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/lit/ - Literature

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10882320 No.10882320 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10882323

The contemporary lit scene is so shit I'm glad he got it. I hope they give the next one to Obama

>> No.10882561

We all got it commin. Deserve is fantasy. Now which one of you assholes stole my H&K USP 45?
Also, I have no idea who the guy in the pic is, but he deserved whatever happened.

>> No.10882564

Leonard cohen is better

>> No.10882571

Dylan deserved the Oscar just for Jimmy Hendricks’s guitar solo on “There Must Be Some Kind of Way Out of Here.”

>> No.10882621

>Jimmy Hendricks's

dear god...

>> No.10882646

Beat me to it.

>> No.10882685

Yeah was coming to write this.

>> No.10882697


>> No.10882714

He very much did. He's a genius.

>> No.10882731

Oh please. Cohen is like Auden in stature. Dylan is like Homer or Shakespeare.

>> No.10882781

Joanna Newsom or Bob Dylan

>> No.10882795


this is all i imagine when i see bob dylan

>> No.10882801

Lol I love that show and Dylan but had never seen that.

>> No.10882854

Joni Mitchell deserves it more than him.

>> No.10882857

This is true.

>> No.10882861

If you're a child.

>> No.10882880

lol no. She was a better musician, but nowhere near as good a lyricist

>> No.10882891

Three 6 Mafia unironically deserves it more because "Sucks on Dick" is better written than 99% of Dylan's oeuvre

>> No.10882960

people who say he doesn't deserve it are retards who've only listened to a handful of his most popular songs and like murakami.

>> No.10882967

Music is not literature.
Posts about Bob Dylan or any other lyricists should be directed to >>>/mu/. Thanks for understanding.

>> No.10882975

Go cry about it.

>> No.10882987

Dude it could have been Roth.

>> No.10882991

It could have been if he had a shred of talent.

>> No.10883004
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oh I'm triggered.

Even if the Nathan Zuckerman books or American Pastoral, Human Stain etc. aren't your thing, Sabbath's Theater, Goodbye Columbus and Portnoy's Complaint are incredible. Especially Sabbath's Theater.

>> No.10883007


As if that is even in the top five worst things about that post.

>> No.10883009

They all suck and so do you.

>> No.10883014
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>> No.10883020


First time I've ever seen some love for Joni on the godforsaken site.

I've listened to Clouds, Blue, and Hejira front to back at least forty times in the last three years.

>> No.10883024

She has a lesser known track called "Night Ride Home" that I really like. She's nothing compared to Mr. Zimmerman though.

>> No.10883057


Agree with the music/lyricist comparison. The melodies and her musicianship are among the best from the 69-76 era. Great stuff.

I like Neil Young better than them both, though.

>> No.10883507


>> No.10883524

lmao even lit should be better than this. Cohen is nothing.

>> No.10883545

Jewish nepotism in action

>> No.10883572

Nobel Committees are mostly white and have historically been dominated by whites, there is no nepotism going on with Fields Medals and Nobels for Jews, only dominance which fills you with R E S S E N T I M E N T

>> No.10883575

god tier musician

>> No.10883584

wonderful musician, possibly one of the greatest songwriters in all of pop music.
McCarthy should have won though, if they were set on giving it to an American. Him, or Pynchon.

>> No.10883836

He's a pop artist of little musical value. Good for boomers and their brainwashed descendants, not good for those with taste. Giving him the Nobel literature prize is like giving Geoff Johns an Nobel literature prize, done for press.

>> No.10883855

t. sara

>> No.10883881

We should move this dead thread into talking about why Leonard Cohen is better than Bob Dylan.

>> No.10884078
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phil ochs is cuter than both tho

>> No.10884110
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shoulda given it to MC Ride

>> No.10884147

Tell me your favourite Neil Young album

>> No.10884157

Bob Dylan can't write meter. There's not a single formal poem of his in which he doesn't struggle with meter, inserting weird slangs and manners of speech which do not fit in very well with the overall style of the thing. He also doesn't know when you should/shouldn't rhyme, and he usually inserts a rhyme whenever he can, just for the sake of it, as if possessed by the old infantile idea that 'poetry is what rhymes'.

