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10887671 No.10887671 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ humour thread

>> No.10887695 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10887736

Can somebody please post that DFW pasta about his time on a grocery store?

>> No.10888808

enough of this alt-right shit, save it for the virgins on pol

>> No.10888838

These threads are and always will be pure cancer. Sincerely, fuck off.

>> No.10888883

These are supposed to be funny.

>> No.10888924

someone reverse this one

>> No.10888928

its reddit, its anti-culture, and its fucking gay

>> No.10890167

How is this lit related? Close your pol tab, turn off your computer and rethink your life you mouth breathing retard.

>> No.10890195
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>> No.10890205
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>> No.10890213
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>> No.10890218
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>> No.10890222
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>> No.10890224
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>> No.10890225
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>> No.10890226
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>> No.10890230
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>> No.10890234

Too bad a bunch of virgins became obsessed with the chad cartoon.

>> No.10890236
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>> No.10890239
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>> No.10890241

Where can I find copies of this series? It looks very interesting. Is AssCastle a good film adaptation?

>> No.10890242

>watch this video of his
Wow this guy seems interesting. Let's look at his other work.
>see his YT channel and his twitter page

>> No.10890250
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>> No.10890252
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>> No.10890253
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>> No.10890257

we hate him because he believes in race realism, he's willing to notice all the problems in society stems from one group, he sees the structure of cultural marxism grasping everything in its sight, but he's unwilling to name the Jew

>> No.10890263

>we hate him because he believes in race realism
Nice false flag /leftypol/

>> No.10890265
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/lit/ fears the lobster
pic unrelated

>> No.10890268

>Resisting degeneracy
Also, didn't Ancient Greeks find surrounding barbarians disgusting and thought most of civilization was to be found in the East and parts of Africa?

>> No.10890272

Weak. You're supposed to say "he fears for his family and job safety so he cannot say it out loud, but surely he believes the same as we do!"

>> No.10890274
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>*Doesn't even address MacDonald , Solzhenitsyn's 200 Years Together, etc.*
>Nothing to see here goy! IQ and success are linked, that is all there is to it!

>> No.10890278
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>> No.10890281

>*Doesn't even address MacDonald
he did tho

>> No.10890285

the virgin anti-semite forum poster vs the chad philo-semite e-celeb

>> No.10890288
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>> No.10890290

> high as fuck Hugo

Best one itt.

>> No.10890291
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>> No.10890294

>implying the priestly caste existed in proto-indo-european society
Great fanfiction, it is also likely that religion as a whole did not exist as it was firmly integrated into every facet of existence. Guénon essentially trended toward modernism (i.e. civilization) without realizing that inherent in such is a subversion of tradition!

>> No.10890295

Well maybe if Mum and Dad hadn't been divorcees, leading plainly immoral lives, maybe if they had been capable of delivering a consistent moral message, other than incoherent '68er trash, maybe they might have had some moral authority.

>> No.10890298


>> No.10890302

This needs one where there's an extra panel with "realize nobody cares and you're talking out of your ass anyway" at the end.

>> No.10890304

These threasd are almost always bad but thise one has been especially awful

>> No.10890305
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>> No.10890309
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>> No.10890311
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Contribute then.

>> No.10890313

so this is the girl who rejects everything I give her. now i have the chance to be rejected romantically and sexually by her

>> No.10890315 [DELETED] 
File: 1.21 MB, 750x1334, annie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10890316

Dun get it.

>> No.10890320

newfag redditor, how weren't you here for that thread?

>> No.10890323
File: 515 KB, 614x1042, pinkatlas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no antidrumpf lit gf

>> No.10890332


>> No.10890337

lmao this one's gonna be a real treat as she nears thirty

>> No.10890345
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>> No.10890380
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The Chad is the one that's supposed to be exaggerated while the virgin is a dumpy but painfully relatable and down to earth loser. You guys are killing him.

>> No.10890387

>painfully relatable
He's just generic 4chan loser

>> No.10890391

The amerishit publishing industry in pictures xDD

>> No.10890394

it can't be

>> No.10890405


>implying they could have passed the vedas down orally for thousands of years without a dedicated quasi caste-like group of priests

>> No.10890406
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>> No.10890412

wow haha so random xDDD

>> No.10890415

Warrior and priest was one and the same. The existence of an intellectual class is a symptom of the decadent disease of civlization.

>> No.10890422
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I guess but I could see even normal people relating to him somewhat, when the meme is done right.

>> No.10890430
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the chad originated as a comic inversion of the virgin, but its also quite funny to exaggerate real groups and figures and cast them as the virgin

>> No.10890436

i have
a real dislike for
free verse
from reading
free verse

>> No.10890438
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>> No.10890443
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>> No.10890452
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>> No.10890461

That long sentence in the last panel is such a mess, I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.10890473

This is the worst /lit/ "humour" thread I've ever seen.

Please sage this embarrassment.

>> No.10890476
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>> No.10890485

Yes, we shall parle since you are nothing but a lumpen anti-revolutionary "savant", unlike me: a French student.

>> No.10890609
File: 195 KB, 1920x1080, 552ae55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. I've seen this pic for years, and I've just now gotten the meaning.

>> No.10890618


>> No.10890623

What's the meaning?

>> No.10890632
File: 163 KB, 772x1230, Stoner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10890637
File: 135 KB, 600x996, Nostromo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10890641
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Lit. majors sit on their asses all day to read.

>> No.10890642
File: 58 KB, 850x400, Raymond Chandler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10890646

don't fall for the meme scumface

>> No.10890658

they had very inclusive there-goes-a-barbarian ideas

>> No.10890666
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>> No.10890676
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I thought it was about lit majors being into Sacher-Masoch and getting spanked or something.

