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/lit/ - Literature

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1087657 No.1087657 [Reply] [Original]

The last book you've read is what you will endlessly experience after you die

Tell us

>> No.1087665

Reading The Corrections right now.

I'll experience familial dysfunction for eternity. There are worse things, I guess.

>> No.1087666

House of Leaves

Should this be considered good or bad?

>> No.1087672

Divine Comedy: Inferno.


>> No.1087683

Well, you're fucked

>> No.1087689

The Death of Ivan Ilyich.

Well, that's horrible. I'll be dying even after death, forever.

>> No.1087691

Last book I've finished is Musashi and I'm okay with it.

>> No.1087694

PG Wodehouse the man with two left feet
not too shabby!
mostly idle richness, sweet.

>> No.1087704

The Invention of Morel

>> No.1087706

South of the Border, West of the Sun - Murakami

Well... That's not too bad, I guess. Beautiful writing, and some nice sex scenes to jack it to.

>> No.1087707

>A Hole in the Universe

God I hope not. I'd be stuck in some shitty ghetto where I experience weekly break-ins and will have to deal with crack whores and their fucked up kids.

>> No.1087708

Watership down.

I'm ok with this.

>> No.1087712

A Midsummer Nights Dream

Fucking faries.

>> No.1087713

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

...those chapter-long meditations on hell won't be too pleasant.

>> No.1087716
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Oh yes, yes, yes.

If only it were true.

>> No.1087722

'How It Is' by Beckett

oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god

>> No.1087723

Das Boot.

>> No.1087724


...Not sure if want.

>> No.1087725
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I didn't have great hopes for the afterlife, but this changes everthing.

>> No.1087726

Apparently I'm going to spend eternity fighting the forces of chaos as one of the Imperial Guard. Not sure what to think.

>> No.1087728

Our Man In Havana by Graham Greene.
well, shit.
cubans, cubans everywhere!

>> No.1087730

American Gods re-read.

>> No.1087735

Cloud Atlas

should be fun.

>> No.1087756

cool, i'll get into the mobile infantry and fight bugs forever

>> No.1087764

ohhh fuck it was First as Tragedy then as farce. So my hell is going to be like Johnny The homicidal maniac? (fitting)

>> No.1087765

A clockwork orange.

I'm a 15 year old angst gangster for the rest of eternity?

>> No.1087774

American Psycho.

I'm going to have a lot of fun.

>> No.1087775

No Longer Human

>> No.1087794

Same here bro, can we join the same unit?

>> No.1087818

The last book I finished: The Odyssey. My afterlife is me being awesome and never getting anywhere.

The book I'm currently reading is Pale Fire. I don't even know because I don't know who I am.

>> No.1087824

The Breast by Philip Roth

... s'not so bad

>> No.1087826

By Night in Chile.
I guess I'm a Chilean priest/poet/literary critic now.

>> No.1087832

... On the Road by Jack Kerouac.

I guess I'm cool with this. I get to be a crazy man travelling around, being broke, and obssessing over weirdos.

>> No.1087835

Death in Venice

>> No.1087850

Uh-oh. Currently reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

I'm going to have to listen to Nietzsche being hypocritical for all eternity?

>> No.1087853

The Joy of Sex

>> No.1087856
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Oh shi...

>> No.1087859

Just reread Dune.

I die in a few days from spice overdose.

>> No.1087862

Slavoj Zizek - "In Defense of Lost Causes".

...god damnit.

>> No.1087863

not the only one reading zizek on /lit/ xD

>> No.1087878

Yay. I have a friend to share the torture of endless pop culture references and mangled Marxist/Hegelian diatribes that absolutely fuck-all nowhere.

>> No.1087885

hey i wouldn't call them endless...or ''diatribes''...eh you really are focusing on the wrong things. Zizek is a great theorist and he likes to have fun. it doesn't all have to be nietzschean fire and brimstone or analytic automatons

>> No.1087888


Wasn't reading the annotations with it. It will be an obscure, symbolism- and reference-laden afterlife.


>> No.1087894

I find Eagleton digestible compared to Zizek's inanity.

Seriously. Have you read "Living in the End Times"? He spends 400 pages on the same topics covered in Ad Busters since time immortal and proposes nothing in wake of this. He's a status-quo commentator who brings no further insight or solution to the table.

>> No.1087911

Tao Te Ching, did I just score best end?

>> No.1087918

The Scar. I'm okay with this.