Not only that, but he often has no control over his own tendency to speak a lot, and ends up writing things that sound simply ridiculous. As a result, it's impossible to find a poem of his in which there aren't at least some five or ten lines that should be completely eliminated from it.

He's very talented, but has no training. He's not a proper poet. It's like the Brazilian football player Ronaldo after he got fat: great potential and creativity but with low effort and weak achievements.

>> No.10884170
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>the nobel prize is a weak achievment

>> No.10884194

The Nobel is not a literary achievement, because it's not a book, nor a poem, nor a great public speech, nor anything of the kind. It's a prize given for those who are seen as having made great literary achievements, but the Swedish Academy often chooses as laureates those whose works are average at best.

I defy you to prove me Dario Fo and Bertrand Russell were great writers.

>> No.10884232

Youre breakdown of why you think he didn't deserve it relied was adam neely-tier. You look at all the ingredients, which are important, but not the finished product, which in Dylan's case was phenomenal.

>> No.10884280

The product is the result of the ingredients. If you mix bad sense of rhythm with verbosity the result will not be a great poem, even though you might add one or two interesting ideas and images into it. Dylan's poems are full of flaws.

>> No.10884436

Bob is the Shakespeare of songwriting.

I don’t know if he deserved the Nobel Prize for literature, but I look up to him artistically. In terms of lyricism he is stratospheric. Cohen wrote Hallelujah which is the best written song ever, but Bob wrote 20-30 songs that come within a hairs breadth of that song.

Not many can write 20-30 songs that could be in the argument for best lyrics of all time. After Dylan I’d say Cohen and Neil Young are pretty special, and then Joni plus a few others, but no one has the breadth of accomplishment that Bob Dylan has.

>> No.10884440

>It's like the Brazilian football player Ronaldo after he got fat: great potential and creativity but with low effort and weak achievements.

You really think based tubby Ronaldo had weak achievements? He won the World Cup, the champions league, World Player of the Year, played for Real Madrid, the undisputed best at the time (back when Barcelona was much weaker) what more is there to achieve? He just got old and chunky.

>> No.10884446
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Bob was fucking pretty back in the day

>> No.10884460


>> No.10884467

She gets love on /mu/

>> No.10884504

Really? I doubt, show me a thread

>> No.10884530

Some random questions: Is it worth reading the last two Zuck books? What's your favorite and least favorite of his works? My favorite is Zuck book 2.

>> No.10884682

>this fucking niggerloving hippie gets a lit award
>my man banjo motherfucking patterson gets nothing
On the outer Barcoo where the churches are few,
And men of religion are scanty,
On a road never cross'd 'cept by folk that are lost,
One Michael Magee had a shanty.

Now this Mike was the dad of a ten-year-old lad,
Plump, healthy, and stoutly conditioned;
He was strong as the best, but poor Mike had no rest
For the youngster had never been christened,

And his wife used to cry, "If the darlin' should die
Saint Peter would not recognise him."
But by luck he survived till a preacher arrived,
Who agreed straightaway to baptise him.

Now the artful young rogue, while they held their collogue,
With his ear to the keyhole was listenin',
And he muttered in fright while his features turned white,
"What the divil and all is this christenin'?"

He was none of your dolts, he had seen them brand colts,
And it seemed to his small understanding,
If the man in the frock made him one of the flock,
It must mean something very like branding.

So away with a rush he set off for the bush,
While the tears in his eyelids they glistened-
"'Tis outrageous," says he, "to brand youngsters like me,
I'll be dashed if I'll stop to be christened!"

Like a young native dog he ran into a log,
And his father with language uncivil,
Never heeding the "praste" cried aloud in his haste,
"Come out and be christened, you divil!"