>> No.10890680

I really don't think this is very smart

>> No.10890696

/pol/ is so fucking illiterate it hurts

>> No.10890940

This image is very accurate

>> No.10890951


>> No.10890992

>He doesn't realise that a few norwegian goths brought down the roman empire.

>> No.10891022

the fact that someone redrew that makes me feel better since I amn't completely autistic like that.

>> No.10891028

>Warrior and priest was one and the same

Do you have any evidence for that?
It seems pretty doubtful. People who had to spend all their time hunting and gathering to provide food for the rest of the group would not have the time to learn to flawlessly recite complex religous epics and in turn teach it to a new generation.

>> No.10891057
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>People who had to spend all their time hunting and gathering

>> No.10891066

I'm calling bullshit on this.

>> No.10891095

The last panel is the theology of soccermoms and Oprah Winfrey.

>> No.10891242
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>> No.10891248
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>> No.10891306

So you don't have any evidence to support your claim? okay

Also, a significant portion of the Vedas were composed while they were still nomadic hunter-gatherers in northern Russia, before they even got to the Black/Caspian seas and started cattle-herding.

>> No.10891423

Vedas were composed by the Indo-Iranians, so no, its not representative of PIE and theres no evidence it was composed earlier, though obvoously the religion predates it.

Its not even true that Scythians had something similar, so presumably it was only after BMAC that the Indo-Iranians shifted their societal and clan structures to that seen in the Avesta and Vedas and wrote these two.

Also, Avestan priesthood are very different from Vedic ones.

>> No.10891466
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>claims that a thesaurus is a foreign language

>> No.10891532

two things: you’re correct the scythian religion isn’t the same as the vedic and PIE religions all varied, as did the languages spoken and the ethnic makeup of the people; you’re fucking autistic and retarded if you think warriors and priests were the same caste. the varna system was brough into the Indo-Iranian range by the vedics. They had two distinct castes of human, there is absolutely no way that sophisticated of a philosophy would have survived just being memorized by cattle/horse raiding retarded chads.

>> No.10891585

is that a half nig or half chink baby?

>> No.10891669

exact same thing happened to me

>> No.10891675

>half nig half chink
they're called chiggers m8

>> No.10891682

I voted for him and I still want this.

>> No.10891691

isn't she the mother though?

>> No.10891692

you’re a faggot who thinks he’s intellectually superior because of an easy mainstream political position you cribbed off a hive mind board and want to feel superior and engage in CLASSIC FUCKING CHAD TEASING HIS SUBMISSIVE SASSY GF foreplay, fucking simp

>> No.10891697

yeah the only foreplay i do is wear a ushanka and telling her to yell nein as we make love

>> No.10891705

I'm not the retard you were responding to that asserted that priests and warriors were the same. Both the Vedas and Avesta had a caste system which includes a caste of warriors and a caste of priests.

I was only asserting that the Vedas were not written by PIE people, and their fundamental viewpoint, social structure of the Vedic peoples, and even diction reflects their composition by specifically, Indo-Iranian people who had contacted BMAC, and were shortly going to migrate into Iran and India.

By all accounts, the Vedas were written right after the Indo-Aryan and Iranian split. They are not any older, and not significantly older than the Avesta. Yes, there's similarities between them and all IE stuff, but there's no evidence that the PIE people had the same sort of Brahmanical tradition of priests who memorized complex poetry all day and thought about shit like immanence. They certainly had multiple types of priests/diviners, but the type of poetry in the Vedas seems pretty unique to the Indo-Iranian tradition.

>> No.10891707

He actually recommends 200 years together in one of his lectures. Do you think he would make the mistake of openly debasing the chosen ones? You underestimate the man

>> No.10891708

10/10 a wit to behold, that absolves your disgusting soul

>> No.10891714

>Vedas were composed by the Indo-Iranians, so no, its not representative of PIE

The Indo-Iranians are themselves descended from the Proto-Indo-Europeans and were nearly identical to the Indo-Europeans farther north so that's sort of an irrelevant point.

>and theres no evidence it was composed earlier, though obvoously the religion predates it.

Except that there are mountains of evidence for the earliest portions of the Vedas being composed near the north pole and within the arctic circle

>sun/lunar movements and star alignments described that would only be seen near the poles
>A single day and night of the devas is described as a year for humans (e.g. the six-month long polar night and day)
>instructs that the ENTIRE Rig-Veda is to be ceremonially recited during the dawn which is only possible in the polar north where the dawn takes days
etc etc

That would place the composition of the earliest parts of the Vedas way before the PIE even split into Indo-Europeans and Indo-Iranians, possibly even coming from the Ancient North Eurasians who became the PIE after mixing with the eastern hunter-gatherers

>> No.10891724

Love this

>> No.10891737
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pic related is the ushanka
you should try it sometime

>> No.10891760

>were nearly identical
no they weren’t because the central caucasians and souther caucasians and even most southeast euro PIE pops had dark hair and swarthy skin, not blonde hair like he northern caucasians.
>says the meme theory
i hate you stupid fucking faggots so much
he does the sex and is sincere

>> No.10891876

Yuck you actually exist and you browse /lit/

>> No.10891890


>Has no response other than to call it a meme and sperg out

>> No.10891895

lel nice

>> No.10891897

Guenon looks like a big guy.

