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/lit/ - Literature

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10885841 No.10885841 [Reply] [Original]

Why did you lie to me /lit/? You guys shit on these books and I just got through the first one and it was very enjoyable.

>> No.10885856

Enjoy your pleb books that have no value outside of their own sake. Who knows how many worthwhile books that could have been read when you're done with all that fluff.

>> No.10885860

Have you read them?

>> No.10885862
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A Song of Ice and Fire is very nice. It's just /lit/'s prejudice that attacks sometimes.

>> No.10885874


Fuck off retard

>> No.10885881

I got a used copy of this for free.

I got to page 30 in the first book when they were talking about a goddamn litter of puppies and skimming through, realized it was all about puppies for the next 30 pages and I left the book on the bench I was reading it on.

>> No.10885883

1-Its good
2-Getting better
4-What the hell did you do

He is in the "I don't want to write but I have to write it" stage, it will only get worse.

>> No.10885889

Getting pleasure from reading is valuable.

>> No.10885892
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Try again shitstain.

>> No.10885893

>Two copies of ADWD

>> No.10885896

There are 2 parts you fucking mong. You guys really do judge books without even knowing the first thing about them.

>> No.10885898

>>10885862 here
No, it ain't me. Try harder, poor elitist fag
I can agree with this. Book 4° has shown a real decline in quality.

>> No.10885899

They’re not bad at all, I like them. In fact they’re great fantasy. I truly believe they would be held in a higher regard, similar to BOTNS but certainly lower, if it weren’t for the television series. There would still be the “>genre fiction” detractors of course but boardwide opinion would be substantially higher overall

>> No.10885901
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>> No.10885902

Pretty much this. I stopped reading after storm of crows because it was clear he was starting to run out of interesting ideas

>> No.10885918

Literally do not get people that don't read fiction. You're telling me you grew up reading philosophy and people's autobiographies? What a pretentious boring life you must live

>> No.10885920

Why read a series of books that will never conclude?
Even if WoW is released this year or next, you will never ever get the seventh and final one. GRRM will die before finishing it. He's made his money and lost all desire to write any more, he's not an artist but a neckbeard in a fantasy land and he likely doesn't give a fuck about his legacy.

>> No.10885930

If the only thing you're getting from reading is pleasure, then it's no better than masturbation. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with masturbation, but it's also not a valuable activity, and you don't hear people trying to argue otherwise.

>> No.10885950

That's because the first one is pretty good because it actually has a proper protagonist (Ned) who has a complete and satisfying story arc. After book 1 it becomes a bloated, aimless mess.