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1087942 No.1087942 [Reply] [Original]

Hello again, e/lit/es.
What's your favorite word in the English language and why? Also, if it's an uncommon word, can you give us the definition?

My favorite word is "apotheosis". It has an excellent sound to it, and I rather like its meaning. I first read it in the opening pages of The Gunslinger, and I became instantly infatuated with it.

Definition: 1) The elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god. 2) The ideal example; epitome; quintessence.

>> No.1087956

inb4 cellar door

>> No.1087960


>> No.1087962

that's two words, dumbfuck.

>> No.1087961

cellar door is a phrase, numb nuts.

>> No.1087966

Oh cool.
Why, and what the fuck does it mean.

>> No.1087967


or possibly perfidy

yes, penury

>> No.1087972


>> No.1087973


Because I haven't found a place to use it in a story yet.

>> No.1087979


>> No.1087983

Whenever this question comes up people who have seen Donnie Darko too much regurgitate this answer.

>> No.1087999

Just because it sounds cool.
If you don't know what shadows are, you're retarded.

>> No.1088009

What answer?

>> No.1088013

you managed to fail

>> No.1088031

What? SCUBA's a cool word.
Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.
And it sounds cute.
WTF is wrong with it?

>> No.1088033

Triples. Check 'em.

>> No.1088036


>> No.1088059

I'm seeing an awful lot of words, and little to no explanations OR definitions.

Come on guys, step up.

>> No.1088072

lol if your too stupid to know what those words mean

>> No.1088091

Of course I know what most of those words MEAN, but OP asked for explanations. In other words, WHY are they your favorites.

>> No.1088095

My favorite word happens to be you're. You seem to be too stupid to know what it means.

>> No.1088101

god your dumb. why don't you go fuck you'reself?

>> No.1088104

My favorite words are surreptitious and shenanigans. The first because it sounds like a sneakier version of sneaky, and the second because it feels good to say. Shenanigans is an onomatopoeia in its own fashion.

>> No.1088118


>> No.1088314
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>> No.1088357


>> No.1088360
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>> No.1088364

Mount is the first really cool word that popped in my head. I like it because for some reason in my head it has a connotation of power.

1. To climb or ascend: mount stairs.
2. To place oneself upon; get up on: mount a horse; mount a platform.
3. To climb onto (a female) for copulation. Used of male animals.

>> No.1088377

I like apotheosis, too.

Mine's complete.

Thou art God.

>> No.1088388

I've never seen it in a dictionary, but Nobokov once coined the word "mnemogenic" and I rather like that.

>> No.1088436

For some reason I like succinct.

1. Characterized by clear, precise expression in few words; concise and terse: a succinct reply; a succinct style.
2. Archaic Encircled as if by a girdle; girded.

>> No.1088739

I kind of like saccharine.

1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of sugar or saccharin; sweet.
2. Having a cloyingly sweet attitude, tone, or character: a saccharine smile.
3. Excessively sentimental

>> No.1088745


Absolutely gorgeous and naturally applies to poetry.

>> No.1088758


>> No.1088760

Avarice. (It means greed, in case you didn't know).

It just rolls off the tongue, and it seems like such a grand way to say it. Plus there are some musical connotations that help it along...

>> No.1088761


1. Short-lived, transitory.

Can't say why I like it so much. It just seems like a great way to describe something that doesn't last long.

>> No.1088763
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Seemingly. Prodding. Vacuum.

>> No.1088770


You fuckers.
I made this shit and it was clever as fuck.

I hate you, /lit/

>> No.1088773

Reverie is my favorite word. I'm considering getting it tattooed actually.

My least favorite words are flaccid, supple, and moist.

>> No.1088776


I don't know why, but I like it.

>> No.1088777

Pro-tip: Everyone hates flaccid, supple, and moist.

Ointment, too.

>> No.1088791

Speak for yourself, bud.

Supple. I could say it all fucking day. Supple!

>> No.1088792


the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth

>> No.1088819


It's a hilarious and fun word, made all the more delightful that I can't say it in public (i'm white).

>> No.1089303

Gallimaufry, a mixture or jumble of things; because it seems to me as gloriously misshapen as that it denotes.

>> No.1089550


My favorite word must be iconoclasm.
Iconoclasm is the deliberate destruction within a culture of the culture's own religious icons and other symbols or monuments
briefly, a lack of agreement

>> No.1089553

Vespertine, because it's beautiful to speak and because its meaning is worthwhile.

of, pertaining to, or occurring in the evening: vespertine stillness.
Botany . opening or expanding in the evening, as certain flowers.
Zoology . appearing or flying in the early evening; crepuscular.

>> No.1089554


>> No.1089555

Redundant. Big enough for people to think your slick, or they don't know what it means.

I like the look of the word and the sound the most, but its always a bit of a happy moment when someone has to ask you what it means.