>> No.10891916

>following a religion because you think it's practical, but not necessarily true

>> No.10891942

>and were nearly identical to the Indo-Europeans
No, they weren't. Not socially or culturally. Genetically yeah they were similar, but as I said, the Vedas were written by comparatively late Indo-Iranians, likely after going through the BMAC. I'm literally an academic in East Iranian languages, and know plenty about the details of the Vedas. You want to debate this shit?

> Except that there are mountains of evidence for the earliest portions of the Vedas being composed near the north pole and within the arctic circle
NVM, you're a fucking retard. And yes, of course there's shit in Vedic Sanskrit and the Vedas which refers to life in the steppe, plants not native, etc. But you're retarded if you think the Vedas were composed by the PIE people. At best, a few ideas were inherited from earlier peoples. Along with Brandolini's law, I'm just going to assume nothing anyone will say will change your opinion and save myself the trouble.

>> No.10891960

and Steinbeck.

>> No.10891985

They’re trying to half ass their way through faith. Probably some stupid atheist in Europe. It was about that time

>> No.10891999

Needs to be another panel for when you realize pantheism is for plebs

>> No.10892031


>> No.10892035

you don’t have any scientific evidence, the Yamna, a steppe derived PIE people, were genomically analyzed and their pheno was tall, robust skull, sharp hooded eyes, high cheekbones, big jaw, swarthy skin (like greeks and iranians), black hair, brown and blue-grey eyes. there is no fucking explanation for why this proto indoeuropean population would be the same as Scythians when the Scythians are endlessly described as having blonde hair and pale skin. So, this, combined with even a modicum of understnading of the phylogeny of language groups, should tell you that the Vedics are not the same as the other PIE peoples, their language was different, their ethnic makeup was different and their religion was different. The arctic vedas shit is self hating Indian and Anglo-Saxon induced lies from the late 19th century. There was no arctic homeland. PIE people come from the steppe of eurasia not from the arctic. There is no evidence that the vedic religion was practiced by magic proto-nordids who WUZ EVERYTHANG DAWG and you won’t be able to prove this without special pleading, emotional appeals and brow beating. Fuck off retard, ive known about vedic arctic theory for over half a decade and always thought it was fucking stupid

Vedics had black hair, tanned skin, blue-brown eyes and caucasoid skulls. they were not nords, they were not germanics. there was indeed a separate caste of priests from the warriors as there is no fucking way a warrior cult could possibly have retained all the information in the vedas, no culture with highly specialized linguistic traditions like the vedic cult could have maintained that without a sub-taxa of bred priest autists. Evola is wrong, the dumb Punjabi-Parthian occultist was wrong, Rosenberg was wrong, all the ariosopher nordicists were wrong. Fuck you
you’re still wrong about the castes its totally unfeasible that the aryans had only one or two castes, they would’ve needed priests/shamans of some type to record culture and facilitate sacrifice cult

>> No.10892057

>you’re still wrong about the castes
I wasn't the guy claiming that warriors = priests. Please see >>10891705 (my post). The existence of a priest caste in the PIE is pretty accepted. The Vedic and Avestan priesthood descend from this tradition, but not entirely - even their name (atharvan) is possibly a BMAC borrowing, and the Indo-Iranians show all sorts of innovations in their religion that just get more and more divergent in the Vedic period.

>> No.10892067
File: 97 KB, 520x600, 1511314304216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the kinds of people who now inhabit this board
It really is time for an exodus.

>> No.10892069

He actually says that Solzhenitsyns antisemitism was a mistake

>> No.10892072

Ok serious question: what differentiates the Scythians and proto-Germanics from the Greeks and Indo-Iranians, who, from my layman’s understanding, are extremely closely related (Greco-Armeno-Iranian/Indic language)? I would like to have this settled since i cannot figure out the phylogeny of these ethnic groups at all beyond the obvious that the Indo-Iranians and Greeks are not the same as the Scythians and Nords-Celts-Germanics. If you have books, studies i will read

>> No.10892077

Actually one of the best uses of this maymay ive ever seen

>> No.10892081

Only germanics among indoeuropeans didnt have a priestly caste because they were primitive niggers.

>> No.10892085

Somehow manages to strawman BOTH continentals and analytics. Whoever made this has never read and understood a single book from either school.

>> No.10892090

we theapricity now

>> No.10892098
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>> No.10892105

Also, I totally agree with you with your response to the other guy. However
> Scythians are endlessly described as having blonde hair and pale skin
Is a little wrong. They were ethnically diverse, and the Sogdians and Sakas were described with dark hair and eyes, with occasional light features. Remember, the Scythians that the Europeans encountered were mixed with European populations - they were an ethno-linguistic group that was NOT the same as the original IE steppe people - they were Iranic, and represent a re-migration into the steppe. Obviously, they assimilated the populations there linguistically, and would have picked up their famous red and blonde hair from this, not to mention the geographically close Tocharians, who did have light features.

The people who spread the proto-Scythian language into the steppes were likely very close to the Vedic and Avestan people. Ethnicity is complicated shit and saying stuff like "scythians were blonde" is really an over-simplification.

Scythians were Iranics, see the above though - genetically they were indeed different from the Persians or Vedics. Are you asking about genetics? Or culture (which is a fairly obvious answer). The PIE languages are not easily grouped into anything but the main families that easily - it's mostly conjecture. The Indo-Iranians were a clear group, and they share affinities with both Armenians and Slavs, but comparatively little with Greeks, or Tocharians.

Are you implying that Scythians were related to the proto-Germanics? Because they weren't.