But he lay there as snug as a bug in a rug,
And his parents in vain might reprove him,
Till his reverence spoke (he was fond of a joke)
"I've a notion," says he, "that'll move him."

"Poke a stick up the log, give the spalpeen a prog;
Poke him aisy-don't hurt him or maim him,
'Tis not long that he'll stand, I've the water at hand,
As he rushes out this end I'll name him.

"Here he comes, and for shame! ye've forgotten the name-
Is it Patsy or Michael or Dinnis?"
Here the youngster ran out, and the priest gave a shout-
"Take your chance, anyhow, wid 'Maginnis'!"

As the howling young cub ran away to the scrub
Where he knew that pursuit would be risky,
The priest, as he fled, flung a flask at his head
That was labelled "Maginnis's Whisky!"

And Maginnis Magee has been made a J.P.,
And the one thing he hates more than sin is
To be asked by the folk who have heard of the joke,
How he came to be christened "Maginnis"!

>> No.10884714



>> No.10884726

Bob Dylan killed genuine folk music in music. He's part of the reason why we have so little outside of popular culture today, and it's sad that the nobel committee wants to celebrate that.

>> No.10884742

My new poem is better than anything Dylan ever wrote:


My tongue came out of her so filled with piss
That I could not but scream: ''Hey, what is this?''

She then responded ''Well, you know, it happens -
Just like some asses sometimes got some crap in,

So do some pussies come so filled with piss,
That you can only wonder why this is...''

''Fuck off' 'I interrupted, ''How can you
Treat me like this? Do you like scat too?!''

She answered: ''Off with insults! I'm a woman!
And I can piss, and fart, and vomit too, man!''

Then I: ''Oh well, then come a golden shower!
Come piss on me, and sing for women's power!''

She then got up and and loudly went away,
Almost breaking the door along the way.

While I, alone, remained inside my room,
Dreaming about the rivers of the moon.

>> No.10884751

No. After he got fat he barely achieved anything, and came back to Brazil, where it was easier to score goals.

Before he had gotten so fat, he used to be one of the great strikers of footballing history.

>> No.10884834

>Cohen wrote Hallelujah which is the best written song ever

>> No.10884838

That's one of his worst songs.

>> No.10885205


1. On the Beach (mostly because of the final three tracks)
2. Rust Never Sleeps
3. Two-way tie for Tonights the Night/After the Gold Rush

>> No.10885222

>1. On the Beach
Fantastic taste my friend.

>> No.10885359

You're missing the point entirely

>> No.10885387

most of my favorite songs are Bob Dylan songs, ask me anything

>> No.10885425

both Jimi and Dylan would be at the very top of my list of my favorite musicians of all time but that made me kek

>> No.10885668

You’re being contrarian for the sake of it.

>> No.10885774

Issue is that there are a shit ton of music awards already. Why do they need to steal lit awards?

>> No.10885805
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>Lenny Cohn is better

>> No.10885850

Townes van Zandt is better

>> No.10886557

t. steve earle

(though he basically admitted he didn't believe it and just wanted to up his idol who he thought deserved greater success and recognition).

>> No.10886590
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Bobu Dyran? Reary? Where is my fucking plize???

>> No.10886594

Jimmy's Hendricks's

>> No.10886600
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*blocks your prize*

Nothin personnel old chap

>> No.10888016

he is. dylan only did it for the fame and money

>> No.10888026

an accurate statement, a /lit/ novelty

>> No.10888044

As far as english writer goes... it should have been Stoppard.

>> No.10888069
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roddy frame is better

>> No.10888642


Thanks. Glad to hear there's someone else who appreciates Neil for something other than Heart of Gold.

Nice trips, btw.

>> No.10888701

Raindrop (drip), drop top (drop top)
Smokin' on cookie in the hotbox (cookie)
Fuckin' on your bitch, she a thot, thot (thot)
Cookin' up dope in the crockpot (pot)