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10879118 No.10879118 [Reply] [Original]

Its literal nonsense.

>> No.10879119


>> No.10879173


>> No.10879178


>> No.10879185

No one would pretend to like it if a woman or black person wrote it.

>> No.10879260

Pretty much op. It's so purple its oppressive.

>> No.10879269

It's not purple. It's surreal.
Reading Pynchon is like watching Lynch or even a cartoon. Don't take it so literally.

>> No.10879288

I don't get it please explain

>> No.10879291


>> No.10879331

If the first ten pages are nonsense to you then I don't understand how you read books.

>> No.10879335

This is the only book I have left to read of the meme trilogy
Is the flavor of autism closer to IJ or Ulysses?

>> No.10879340

Memes are not for reading, only for joking.

>> No.10879345 [DELETED] 

Ulysses, but honestly GR is mostly it's own thing.

>> No.10879350 [DELETED] 

Pointsman eats poopoo from a lady's asshole

>> No.10879413

Gravity's Rainbow is it's own thing but if I had to compare it to either of two it'd be Ulysses

>> No.10879427
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A soldier in London during the blitz has a dream about bombing, and then goes to tend his banana garden while thinking about death. It's rendered in surreal nightmare prose because it's a surreal nightmare. Are all the anons reading GR really brainlets? I refuse to believe it.

>> No.10879450

Most people just don't have the patience to see it through.

Especially not /pol/tards worried about "degeneracy". Imagine if they actually read far enough to get to the imaginary black guys that rape slothrop that he escapes by diving into the toilet or all of the sissification stuff with Bilcero.

Hell, they'd probably be really uncomfortable just with the idea of the Schwarzkommando.

>> No.10879455


>> No.10879488
File: 387 KB, 1600x1066, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn all Modernists

>> No.10879619

Confirmed for understanding almost nothing about classicism, modernism or postmodernism.

>> No.10879642

OP here. I thought it was set in America, now that you say its in London, yeah, that explains a lot.

>> No.10879680

>Just amrathoned the first 10 pages
top kek

>> No.10879695

Really OP, keep on reading. This book is seriously fucking funny and is written almost perfectly.

>> No.10879701

Ur in for a bad time

>> No.10880854

what a pleb

>> No.10881021

He's just going to get some bananananas desu. No está tonterías tan lejos como puedo veo.

>> No.10882275

Yes, that’s the point. The only thing I remember is a scene about a guy eating a prostitute’s shit. This book is garbage.

>> No.10882381

The biggest difference between Ulysses / GR and IJ is that the first two books are good.

>> No.10882393


I don't think anyone has the power to make you enjoy a book.

But yes, it's shit.

>> No.10882396


>> No.10882403

absolutely retaded
they don't rape slothrop you fucking nigger they almost do and they're not actually there its all psychotic delusions, half the book is just nonsense from Pynchon's MKULTRA visions

>> No.10882417

Why would you describe the action as "marathoning" and not "reading"? This is the stupidest shit phenomenon i've ever seen.

Also Pynchon's prose is pretty difficult for first time readers, especially if they haven't read much other fiction like this. GR wasn't my first of his, so I had had a bit of time to warm up, even so, Rainbow was still a challenge at the start. For me, it eventually just clicked. it's hard to explain.

>> No.10882716

Well based on the fact that you used the word "marathoning" i would suggest you actually take your time to read it. I'm just reading it myself and find many of the parts difficult, in fact ive been doing roughly 12 pages a day.
A lot of it you really just have to chew on because the meanings can be very cryptic and almost "hidden" below his difficult prose.
Honestly though I was captured by the prose on the first 2 pages so maybe its just not something youre interested in, the entire appeal of Pynchon is what you think is nonsense.
It also only gets more difficult from where you're at and thats not because of the prose, the plots (like 6 at a time) became ambiguous and hard to follow.