>> No.10892168

*the IE languages

>> No.10892173


>> No.10892192

Filippo once slapped Dante,
Filippo's brother had taken Dante's possessions after Dante's exile from Florence,
Filippo's family had opposed Dante's return from exile

>> No.10892199


>> No.10892225

genetically when did the germanics break off from the other IE peoples and why do we find blonde and red hair admixed into Greco-Annatolian populations despite most evidence indicating the Greeks were dark swarthy caucasoids? Im trying to discern why nordicists believe what they do and what elements of the theory have merit and which parts are confusions. The rest was helpful thank you, im confused as to how you get blonde-red haired ethnic groups from Black haired swarthy skinned Caucasians. Id assume it comes from WHG populations further north but this is just an assumption. If there was a clear picture of this available in scholarly research it would clear up this picture and nordicists wouldn’t have to lie to not feel insecure, i would feel less inclined to agree with them about racial phylogeny if blonde hair is just a trait picked up in the north from migratory steppe peoples. If its native to the steppe then why so many Greeks and Annatolians without blonde hair? Was it an elite prized pheno?

>> No.10892236

This isn't a même it's just real desu

>> No.10892259

who dat is

>> No.10892276

>Listens to Lacan
>probably doesn't understand french

It kinda sounds like :
>eating poo
>Not being scatophiliac

>> No.10892277

pls respond >>10892225 i need answers linguistics anon, this has troubled me for years now

>> No.10892289

I'm a Linguist working on Central Asian languages, I'm not super interested or knowledgeable with Germanic stuff. I should probably only be trusted on linguistics. But here's my take anyways:
>blonde-red haired ethnic groups from Black haired swarthy skinned Caucasians
light features were there in European genetics before the PIE, it doesn't come from the steppe nomads. and the PIE itself was already mixed with EHG, they were not as uniformly dark-featured as you seem to think. Remember, CWC is pretty early-on, and this, along with earlier mixing with EHG, gave the steppe peoples (Andronovo, etc.) a large amount of light features.

>> No.10892321

ok the heterogeniety is just ignored by nordicists and its not that they were any which way, blonde or dark, but just a mixture of different populations that converged into what we call IE? some of whom ended up as Greeks and Iranians which means some of them would have carried blonde hair, light skin, but not likely most of them?

>> No.10892330

>when did the germanics break off from the other IE peoples
Genetically it's not clear because we don't know when the language broke off exactly. A guess is
But I'm not aware of it's current status. Still, Germanic people basically come from CWC and it's successors. Germanic people in the Bronze Age are quite well understood.

>> No.10892377

nordicists btfo’d i guess?

>> No.10892379

White women age so goddamn awful. Is it all the drinking? I'm 10 years older than her and have less lines on my face.

>> No.10892396

IE is linguistic more than genetic in a lot of cases. There were people living in Greece before the IE arrived, and they might have been related to swarthy dark-haired people like Minoans. Greek genetics aren't really that steppe-derived from what I remember.

Iranians have a totally different path - they stayed steppe nomads for a long time, migrated and mixed with Neolithic Iranians and BMAC, before even splitting up as Iranics. They were swarthy and dark-featured at the point when the Vedas and Avesta were written. The early carriers of the Greek language might have had a good amount of light hair and eyes, but Indo-Iranians probably only did in their very early period - and their lack of proximity to the CWC makes those even less common than say, in Germanic peoples.

Yes, Nordicists seem to ignore the mixed nature of steppe genetics, and more ridiculously, seem to think that the light features (which are really more native to Europe if anything) are specifically from the PIE nomads (who were pretty much just EHG+Caucasians, and generally did have light features, but were certainly not Nordic)

>> No.10892420

Yeah well it's been btfo'd for a while. The issue is that the only people who really give a fuck about these genetics among laymen are those who stand to confirm their biases using it - i.e. Nordicists and like.

>> No.10892432

here it is. thank you for your time anon, this is what i’ve been looking for

>> No.10892454

yw anon, take care.

>> No.10892532

It's probably just stress. I sometimes look much older when I've been anxious or not sleeping well. That does get worse with drinking, but just be happy you have nice skin, anon.

>> No.10892585

It's all the dick, drinking, and bad life choices.

>> No.10892624


Kid really needs to be reading "Bother, Bother, Where's My Father?"

>> No.10892638

>you’re a faggot
but did you vote for hillary?

there is a lot riding on this

>> No.10892674

hahaha I posted that on /lit/ initially. That was a fun thread. I was just posting all the hot chicks I either wanted to match with or ones I did match with.

>> No.10892734

this thread is worse than usual

>> No.10892855

did you talk to her?

>> No.10892877


You didn't provide any argument against the arctic theory other than 'hurr durr I don't like it'

>> No.10893250

you say that like its a bad thing

>> No.10893319

I didn't even match with her, even though I superliked.

>> No.10893332

>Sired out of wedlock children and would hten deny he was the father

Source for this

>> No.10893346

I think you meant to post the opposite of that image.

>> No.10893366

Last one should be fundamentalist christianity

>> No.10893372

youre probz white

>> No.10893384
File: 72 KB, 667x467, 1516751664004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10893407

>makes a fucking retarded unscientific claim that directly contradicts all currently held scholarly opinion on population genetics, phys anth, cultural anth, and linguistics
>w-why don’t you refute me?

>> No.10893419

2/10 --> 10/10

>> No.10893467


>muh appeal to authority
>still doesn't provide any counter argument

Before it was discovered, anyone proposing that something like Gobekli Tepe could have been created as long ago as it was would have been laughed out of academia. Then it was shown that it was possible and that it did happen.

>> No.10893625

lol no I'm black actually. But I don't think my race has anything to do with it. I just don't think she's attracted to me.

