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File: 707 KB, 393x625, Hildegarden von Bingen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10880759 No.10880759 [Reply] [Original]

How do i get into christian mysticism? Guides and personal recommendations are gladly welcomed on this thread.

I personally have couple years of background on eastern thought and in this year i decided to get into western one. I have read Bible, St. John Climacus Ladder of Divine Ascent and some Meister Eckharts work. I have also listened a lot of music on drugs composed by Hildegarden von Bingen and it totally striked deep into me. I borrowed some of her literature and thoughts on if it is worth reading would be nice.

>> No.10881301
File: 275 KB, 628x640, Hildegard von Bingen - Canticles Of Ecstasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10881332

Sayings of the Desert Fathers
Don't do drugs.

>> No.10881662


>> No.10881781
File: 43 KB, 341x499, 26C9503A-F6F1-4491-A913-488515E423F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladder of Divine Ascent is good. So is (the superior non-Tolle) Eckhart.

Introduction to the Devout Life and Imitation of Christ are also excellent entry level Christian mysticism.

Interior Castle and Mirror of Simple Souls (slightly heretical [free-spirit movement {Vaneigem has a SI/Post-Marxist take book}]) for female mysticism.

Swedenborg, Blake, and Boehme for Protestant stuff...

Might I suggest Hellenic mysticism? Influenced Christianity quite a bit... Pic related is good for cross-cultural comparison and evidence of transmission. Also: Hadot, Kingsley, and Uzdavinys for more Hellenic and even Kemetic mysticism. I like western esotericism too, Hanegraaf is great for the hermetic and gnostic underground (the tantric alchemy of the west).

There's also an Oxford Guide to Christian Mysticism which could provide more guidance...

>> No.10881819

This is also good. I hear the Philokalia is also nice for Eastern Orthodox stuff (still West, right?).

>> No.10881826

Do you practice and pray and attend service? This is just as important as yoga or meditation and visiting ashrams or sanghas is in studying Eastern traditions.

>> No.10882012

Imitation of Christ and Philokalia are those big ones that i'm going to read. That thomas mcevilley books seems also nice. Hellenistic mysticism and gnostisism and all pre middle age religions that lived with christianity in europe and middle east also really interest me when i'm saying that i'm interested in western thought. It would be nice to find essential literature from those exotic religions.

>Do you practice and pray and attend service?
Well i got into spirituality 2 years ago with Buddism and i have been ever since practiced zazen as a formal practice and mindfullnes in daily life. I have also practiced self inquiry by Sri Ramana Maharshi and got into yoga practice half year ago. I'm pretty much trying different stuff out. I have read that christian prayer practices are somewhat similar to buddist meditation so i haven't seen point to get start practicing that. I don't have that much knowledge about it so getting info about those practices would be nice. I have got Lutheranistic teachings as a child but they really didn't resonate with me and i actually went to church last sunday and it didn't resonate with me even this time. I live in northern europe in mainly protestant country and that going to church thing seems to be more social event than event to get individual closer to God in here.

I'm really tired and my english isn't that good so this might be really badly written post. sorry for that.

>> No.10882057

>"im simply trying stuff out
Dont. Nothing is going to "click". Find one and stick to it the rest of your life.

All pathways to God also lead to Christ, as they are on the same path eventually.

>> No.10882088
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You shouldn't. Christian Mysticism is a reward for penitent Christians already several years into their spiritual journey within an Orthodox/Catholic Church. What you are contemplating is prelest, an arrogance born from anti-humility that immediately demands the fruits that are earned from years of spiritual work:

Remember the words of the angel to St Anthony:
>Abba Anthony said, "I saw the snares that the enemy spreads out over the world and I said groaning, "What can get through from such snares?" Then I heard a voice saying to me, Humility.

Inner union with God is the reward of years of spiritual work within the Church. Don't be arrogent, start on the bottom rung of Jacob's ladder with the humility deserving of the penitent approaching God. Go to Church, speak with the priest and join a spiritual exercise group with them.

>> No.10882535

What's the relevance of drugs?

>> No.10882539

Drugs cover parts of God up, and youll only witness those parts of God when you stop using.

>> No.10882810

Where did you get that information or is that a conclusion you came through first hand experience?

>> No.10882827

cheating to see the Divine
its obvious really

>> No.10882836

repetition, fasting and sensory overload have the same effects as drugs can anon.

>> No.10882879

no they don’t something being on a similar spectrum of experience doesn’t make it the same experience. all of that shit is also cheating

>> No.10883153

>all of that shit is also cheating
So doesnt that rule out almost any form of mysticism?

>> No.10884188

Bumping because im also interested in gnostisism.
Didnt drugs play a big role of developement of ancient spiritual traditiins? Like soma haoma kykeon and shamanistic rituals?

>> No.10884197

yes, most forms of mysticism get axed. you’re learning quickly

>> No.10884946


>> No.10884981

Maybe, but in the context of Christianity all other mysticism are simply satanic.

