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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 45 KB, 250x380, MalazanBookOfTheFallen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10883200 No.10883200 [Reply] [Original]

Finally after all this time found the one fantasy series that isn't literal garbage.

>> No.10883332
File: 14 KB, 265x400, 9780261103252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it is literal garbage, anon. It just isn't a good story. There's no character development at all.
There's no pay off to build ups. It's telling you and not showing you and not in the good way like Cormac McCarthy.
This could all be excusable if it had been good as literature, but it's not that either.
We don't get to know any of our characters. We just have to assume their inner thoughts and feelings. We don't actually know why they do what they do. He tries to hide this by constantly bringing out new characters and new flashy settings, but it's all so empty and vague.
I wanted to bite into something and to fall in love like I had with Tolkien.
But he doesn't even come close.
Pic related in the best fantasy series, and, at least so far, it's the only fantasy series worth reading.

>> No.10883350
File: 45 KB, 380x515, memories of ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malazan is God tier fantasy. i dare say the ONLY God tier fantasy in existence. because of that, and because of it's length, anyone who says it is NOT god tier fantasy has not even finished the first book e.g. this first poster >>10883332 who claims "there's no payoff to buildups" LOL! Malazan is literally the ultimate buildup/payoff literature. never before has there been such epic builups and payoffs.
People who refuse to get into it (looking at you again, first poster) have too low an attention span to take off the rose tinted glasses and realize that yes, if you invest the time, something CAN surpass the precious sacred Tolkien
I don't even like to get worked up about it anymore because it's really reached meme status to say Malazan is good and then have someone immediately say the same stuff about it (too long, no development, bad characters, etc. etc.)
yes, i will admit, the first book is mediocre, and the second book is kind of overcooked, but once you hit Memories of Ice, the shit BLOWS UP
alright i'm done preaching, i'm not even getting paid to say this shit. go ahead and send me a check if you want, Mr. Erikson (yes i'm aware that's a pseudonym)