>> No.10893632


>> No.10893638
File: 417 KB, 999x925, Beja man - Sudan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melanin Enriched

Melanin Deficient

>> No.10893641

this is stupid but i laughed

>> No.10893666

>he doesn’t know what appeal to authority means
that only works if there wasn’t a mountain of evidence and methodology that destroys the feasibility of what you’re saying. you have to refute the prevailing theories, no one thinks the inhabitants of the Steppe all had the same religion and that it came from the Arctic. Prove it with linguistic, genomic, circumstantial evidence and refute the prevailing hypotheses or fuck off. Its not worth my time and what you’ve provided is piss poor substitute for that
>Gobelki Teppe
doesn’t mean what you want it to

>> No.10893717

He literally has never done this.

>> No.10894137

Can someone do a Virgin-Chad with DFW being a Virgin and Pynchon a Chad?

>> No.10894736

James Franco went blackface for his role as Ginsberg... why?

>> No.10894779

imma TP chad on this desu

>> No.10894808

some of my friend hack onto my PC, and then visit /lit/ regularly to harassed me desu. I mean the quality had been deteriorated since then. I had stopped talking to these creepy faggots. I really don't get their obsessions with me. And yeah they were all degenerate pseuds. It's really embarrassing to ever admit that I'd ever knew them in my life.

If it's not immoral to kill and torture, I will probably torture these bastards.

2 months of complete torture, before make them watch me torturing their family members and loved ones.

Killed their family members.

I'll probably wanted to end their life by having 4 to 5 pythons in my basement (their cell). I mean those pythons can swallowed a living persons very well. They may have to break some bones first tho.

Well, the jerks deserve it. Fuck I hate these degenerate pseuds. My country is so full of idiot pseuds that did nothing to improve the country. It just cringe whenever they open their mouth. Oh fuck, I need a fucking genocide.

>> No.10894815

seek help

>> No.10894844


>> No.10894853


>> No.10894858

Absolutely toasted

>> No.10895124

The comma is the powerhouse of the sentence

>> No.10895176

This is accurate in ways I still have not figured out how to convey, just keep up the good work anon. +1
Blonde nordcucks are Always the worst, every idiot larping Christianity and Catholicism on this fucking board - I guarantee they are these retarded toe-headed bastards, progressives, commies, the lot of them too, all the same. If you don't have superior dark hair there is almost a 0% chance that you aren't a fucking idiot in some way or another.

>> No.10895230
File: 1.47 MB, 1298x2979, 1449559748591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10895237
File: 78 KB, 1024x416, Niet_and_stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10895380


this is good

>> No.10895426
File: 10 KB, 1430x94, Lol-eater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10895429

a modern masterpiece

>> No.10895440

i am sorry for you

>> No.10895442
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1521333236626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's mom and dad's fault if im a retard

>> No.10895462

Probably not. She went to Harvard. She'll probably never have kids.

>> No.10895496

Pretty sure that is actually how it works.

>> No.10895498

if we are to follow this logic then it is god's fault if you are a retard

>> No.10895508

He has a plan for everything.

>> No.10895525
File: 99 KB, 225x350, 1486743142697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10895535

Pretty sure that is actually how it works.

>> No.10895798

That's only a picture of an ushanka, not the ushanka itself.

>> No.10896693

I know all these people and this isn't funny

>> No.10896866
File: 247 KB, 1024x416, chad-host-1024x416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10896924
File: 301 KB, 520x678, whatdidhemeanbythis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anne frank - Google Search

>> No.10896930 [DELETED] 
File: 372 B, 55x30, my sides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10896943

This is a valuable meme if it is ironic. The terrible drawings, that are the caricatures of the classic 'Virgin and Chad' would lead the reader to believe that the the text presented is also meant to be a caricature of both continental and analytic philosophy, thus ridiculing itself in a subversive manner.

>> No.10897017

>this post

Satan begone!

>> No.10897090

Peterson is killing him, just as he has brought him up.

>> No.10897403

>mouse not connected
>only a monitor
>no chair, squating at a 90 degrees angle
The chaddest.

>> No.10897404
File: 62 KB, 750x680, macron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10897432
File: 32 KB, 327x323, 1518083365682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post worries me

>> No.10897475

slayyyyy sistaa

>> No.10898069
File: 29 KB, 480x480, DD2vrj6XoAIWpex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10898097

>tfw Macron is one of those guys both sides like, just like Huey Long, Gadaffi, and Assad

>> No.10898141

I guarantee that Jordan Peterson is not as morally consistent or capable of speaking with moral authority than the average divorced person.

I'm not sure the man has ever given advice he actually follows. He plainly lies about what he's said in the past whenever it's brought up in an inconvenient context, or even about what he said earlier in the same conversation if his interlocutor makes a good point against him. He crudely obfuscates and equivocates his every statement at the slightest need to give himself just enough wriggle room that it might create reasonable doubt in the mind of a moron.

Then there's the times where right off the bat he WANTS to say something specific, but he's afraid, so he blatantly and inescapably implies it, then acts appalled when someone says that's what he's getting at.

How is that any kind of moral conviction? Being too much of a coward to say what you believe and stick to it.

That's not even getting into the idea that anyone who believes that The Father must be rescued from the Dragon of Chaos has a sensible, consistent worldview.

>> No.10898156

No need to be so hysterical about it.

>> No.10898171

sounds like quite the predicament my friend. i hope you find a way to improve your country or at least leave for a better one.

>> No.10898174

'No U' is another disingenuous but serviceable non-arguement you could have used to protect the large portion of your identity you've invested in a hapless Canadian with a silly voice.