>> No.10885086

>but in the context of Christianity all other mysticism are simply satanic.
You imply God doesn't act out there, changing the hearts of men. Consider for a moment that God can replace us with rocks.

>> No.10885093

>For it is not the hearers of the Law who are righteous before God, but it is the doers of the Law who will be declared righteous. 14Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the Law, do by nature what the Law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the Law, 15since they show that the work of the Law is written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts either accusing or defending them

>> No.10885106

I imply that God acts through sacraments and that the only proper way of reaching him. Natural reason may lead man to certain things about God and help him know the moral law, but any non Christian mystical experience is inherently false, satanic or both.

>> No.10885154

>I imply that God acts through sacraments and that the only proper way of reaching him.
There is no methodology for reaching God. No algorithm for heaven; Faith is a gift. The Saint Paul quote explains how God operates. The kingdom of God is within all men.

How many sacraments do monks do? They lack marriage, after all. Of course, the earthly sacrament is a representation of the real deal, and in heaven the true marriage and life happen. But when we push it to this point, I find it hard to discern who enters and who doesn't. I find it a relief that it is God who chooses.

>> No.10885237
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>> No.10885836

anyone who thinks drugs are somehow different than internal experiences is a filthy materialist

>> No.10885846

you go looking for holy relics

>> No.10885851

Freemasonry is essentially Christian Mysticism.

Read the book "The Meaning of Masonry" by W.L. Wilhelm.

>> No.10885864

Read Dark Night of the Soul by Saint John of the Cross (Peers translation). Read Interior Castle by Saint Teresa of Avila (whatever you do, do NOT get the Starr translation).

>> No.10886362

What are you: circumcised through water or circumcised in the heart?

>> No.10886479

A Course in Miracles

>> No.10886601

You need to be confirmed in the Catholic or Orthodox faith, pray, and attend Sunday Mass. And stop doing drugs.


Protestantism begone.

>> No.10886612

Fake and gay

>> No.10886961
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*Cambridge Guide to Christian Mysticism not Oxford

>> No.10886967

>but any non Christian mystical experience is inherently false, satanic or both

>> No.10886991

Platon and Aristotles comprehended the Logos better than the average Catholic and truly deserve the name of Christians despite existing outside of/before Christ.

>> No.10887005

Truly the profane masses do not deserve such a sacred explication!

>> No.10887008

>and truly deserve the name of Christians
They would not have accepted christ at all, he didn't understand the Dialectic and Plato was not in agreement with Aristotle, Aristotle did not teach Platonism, Plotinus did, and neither of them were talking about Christ at any time at all. The Logos is a metaphysical concept, the One is a metaphysical abstraction, the Soul is a metaphysical object, there is no need for a church, rituals, prayer or forgiveness.
>despite existing before Christ
yes, Christ was made physical by Judeo-Greeks who came into contact with Hermeticism and Platonism, they were not anticipations of Christ, Christians made that up and sold it to philosophers who were pagan to convert them. there was nothing at all in the Timaeus or Republic about Christ or Sin or Christian morality, and there is nothing in the Corpus Hermeticum that talks about Christ or the End of the World, and there's nothing in the Enneads that remotely resembles christ's teachings in the NT. Gnosticism is the closest thing to Platonism and Hermeticism and it still does not grasp the full breadth of their understandings, however its own views, are incredible, and beautiful, but they're rejected by the Church and 99.99% of Christians. You people should stop trying to cannibalize everything.

>> No.10887057

Christ taught a way of life. Any metaphysical speculation is inferior to this understanding. Those philosophers, pagan, christian, ancient, modern, and postmodern, who sought to live the good life, despite its burdens, have lived in a Christlike manner despite any heterodoxy of metaphysical speculation. Orthopraxis>orthodoxy...

>> No.10887347

Can't deny it in a mysticism thread, can you, pharisees?

>> No.10887372
File: 22 KB, 657x527, apuFr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10887630

The mystic must travel through darkness. This is the real significance of Plato's cave allegory. To use Schopenhauer's language: the false light of this world is the will to live, to tolerate pain only for the sake of pleasure. The reason every man, woman, and child is not horrified of death and of the fact that their existence is a reproduction of a reproduction is because the will to live inside of them is itself immortal and immune to the triviality of the individual. Thus, the mystic, already predisposed to contemplation will begin to feel more and more at odds with the inescapable momentum of life itself. He must ultimately come to the realization that the will to live is completely at odds with his tendency to feel compassion for himself and for all living things as individuals. More and more it will become apparent that his own impulses always come at the expense of someone else, and every time he fills his belly it begins to feel hungry again. His heart desires permanence, real change and transformation but it is clear that this is not to be found in life, which is merely a ceaseless repetition. Thus, the mystic must come to know his greatest foe: suffering, the very thing that seems most cold, the harbinger of absolute annihilation. This great power of suffering he must learn to respect. For if suffering is the oppression of life, of the will to live, then to the mystic it is not a foe but an ally. It is the power which will break his will, in order that he may be freed from the vapidity of life. And thus he becomes friends with the very thing which is darkness to all others, and utter obscurity. There is nothing to save him but grace, and he cannot even cling to despair or take his own life, for this is merely the very will to live struggling against its old enemy. If he does not let go of this world in all its parts he is carried downstream with all the rest, toward no end. Take solace that the world is utter vanity and ignorance, and that in it one finds no rest. If it appears otherwise and still holds light for you, if your own bed does not feel cold to you, it will be vain to strive for something you will never understand.

