.
Joseph Campell's book Finding your Bliss helped me a lot in this.

The poserts blunt language of white children reflects another truth. That one thing you will always find pleasure in is helping those around you. Yourself, your family, your race, and your nation. Those will give you the social fulfillment you need to exist authentically and fully.

>> No.10888348

Wow what an example of a post that has profound remarks and striking criticism.

>> No.10888355
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Of those, History and Philosophy are by far the most worthwhile. Social sciences aren't going to challenge you sufficiently if you're smart enough to actually belong in college.Your classmates will also be much sharper than the people you'd study with in psych or sociology.

Dunno what your school is, but at mine people in the humanities like history and philosophy were very employable by competitive employers (IBM, Goldman off the top of my head) so long as they did internships or also developed some minor technical skills. Social sciences were for burnouts.

If you must spend a lot of time in the social sciences departments, at least make it a second major.

>> No.10888361

I’m studying accounting because I want money to live comfortably with my lifestyle

>> No.10888387

I don't want to participate in such a vile industry.

>> No.10888395

yeah but do you want to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and take what you see seriously?

>> No.10888400

Do whatever the hell you like.

Many great authors didn't study any of those careers and wrote some amazing works. Bulgakov was a doctor by career. So was Celine. Kerouac spent some time in college, on an athletic scholarship. Eventually he dropped out.

Don't study something depending on if its "lit approved" or not. Do whatever you like.

You either got it in you to be a writer or you don't. What you study won't make a difference.

>> No.10888402

I'm thinking mathematician/actuary for the same reasons

>> No.10888409
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>your race, and your nation

>> No.10888411

I have a BA, majored in English, minored in creative writing. Currently make 78k/y. Do not listen to the failures and dropouts in this thread, OP, they are just bitter they never got anywhere in life. I pursued my scholarly interests in college and it all worked out for me.

>> No.10888421

STEM + philosophy double major

>> No.10888423

I thought about actuary but I decided that it was too much effort and traveling

>> No.10888429

this, but unironically

>> No.10888434

If you're scared of effort you'll never get anywhere.

>> No.10888438

>You either got it in you to be a writer or you don't.
I don't want to be a writer of fiction. My passion is philosophy, but my grades are too crummy to get into a decent philosophy program, without going to a decent grad school you'll never get employed. Like I said, I really don't want to be a lawyer either, so im stuck in this shitty situation where I love philosophy but Im a lazy student when it comes to doing school work.

>> No.10888439

Maybe that’s true, but middle class is currently my dream

>> No.10888452

With hopes of investing correctly with 401k and other outlets, so I can retire relatively early with plenty of money to live off of

>> No.10888459
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>He might be dumb
You went to easy on him F.A.M.
> My feels feel this about you feels
It's started out of philsophical wank and then circle jerked with all the other things that are fucking useless in the next 8 years; sociology, philsophy of the mind; perception, ect., ect. ; lingisustivs, [spoiler/EX FUCKING CETREA /spolier]
You get the picture
Psychology is literally a safe haven for brainwashed Marxists SJWs to provide the ideological foundation for (((PILLS)))©
Nueroscince in the meantime is unlocking the secrets of the mind through graphs of the brain.
The brain works like a computer, a very special computer with complex programing, we are growing closer to writing in the programing language, trust me.

>> No.10888469

Then learn to program. There's a perennial shortage of skilled labor in the tech industry. I can get a job almost anywhere because everybody needs more experienced programmers.

>> No.10888470

>t. libertarian STEMnigger and Joe Rogan fan