>> No.10898289
File: 365 KB, 1859x781, papa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10898428

bad post,
delete before receiving harsher criticism

>> No.10898449
File: 105 KB, 1149x914, 1521931828806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10898461


It's apparently a true story.

>> No.10899465
File: 98 KB, 600x219, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10899487

Are you 70 years old?

>> No.10899573

fucking hell I literally started watching this at 2AM

>> No.10899575


>> No.10899590

You can't have people who deal with killing humans involved in preparing sacrifices. Their hands are unclean.

>> No.10899600

Are you?

>> No.10899605
File: 27 KB, 405x563, 35._Portrait_of_Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10899611

and in what sense does that make him any less than "painfully relatable"?

>> No.10899621

Lol, it was just Peterson grandstanding the whole time

>> No.10899641
File: 100 KB, 640x640, 1489118380620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tips little boy

>> No.10899642

Who is the guy with Nietzsche?

>> No.10899647

The long sentences in these memes are purposely made stylistic choices.

>> No.10899654

But he were dead, since he wasn't alive prior to being born.

>> No.10899660

>Man, that's a lot of straw

>> No.10899789

wow the world makes me sick

>> No.10899792

God english majors are fucking pathetic

>> No.10899953

the best

>> No.10899955

>butts make me sick

>> No.10899997


>> No.10900197

legitimate homosexual detected, a healthy male would put his penis in either of those

>> No.10900205
File: 2.40 MB, 2300x7450, lit baneposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of lit's best for sure

>> No.10900240

It matters how women behave you absolute mongoloid. We’re not all so desperate that we will fuck anything that moves

>> No.10900266
File: 78 KB, 340x314, 1519562220402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For sale
>Big guy
>For you

>> No.10900278

peterson would have a purple lightsaber

>> No.10900353


For you [1]

1) You as in the personal self, being fundamentally different from the Self (Atman) which is identical with the Supreme Self, or Brahman, also called Ruh in the Sufi Tradition; all other aspects of the self being contingent, for more on this see our previous works

>> No.10900370

>not fucking animate objects
Pleb. Not even inanimate ones are safe from my Chad clutch.

>> No.10900612

Would date in the hopes she can help me get published/10

>> No.10900643


Fuck off Google Skynet

>> No.10901177

I'd watch out for hell, man.

>> No.10901202
File: 135 KB, 1326x2048, 1520437425634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha xd

>> No.10901277
File: 760 KB, 1520x776, 1520134397008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10901403

>Has never even heard of the concept of the Noble Savage in his life

>> No.10901461

>They saved Hitler's cock
>They hid it under a rock
>I discovered it last night
>I couldn't hardly believe my eyes

>> No.10901472

>In a land called Argentina
>We found ole Adolf's wienah
>A mummified banana
>next to a beach cabana

>> No.10901507

Cute wtf

>> No.10901515


What did I miss?

>> No.10901537

>Are you 70 years old?
Shunning the subjunctive case abandons the philosophical distinction between that which is and that which might have been.

>> No.10902080

;_; keep trying to publish frand. It will pay off eventually.

>> No.10902154

>tfw agree with literally all of this except new atheism rejection of consciousness

>> No.10902301
File: 32 KB, 600x315, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10902337 [DELETED] 

>cosmic truth
>god expressing himself
>Dude no one understands religion

New one
>Last panel is first panel
>Smoking weed and reading sci-fi
>Doing acid and reading RAW
>Doing DPH and reading soup cans
>Being sober and reading the Bible

>> No.10902348

wtf are you me

>> No.10902358


You missed moral realism bucko

>> No.10902392

Start with the first word

>> No.10902398
File: 589 KB, 684x1532, Dude I'm Illuminated LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10903300
File: 3.86 MB, 1276x3200, Nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God tier thread.

>> No.10903305

O i l y
S m a r t s

>> No.10903703
File: 60 KB, 599x616, 1501332540482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys.


Wanna hear a knock-knock joke?


>*Knock knock*

>> No.10903724

Who's there?

>> No.10903728


>> No.10903734
File: 18 KB, 335x188, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"To" who?

>> No.10903739
File: 254 KB, 1386x988, smugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"No, To WHOM."

>> No.10903743


>> No.10903814

She looks good from but far from good

>> No.10903845

Lots of reddit buzzwords in such a short sentence.

>> No.10903861

why don't we just all accept that /lit/ has no sense of humour

>> No.10903864

now that's funny

>> No.10903950

I suppose it depends on whether you speak English or simplified English.

>> No.10903960
File: 267 KB, 1245x753, sartre vs heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10904047

Well memed sir 6/10

>> No.10904169
File: 223 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_20180326-215406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is comedy gold

>> No.10904176
File: 88 KB, 800x573, tobacco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god I totally have one okay one second let me get it

what do you call it when you look at a page with words on it

fucking reading holy shit what does any of this matter when you're rich

>> No.10904201

schysst skärmdump, mupp.

>> No.10904207
File: 102 KB, 300x256, 1473487284731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about buzzwords
>uses the worst one of them all

>> No.10904298

I don't understand that meme but clearly Heidegger has given more to philosophy than Sartre.

>> No.10904300


>> No.10904321


>> No.10904340

he was trying to arrange a formal debate after zizek wrote an article about him. he probably thought that twitter would be the best way to contact him but seeing as zizek doesn't use twitter peterson ended up tweeting at the impersonator account thinking it was him. not sure how he's grandstanding

>> No.10904353

pasta? the fuck?

