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/lit/ - Literature

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10880548 No.10880548 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I read him ?

>> No.10880556
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>> No.10880576

It is an essential first step in understanding the nu-male.

>> No.10880580

Because it's fun.
Because, while he may not be perfect, he's still pretty good.
Because being popular does not make something bad.
Because his writing was apparently good enough to cause an entire genre to mold itself around him.
Because he clearly put thought and effort into his worldbuilding and, while it may not be perfect, is capable of being compelling.

>> No.10880601

I mean come on: modern fantasy works are almost entirely defined by how close they come to Tolkien. You don't pull THAT off by being shit.

>> No.10880603
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>book that ex-spy, special forces, wwii veteran, direct ancestor to Charlemagne reads on a yearly basis

but really if you need convincing, just dont bother

>> No.10880635

Because Tolkien synthesized European mythology in a modern palatable form while maintaining good English prose. If you didn't read it from 13-18~ you were simply cut off from our cultural patrimony.

To go a step further and consult Jung, Tolkien performed something monumentally important which was to update the delicate mechanisms of cultural transmission so that the metastory and metanarratives in our ancestral tales is able to be understood, which is necessary for our collective unconscious to be made available to our waking selves.

also there's no niggers in it which is good

>> No.10880677

>and there's no niggers

Why is Tolkien fanbase so obsessed with heritage ? Honestly tho

>> No.10880685

why are liberals so obsessed with niggers? honestly though.

>> No.10880687

low IQ spotted

>> No.10880693

Because, they were slaves.
Because, they built the pyramids.
Because they were kings.
Because We stole Their culture.
Because they are smarter than us.
Because they are the greatest artists, writers, and musicians.
Because they didn't do nothing.

>> No.10880697

Hey low IQ here.

Now answer.

>> No.10880708

literally every chapter in LOTR has prolific reference to heritage, and how it directly affects someone's physical features and ability to alter fate. this is either because it's simulating the European pagan tradition of ancestor worship or because Tolkien wanted to intone that value in his work. Either way he signed off on it and his fans have picked it up

now fuck off brainlet

>> No.10880711

well for one, not wanting niggers everywhere and being obsessed with heritage have no connection. does it mean youre obsessed with heritage also if you do want niggers?

>> No.10880720

yeah in addition to that, one of the main villains are called the black numenoreons. what do you think Tolkien meant by that? They were of the African American race, obviously

>> No.10880732

I didn't brought in the niggers while discussing fantasy as a point in favor.
Was it necessary ?

>> No.10880736

The absence of niggers actually

>> No.10880742

Tolkien wasn't a white supremacist
>I do not regard the (probable) absence of all Jewish blood as necessarily honourable; and I have many Jewish friends, and should regret giving any colour to the notion that I subscribed to the wholly pernicious and unscientific race-doctrine."
>"I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware no one of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people."
From Letters 29 and 30 in The Letters of JRR Tolkien

>> No.10880747
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>white supremacist
this phrase has no meaning

try again sweetie

>> No.10880748

>someone mentions that they like the fact that the book isn't filled with niggers in a thread talking about why people like the book

do you also get your panties in a twist if someone talks about how nice it is to see so many niggers in black panther?

>> No.10880762

Again, you are rambling about skin color and what not .
Why is that? Are you frustrated ?
It's a fantasy book, don't assume anyone would care about you taking the discussion to your hateful little delusional world.

>> No.10880783

what point are you even trying to make? you type like youre making tumbler posts for liberals to circle jerk over

are you actually just a mad nigger because the white man is getting tired of your shit and you may not get a free ride anymore?

>its ok when blacks want movies and books full of blacks
>its not ok if whites want movies and books full of whites

make an actual point or argument other than telling me you got triggered because someone said nigger

>> No.10880787

Poor man.
Respect yourself more

>> No.10880790

Preach it sista papa bless *likes*

>> No.10880794

>i was only pretending to be retarded therefore i win the argument

literally the only thing liberals can bring to the table

>> No.10880797

Spotted the american

>> No.10880814
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>using African American to refer to blacks in the context of a high fantasy world written by an English author

>> No.10880824

`spotted the faggot

>> No.10880827 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10880882

I didn't know Slavs squatted so early in their history.

>> No.10880907
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>reminder that the west has failed and youre doomed to live out your days hiding in the hills under the rule of cruel men

>> No.10880960

>direct ancestor to Charlemagne

didnt know that geezer was THAT old.

>> No.10881699


I was coincidentally reading "Modern Man in Search of a Soul" at the same time as "The Silmarillion". Interesting co-read, especially Psychology and Literature.

>> No.10881738

>it's another /pol/ shits up another thread episode
Can this series just be fucking cancelled already?

>> No.10882034

pure reddit

>> No.10882081

Not liking /pol/ is /his/,/lit/, and /Sci/, any serious reader has a strong dislike for the stupid bias that goes on in /pol/, sorry.

>> No.10882458
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>any serious reader has a strong dislike for the stupid bias that goes on in /pol/, sorry.
>dislike for the stupid bias
>says the anon who dismisses ideas and opinions he perceives to be associated with groups he doesnt like

really uh...gets the ummm...noggin...

>> No.10882461

Listen bud, they are fucking Nazis, ok?

>> No.10882463

if I ever saw an anime demon in real life i'd set it on fire and then merc anyone who tried to stop me. that thing is fucking disgusting it looks sick and like it was made by a pedophile on acid
this is disgusting, you should be ashamed of this post. /pol/ is awful, but you need to back too

>> No.10882865

Because he makes you want to fight evil and be good. He doesn't make good choices easy, but he does make them clear.

>> No.10883392

He's garbage.

>> No.10883471

It's a balm for the loss of childhood.

>> No.10883823

The southern Haradim are black.

>> No.10884307

>also there's no niggers in it which is good
Except for the Haradrim.

>> No.10884315

why are niggers so put out when other people don't want them? can't they do anything for themselves?

>> No.10884316


>> No.10885392

>>>/idpol/ should go back, desu

>> No.10885446

No Adidas jacket, though. What a pleb.

>> No.10886025

I have been waiting for more of this to come to fruition due to the disjunctive nature of this moniker. Even Ken Hamblin found fault with it:
>I'm not African-American. I'm Jamaican.

>> No.10886042

literally everyone knows its retarded anon. liberals just like to use it to be annoying and passive aggressive whenever they overhear someone say black

>> No.10886448

Basement lint
Unwanted Refuse
Is what Tolkien is...

>> No.10887947

>liberals just like to use it to be annoying and passive aggressive
That's what makes it so funny.