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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 332x499, jean raspail camp de saints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10885277 No.10885277 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Times when /lit/ was right. It's incredible that this thing was written in 1973

>> No.10885298

Liberals will get assblasted but it inspired Children of Men and they love that

>> No.10885327

I like the part where he uses Indians instead of Muslims so the author doesn’t get allah snackbarred

>> No.10885477

Nobody cared about Arabs back then, the Muslim population wasn't nearly as high as it is today. Also India was much shittier back then.

It was written like 45 years ago.

My favorite part is when the one libfag's POC Union buddies lock him in a bathroom and then gang-bang and murder his wife.

>> No.10885593
File: 26 KB, 632x756, 1518137546742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Children of Men and they love that
I'm glad someone else has noticed this. Why do liberals love this so much? I watched the movie and thought it was generic but it's basically reddit's favorite movie. Is it because the last hope for humanity is a black woman?
>pic related

>> No.10885863

made me realize that people have known the truth for a long ass time but its been continually suppressed.

kinda made me lose hope

>> No.10885900

It will never end unless there is an enormous economic crisis.

>> No.10885926

Not even then. Even the social consciousness of the idea of "crisis" has been completely diluted. There was a crisis in 2008, there are terrorist attacks, domestic and otherwise, every few months. What even makes for a crisis anymore?

>> No.10885961

You basically answered yourself. Modern perceptions of a 'crisis' are not what this guy means.

Like a World War or Black Plague or peak phosphorous/ oil/ energy, ect.

Something that really strains the system, kills a lot of people. Something like it right around the corner, probably a civil war, considering how every single retard now has an extremely strong black and white political view in the USA.

>> No.10885968

>Is it because the last hope for humanity is a black woman?

Thats literally it and how superficial these idiots are, they'd probably call it a neo-nazi movie is she was white

>> No.10886325

>Something that really strains the system, kills a lot of people.
im definitely in the 'mass-die-off is necessary for quality of life to go up' camp. imo there is a finite amount of happiness in the world.

>> No.10886371

My guess is technology and automation progress that most human labor is obsolete. After that, that same technology will be used to cull the now usless labor-class and the few millions left can exist for eons with the resources on earth.

Of course, that means me, you and everyone you know will be killed off, but I figure the die-off will actually benefit the elite, just like every other societal collapse or mass die-off in history. Only this will basically be the last one.

>> No.10886377


/lit/ has never given a single shit about this book.

>> No.10886422

You know a lot about the userbase of reddit considering how much you seem to hate them

>> No.10886492

Are you implying that one should hate something despite knowing nothing of it?

>> No.10886512

>le systemz is going to collapse
this is what Americans actually believe

>> No.10886523
File: 30 KB, 312x499, ws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one i only read because of /lit/ and it was quite enjoyable

>> No.10886531

Know thy enemy

>> No.10886555

I have thought this as well

>> No.10886802

Those weren't crises. I'm talking about a Weimar level crisis.

>> No.10886853

Please, we've experienced worse with the Russian hacking of the 2016 election. It was her turn.

>> No.10886873

This, at least most crises don't last four years

>> No.10886900

>nothing bad will ever happen again PLEASE

>> No.10886945
File: 357 KB, 1273x1080, Berlin+in+1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what Americans actually believe

Ah yes, Europe, the land of eternal stability

>> No.10887062

...anybody else think that book is extremely terribly written?

>> No.10888644

bump cause im like 50 pages off the ending

>> No.10888686

I thought it was okay for most of it. I challked up the few awkward parts as being lost in translation.

The part toward the end with the French army tank platoon was pretty bad though. Would have been a better book without the army involved, since one or two tanks with determined crews could have killed every single last person on the India Star. But for some reason they just shoot a handful of people, retreat and get drunk in some guy's house.

>> No.10888691

pretty dope level on waw desu senpai

>> No.10889041

>tfw no ragtag band of nigger killers to die with in a blaze of glory after achieving a 20 k/d ratio.

you're overstating your case

>> No.10890427

I just find it incredibly disjointed and to be written in an awkward style, too "literary" for subject matter that is relatively straightforward.

>> No.10890440

Its true, he treated it more like a manifesto than a novel. In the end of the day its little elevated over the Turner Diaries

>> No.10890465

compared to what exactly?

>> No.10891130

these posts are both absolute rubbish

>> No.10891211

It's way different than the Turner Diaries.

If Camp of the Saints were written by the Turner Diaries there would have been scenes of French tankmen cleaning the compacted detrius of docile poo-men from the treads of their tanks, nuclear bombs being dropped on places where white people don't live, Greek fishermen dumping barrels of nerve agent on drowning immigrants, ect. A police captain in NYC heroically executing every black person spotted in a riot.

Camp of the Saints isn't very extreme. Whites are ignorant victims, not reactionary mass-executioners s in this book, opposed to The Turner Diaries.

>> No.10891789

i agree but you used some pretty bad examples, in camp an army dude rolls over some fag with his tank, and a greek fisherman runs over drowning migrants with his boat.

>> No.10893463

Guillermo del Toro, who just made a movie about Fucking The Creature From The Black Lagoon To Own The Drumpftards which you might have heard of because it won the Academy Award for Best Picture, directed the film adaptation. He changed the last fertile human from an English man to a black woman.
Draw your own conclusions.

>> No.10893468

Less impressive than Lothrop Stoddard's works from decades before, desu.