>> No.10904361

Chum Bucket tries to steal Mr Krabs' secret formula. Here, Sartre steals Heidegger's ideas set out in Being and Time (even going so far as to call his book, Being and Nothingness)

>> No.10904423


Meme of the week

(also, life is actually a simulation)

>> No.10904435


>> No.10904460

T. Redditor.

>> No.10904503

ignore them. Peterson's fans are idiots. They rebel against the 'sjw' dogma by following their own.

>> No.10904508

fuck off.

>> No.10904520

come up with something better.

>> No.10904526

I remember this thread. Probably funnier if you post the folder screenshot with it.

>> No.10904538

>consciousness? you mean your neurons firing?
bonus faggot points if they mention their 'programming' as well.

>> No.10904541


>> No.10904544

> consciousness isn't a thing
> we aren't programmed for certain behaviors
I bet you think there's more than 2 genders, and that women are just as capable as men too.

>> No.10904552

nah just the name-drop of your birthplace

>> No.10904555

go cry on /pol/ and stop ruining the last half-decent board on this site

>> No.10904560

Things that get reposted in these threads that make me cringe:
>Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?!
>We say to the nihilists, you are vanquished or something, Nietzsche's faced photoshopped onto some news report
>le nigger book
>action camus
>anything to do with spongebob or camus or sartre

also stop posting in this thread.

>> No.10904565

Never posted on /pol/. Your irrational hate for a great man like Peterson is what's ruining this board. We can't even talk about him without threads being deleted.

All because libtards have taken over humanities.

>> No.10904566

You made no point here. I believe consciousness exists, I just hate when neckbeards have to describe everything their brain does in the same way a computer does.

>I bet you think there's more than 2 genders, and that women are just as capable as men too.
I bet you're American.

>> No.10904572

that strikes me as something mark twain would say

>> No.10904577

>great man

>> No.10904584

Stop bumping this thread.

>> No.10904586

>We can't even talk about him without threads being deleted.

Oh fuck off. Even if we disagree on Peterson, there's always some stupid post about him and he's mentioned in pretty much every thread. Even if you claim to not be from /pol/, most of his fans are and they do clog up this board with shit.

I think he is a man with good intentions, but his constant circlejerking over christianity really pisses me off. He claims to want to help young people think for themselves while promoting the single most manipulative thing in history that has forced people to bend to authority's will without argument. He tries to get out of it by claiming that he is just looking at them as stories, which is a great get out of jail card when the blatant contradictions of the bible come up, but it's still weak.

Because of this he has tapped into the le atheism xDDD shit posters which means that this once-fun board is now filled with dogmatic christcunts (or those that pretend to be) that will reply to any post that even INDICATES atheism with a bunch of fedora memes or some other shit like I will probably get on this post.

So no, my hate for Peterson is not irrational, I have my reasons. I also disagree that you think Peterson fans are somehow being oppressed on this board because they're not - if anything they are forcing the board to discuss their shitty ideas more and more each day.

>> No.10904588

Holy shit, I just now notice the table have no fourth leg.

>> No.10904593

ur criticism of christianity (muh contradictions) is not very inteligent. peterson of course is a charlatan, but s omething about ur... perspective..... is odious...

>> No.10904597


>> No.10904598

>He claims to want to help young people think for themselves
He's not lying.
> He tries to get out of it by claiming that he is just looking at them as stories
He doesn't push Christianity. He talks about all religions and all cultures. He studies myth, do you think he'd only focus on Christianity? Watch his lectures.
> dogmatic christcunts
I'm not religious. Peterson advocates for a return to traditional values which are common sense and natural. He just uses myth, biology, psychology, etc. to prove just how natural it is, and how everybody in history besides libtards saw it.

yeah i bet your ideas are so much better and informed

>> No.10904609

>I'm not religious. Peterson advocates for a return to traditional values which are common sense and natural. He just uses myth, biology, psychology, etc. to prove just how natural it is, and how everybody in history besides libtards saw it.
i.e. perterson projects his own 20tth century beliefs and assumptions onto ancient texts and myths and religions from every corner of the globe. you'll notice "traditional values" means a lot of different things depending on when and where you are.

>> No.10904622

He studies myth more than you do. And nomatter where you are, what time, whatever, people have the same brains, the same innate nature. Nomatter how much you deny Evolutionary Psychology, it's results do tell us plenty about this.

A big thing he talks about is a return to Gender roles. Yeah the details might vary, but it's pretty much the same in all cultures all times (inb4 some random African tribe). Women have an innate nature, men do too. The roles need to reflect that for psychological harmony to happen at all. The Chinese saw this, so did Jung. Dialectic between Order and Chaos. Literally ask any old-fashioned rural man out there, he'll tell you exactly the nature of women and their proper role. And there's harmony in that.

Fuckers like you who deny basic fucking sense, even supported by 1000s of years of culture and biology, I just don't get. Do you have an agenda to push? Are you a butthurt woman?

>> No.10904643

I'm questioning Peterson's methods and conclusions, yes, but you are stuck in partisan brain mode since you automatically react by suggesting I'm the kind of ideologue who "denies biology" and "basic fucking sense". Bad faith assumption, especially on /lit/ where it's obvious not all the people criticising peterson are le SJWs.

he studies myth more than me. cool. queer studies' people study homosexuality more than you or i, but it doesn't mean they're approaching it in a fundamentally intellectually honest way. they mmight be, but I think we can both agree that often they are not, and are looking to construct some sort of moral system of their own. Peterson is guilty of this in my view. he is a moralist, a moral systemiser. he is an interpreter of everything, rather than a learner. of course, all learning is interpretation, but he doesn't seem to divest much of his own assumptions and biases whenever he engages with some new piece of information or whatever. he incorporates it into his worldview very smoothly, by identifying elements he has arbitrarily raised to the standard of an objective, world-standard mythos. this is the main error of jungianism. everything is taken on the learner's terms, not the "teacher's".

