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10883365 No.10883365 [Reply] [Original]

what book can I read that will make me a more interesting person

>> No.10883369


reading a book doesn't make you more interesting.

writing one does.

>> No.10883371

the book of daniel

>> No.10883375

Socialism Utopian and Scientific

>> No.10883376

Bro you are an interesting person by virtue of being an individual. Read whatever your tastes fancy, express your thoughts and opinions and feelings on them, just live your life. You could make a post about a book or poem you like and why and then start up a dialogue with all of us here instead of just asking a question looking for guidance.

>> No.10883426

A Hero of Our Time, also Journey to the End of the Night. Both will clear your misconceptions about humanity, so you can start engaging with it on a more meaningful level.

Most important though is to keep a journal of funny stuff you heard said over the day (not stuff you said, things other people said that were amusing)- also write short stories regularly.

Actually, the most important is to lie your ass off. If you rely on your own life experience when talking to people you're always going to be boring and ordinary. If you invent exciting stories you're going to be larger than life and people will find you interesting. Embellish a couple good stories you pick up in your readings, and next time you go out drinking pretend they actually happened to you. Also ignore people and don't try to hard to buddy up with anybody, that will only make them despise your efforts while also taking you for granted. What's better is to occasionally flatter them while maintaining a profound inner apathy towards those around you.

>> No.10883434

Do something interesting, write it in your diary and then read your diary.

>> No.10883532

10 Ways to Become a More Interesting Person Through the Medium of Literature by Joseph Hutchinson

>> No.10884278

No book will make you more interesting, only the depth of your experience with the book will make you more interesting. If you were to read a cookbook or Harry Potter with your whole being, engaging all the aspects of yourself and reading it as consciously as possible, you’d instantly be much more interesting than an intellectual who reads Ulysses or Tolstoy in a sort of dazed reverie.

>> No.10884289

Hello mommy can I get a little yum yum of your butt

>> No.10884378

Being genuinely interested in something other than yourself makes you an interesting person.

>> No.10884724

I spoke with a smalltime published author on the train, he was dull & conceited

>> No.10884744
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quality responses ITT

>> No.10884766

>Embellish and lie

This is the "more meaningful engagement" you speak of? Collecting things you hear and read and wearing them like a toupé? Pathetic

>> No.10884773

Meet more people and discuss with them.

>> No.10884784

if you have to ask this, you probably won't be very interesting. ever.

>> No.10885314

Can I read anything that'll make me less interesting?

>> No.10885422


>> No.10885488

HG Wells you can go to hell again

>> No.10885499

anatomy of melancholy

>> No.10885508

the bible

>> No.10885520

alan watts

>> No.10885781
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>> No.10885795

>Actually, the most important is to lie your ass off.
This. It's called being a story teller. Nobody good ever told the truth, they just made shit up and so should you. Just look at Homer and Dante.

>> No.10885845

one of the few really good anime. I haven't finished it yet though lol

>> No.10886192

If you think the people around you really give a fuck about you, you're either one of the luckiest people on earth or you're self deluded in the extreme.

Most people are by nature self absorbed egoists. They don't give a crap about you just for existing. Friendship is always a give and take, where if you selflessly give too much you're taken for granted, and if you take too much you're selfish and narcissistic.

But if you give people a smile, and some complements to stroke their vanity, and some good stories to make them laugh, and can feign an optimistic and friendly attitude, they're going to genuinely enjoy your company.

I'm not saying lie about who you are as a person, but its important to reconcile the fact with the fact that nobody around you gives half a flying fuck who you are as a person, and that almost everyone is in it for themselves.

Of course if you're wealthy or look like the girl in >>10883365 then people are going to drawn to you regardless of your personality, not for any less selfish reasons, but because you offer sex appeal or material benefits.

But if you can't offer those things, or have the good sense not to want to base your social worth on something so fickle and transient, you better get good at flattering people and spinning a yarn

>> No.10886206

best response

>> No.10886217

>anectodital evidence

>> No.10886446

>And her eyes have all the seeming
>Of a semen demen dreaming
>And my jissom o'er her streaming
>Casts a puddle on the floor
>And my nose from out the buttocks
>On the backside of that whore
>Shall keep sniffing moar, moar, MOAR!

>> No.10886549

Any poetry of your choice. Then read it out loud in a company, pretending it actually fits the situation.

>> No.10887286


not bad

>> No.10887817


>> No.10887893

*tips fedora*

>> No.10887971
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>> No.10888347
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Read a cookbook. Learn to cook. Then you will be useful. That would be interesting, yes?

>> No.10888599

Can you suggest one in particular?

I would start with Eduard de Pomaine's French Cooking in Ten Minutes, or maybe an America's Test Kitchen cookbook, but I don't own a lot of cookbooks.

>> No.10888822

you're shallow and your advice is evil

>> No.10888864


Always get a good laugh at neet autists with no friends thinking they understand humans in general.

>> No.10888916

Different anon.

I have spoken to every smalltime published author. Yes, all of them. They are all dull and conceited.

Except Chuck Tingle - He writes the way he talks. It's pretty cool.

>> No.10888947

Bouchon, Thomas Keller.

This will teach you how to cook.

>> No.10888987

>If you think the people around you really give a fuck about you
Almost everyone that you meet in civil society gives a fuck about you enough to not want to bring immediate physical harm to you. And that isn't because they're looking out for their own self-interest in not wanting to be arrested for being physically violent, they legitimately don't want to hurt you.

And that is just the strangers. That is nothing to say of all the friends and family that surround most people and have their immediate welfare as a primary concern.

>you're self deluded in the extreme.
The irony. Stop shilling your paranoid nihilism. Go out and be friendly to people. Actually give a shit about them. And you might find to your shock and surprise that they start to give a shit about you as well.

>> No.10889931
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The Greeks

>> No.10889948

Being interesting means being interested. When you are interested in another person, you are interesting.

>> No.10890097
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>your whole being, engaging all the aspects of yourself and reading it as consciously as possible
literally how

>> No.10890324

Realistically speaking, now days, I just use google to find recipes I need. I started by using my Grandmas "Joy of Cooking" many years ago. The most recent one I've found interesting is titled "Ratio" by Ruhlman.