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10882101 No.10882101 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on the expanse?

>> No.10882860

pretty fun space adventures

>> No.10882878


I wish it was less opera and more space because the period of time relative to a civilization's development is really interesting (i.e depicting a civilization that is not quite there yet regarding capacity for interstellar travel but is advanced enough to effectively colonize the immediate surroundings of the host star system). Alas, I can more or less stand the shitty romances and bromances inbetween the cool space stuff.

>> No.10883192

I've wanted to read this for a while, But now that I see Martin has written a blurb on it Im not so sure...

>> No.10883385

less opera?

so i guess they need less of the steely-thewed infallible granite-jawed hero rescuing the simpering woman from the hideous aliens thing, and more of the flying-ships-about-in-space thing?

you know i'm being sarcastic, right?

>> No.10883395

if you let that sort of distinction decide for you, you may as well read nothing. there is someone you don't like who approves of pretty much everything.