>> No.1087931

Catch 22.

Though it was set in WWII, it still reminded me of my time in Iraq. I even had a 1st Sergeant that entered our MP station through the back door just to avoid interacting with anyone on his way to his office, just like Major Major. I guess Fallout was right about war, war never changing.

>> No.1087932


So ill be walking rain soaked victorian english streets at night forever more....

excuse me a moment

>> No.1088596
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>> No.1088605

Good Omens

...This would probably be more enjoyable if I was a gay angel or something.

>> No.1088615

I just finished Pyramids, which deals with the afterlife immensely.

I personally like how Discworld handles the afterlife: it's whatever you thought it would be.

>> No.1088623

The last book I read that wasn't poetry or short stories was The Forever War...I'm not sure what that means.

>> No.1088632

The Lady in the Lake

I chase leads from shifty philanderers and get blackjacked by the cops, but it all works out when the client pays me a bonus. Also, the orneriest copper gets his in the end courtesy of the U.S. Army. Swell afterlife, I say. Busy and arduous but rewarding.

>> No.1088643

The Trojan War...forever. Hm....

>> No.1088650

The Cement Garden

Endless incest.

>> No.1088661

Sartre's The Condemned of Altona:

Prisoner of myself and of my past.

Lying and tricking my way into my psychological sequestration.

Pleading to 30th century crabs who judge me and my century from their inhuman and impossibility to understand us.

>> No.1088664



>> No.1088673

The Shining.


>> No.1088794

The Lord of the Rings.

fuck yes.

>> No.1088798

Oliver Twist

>> No.1088800

L'etranger by Albert Camus

So I'll shoot arabs and get sentenced to death ad infinitum?


>torgerse parricide

>> No.1088803

The Recognitions.

Art forgery for-EVER

>> No.1088805

Idylls of the King. . .not sure how this will go.

>> No.1088807

Brave New World. Yeah, I'm in no rush. Not a fan of forced conditioning.

>> No.1088808

The Brothers Karamazov. It's okay, I don't mind.

>> No.1088809

William Burroughs - The Soft Machine.


>> No.1088820

I will experience world war 1 by being drunk most of the time. I will lose wife and unborn child.


>> No.1088825

The Old Man and the Sea.

Well that's going to suck.

>> No.1088826

Hell House...

>> No.1088832

The Count of Monte Cristo ....
This could go well, or terrible, its all a matter of who I am XD

>> No.1088846

"The Passage" by Justin Cronin....at least it'll be an interesting eternity...

>> No.1088847

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

>> No.1088853

Fight club.

>> No.1088867
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>reading chuck palahniuk

>> No.1088870

the plague?


>> No.1088873

The Plague

god dammit

>> No.1088876

That's cool, I guess (Storm of Swords)

>> No.1088877

the inferno...

>> No.1088895
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Comic Book. Justice League: A New Beginning.
Ironically appropriate title actually.

If we're only counting novels then Good Omens. Fuck yeah!

>> No.1088898
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Snow Crash.

Since he didn't truly finish the story I don't know what happening.

>> No.1088899

i just read artemis fowl: the atlantis complex

fuck. i relive normal life over and over again while never knowing about faries.
unless doujins count, because then ill be the happiest person ever.

>> No.1088902

Ada or Ardor

Loli sister incest? Fuck yeah.

>> No.1088904

Alice in wonderland


>> No.1088909


i love how many fucking people read this on /lit....

don't forget the orgies with their preteen half-sister.

>> No.1088912
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rereading LotR


>> No.1088925

Snow Crash.

Can I get people to listen to Reason?

>> No.1088943

Animal Farm.

meh, could be worse...

>> No.1088954

Dexter in the Dark by Jeff Lindsay

I really hope not. :(

>> No.1088964

>American Psycho


>> No.1088975

Herbert West: Re-animator

>> No.1088976

Big Bosoms and Square Jaws: The Biography of Russ Meyer.

Eternity is gonna be fucking awesome.

>> No.1088985

Child of God

Fucking dead girls and living in caves forever? Whatever.

>> No.1088987

fuck. solaris

>> No.1088988

Azeroth is saved from Archimonde?

Shit doesn't make sense imo

>> No.1089000

Pokemon the First Movie, for my brother's bedtime story.


>> No.1089007

The Hunger Games?
Deadly, but fucking awesome!