>> No.10904649

>yeah i bet your ideas are so much better and informed
They are, since I don't believe psychology jargon or try to capitalise off of memey NEETs so I don't have to water down my ideas.

>> No.10904661
File: 1.86 MB, 500x375, 1515715551650.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peterson advocates for a return to traditional values which are common sense and natural. He just uses myth, biology, psychology, etc. to prove just how natural it is, and how everybody in history besides libtards saw it.

>> No.10904671

>He's not lying.
Like I said. He went in with good intentions.
>He doesn't push Christianity. He talks about all religions and all cultures. He studies myth, do you think he'd only focus on Christianity?
My point about basically brainwashing people is - you guessed it - the same in all religions.
>I'm not religious. Peterson advocates for a return to traditional values which are common sense and natural. He just uses myth, biology, psychology, etc. to prove just how natural it is, and how everybody in history besides libtards saw it.
Could you please list some of these traditional values that are 'common sense' and 'natural'? I am sure I agree with you on some of them, but I'd like to give you time to explain them to me.

>> No.10904684

>psychology jargon
yeah, but "gender studies" is better right

> some sort of moral system of their own.
no, he's not guilty. it's a moral system used historically and successfully.
> by identifying elements he has arbitrarily raised to the standard of an objective,
what makes it artibrary?
> world-standard mythos
Not the entire mythos, but the hero myth and the male-female relations and symbols are the same across the world.
> he is a moralist, a moral systemiser. he is an interpreter of everything,
I agree, but that's what we need now. Nothing wrong with just simply looking at the past and seeing how they did things, especially because we've forgotten it these days.
> but he doesn't seem to divest much of his own assumptions and biases
He supports his claims with biology and psychology, and isn't really that biased with them. Everything he says is a moderating statement really. He definitely has an agenda, but that doesn't invalidate anything.

>> No.10904728

>Could you please list some of these traditional values that are 'common sense' and 'natural'?
Well he talks about a lot of small topics, but the big ones are
> Interplay between the sexes, in courting - the traditional desires of women and men have always been clear. women long to be made stable and whole by the male, but seek it on an unconscious level. making stuff like harassment an ever-present threat to the male strips men of their ability to give this to women in a natural, spontaneous way. Women don't know how to lead relationships because it's not natural. Like the hero slaying the dragon, a man becomes a "hero" by rising in the hierarchy of his culture (being a warrior, scholar, etc.) and eventually overcoming and conquering the chaotic source of mysteries - the female. Feminists try to say there isn't a biologically-set narrative to courtship or relationships, but there is. The hero myth also gives a roadmap to the realization of the masculine in all men. For women, their hero myth is to be completed by the hero, hence giving him her mysteries, and the interplay of his knowledge with her mysteries produces progress. It's a dialectic concept. This isn't a traditional "value", but it's universality implies many traditional values and narratives.
> Naturality of the wishes of both sexes in relationships: resources/emotional stability (to compensate for her "chaotic" nature) in return for faithfulness, sex and emotional fulfillment (to complement his masculine nature, and to grow by knowing the mysteries of the feminine). Basic Jungian stuff.
> Gender roles in the home/family: Men are to lead and provide, women are to take care of kids.
> Same thing for women not being inclined, and unfit to be leaders or high-stress/high-competition career people, again due to their nature. Maybe things involving emotional intelligence, but civilization/order is the realm of the male.
I'm not talking about the politics, only the morality/psychology.

>> No.10904763

You are not completely wrong. I believe in the subconscious desires of each sex that you mention. I believe that men are more suited to the logical fields than women.

However I also believe that we should be free to follow our own path. For example, if a women wanted to put herself forward as CEO, and she had no family to be responsible for and all relevant credentials, and you had the final say, would you refuse her ambition because she is female? Is this not an infringement on the freedoms of a person? At what point do we stop with these biological deterministic ideas?

You could argue that in your ideal world the woman wouldn't be in that position, because she would have been taught the 'correct' gender roles, but then to me that is a genuine infringement on the free will of a person. This is the part of biological determinism that irks me.

>> No.10904778

>if a women wanted to put herself forward as CEO, and she had no family to be responsible for and all relevant credentials, and you had the final say, would you refuse her ambition because she is female?
No, but she shouldn't be a rolemodel.

> woman wouldn't be in that position, because she would have been taught the 'correct' gender roles
This is needed in order for what's happening in the west to not happen.

>> No.10904818

> myths and gender roles are universal
> the hero myth of the woman doesn't even exist
> what women and men want in dating/relations
> women can't lead
All this shit is socialized. Yeah women and men are different. Yeah there's a duality. But JP cherrypicks his cultures and myths to all hell. Sumer, Egypt, India, Iranic nomads (and later SEA), Tibet make up a ton of big cultures. All of them deviate from the shit you say in massive ways.

Even the need of men for resources is socialized, tied to the nuclear family. There's universals, but you jump to the conclusion that everything in the traditional masculine-feminine dichotomy and symbolism is universal. It's not. Not even with your precious order/chaos shit.

Stop eating Petersonmemes and read something yourself for once.

Peterson doesn't study myths as much as he claims. He hasn't said anything that Von Franz or Campbell or Jung didn't, in fact he's less knowledgeable than them. He's extremely intellectually dishonest or just ignorant as fuck for this. Not to mention not knowing anything about non-western philosophy, and very little about much of western tradition. He's a psychologist. That's it.

>> No.10905073

That show would have been better if Lynch cut Frost out of it tbqh