>> No.10887652

>This is the real significance of Plato's cave allegory
you should be kicked in the mouth once hard
>Christ taught a way of life
no this is just something Christians say to subsume everyone into their amoebic membrane of belief and to appeal to authority when people question the church
>Any metaphysical speculation is inferior to this understanding
yes, I know you don't care at all about philosophy you're just a christfaggot who was trying to get a foot in the door, that's why I was so curt with you
>Those philosophers, pagan, christian, ancient, modern, and postmodern
should not put them together
>who sought to live the good life
many of them didn't and many of them had completely contradictory ideas as to how to do this, so I know you're being dishonest and trying to include Christianity in this group
>have lived in a Christlike manner despite any heterodoxy of metaphysical speculation.
no one was arguing for orthodoxy, philosophy isn't structured the same way as the Church anon, you're framing the discourse as being in the house of Christfaggotry not the ideas and schools that ran along side it or diverged from it or never led to it, again basically a fraudster
i can deny anything I want, especially when someone is being dishonest about philosophy and mysticism to try to convert people to a blood cult semitic demon religion

>> No.10887703 [DELETED] 

are you that schitzo guy from the other thread?

sup mane.

>> No.10888520

Getting buttmad is not a good show for convincing people you're enlightened...

>> No.10888750

>catholic or orthodox
Someone hasn’t read his John Romanides

>> No.10889475

why tho

>> No.10889486

>stops pretending to care about religion and mysticism
>devolves into monkey rape insults

>> No.10889491

mysticism is bad for business

>> No.10889693

>calls Christians faggots
>is upset about rightly being called buttflustered
Top kek

>> No.10890114

Ignore the ones telling you to join the roman church, if you are looking for christian mysticism it is the orthodox church you want

>> No.10890604

Or better yet don't go to church at all.
Study scripture, pray, worship, and think for yourself.

>> No.10891048
File: 15 KB, 226x309, tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bored and slightly drunk so I'll explain an important mystical concept of esoteric Christianity as it is taught by Freemasons.

So the Tower of Babel story is the most important in Freemasonry. The idea is that ancient men built this tower to be closer to God or to rival God. It is allegory. The idea is men are divided and polarized to prevent Man from rivaling or reaching God-like status. The builders of the tower of Babel were masonry workers, humbly stacking bricks into a mountain. This is why they are call Freemasons. The symbolism is that they can elevate themselves again to God-like power if they unite all humans again wiith the same language and drive them to work on the same project. Freemasons are like those bricklayers stacking bricks to reach the heavens.

Also Freemasonry uses metaphors and symbolism to act as pleb-filter. You must riddle out the real meanings behind the symbols they use. The highest degrees realize reincarnation is real. You build yourself to not just worship Jesus, but to become more like him, ect.

This is modernish Christian Mystism, historically Christianity was very esoteric and much of that has been lost. The building of the tower of Babel and the building of the Temple Mount were allegories Freemasons absolutely fixated on but the Bible is massive and once there were similarly esoteric cults derived from virtually every item of the Bible.

>> No.10891077

>once there were similarly esoteric cults derived from virtually every item of the Bible

>> No.10891159

Catholic cults about Mary, still around. There were esoteric groups Early cults focused on the war of the heavens, categorizing and naming all the various celestial warlords and angels, ect. Early cults that advocated incest, ect. Baptists, were invented and still around. Nothing in the Bible supports these heresies but they've went from esoteric to mainstream in 2000 years.

Basically anything you can think of. Christianity was very esoteric then. Almost all of them were harshly destroyed once the Roman Empire adopted the religion and even more when Roman society collapsed.

>> No.10891196

>Almost all of them were harshly destroyed once the Roman Empire adopted the religion and even more when Roman society collapsed.
And again in the 12th century heresies emerged which spawned the Inquisition... Is it really all just le dialectics?

>> No.10891247

I would say, the Bible was written deliberately vague so intelligent people would study it and arrive to deeper truths. Some cults or esoteric societies will always pick up these interpretations so none of these cults will ever go away.

I cite Freemasonry because it has a very ironclad interpretation and indeed the concepts originate from pre-Christian rites from ancient Eygpt and the suchlike.

You can see Freemason though among the worldly elites, the ones that deign to be religious. The teachings synergies extremely closely with the ideas of globalist, technocratic people.

>> No.10891373

no it wasn’t at all because occult doctrine isn’t vague you fucking nigger

>> No.10891558

Tell me about Hiram Key.