>> No.1089009

The Red Pyramid

fuck yeah children's literature

>> No.1089027

The Stand.

D: Oh god, I better be at least immune.

>> No.1089029

Maybe, but I used to love fishing.

>> No.1089030


Looks like I'll be seeing you there.

>> No.1089034

If you're not, it's just a reset.

>> No.1089037

The Somnambulist.

not sure if want

>> No.1089056

The Illuminatus!

Yeah I could see the afterlife being pretty damn fun.

>> No.1089057
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Well shit guys, is this good?

Depends who I am. If I'm Paul, I get to fuck and drink non stop...awesome.

>> No.1089059

dear god no

Waiting for Godot

>> No.1089084

Aw shit I got Ubik.

Terrifying unraveling reality awaits

>> No.1089085

On Writing.

Apparently I'm going to be Stephen King.


>> No.1089091

Believe it or not, No Exit by Sarte


>> No.1089103

Rules of Attraction.


i just finished college you guys.

>> No.1089104

Thus Spake Zarathustra

So a demon is going to visit me at night and tell me that after I die I'm going to live the exact same life with the exact same thoughts and feelings, mistakes and successes, all over again?
This is somehow recursive.

>> No.1089105

Malcolm Gladwell - Outliers.

Doomed to succeed?

>> No.1089115

Burnt Shadows by Kamila Shamsie.

I'm... uh... what? Going to take part in a loosely connected family epic all over the world while being haunted by memories of the atomic bomb? And hunting terrorists in Afghanistan?

>> No.1089126

Melmoth The Wanderer.


>> No.1089137
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God fucking dammit, I just finished The Road

>> No.1089161

Hollywood by Bukowski. Heh, this is acceptable. Racetrack betting, wine drinking, old man rememberings, crazy Hollywood folks....

Yep, I'm content.

>> No.1089168

Battle Royale


>> No.1089191

I Have No Mouth & I Must Scraem


>> No.1089209

Shit, it's been so long since I read that I can't remember.
I tried reading The Strain, by Gilluermo Del Toro, but I had to give the book back to my dad.
Uh... shit, I don't think WoD game books count.

Fuck. I really need to read more.
It might have been Changes.
That would be... interesting.

>> No.1089219
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hitchhikers guide to the galaxy...


>> No.1089229

Oh shit, I'm reading "The Mountains of Madness". FUUUUUU---

>> No.1089238

Great, I'm reading Wastelands, Stories of the Apocalypse.

Endless end-of-the-earth misery. Yay.

>> No.1089241


shit, guess it's alright..

>> No.1089242

The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli?

Well, I guess it's time to man the fuck up and go into politics.

>> No.1089243

The Fountainhead

My god I never want to die.

>> No.1089246
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Catcher in the Rye...

Not sure if that's a good thing or not...

>> No.1089247

Just finished Small Favour in the Dresden Files. Not entirely pleasant, but I'd take delight in killing a certain Fallen and then having hot boss sex.

>> No.1089250

freedom in the ancient world.

i guess that's ok.

>recaptcha: ancient nistenic

>> No.1089255
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Godamnit, I just had to read this to my niece today. Well, time to bring out the cyanide.

>> No.1089258


>> No.1089264

American Psycho


>> No.1089265

The Odyssey?

Could be worse.

>> No.1089269

assuming you're odysseus and not "sailor # 4," in which case being transformed into a pig to chill with circe is probably the best fate you can hope for (and really the ancient greeks would agree with me on this, the guy who got transformed back into a person just wanted to be an animal again)

>> No.1089271

Old mans war by scalzi....

not sure if want. on one hand, human augmentation and limberegeneration. On the other hand enemies everywhere!

>> No.1089273

Seven Nights

Haha, lectures after I'm dead.

>> No.1089284

Super Sad True Love Story :'/

At least the sex should be okay

>> No.1089289

The Bourne Identity?


>> No.1089290 [DELETED] 
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Castle Gormenghast. Unfortunately I'm caught between the Hall of Bright Carvings and the kitchen.

>> No.1089306
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Fuck yes.

>> No.1089338


I'd be more like Johanna though other than the constantly getting naked part.

>> No.1089388

Flashman and the Tiger

I am okay with this

>> No.1089401
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A universal history of infamy
No, just no.

>> No.1089402

A Feast for Crows.

Looks like I'll be in a never ending loop of an unfinished book.

>> No.1089403

Fuck. The Scarlet Letter.